Chapter 672: Eight products

Although Danxiang was strong, it didn't cause much sensation, but many people's eyes fell on Chu Mo.
During this period of time, not only the alchemist, but also the countless people around the square felt very tense.
At this time, maybe in the blink of an eye, there will be a contestant who is regarded as a black horse of Danhui because of some small reasons, which will lead to the failure of alchemy and lose the qualification to continue to compete.
One day, two days, and two full days, there was no Cheng Dan appeared, and everyone's panacea was close to the last step.
It wasn't until the third day that there were changes, and in the following days, there were successes and failures. During these five days, nine people successfully refined the panacea. The highest quality is a seven-grade high-level panacea. Once this panacea was born, it immediately attracted the thunderbolt. The sound of thunder made many people feel terrified.
The person who successfully refined this panacea was an old man with a somewhat old face. This person must have a reputation on the mainland. Therefore, for him to be the first to refine seven high-level panacea. It didn't seem too surprised.
Of course, if someone succeeds, there will be someone who will fail. Within five days, nine people will succeed, and seven will fail. Finally, among the many regretful sunlight, they are extremely reluctant to withdraw.
With the withdrawal of these 16 people, plus the participants who withdrew for some reason earlier, they can still be left on the stone platform and continue to practice alchemy, there are only 17 people.
On the blue sky, the strong wind screamed, and the dark clouds had long since dispersed. However, the low thunder, but somehow remembered, still echoing in this heaven and earth.
This strange scene surprised many people, but some people with enough experience can know that these thunders did not come from the sky, but from the medicine tripods on the stone platform!
"Eight grades? No, it's almost that. The seventh grade peaks. It's a pity."
Chu Mo glanced at it, and shook his head regretfully. Before entering the eighth grade, he didn't even have the qualification to compete with him. He just glanced at it, and he was not interested to read on.
Chu Mo's eyes were once again condensed in the medicine tripod. In the flame of the rising Emperor Yan's prototype, a round immortality was slowly rotating. What is condensed, and there is a flash of light faintly on it, just like the eyes, giving a very strange feeling.
"Hoo ... coming soon."
Chu Mo murmured, this is the highest-level elixir he has refined so far. Now the prototype of elixir has been shown, and at most three or five days, it will become a complete elixir.
Above the sky, there were dark clouds, and the deep thunder sounded constantly. Suddenly, another majestic energy wave swept through, and immediately everyone saw that heavy clouds suddenly formed over a stone platform.
It is also a panacea with seven peaks.
Chu Mo frowned. The reason why he would misread it at first glance was because Dan Lei attracted. Within the drug tripod of several contestants, amazing energy fluctuations began to permeate. It's about to take shape.
The power of Dan Lei has increased a lot out of thin air.
Successively, the two became a panacea, and they were all the panacea of ​​the seventh peak. Seeing this scene, above the square, the sound of excitement suddenly resounded.
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"
However, they did n’t wait for their uproar to fall, and suddenly several energy waves burst out of the sky. Above the sky, dark clouds appeared, and the dense silver snake covered the sky at this moment. The bright sunny day is now as dark as night, and a silver lightning flashes across the sky from time to time, a dazzling strong awn, piercing the sky. In less than ten minutes or less, there are nine high-quality seven-level elixirs, which were born at the same time! That is to say, on the sky at this time, Nine Dao Lei appeared!
This scene, even Chu Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, and it was really vast.
The dark crowd of people around the square was also stirred up by the atmosphere of the thundering thunder of the sky at this moment, and the deafening cheers rang out, and finally gathered with the thunderous thunder and turned into terrible. The sound waves spread apart, and the entire Danyu area was faintly able to hear the terrible loud aftermath
The overwhelming silver lightning flashed across the sky, and finally detonated towards those stone platforms. For a time, the whole sky was echoed with the kind of low thunder.
Under this spectacle of thunder and thunder, Chu Mo, as if unheard of, stared at his own medicine tripod!
"Baipin Elixir should be coming out soon."
Chu Mo murmured that he had refined eight grades of first-class elixirs, and it would take about three days to become a dan. If it was only eight-level low-level elixirs, it should have entered the final step at this time.
"Boom ~!"
Someone has fried the stove.
Chu Mo's brow furrowed. At this point, it's the last moment. The possibility of a fryer is too low. He glanced slightly, not the fryer, but Chengdan.
Yaoding couldn't bear Chengdan's medicine to explode.
A huge beam of green light, ten feet in length, burst out of the medicine tripod. Directly into the sky!
Under this green beam of light, the silver lightning over the sky seemed to meet anything at this moment-terrible things, quickly retreating, those thunder clouds that had previously shining martial arts, also hurriedly withdrew, not daring to touch the beam A little bit.
In the shocking eyes of countless ways, the beam of light straightened into the sky, and then, as the beam of light passed over here, clouds suddenly emerged, and within a few blinks, it condensed into a huge thundercloud of nearly 100 meters!
Moreover, the most shocking thing is that the thunder cloud formed this time actually has two colors of green and silver!
"Two-color thundercloud, eight-pin elixir."
This time, Chu Mo rarely slowed down the pace of his hands. As long as it is the eight-pin elixir, there is a certain threat to him. He needs to take a closer look at what elixir the other party has refined.
If it is extremely difficult to practice, and the effect is against the sky, the material is scarce, and it may not be comparable to the higher-level elixir.
Eight grades of medicine, in the world of medicine, can already be regarded as the top level of the pyramid. Eight grades and seven grades, although only separated by one grade, are really the difference between heaven and earth.
The eight-pin elixir possesses spirituality, even saying that it possesses some basic spiritual wisdom, that is to say, the eight-pin elixir has its vitality! It can be said that it can already be regarded as the category of soul!
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