Chapter 824: The ninth peak!

Chu Mo's thoughts had just fallen, and suddenly his movements rose, and his face also changed.
From the depths of the basin, there came a roar that seemed to growl. The roar, the ice outside the trembling tremor shook violently.
Chu Mo's expression changed, he clearly felt a scorching sensation, suddenly burst out from the ice layer that should not exist, he immediately withdrew back a few steps, the scorching sensation came suddenly, But I saw a hot air wave burst out from under the basin.
This qi wave feels hot, and even the body will be dried and burned, but the strange thing is that the basin and the surrounding ice layer are only slowly melting under this qi wave.
Chu Mo frowned, but the strange third brother seemed to be accustomed to it for a long time.
"Grandma, how did the master give up this time? Brother, the tiger came, and brought the younger brother who just collected the old things. For your sake, I have to help me this time. Wen Wen Bar. "
I tell you, brother, if you break my wine gourd again this time, let me lose someone in front of the younger brother, I will never come to see you again in the future. "
Brother Three said, and quickly threw the wine gourds around him into the basin. The wine gourd was blown away by the hot breath erupted in the basin, and instead of falling, it floated in mid-air.
Just the sound of clicks, the wine gourd immediately had a crack, and some wine spilled from the crack and fell to the basin.
"Brother!" Hu Zi screamed sternly, his face changed.
A cold hum came out of the basin, but I saw a lot of cracks in the wine gourd, and immediately there was a layer of ice covering, so that the wine in the gourd did not flow out again.
At the same time, a shock of heat dissipated from the open gourd cover. It was a thick scent of wine, which filled the surroundings. It made people smell and warmth appeared on the body.
Outside the gourd, a piece of frost, but inside the gourd, but the wine boils instantly, turning into a wine and dissipating for half.
"Enough is enough, brother, yes!"
Hu Zi's expression changed quickly, and the previous breath was still miserable, and he smiled at the next breath.
"Hey, I knew you would come, youngest."
From the depths of the cave, a gentle voice came. Chu Mo raised his eyebrows, and was surprised that the master's cultivation was quite high. Just from this time of vomiting, he could see his vitality.
"Are you the fourth oldest? You have just gone up the mountain, but unfortunately, my retreat is not over yet. This thing will be delivered to you, and it's time to meet you." The gentle voice came again, followed by a blue ice suddenly from the basin Fly out, come straight to Chu Mo, and float in front of Chu Mo.
Inside this blue ice, this blue fire was frozen, revealing a strange sense.
"Thank you, brother."
With Chu Mo's current cultivation practice, this thing may not be useful to him, but since the other party is interested, he will not refuse.
"Brother, please practice quickly. I'm fine. After forty-three days, it's time for your natal spirit to breathe in. When I come to you again, then we won't disturb you, brother, Come on! "Hu Zi carried the wine gourd and dragged Chu Mo back a few steps before yelling at the basin.
The hot breath emanating from the basin clearly had a meal, and then there was a helpless sigh that came out of that basin.
"Don't you always want to be drunk, remember what Master said to you, although drunk is the method of meditation you found, but the only thing that goes through the process is your dream after drunk ..." That gentle The voice echoed.
"Know that, let's go first." Huzi was about to leave quickly, but Chu Mo stepped, watching the hot breath emanating from the basin.
The gentle voice sounded again.
"Fourth, in fact, the master is not a liar. What I see is not true. What I crave the deepest in my heart is the practice. So when I enter the second floor, I really get the practice. The second and the third, they are all like this. Brother, you should have what you want. "
Chu Mo was shocked.
Isn't what you see true?
What I want is indeed a map of Nanchen. In this way, is the cheap master quite reliable?
"It's getting more and more interesting."
Chu Mo laughed twice and turned to leave.
The method of meditation?
Think through everything and throw away the distractions.
For the first time, Chu Mo entered a state of profound and profound cultivation.
In this state that made Chu Mo a little strange, he forgot the passage of time, his eyes were closed, and if everyone had no soul, his soul seemed to leave the body and blend with the world.
In his world, there is no heaven and earth, some are just a chaotic, misty mist, so that he can not see clearly, but his heart is very calm, even quietly beating even weak.
Snow fell on his hair and clothes, slowly accumulating more and more, making Chu Mo look like a snowman from a distance.
Four days, five days, six days ...
Repeated sunrises and sunsets, the sunlight and moonlight interspersed on Chu Mo's body, reflecting different rays of light. His body remained motionless.
Tian Xiezi stood silently on the top of the peak. His eyes kept looking at Chu Mo's knees. He spent several days with Chu Mo and would continue.
Until the moment when Chu Mo was awakened, he would leave as a master.
"It turned out to be a freak, so much faster than the boss and others, just two days later, he stepped into the epiphany."
Time passed like this day by day. Soon, Chu Mo was kneeling on the platform, and it was still the twenty-seventh day.
During these twenty-seven days, wind and snow sometimes came, but the snow was very small, but in spite of this, it was still to let Chu Mo's surroundings and body rest, and seemed to be connected with the wind and snow.
When the night of the twenty-seventh day passed, when the early morning of the twenty-eighth day came, accompanied by the morning sun, it was a huge snowstorm.
The weather of Blizzard is not uncommon in Tianhanzong Sect, and it will happen from time to time. Now, when the blizzard comes, the sobbing cold wind scares the sky, and a large amount of flying snow seems to cover the world, like an ancient The giant beast raised its claws and patted the ground.
At the time of the snowstorm, at the foot of the mountain outside the ninth peak, a person came gradually from a distance. This person was wearing a thick hat, covering his whole body, walking in the snow, a breathtaking atmosphere , Looming out of the chalk of his body, even making those wind and snow seem to dare not approach, rewinding and retreating outside his body, making his figure walking all the way, looking like a ground dragon approaching from a distance.
"Chu Mo ..." The person's voice was cold, and under the ninth peak, he spoke sensibly.
Chu Mo did not know each other, but someone knew.
"It is the child car of the second peak, ranking ninth in the Tianhanzong earth cold list! Why did he suddenly come to the ninth peak, is it because of my trouble? But your grandpa Tiger didn't offend him." Hu Zi froze, scratching his head.
Just a moment, this person rushed to Chu Mo.
On the ninth peak, dressed in a crested coat, with a carriage of Doujia, when the third step fell, he stood abruptly 30 feet away from the place where Chu Mo sat in a knee. He stood there, his expression indifferent, his eyes falling on Chu Mo body.
"Another waste, this ninth peak, nothing more than that!" Zi Mou said coldly, raising his right hand, just about to point to Chu Mo.
In a sudden, the world roared, and the monstrous face formed by the huge snowstorm suddenly appeared in the heaven and earth outside Chu Mo, and was approaching quickly. The face of the giant snowman with a terrifying momentum only But the guest must overwhelm Chu Mo and even the ninth peak!
Even this scene will give people the illusion, I do not know whether this snowstorm is due to the weather or someone's magical power.
But just the moment he lifted his right hand to lower it, a soft voice came softly behind him. The voice was very flat, like the words between friends, without the slightest anger.
"This Xiongtai, you stepped on my flowers ... so, it's not good."
At the moment when this voice appeared, Zi Mou's body suddenly shook, and his eyes under the hat were instantly dignified. He asked himself for his cultivation, and if there were silhouettes around him, he would immediately notice, especially this ninth On the peak, it seems that only Tian Xiezi can do this, but the other party's words are obviously not Tian Xiezi.
"My feet are full of ice and no flowers." Zi Che snorted coldly. He didn't look back and spoke coldly, but his right hand never pointed to Chu Mo again.
"Look again." The soft voice approached, and the person coming was Brother Two.
The car was silent, and he snorted a moment later! The right foot lifted and took a fierce step forward, and the raised right hand pointed to the man who was standing in front of Chu Mo without hesitation.
But at the moment he left with his right hand, the hat with his head suddenly collapsed, turned into countless fragments and rolled up, revealing under him, with a long hair, looking like a young man in his thirties.
The clothes worn on his body burst into burst at this moment, becoming broken pieces, revealing a black shirt under the clothes, a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth of the car, his body trembling violently, a burst of The awe-inspiring coercion, like a spring breeze, spread out from the smiling man in front of him. This coercion could not be felt by others. Even in the view of the child car, this might not be coercion at all.
"I didn't shoot before, because you never touched the bottom line of the ninth peak, and it was enough for the Tiger to be beaten. He has a thick skin and he just needs to be beaten more often."
Brother II smiled and said that the flowers and plants of the entire Ninth Peak burst out with a shaking, and this breath of breath contained endless vitality, that is, the flowers and plants of the entire mountain were released at the same time.
"But this time you trampled a lot of my flowers and plants, and you have to hurt my little brother. This thing is not good ..." Brother No. 2 sighed, and at the moment when it was not good, the whole first All the flowers and grass of Jiufeng suddenly rose into the sky and covered the sky with an indescribable speed, and went straight to the carriage.
The face of the child car was horrified and the snowman's face behind him immediately shrouded it, and he was about to resist while retreating, but the snowman's face was suddenly bursting when he touched the countless flowers and plants.
"Meditation, creation, there is finally a way, why create, I am creation."
At this moment, Chu Mo slowly opened his eyes and first smiled slightly at Brother Two, "Thank you Brother Two, otherwise I would shoot halfway, but this person came to me, let me handle it myself . "
"it is good."
Brother Two just spoke lightly, the wind and snow, and all the flowers and plants were calm.
It seems that there is no doubt at all, that this little brother who has just entered Kaichen can beat the other party.
"Since you came to me, is it because of Sima Xin?"
Chu Mo asked lightly, but did not wait for the other party to answer. He waved his hand, and the sound of Longyin sounded thousands of miles, as if the entire Tian Hanzong could hear clearly.
Zicha's face fusion, how could he think that, in his view, like the ninth peak of waste, it would be so scary.
The snowman's face was like paper paste, and the golden dragon pattern flashed by. Everyone didn't see exactly what was going on. The figure of the child's car flew backwards, tumbling in the snow, spitting three liters of blood, and it was already seriously injured.
"I don't kill you. Master lives at the ninth peak temporarily. Killing you will make him an old man have a headache, but you trampled on the flowers and grass of Brother Two, just stay on the peak and help Brother Two plant these flowers and plants."
"Wow ~"
The car spit out another blood and looked ugly, but it looked very angry.
At this moment there was an old man, wearing a purple-red robe, and looked calmly step by step. He was only one person, but as he approached, the surrounding wind froze, and a burst of pressure spread out, covering every inch of grass and icebergs on the ninth peak.
"Yo, hit the small one, the old one is here, younger brother, you have a lot of people."
"Ha ha."
After listening to the second sibling, Chu Mo chuckled lightly.
On the outside sky, the old man in the purple-red robe approached calmly, standing in the void outside the ninth peak. His eyes were not showing his anger, looking at the heavenly evil son on the top of the ninth peak.
"Heaven Evil Son, let go of my disciples." A deep voice echoed in this world.
"Call Uncle Shi!"
"No baby, big or small, did your master tell you the old man's seniority, this cold sect today, apart from a few old guys in the sky, who is older than my seniority? , You and your peers do not know what to call it?
Your little baby, so dashing against the elders, I count, you have violated the second, fifth, and seventh of the rules. "On the ninth peak of Tian Hanzong, Tian Xiezi let out a breath, lazily speaking, and his voice revealed a loose meaning, without the deepness of the old man in the purple-red robe, nor did it spread too far.
The old man in the sky twitched his mouth, speechless.
Tian Xiezi's mouth was tilted, and he pointed to Chu Mo again, "This is the new disciple of Master Shishu, and then you will be your fourth teacher. If you take your disciples, you will commit the following crimes. Opinion? "
Chu Mo smiled, and he finally felt the benefits of worshiping the evil as a teacher. This generation is really high, and he is satisfied with this alone.
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