Chapter 841: Mountain Guard

"Brother Xiao, good morning." A soft spring-like voice came from behind Chu Mo. When Chu Mo turned around, he saw his brother wearing a gown with a gentle smile as before.
"Brother, you got up early." Chu Mo was a little surprised. He rarely saw the second brother get up so early, most of the time at noon was when the second brother got up. After all, after wandering around that night, when the sun rises, it is necessary to take a break.
The two brothers coughed a few times, his face turned sideways so that the sun could shine on it.
"Brother Xiao, brother wants to understand, there is a good saying, good morning sleep and good health." The two brothers shook their heads. Chu Mo smiled and said nothing.
"Huh?" The two brothers were about to speak, when he suddenly closed his eyes and looked carefully at Chu Mo. He even raised his right hand and patted Chu Mo. After Chu Mo turned around, he suddenly whispered.
"Fourth, tell my brother, did the master come to you in purple at night? How did you answer?"
"I answered," I want to see. Chu Mo smiled.
"So. Not good ..." The two brothers froze, a smile on their faces, more and more smiles, and finally laughed.
"Why didn't I think at first, so this is really bad ..." There was a hint of expectation in Brother's eyes, he patted Chu Mo's shoulder.
"So, how did the master do it?"
"Take me to see a battle, see the loss of creation, go to the Wu clan and kill a group of witches ..." Chu Mo whispered.
Brother opened his eyes, revealing his desire. His eyes gradually became decisive.
"The next time the teacher comes to me in purple clothes, I will answer the same question!" Brother was about to continue, but suddenly he raised his head, quickly sorted out his clothes, and turned his side to let the sun shine on his side On the face, with a gentle smile on the corner of the mouth.
Seeing the sky, the two Changhongs started from the seventh peak. The two Changhongs were one after the other. In front of Changhong was a woman. This woman looked very beautiful, but she frowned, somewhat reluctant.
As she approached the ninth peak, she glanced fiercely at the car. The bus dare not look at it. She quickly lowered her head. At this moment, Brother 2 stepped forward to keep her side face reflected by the sun and spoke softly to Ya Yan. "Miss Yanzi, let's go." He said, stepping towards the sky step by step, smoking the child, instead of turning into two Changhongs, caring about smoking unwillingly, and disappeared. Chu Mo ’s eyes did not look at the departure of Senior Brother and Yan Zi, but at the second Changhong on the seventh mountain, a woman dressed in white and tied with red grass rope in her hair, turned into two beside her ears Strand braids, dotted with sparkling crystal dots on the forehead.
At this time, Chu Mo saw trance. "Chu Mo," the woman in a white dress smiled and walked across the sky with a small ribbon between her two tiger teeth. The ribbon fluttered, allowing the woman to walk on the platform in front of Chu Mo.
His voice was very soft, and it passed into Chu Mo's ears, just like the sway of the years, awakening Chu Mo's sorrow deeply buried in his memory and the agreement that year could not be reached.
At this moment, snow is falling from the sky, billowing, falling between Chu Mo and the woman. Snow covered her eyes and seemed to separate them. When the snowflakes passed by, they gathered together again.
"Chu Mo, you remember me ..." The white woman bit her lower lip, her bright eyes revealing wildness. She approached gently and walked slowly to Chu Mo's door. The faint scent that flew from her to Chu Mo penetrated into Chu Mo's nose and entered the depths of his soul memory.
In the sunlight of the sky, the sequins on the woman's forehead shone, reflected in Chu Mo's eyes, and entered the place where his memory was buried.
Upright hair, two strands of hair braided in the ear, when the wind approached Chu Mo, a few strands of hair fluttered with the wind.
"Why don't you come to me ..." The woman whispered softly, echoing in Chu Mo. Chu Mo was shocked, and everyone looked at the woman in front of him, with sadness in his eyes.
"Chu Mo, do you remember me, do you still remember my name. Do you remember the first time we met ..." The woman's gentle words penetrated Chu Mo.
"I remember ..." Chu Mo muttered, raised his right hand, stroked the woman's hair in front of him, untied the red rope, tied it again, put the braid in the ear behind his shoulder, and finally removed it from the woman's forehead Sequins, change its distribution position.
"In this way, it will be more like some." After all this, Chu Mo calmed down and said slowly. At the end of Chu Mo's sentence, the woman immediately frowned, her disgust was difficult to conceal, and then took a step back, as if Chu Mo's hand touched her hair, which made her very difficult to accept.
"If you can be her, let me treat you as her. Then when you leave, Sima Xin'an will arrange your task even if it has been completed." Chu Mo opened his mouth calmly, looking at the words of the woman in front of him, turning In the distance, sometimes looking at the child-mother car here. Bai Su trampled her foot seriously. She prepared for Chu Mo's shock this morning. Even the ambiguous words, including the expression when speaking, she rehearsed many times in detail.
Even before she came early in the morning, she had rehearsed in front of the ice mirror. During the rehearsal, she had a feeling that she had become a person. If there is a strange spirit, she has condensed into her body and changed her words and deeds.
She knows deeply that when she met Chu Mo for the first time in this way, the first appearance of someone dressed as the other party's memory was her best chance.
Even after seizing this opportunity, there may be no next step.
In fact, when she saw Chu Mo in a trance, her heart was still proud. She was more satisfied with the careful preparation last night, because when she looked at herself, she felt the sadness in Chu Mo's eyes.
However, the development of the matter did not follow her wishes. Bai Su was informed of Chu Mo's last words and actions. This first meeting and overnight preparation failed. Chu Mo went to the subway station. In the respectful eyes of the deputy bus, Chu Mo received the order.
"I need something small and heavy. The heavier the better. Can you get something like this?"
The coach meditated for a while and nodded.
"Master, I know there is an ice called drowned ice. It is said that this ice will never melt. A fist-sized stone is as heavy as a human stone."
"The more, the better." Chu Mo waved his right hand, and a token fell into the child's hand.
The child car looked at the token with strange eyes. Before he came to Jiufeng, this token was sacred, but the more he knew about it now, especially when he knew that it was borrowed from the Tiger, the calmer he became.
He took the token, hit Chu Mo, and turned to gallop like a rainbow.
After the coach left, Chu Mo drove to the fairy cave of Huzi and drove along the mountain road. Bai Su stomped again. Seeing Chu Mo ignoring himself, he just walked a few steps to keep up with Chu Mo. "Hey, didn't you say you want to teach me to paint!"
"What do you want to draw." Chu Mo "of" Da Xian "or" BZAJJ "did not stand up, and the voice was very relaxed.
"You walk slowly, I want to draw myself!" Bai Su took a few steps, which hardly made her keep up with Chu Mo. Obviously, she didn't want to maintain the same speed, even though the ice on this mountain step was slippery.
"I'm very good at painting. I looked at the shadow of ice and wrote it down." Chu Mo's voice was still the same, gentle and could not fluctuate.
"So. What do I do for you!" Bai Su was stunned and then angry, but Chu Mo walked fast, often walking a few feet step by step, she couldn't keep up.
"I didn't ask you to come to me." Chu Mo didn't return and gradually moved away from Bai Su. Bai Su gritted his teeth and ran away.
"I won't draw myself, I will draw you!" Chu Mo heard Bai Su behind him. Chu Mo stopped and looked back at Bai Su. Seeing that Chu Mo is no longer advancing, Bai Su quickly runs to his side, and his heart is already satisfied. This time, Daoan sees how he answers. When he draws himself, he needs to face the ice, then he draws others, and naturally he needs others to stand there. In order to paint.
"Do you want to paint me?" Chu Mo looked at Bai Su. Bai Su's pride comes from the heart. She lifted her chin, and the sequins on her forehead shone brightly with the sun. The shiny hair fluttered in the wind.
"Yes, I just want to draw you." Bai Su snorted, proudly, and Chu Mo buried deep in the memory, there was a moment of overlap. Chu Mo raised his right hand and suddenly swiped to a nearby ice stone. After a few clicks, a large amount of ice flakes fluttered in the air. A figure appeared on an ice stone. The numbers are Chu Mo.
"According to this painting." Chu Mo finished and turned away. Bai Su stood there for a long time, looking at the figure Chu Mo drew on the nearby rock, looking at Chu Mo in the distance, and stomping violently.
"Chu Mo, you big bastard!" Bai Su's appearance and expression today, as well as various words, were completely different from her and Sima Xin, often in front of Sima Xin, Bai Su was always childish He always looks at Sima Xin in admiration with soft eyes and clever expressions. But on this Jiufeng, in front of Chu Mo, she seems to have changed a person. If Sima Xin is here, she will be shocked, because the white pigment at this time is very different from the white pigment before him. Bai Su bulging, staring at his big eyes, blinking and stomping, stomping his feet, seeing that Chu Mo has gone far and can't see the back, he looked at the rock Chu Mo portrait beside him, raised his foot, kick In the past.
"I kick you big bastard, Chu Mo!" Bai Su kicked a few feet in a row, looking relieved. Looking at the portrait of Chu Mo on Bing, she suddenly turned her eyes and her proud expression appeared again.
She stepped forward and took out a black cylinder from her arms and painted it on Chu Mo's portrait. When smearing, she smiled triumphantly.
Outside Huzidong Mansion, Chu Mo walked very slowly and did not hear grunts. Instead, strange laughter came from his cave house. Chu Mo did not stop or intervene.
After entering the Huzi Cave Mansion, Chu Mo immediately saw Tiger Zi crouching on the ground. In front of him, many circular patterns were scribbled. Among these patterns, there is also a mountain-shaped figure, which surrounds each other and seems to have a trajectory.
Hu Zi held a dagger in his hand and carved it on the pattern. When he sculpted, he made a strange laugh. If Chu Mo sees Bai Su now, he will definitely feel like a little tiger now.
"Humph, your grandpa Tiger is the smartest and smartest!"
"How about changing the array? See how I can open it for you!"
"Grandpa Tiger in your family has grown up and has never encountered a place where he cannot go. You, such a difficult person, don't you let your grandpa understand after sleeping?"
Hu Zi concentrated on it and didn't notice Chu Mo when he arrived. Even though Chu Mo stood behind him and looked at the pattern the tiger had drawn on the ground, the tiger didn't notice.
"Your Tiger Master spent ten days. I drank more than thirty jugs of wine in these ten days. I drank so little. You were injured. Damn, your seventh peak is okay. Why change the mountain? Fight, look at how I broke it for you! "Huzi took the dagger and carved it on the ground several times. He looked excited and ecstatic, and looked up and laughed.
But when he raised his head and began to laugh, his eyes swept to Chu Mo standing next to him, and the laughter suddenly stopped.
"Fourth, when did you come?"
"It's been a long time ..." Chu Mo looked strange, looking at Tiger's curly hair and eyes. "Have you heard?" You look serious.
"I heard that part." Chu Mo looked even stranger.
Huzi lowered his head, then raised his head suddenly and embraced Chu Mo. His voice was as loud as the flood, echoing in the cave.
"Fourth, you are really my dearest little brother. You know you will be successful with brother today, to congratulate me. Well, you are very good brother. I tell you the truth. You tell me that this is her shameless and The seventh peak of the common indignation of dirty people. Do they have justice, conscience, morality. They have become a grand army! "
"Hushan Great Array, old fourth, you don't know, this array is very troublesome to change, very troublesome, who will easily change that thing! But the seventh peak, they ... they are so deceiving !!" Hu Zi held Chu Mo tightly, his face angry. ┨
Chu Mo finally broke away, looking at the extremely angry tiger, unable to say a word.
"They are so deceiving. I can't bear it!" Huzi raised his hands and growled.
"Fourth son, what is your expression?" Hu Zi asked in surprise when he could see the strangeness on Chu Mo's face in such anger.
"Uh ... didn't ... didn't go up." Chu Mo coughed a few times. He felt that it was not appropriate to ask Hu Zi to discuss things at this time. When he was looking for an introduction to leave here quickly, Hu Zi's angry roar echoed again. .
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