Chapter 466: Continent Advanced Soul Master College Contest

The standard Shrek College uniform is not ordinary green, but a color between yellow and green.
Simply put, it is green.
For this college competition, Dean Flander, who had a wonderful taste, specially ordered this uniform for them. The material is very good, and it is very comfortable to wear. But in addition to green, there is a monster Shrek pattern that almost occupies the entire chest. The color of this pattern is bright green.
This is nothing. The most amazing thing is that there are six bright characters embroidered with red silk thread behind everyone, and they are sincerely calling for advertisements.
There is a line of small prints under the six large prints. Please contact Mr. Flander, the dean of Shrek College for advertising costs.
At this time, almost one-third of the Tiandou City, centered on the Tiandou Great Soul Field, is a scene of people alleys. Shrek's team members were among them, a little green among the thousands of flowers, which was too embarrassing.
Chu Mo clutched his forehead. Although he knew Flander was stingy, he knew that the college needed a lot of money.
It's just that Flander has been reluctant to accept the help of students, otherwise it will not be so.
"What kind of place is that? God, did they just crawl out of the pit?"
"Laughing, the pattern of the green monster on their chests is so cute. How do their ears look like trumpets."
"Look. Look, what advertisements are there behind them? Is there such a high-level Soul Master Academy? Can this also participate in the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Contest? It ’s so funny. It ’s really a big bird. . "
"Be quiet, what people say is the soul master."
Most of the teams who came to participate were all bright, although they were also wearing their college uniforms, but none was as strange as Shrek College. In the beautiful team costumes of gold, silver, red, and white, with various decorations, patterns, and college logos, the young soul masters all walked into the big battlefield like heroes.
"In the next game, I said I wouldn't wear this anymore. It was too detrimental to my hero's image." Entering the Big Fighting Soul Field, Ma Hongjun immediately complained.
"Fat, brave, I appreciate you, Brother Chu. If you can survive the next game, I won't wear it anymore. You try the dean's method first." Chu Mo patted Ma Hongjun's shoulder and looked Admired.
The fat man twitched at the corner of his mouth, remembering Flander's method, and immediately counseled again.
Around the huge and open square, there are countless shouting and cheering audiences. In front of the central site, there is a rostrum with a gold background. Behind the rostrum is the renovated VIP area.
The wide field is over 150 meters in diameter, and the academy entered in the front has been arranged in a neat formation in the center of the field. Each college is admitted, and a special master of ceremonies is introduced on the rostrum.
"The last one to enter was the Shrek Academy team. Shrek Academy, formerly known as Blue Bull College, was renamed Shrek almost a year ago. See how vivid their bizarre costumes were. A total of ten students participated. They The registration slogan is that there is no opponent. It is a very slogan with great ideas. I hope they can perform well. "
Listening to the ceremonies on the stage, the audience in the stands was already laughing, and the sound of the coquettish one after another.
Chu Mo covered his forehead, oh my god, this is his most shameful moment.
Finally, all the participating colleges are admitted. Shrek Academy and its team stood at the end of all teams.
Chu Mo didn't pay attention to the laughter around him, he had been carefully observing the situation around him. When his eyes fell on the VIP stage, he actually saw several acquaintances. One of them was the Prince Snow Star who drove them away at the Tiandou Royal Academy, and the three education committees of the Tiandou Royal Academy, all sitting in the second row of the VIP seats. The first row of VIP seats has only three people.
One person in the center, wearing a golden-red robe and a golden diamond shining in the crown, looks like an ancient moon, and even the Snow Prince is sitting in the second row. Then, the identity of the person in the center of the first row is already ready, except His Majesty the Emperor of the Heavenly Empire.
The person on the right side of the emperor is Ning Rongrong's father, Ning Fengzhi, the sovereign of the Seven Treasures. On the left, it is one of the four bishops of Wuhun Temple.
The master of ceremonies on the side of the VIP platform said loudly: "Below, may I ask His Majesty the Emperor Tiandou Empire to announce the opening of this competition."
As Tang San guessed, sitting in the center of the first row of the VIP seats, His Majesty the Emperor of the Heavenly Empire, dressed in red gold robes, slowly stood up in applause from the thunderous ears.
With his right hand raised, he waved lightly to the auditorium and the participating Soul Masters. Applause quickly stopped, and Nuo Da's square became silent.
Shen Ning ’s loud voice spread throughout the audience through the amplified soul guide,
I, Emperor Tiandou Empire Snow Night, on behalf of the Tiandou Empire, and also on behalf of the organizer of this contest announced that the Pan-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Contest Open now. "
The applause thundered again, cheering one after another.
After the applause was over, the master of ceremonies continued to say: "Below, I invite Master of the Soul Temple of Wudou Temple and Bishop Saras of Wuhundian Platinum to conduct the first round of the qualifier draw. After the draw is completed, Tiandou Royal The academy vice team played against their opponents in the first round of drawing. This will also be the only game today. "
Platinum Bishop Saras slowly stood up, led by the court maid to the ceremonies, and began to draw. He seemed very reluctant to speak, and every time he drew a pair of opponents, he gave it to the MC to announce it.
"In the first round of the qualifiers, Canghui College played against Purple Star College."
"In the first round of the qualifiers, Oakland College played against Flame Glory College."
"In the first round of the qualifiers, Tiandou Royal Academy played against Shrek Academy."
The other colleges did not pay much attention to Shrek College. When they heard that their opponent in the first round was actually the Tiandou Royal Academy Vice Team, the expression on everyone's face could not help becoming weird.
Oscar muttered: "Not so coincident."
Ma Hongjun pressed his fingers and made a series of bone crackling sounds, "Great. Didn't they rush us out. This time let them know what they mean, what is strength."
"Discuss something with you?" Chu Mo said suddenly.
"Brother Chu, you don't want to be cool yourself, don't take us with you." The fat man really understood Chu Mo's meaning and said with a sad face.
"Please, you have played against the Tiandou Royal Academy once, but I haven't played it yet. And it will also allow you to save your strength, won't you?" Chu Mo chuckled.
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