Chapter 836: Wu Lao

This feeling is very strong in Chu Mo. He vaguely felt that his strokes were in contact with each other, as if countless eyes appeared in the world invisible, staring at all the subtle movements of his strokes.
Like learning! This feeling turned into a crisis, let Chu Mo escape without hesitation.
He rushed into the jungle and galloped away. Chu Mo knew that if he forced his hand here, even if he used all means to entangle the old man, it would be difficult for him to survive the war because there are still witches. This is not the case. For example, the escape machine [Biquge] will have a chance to fight back after being attracted.
After Chu Mo left, six people who did not die from a stroke looked at their tribal leader, the highest wizard. The old man looked depressed and closed the door slowly.
After a while, he opened it violently. The moment he opened his eyes, the huge lizard that had lost its tongue floating outside him immediately raised his face and hissed.
Under its roar, countless tobacco shreds appeared from all around, most of which came from the place where its tongue touched Chu Mo. Under rapid condensation, shredded tobacco penetrated into the giant lizard one by one. Soon, in the lizard's mouth, the collapsed tongue appeared again! When its tongue appeared, the lizard gently spit out his tongue, drawing an arc of lightning in midair. If Chu Mo is here, it can be seen that it is very similar to the previous stroke.
However, this is only similar.
"I didn't expect it. This time I entered my Matriarch's tribe. I have this kind of understanding. It's just that type. It's very different from other barbarians I've seen. This is beautiful. The old one personally catches it. I want to live it. Was refined into Wu Kui, and became a servant of the Holy Spirit of my tribe! "The old man's words suddenly appeared in his double pupils, and at the same time, he was full of strange things. When one looked at it, he would feel dazzled and dare not look.
He grinned fiercely, and he was very excited about the chase.
He shook his body, whistled and ran straight to Chu Mo jungle. The others here looked at each other and silently saw the awe in each other's eyes. After a long time, these people turned into Changhong and flew towards their tribe with the wounded. In the jungle, Chu Mo was short of breath. His body is like a shadow of illusion.
He galloped on the jungle floor covered with rotten leaves and mud. His body jumped from time to time, roaring through the woods. When he fell, his feet barely touched the ground, just like flying at a low altitude. His speed was so fast that he could barely see it. Chu Mo is no stranger to the jungle, but the moment he flew away, the feeling of terror became stronger and stronger.
He does not need to spread his knowledge to know. Behind him, someone must be chasing him. "I don't know how many people are chasing me ..." Chu Mo's eyes lit up, and a golden stone coin appeared in his hand.
He hesitated and replaced it with another level of Baishi coins. After holding it, the stone coin quickly faded and became fly ash in a moment. However, Chu Mo's spiritual knowledge expanded several times, violently spreading backwards under the pain of his brain swelling. One hundred feet, one thousand feet, one thousand feet.
After taking a joss stick, Chu Mo's students shrank. After the divine knowledge spread to the extreme, he used several stone coins. Only then did he see a shadow in the distance behind him.
"He is the only one ..." Chu Mo's entire body of hair stood upright, and he looked alert. He saw the chaser behind him, the old man, who knew the jungle better than he did.
this is nothing? What really made Chu Mo sink was that the old man was not only familiar with the jungle, but also the extremely mysterious tracking technology. Chu Mo galloped away, leaving a few traces to interfere with the other party's tracking, but the other party didn't change direction at all and was chasing him. At this point, Chu Mo can clearly feel the growing sense of crisis and see it clearly after the divine knowledge has just reached its peak.
"This person's cultivation is definitely a sacrifice of bones, and looking at its momentum, it is by no means an ordinary sacrifice of bones. It is likely that bones will be provided later! But I was just attracted to the divine knowledge. He did not show any consciousness Signs to this point. I do n’t know if it ’s true or intentionally made ... "
Chu Mo itself did not reach the site of bone sacrifice, which is difficult to analyze accurately. It can only be roughly speculated that although he is ready for this, the situation is still frustrating.
Behind the Chumo Highway, thousands of feet away, the thin old man walked in the jungle with a cruel smile. He has lived in the jungle since childhood. Even if he became a wizard of this tribe, few people in his tribe were more familiar with this forest than him. Chasing wild animals through clues in the jungle is his most enjoyable activity.
Almost every other day, he personally led the tribe people to do it once. Now, he chases his prey alone, which is not difficult for him at all.
"It seems that this little animal is also good at jungle art. The traces of the establishment are exquisite, but they are too immature." The old man added his lips, and when he walked forward, hundreds of feet flashed continuously.
"Run, run faster ..." The old man's smile was more cruel, but he obviously wiped out Chu Mo's knowledge without notice. Chu Mo was in this jungle, his face was pale, and his chest was covered with blood. This continuous escape made him exhausted, and his eyes became more and more angry.
He took out the medicine stone several times, but when his eyes lit up, he refrained from using it. "It's not the right time. I'm weaker than the other. Now I am injured and the old man feels weaker."
Chu Mo whispered that its speed slowly declined. When its speed slowed down, Chu Mo immediately felt in his mind that the old man following him was much faster. The distance between them is getting closer.
"If I suddenly look back, the other party will think that I am desperate, but the weaker I am, the less the other party will value their achievements!"
Chu Mo's eyes watched Sha Qi move, his body unexpectedly paused in reverse, stopped running away, and galloped in the direction of the old man chasing. Although the two can't see each other in the jungle, the air conditioner's induction is there. Chu Mo turned around and galloped, and the old man immediately felt a sense of speed, with a cruel smile in his mouth, which was faster.
"Do you want to fight to death? I will help you!" The distance between the old man and Chu Mo suddenly dropped from several thousand feet. Until the distance between the two people was hundreds of feet in the jungle without sunlight.
When the tree and the endless leaves were separated, Chu Mo jumped over a big tree, his eyes suddenly flashed with anger, and when he fell, his right hand swelled to the ground.
Immediately after this shooting, a piece of animal skin appeared between Chu Mo's right hand and the Wu people. The skin of the animal spread out suddenly, and it immediately turned into a red grassland with a radius of more than ten feet. The grassland in Chumo looks red, but to outsiders, it is the same as the surrounding jungle. When the grass appeared, Chu Mo ate a meal, immediately sat down cross-legged, took out some healing stones, and quickly swallowed into his mouth. The stone became warm water and nourished Chu Mo.
Swallowing this stone, Chu Mo's eyes showed a cold light, his right hand was raised, and a white scale appeared in his hand. This is a gift from Uncle Bai. It contains the power of the opponent's attack. This is Chu Mo's last killer. His eyebrows and blue swords flashed, and thunder and lightning wandered outside his body. In his body, during the birth of the black gas, the armor of the will be illusory, and at the same time, within his body, the Hanshan clock faintly visible! Next to Chu Mo, he took out the powder.
The medicinal stone beads float in mid-air and emit a rare light. They seem to have endless suction and suction. The Xu Ruo cave itself sucked everything up, including Chu Mo's breath. The sky was overcast with clouds, and dusk was about to pass. There are faint moon marks and sunset. The light is not very scattered, but it is difficult to penetrate the large leaves of the jungle and fall into the sky.
However, in Chu Mo's eyes, in addition to the evil soul and peace, there is a burning month. Chu Mo's eyes were cold, and something was taken out again. This is from the sky blue dream. This is a gold stone coin. It was held in Chu Mo's left hand, and a powerful mental force rushed into its body.
As the veins were opened, blood circulation became Chu Mo's powerful divine knowledge. It is ready not to be sent! Chu Mo's breath gradually calmed down, but in the end, it was almost unheard of. His eyes were calm, and his correct goal was limited. He seems to be waiting for the most critical moment.
Chu Mozhong's body stepped into the red grass, the entire person's breath disappeared instantly, and the flying wizard old man suddenly looked surprised. However, the distance between him and Chu Mo has now reached 200 feet.
At the moment when the old man was stunned, a huge power of consciousness, with an amazing shock wave, rushed from the front, with a unique momentum, with a calm killing, roared. Under the influence of this divine knowledge, if an invisible wind in the silent jungle turns into suffocating pressure, it will suddenly come down. In front of this old wizard, the trees shattered, shattered, and burst, and the leaves flew around the earth and sky like sharp blades.
The mud on the ground is still under the thud, as if it had buried countless Thors, all the rooms that were blasting at this moment let the mud spread out, and the rotten smell was messy everywhere. The sky is dark, the jungle is also dark, but under the sudden arrival of this divine knowledge, all the trees, leaves, etc.
When the moonlight arrived unhindered, the things that existed here had been exploded into pieces, rolled around, and torn into pieces by these pieces. Moonlight breaking is like killing a month!
The one-eye gaze of the Wu people even recovered in an instant, but at this critical moment, his feelings for Chu Mo suddenly disappeared, causing him to lose his leading position. The roar of the gods slammed into the old man's body invisibly, and his body was not injured, but at this time his mind was choppy, thunder rumbled, and the mumble made him bleed seven times. Chu Mo's influence on sacred knowledge is the biggest blow he can give since the cultivation of sacred knowledge.
If this is the case, he is more willing to grieve for the amazing gold stone coin brought by Sky Blue Dream. This stone is golden, and its spiritual power, even when Chu Mo began to see it, was deeply moved. This kind of stone coin is nothing ordinary. At the moment, Chu Mo took it without hesitation.
Through internal force, it makes its spiritual knowledge strong and reaches a similar degree of transformation. The difference between life and death is not small. Chu Mo wanted to live. His hands were the strongest he could do. In this hand, Chu Mo has never been calmer. He still remembers that he was with Master at this time two days ago, and he was still at Jiufeng at this time three days ago. But now, he is outside the sky blue city wall. He is on the land of the witch tribe.
He killed more than ten people in the jungle where this witch tribe exists. He is fighting to death with the strong men of the Wu tribe. Under the bombardment of Chu Mo God, the old Wu people quickly retreated.
His brain growled, his eyes blurred. A feeling of terror suddenly appeared, even accompanied by this fear. It is buried in his heart. An ancient rumor and deep shock and suspicion.
"This is. This is ..." The old man's eyes contracted, and when he looked back, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an impressive and sharp shock wave, which was a green rainbow, a roar, with the gods , Galloping between adjacent green lightsabers.
The sharp edge of the sword, where it passed, and fragments flying between heaven and earth, were immediately smashed by a living person, opening a passage visible to the naked eye, and all the fragments in the passage immediately turned into fly ash. Until this sword, until this green light, approaching the elders of the Wu clan, when it was closest, at the moment when it was about to penetrate, the old man's body quickly receded, and the original normal pupil of the eyes, like a split , Became binocular four pupils!
"Stop it!" The elder of the Wu clan roared, and with its roar, the corners of his eyes immediately summoned countless dense green bars that spread to the entire face, and seemed to form a complicated thorn!
The blue light sword immediately uttered a sharp, rubbing sound, which was difficult to get in!
Chu Mo's eyes flashed, and he sat cross-legged on the red grass where the breath and figure were hidden, watching the scene where the old man resisted the blue sword.
This was the first time he saw that someone was directly faced with the blue sword while being bombarded by his consciousness. In this bizarre way, he could stop the sword alive.
This is not resistance, this is a kind of power similar to his consciousness. Chu Mo ’s brain was shocked. He clearly felt that his consciousness condensed in the blue sword was being impacted by a cold breath. The cold air was full of brutality and evil, which seemed to wipe out Chu Mo's consciousness from the little sword.
At this moment, Chu Mo didn't know if it was an illusion. He vaguely seemed to hear a heavy gasp in the cold breath.
This gasp is very strange, mixed with some chewing sounds.
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