Chapter 414: Apprenticeship

"I have surveyed 467 people whose martial spirit is blue and silver grass. Among them, there are 16 with soul power, the probability is less than 3%. And even these 16 people with soul power There is no soul power that can exceed one level, but you are the tenth level of innate soul power. According to one of the ten core competencies of Wuhun I studied, the size of innate soul power is directly proportional to the quality of Wuhun Look. The blue silver grass is obviously not enough, so, I can be sure that you should have another Wuhun, and it is a very powerful Wuhun. "
The master first looked at Tang San and analyzed sentence by sentence.
"As for you, the top martial spirit is equipped with innate soul power. There is really no doubt about it, but just like you said me just now, you say that you are talented, you are either conceited or confident, I also think you are a Self-confident person. In this case, the talent that is stronger than the top Wuhun, only the twin Wuhun. "
"It's a master."
Chu Mo directly changed his tongue and bowed towards the master. Tang San also learned Chu Mo's way and bowed respectfully.
"Hahaha, well." The master laughed twice and helped Chu Mo up.
"Can you show me your twin martial souls?" The master asked.
Chu Mo glanced at Tang San. Tang San hesitated and nodded. The master already knew that he was the twin martial souls, so there was nothing to hide. Lifting his left hand, the black light surging out, condensed into the small hammer again.
"I don't care."
Chu Moshuang spread his palms openly, and in his palm, a black light collapsed, even a sharp sword. This little sword only appeared for a moment, and slowly dissipated. For Chu Mo, the consumption of soul power was too great.
The master suddenly stood up from his seat, his eyes showing great excitement.
"Oh my God! Well, both of you's martial spirits are twin martial arts souls. They are quite powerful. You must hide them in the future and don't expose them easily."
"Go, I will take you to the Academic Affairs Office to report." The master said excitedly.
Notting Junior Soul Teacher College is not as big as it looks. It is mainly divided into several areas, the main teaching building, the playground and the dormitory building on the east side of the playground.
Although it is only a junior soul teacher college, the requirements for students here are also very strict. Even if the family is next to the college, the students must also stay in the college and accept unified management.
There is only one dormitory building, which is easy to find. The students and teachers of the college live here. There are very few people who can become Soul Masters, especially in the remote city of Notting. The number of students and teachers in the whole college is not large, and a dormitory building is already affordable.
There are only seven dormitory rooms for students. Because the students of Junior Soul Teacher College are relatively young, in order to better unified management, students of each grade live in a large dormitory. The number of students in each grade of Notting Junior Soul Teacher College is only about 40.
The lower three floors of the dormitory building host seven large dormitories in which students live, and each dormitory has a teacher in charge.
Qishe is a special place in these seven student dormitories, and the conditions are also the worst. It is a place dedicated to live-in students. After all, the college is not a good hall. Although the tuition fees for work-students are reduced, the treatment is not as good as ordinary students.
Qishe is also the only dormitory of mixed ages, regardless of grade, all work students live here. Tang San, who had just walked to the door of Qishe, heard the noise from inside. The door was open, and he walked to the door to look inward.
This is a wide room, nearly 300 square meters, with a total of 50 beds, but there are only beds, and only 11 beds with futons. At this time, there are seven or eight years old in the eighth Children between the ages of 12 and 12 are noisy.
Chu Mo and this group of children had no interest in communicating, and ignored everyone in the house. They found a clean bed and sat up, taking the luggage down.
"Hello everyone, my name is Tang San, and I am a newcomer to work and study."
Tang San was much more polite, and he deliberately knocked on the door and introduced at the door.
However, everyone was obviously more interested in the "disrespectful" Chu Mo. A child who was just eight or nine years old had at least one head taller than Chu Mo and came over. Some condescendingly looked at him and said, "Are you also a newcomer?"
Chu Mo was attentively packing his luggage and ignored him.
"My name is Wang Sheng, Wuhun is War Tiger, and the future War Soul Master. It is also the leader here, boy, what is your name? What is Wuhun?"
"Get off? Understand?"
Chu Mo glanced up at him, scaring Wang Sheng to take two steps back quickly, but when he thought that there were so many students behind him, he felt a little embarrassed and brave. , You will listen to me in the future, do you know? "
"I'm not interested in spending time with you." Chu Mo said lightly, a burst of flame suddenly erupted from his surroundings. This was a complete crush on Wu Soul, which scared Wang Sheng to sit on the ground.
Tang San came quickly to stop Chu Mo, and explained with a smile: "That Wang Sheng classmate, Chu Mo is like this, don't care."
"Hiss ~ I ’m convinced, your name is Chu Mo, right. You will be our Qishe boss in the future. The rules here are who has the biggest fist and who is the boss. Those of us working and studying are born in poor families. Students in the dormitory often bully our Qishe people. As the boss of the dormitory, you have to take the lead for the brothers in the future. "
Wang Sheng took a breath, but he was injured in the palm of the hand by the heat wave of Wuhun just now.
Chu Mo replied lightly, "Primary three, I'll take two strokes with me later."
Just then, a clear voice came from outside, "Is this Qishe?"
Everyone looked at the door at the same time, their eyes suddenly straightened.
I saw a pretty little girl standing at the door. It looks like Tang San's age and height. The pretty little face is red in white, and the tender and tender look is like a ripe peach, which makes people very urge to bite. Although her clothes were very plain, she looked very neat.
The long black hair was combed into a scorpion braid and hung across the hips. A pair of big watery eyes showed curiosity. She also holds a brand new school uniform in her hand.
The students in the dormitory are all boys. Suddenly they saw such a beautiful little girl appear, and they all looked stunned. Chu Mo glanced and guessed that she was Xiaowu, but she was not Lori Control.
If you grow up to seventeen or eighteen, maybe you will be interested, it is too early ...
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