Chapter 887: Battlefield

With the sharp death of two huge and fierce beasts, the three Matriarchs who emerged from nothing began a stormy battle with the sound of drums.
At the same time, the light of the nine huge crystal pillars in Tianlan City filled the air, and the whole city shook again today. Then, there was a huge stone monument one thousand feet high and one thousand feet wide. Suddenly, it rose from the square in the center of Tianlan. Its height exceeds nine crystal columns and is erected in Tianlan City. With the advent of this stone tablet, a vicissitudes of feeling spread.
The stone tablet is engraved with a name. The self that appears after these names represents the tribe or clan this person comes from. This stone monument is a monument to record the merits of Chen Na barbarians!
As it appeared, the barbarians on the battlefield fought more fiercely one by one. The ranking of the monument will not change at any time, but only after each battle, the merit will be recorded by a special person.
But anyone recorded on the stone tablet will be noticed by all the barbarians. This is a glory belonging to the barbarians. It belongs to the person represented by the name above, his tribe and his clan.
This stone monument records the first 300 enemies killed, and can no longer be listed after 300 years!
At the moment, the first person to appear is a man named He Luo. He is not in cold weather or Haidong, but from a tribe named Luo Shui. His military achievements have now reached nearly 3000.
The accumulation of war power is not increased a little after killing a person, but is calculated by a special person in Tianlong City according to the different identities and achievements of the killed.
In the 10th place, the fighting score reached nearly 2000, and the gap was not large until it exceeded 80 and fell below 1000, but even in the last place, there are hundreds.
This is obviously the result of previous battles. The earlier the war progresses, the more such war effort will accumulate. Chu Mo arrived in Tianlan City late and did not fight. Therefore, he did not appear on this list.
At the same time as the stele appeared, the majestic man whose name appeared from the emptiness of the distant sky stood in midair with a somber face.
They are not unique witches, they are still post-witches, but they are leaders of post-witches. They are in the middle of the barbarian spirit. They are not the same Wu people who just came out of the crack of the barbarian earth. They can be compared. Those who have the same appearance are not unique witch, but have just entered the realm of post-witch.
At the same time, when they looked depressed, in front of them, several barbarians who had been strong under the crack had come quickly. If so, it is also on the left and right sides of the three of them. The cold sword in the sky cold box exudes a chill. Its tip moves and points directly at three. At the same time, the huge mirror of the Haidong School seems to have the same magic as its light flashes.
Half of the 18 giant statues at the gate of the Dragon City are now resurrected and are striding toward the battlefield.
"According to the instructions of the Grand Wu Gong, our third siege is also a test, and the purpose is different from the previous two. This time it is an experimental expansion of the unique martial arts and crack, and it is used to consume Tianlan City Jingshen Beam ... "
"Now it seems that the barbarians here clearly saw the plan of the wizard man but still did not send the barbarians in the middle, just some early barbarians ..."
"This is for the three of me. Tianlan City has found out the strength of my witch from these three years. The ancient realm of Haidong 539 is really disgusting. With it, I am waiting to show All magical powers will be recorded by it, and thus be used by the barbarians!
As for the Tianhan Hanbing sword, this sword should not be completely aimed at the three of us. "
"Humph, the barbarians are good at using bait. It used to be that way. Now it seems that they are hooking from the three of us to lead to absolute sorcery ..."
The three Mazu men looked at each other. Two of them stepped forward. The ripples of the void echoed under their feet. The rumble spread farther. However, outside the bodies of these two people suddenly appeared a large green mist. In the violent spread of the fog, the fog rolled around in a flash, spreading in all directions.
Then, the last of the three sat cross-legged, his hand slammed toward the ground from a distance. Under this pressure, the earth seemed to have a wave propagating, and a sharp roar suddenly sounded from the blood of the dead that existed on the earth.
Almost at the moment when the incarnations of these three people appeared, the barbarian galloped away from the crack that disappeared in front of the four barbaric strong men, rushed into the mist, and roared and continued to spread from the mist, and At the same time, the huge mirror of No. 539 Haidong tilted in the flicker, causing the mirror to shine vigorously towards the mist.
As for Tian Tianjian, which is frozen in the cold box, even after the tip of the sword was pointed out, a white awn appeared from the hilt, cruising the whole body of the sword, condensing at the position of the tip of the sword, and spitting out a ray of sword light!
As soon as Jianguang came out, the world became cold. If the light has a soul, it will go directly into the fog. After penetrating the mist, it seemed to fight three barbarians and three witches.
On the earth, under a green sky, a battle started again. Chu Mo is here, mythical eyes flash back to Chu Mo and the woman whose face was destroyed. After nodding, Myth shook his head and walked straight towards the fog in the sky.
"The two of you passed the test of this seat, and gave you two days of foggy nights, said!" When Huashan left, the news spread to Chu Mo and the woman's ears. The other two black tokens flew from Huashan and went straight to the two. Chu Mo raised your right hand and grabbed the token with one hand. This token looks ordinary. It was completely dark. It is as dark as the night sky without stars.
"Seven followed, five died ..." Chu Mo sighed and glanced at the token in his hand. He didn't feel much about it, nor did he know what it meant.
Chu Mo wanted to be a bystander to witness the war between the Matriarch and the Barbarians, even if it was involved, it was fighting for himself, but now, this is only his first war, he vaguely feels that it is not easy to do What, he imagined, sometimes, involuntarily.
"I suggest you hang this token on a conspicuous place on your waist." In Chu Mo's dark sigh, his ear heard the words of Haidong woman. She looked at Chu Mo coldly and put her token Hang on the outside of clothes.
"Dragon City ’s battle order is divided into four levels: the sun, the moon, the stars and the night. Having a night order means that you belong to the city of Tianlan now. Therefore, even your family cannot interfere and punish your actions. Before the end of the war, only Tianlan City can order everything for you. "The woman said coldly.
"How many people want to get a piece of Tianlan City's war order on this battlefield, but they can't get it. Because of the Tianlan City's war order, only Tianlan's beautiful soul conditions can be granted. We didn't spend much money. We can get it because everything we do is seen by excellent predecessors.
But there are still many people who pay more than us. Are you dissatisfied because nobody paid attention to them, or because they died, or because they did not get a war order? "The woman no longer looked at Chu Mo and went straight to the battlefield in the distance. Chu Mo was silent, looking at the token in his hand, instead of hanging it, he put it in his arms and turned Body, galloping in the direction of the opposite woman leaving, on the vast battlefield of the Wu people.
There are battles everywhere. The battle between the Maori and the Barbarians never ends. Roaring and screaming, the sound of separation of flesh and blood and the sound of physical breakdown are intertwined, becoming noise and buzzing in the ear. Everyone on the battlefield, except the strong ones fighting in the mist, the rest are insignificant. Lu is a fragment of this war. Chu Mo didn't know how long the war would last, but he rushed to kill the Malays he saw in front of him.
This feeling is completely different from the fighting in the wild land of Tianlan City. Compared to this place, the battlefield there is too small. Here, Chu Mo can't see the end. In addition to the companions of the barbarians, there are endless Maori legions. Kill, just kill! Chu Mo held a small green sword in his right hand, and he flew across the pool of blood.
Kill, be sure to kill! In the waves, Chu Mo's body was filled with black smoke. Whenever anyone who might threaten Chu Mo's life appears, the black smoke will automatically fly out and become a woman's shadow. After the Matriarch, it was either killed or forced to return.
In order to survive, in order to see tomorrow's sun on this battlefield, you must kill, because if you don't kill, you will eventually die. This war is like a small but powerful will that makes all people irresistible. According to this will, if you do n’t kill, you will die!
Unless, pretending to be a corpse with blood on his face, there may be another way of life. When Chu Mo saw such people, including Maori and Barbarians, he left.
However, this is not a good policy, because of the need for combat merit, because of the collection of human heads. Unless the head is lost, the complete body will inevitably be easily removed from the head.
"Kill!" Chu Mo's eyes were red and blood was dripping. With a roar, his body ran blood, and a fist smashed the chest of a witch, reverberating from the body of the chalk bell, and escaped. In response to the dying counterattack of the opponent, he spit out blood and rushed towards another person. Tired, Chu Mo did not know how long the time had passed, because the sky was always shrouded in green fog, the fog was rolling, and the roar inside was constantly coming out.
All the fighting and screams around him merged into a timeless tone, at this tone everything is repeating, repeating, repeating again.
For example, in this war, the little man himself is killing, killing, and then killing. Gradually, the feeling of fatigue became deeper and deeper, which made people feel trance.
But the fate of trance is often life and death. If you die, in permanent sleep, if you are life, it is a forced stimulus that can be exchanged for short-term excitement. After that, it was a deeper fatigue and trance.
How many people can avoid the first trance of life and death under this fatigue, maybe once, twice, but three times, four times and countless times. This is not just a war with Malay enemies, but also enemies itself.
The killing is endless, and the blood flows into the earth continuously, making this Maori outside Tianlan City to claim that the blood is a river, and the blood on the ground is rippling again. Watch it all.
Feng Feng has returned to Chu Mo. Not what he meant, but Chu Mo's loud noise, moved the invisible moon wing, forcing Feng Feng to return. Back to Chu Mo, before that he occupied the body of a huge ferocious beast, but only half of its body was sculpted, but it lived strangely.
The fighting continues. Chu Mo didn't know how many Wu people he had killed, how many scars he had on him, or even how many times his armor had collapsed. Even Han Shanzhong was forced back into his body by a lot of magical forces, causing him to rest and be injured.
In particular, there was an almost fatal penetration in his chest. The wound was caused by a spear whizzing from the side, and when the black woman given by Brother Brother rushed out as a Chumo to prevent another attack, the spear passed through.
This is because there are too many unchangeable factors on the battlefield. There are too many enemies. This is not fighting alone.
As the war continued, Chu Mo did not know where he was on the battlefield. He only saw a familiar head, which was cut off by the Wu people, and then flew upward. His name is Chu Mo, but he has seen it. He is a believer in the cold.
His head fell in front of Chu Mo. The man's expression was confused and relieved, as if he finally closed his eyes because of fatigue. Chu Mo looked at the man's head, his right hand was suddenly raised, and he suddenly fell against his back with a palm. The roar came from behind him. After the sudden arrival of the Wu people, it was the chase and penetration of Guangqing's little sword. Chu Mo opened his left hand, and a piece of fly ash disappeared. This is a stone coin.
He swallowed a lot of drugs so that he could maintain his fighting power and consume a lot of stone coins. Only in this way can his spiritual knowledge continue to spread, giving him a greater chance of survival, and at the same time, he can keep the sharp sword of Guangqing.
In this battlefield, all the magical powers are not as fast and convenient as the neat killing. Chu Mo was fast and slow, and the shooting was murder. If he killed the opponent, he gradually learned not to continue fighting, but immediately retreated and turned to other directions.
"Chu Mo!" In this uncensored murder case, Chu Mo heard a surprised voice ringing in his ear when he killed a witch man, his face was pale and obvious on his thigh Bone injury.
Turning around, Chu Mo is still a bit dazed. Although he is in a daze, his spiritual knowledge is scattered, but he has instinctive protection. He saw a big man cut off the wizard's head and looked at himself. He has seen Chu Mo and is a believer of the Tian Hanzong. The big man's eyes were red and he was exhausted. He nodded to Chu Mo and left quickly.
"This feeling seems to be a dream ..." Chu Mo turned his head and continued to walk forward, tired and tired. The sound of battle in his ears seemed to be eternal, constantly echoing.
He saw the Wu people and different ferocious beasts, and also saw some masked people in the Wu people. These people, like Chu Mo, shuttled across the battlefield, where they passed blood everywhere.
However, all Wu people wear such masks and emit a strong evil spirit. Ordinary barbarians are not their opponents. Chu Momo saw vaguely that the barbarians who could fight these masked men were also masked men.
Only the barbarian wears a mask. The color of the mask is black, which is very different from the barbarian's white. In the trance state of murder, Chu Mo brought him an almost fatal chest injury before that. The witch mask threw a spear. The man ’s mask had a cross crack and was throwing out a long After the spear, he looked at Chu Mo coldly at a long distance and turned to leave.
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