Chapter 427: Glass combination

"Hey ..." Oscar sighed, looking frustrated.
"Okay, Oscar, lazy toad still wants to eat swan meat. Rong Rong is the princess of Qibao Liuli Tower. Look at others, Chu Mo, the 12-year-old Sihuan Soul Sect, top mutant martial spirit, and you are more handsome than you. "
Dai Mubai patted Oscar on the shoulder and said distressedly.
Ning Rongrong's task was completed with the help of Chu Mo, and naturally Flander took the opportunity to teach Ning Rongrong.
Into the night.
Flander waited early in front of Shrek Academy's gate, and waited until everyone was there before he said, "Go. Follow me."
After he finished speaking, he saw his toes point to the ground and jumped out lightly, heading in the direction outside the college.
Everyone hurried to keep up.
Flanders has always maintained a fairly fast speed.
Immediately behind Flander, it was not Chu Mo, but Dai Mubai, then Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San. Chu Mo left behind, and accompanied Ning Rongrong.
The destination of Flanders' trip was Soto.
Not far from Shrek College to Soto City, Flander's speed slowed down as he approached the South Gate of Soto City. Let all five students follow.
The city of Soto is located inside the Kingdom of Barak and will not be threatened by any outsiders, so the city gates are open 24/7. A group of six people entered the city smoothly.
Although it is dark now, Soto City seems to have just woken up, even more lively than during the day. On both sides of the street, all the shops are brightly lit, and some small vendors who only come out at night also find their favorite places to sell some snacks or small things.
Flander suddenly stopped, looked at the sky, and said to himself: "There is still some time. You come with me."
With that said, Flander took five people into a humble tea shop on the street. Six people sat down around a round table. Flander asked for six cheapest cups of tea.
Xiao Wu frowned as she looked at the tea filled with tea foam in front of her, "Chief, our first class will not be here."
Flander said: "Of course not, where you are in class, there." As he said, he raised his hand and pointed out.
In the direction of his finger, Chu Mo saw that there was a large building not far from the tea shop. From their perspective, they could only see that the building had a height of nearly a hundred meters. In the darkness, it seemed extremely deep.
From that huge building, there was a faint glow of light.
"Similar to this kind of building, only a city of the main city level can own it. Its size can be said to be a city or even a sign of the prosperity of the country. Such a building is called the Great Fighting Soul Field. And it will be based on the city where it is located. Name it. Therefore, the one in front of you is called Soto Douhouchang. "
"The so-called Great Fighting Soul Field is the place where the Soul Fight is fighting, which is where the Soul Master fights. Whether it is the Tiandou Empire or the Xingluo Empire, there is a saying that the Soul Fighting Field determines the rise and fall of the country."
"Fighting soul?" Chu Mo smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he was a bit interested. He still recognized Flander's theory. The best way to become stronger is to fight.
"Yes." Flander nodded at Chu Mo.
"Earth Soul Master of any level enters the Great Fighting Soul Field. It is only represented by the word Fighting Soul. After winning the first victory, you will get a badge. After that, for every victory, there will be a certain Points. If the points reach a certain level, the level of the badge is increased. This badge is a symbol of the level of the Great Doom Soul, and it is common to all the main cities in the whole continent. The level of the badge is highly beneficial. I will not explain it in detail. The grades are divided according to the quality of the minerals. The lowest is the iron badge, that is, the soul of the iron bucket. The order is upward. Copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby, diamond. There are eight grades. "
Speaking of which, Flander's eyes swept through the five people in front of him, "I give you the task, that is, before graduation, at least get the Silver Douhun badge, understand?"
Flander looked at the sky outside. "It's almost time, let's go first, and the rest of the situation will arrive at the scene. I will tell you one by one."
After the tea money was settled, a group of six people walked out of the tea shop. Go to the Soto Douhouchang.
Soto Great Soul Field is oval in shape as a whole, reaching a height of 120 meters. The interior is divided into a main soul field and twenty-four divided soul fields. Can accommodate 60,000 people at the same time.
"But Oscar and I are just auxiliary soulmates. There is no chance to participate in fighting souls." Ning Rongrong frowned. As an auxiliary soulmate, she can't challenge the Soul Master, even if the opponent's soul power is lower than herself. , She can't win either.
"You and Oscar can choose teammates to fight two against two souls."
Flander added.
Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up, and immediately thought of the strongest Chu Mo, cast his hopes over.
"Okay, I'm with Rong Rong."
Flander frowned, reminding: "Chu Mo, I want to remind you, because you are the Four Ring Soul Sect, if you participate in two pairs of two souls, you will face two Four Ring Soul Sect, Qibao Liuli Tower's No matter how strong Wu Wu is, it can't make up the gap of nearly 20 levels of soul power. "
"It's okay, Dean, I'm confident, but we are monsters. Just use it as a weight-bearing exercise." Chu Mo said lightly, just as he intended, the opponent was too weak to give him pressure, but it was not interesting.
Ning Rongrong, who was still very satisfied, heard Chu Chu's second sentence and immediately said angrily.
"What, Brother Chu, you said I was a burden."
"I'm talking about your weight." Chu Mo chuckled lightly and quipped. Ning Rongrong blushed and remembered the morning.
Shrek's people were temporarily separated, and Chu Mo took Ning Rongrong away from the One-to-One Fighting Soul Zone and went to the Two-to-Two Fighting Soul Zone to register. The reason why Ning Rongrong was promised was that there was one-on-one. Chu Mo believed that he was the strongest.
Among the Soul Sects of the Four Rings, there is absolutely no match for him.
"Enrollment fee is ten gold coins. You will get ten gold coins in total in one win." The staff charged Chu Mo with the official business. Because they are already registered. Just show your Iron Douhun badge. No need to fill in anything.
"Please give your group a name."
Chu Mo and Ning Rongrong glanced at each other, and called it "the combination of colored glazes."
"Okay, got it."
An additional line of four characters was carved on the Iron Douhun badge. The four characters of glaze combination are carved on it.
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