Chapter 894: Sacrificial bone period

"What a clever trick!" Yan Bo saw this scene, his face full of blood, his heart sighed secretly.
It takes courage to break out of the war zone. This courage is not small, but because thousands of people go out together, there are still people who have courage under their will and inertia.
However, after rushing out, it was blocked, and nearly a hundred people died in an instant. After seeing the Wu people coming to the same team again in the distance, this invisible pressure is enough to make people mentally breakdown.
At this moment, before the arrival of the second wave of Malay fighters, some barbarians behind Chu Mo retreated in fear.
It can be seen that there were dozens of people at the beginning, and hundreds of people in a moment. Instead of advancing forward, they retreated, and they retreated faster and faster, making the team of more than 1,000 people divided into two parts.
When this scene appeared, Zhou De of the southern theater was disappointed.
The old man in the northern theater sighed and shook his head.
As for Lan Tian Meng, her face was pale and her eyes were only on Chu Mo.
In the eastern theater, Tian Lan was always quiet, but she just watched the Chu Mo team saying something stupid and then failed to pay attention, as if the Chu Mo team there was not interested in her at all.
On the walls of Tianlan City, seven or eight elders looked calm and had a long history. They have enough patience to watch the full performance. Chu Mo bleeds blood and looks fierce. His head hit the mask of the Matriarch hunter in front of him. From such a short distance, he could see the shock in the eyes of the Maori masked people. Chu Mo's pace never stopped. He did not prevent the retreat of a small group of 1,000 people. Instead, he used his actions to tell everyone why a brave person won in a head-on confrontation.
"You can retire once or twice, but when you retire three times, you will even die, but you have actually been abandoned by this battlefield.
Such a person will not become strong! The strong are those who will not die after a hundred battles. Only in this way can they realize the conversion between life and death! "
"Everyone can become strong!" Chu Mo red eyes, striking the forehead of the witch mask with his head, his body rushed forward, his hands violently under the fear of the other party The tears, the blood rain drifted, and the Wu clan hunter was torn apart by Chu Mo.
In the same way, Chu Mo also paid a price for this, and his injury was more serious!
"Like I said, if you don't die in a hundred battles, you will become strong!" In the blood rain, Chu Mo said the first sentence he said to everyone after he rushed out. The chariot followers crazy, Yan Bo red eyes screamed and followed. After all, there are some fugitives behind them. Hundreds of people still saw Chu Mo and heard Chu Mo's words.
This is a battlefield, a magical place, and it is said to be magical, because here, it is the most likely place for faith, dependence and worship!
Here, the will is weak, and the subconscious choice will follow the will of the strong. This is the law, the law of war!
"I am Chu Mo, I am the hunter Chu Mo, I am the Lantian City night order Chu Mo! I have killed many Maori people, who will follow me, who will live and die with me!" Chu Mo stepped forward, directly Charge towards several other Matriarch hunters. Their voices were hoarse and echoed around.
With the roar of Chu Mo, hundreds of people who left at that time had red eyes. At this moment, life and death, retreat, and fear are all cast aside. The only thing that exists is boiling blood and Chu Mo's hoarse roar.
A wave of emotions was suddenly mobilized, with obvious changes, a will of all people, suddenly, in this battlefield, such as the sharp blade of the sharpening knife, showing its sharp edge!
Zhou De was very moved.
The elderly in the northern theater have more majestic eyes. As for Tianlan's dream, her eyes gleamed with blurred light. She looked at Chu Mo and looked at.
The sky in the eastern theater was dark and quiet. The second time, I turned my head and looked at Chu Mo.
"Tap the drums for them alone!" On the wall of Tianlan, one of the seven or eight elders suddenly said.
Along with its words, the drumbeat of the war drum suddenly came from Tianlan City. The drum of war is full of excitement. They were moved only by the hundreds of people in Chu Mo and sang for them only!
"Tianlan City needs a hero, and this war also requires one after another. Brutal heroes!" The sound of the war drum caused a sensation between heaven and earth. Even the dense green mist in the disappearing air is rolling more and more violently at the moment, as if the battle inside belongs to the strong, and it is about to end.
Outside the battlefield, hundreds of people in Chu Mo heard drums from Tianlan City. Passionate drums contain powerful penetrating power, echoed on the battlefield, echoed in the ears of hundreds of Chu Mo. []
"If the people who follow me do not die in all wars, he is strong!" Chu Mo's previous low roar, coupled with drums, turned the will of these hundreds of people into a driving force. At this moment, they have forgotten life and death. In their eyes, Chu Mo was the only one, he was the only one who moved forward. This number exists, this will exists, this number exists, this momentum exists!
At this moment, they are attracting people's attention. More and more barbarians are watching them here. The fiber is the cold sky and the distant haze, and they are looking at it coldly.
This is especially true in Tianlan City.
The performance of this small team has now reached its peak, Chu Mo rushed forward, and more than 300 people followed, showing a tendency of blood, such as fierce dragons and roaring tigers, rushing forward in desperation.
This sentence sometimes does not refer to one person, but refers to a group of people. For example, hundreds of people behind Chu Mo are like this now!
Their achievements are uneven, but they have a momentum of resurrection!
"What a terrible death!" Yan Bo shouted with blood all over. He looked fierce, fighting furiously behind Chu Mo. Although the number of Maori people is large, even large ones are limited. If one person can't fight Chu Mo's number, then there are two; if two people can't fight, there are three people!
If three people can't do this, then there must be someone with the worst injuries. They will choose to explode. This explosive momentum and the roar of the explosion are more heroic than the battlefields elsewhere.
Self-destruction requires courage, which is usually more than killing or being killed. This self-selection requires struggle and real courage to achieve.
Perhaps in many cases, many people have no courage, but on this battlefield, in this battlefield that is not likely to survive even if it does not self-destruct, real men would rather die than let the enemy be buried together!
The rumble of rotation, the sound of self-explosion continued to spread, the grin before the face shattered, and the last words of life when the body exploded, stimulating the others and all the barbarians watching them.
In this evenly matched war, accompanied by a rumbling drum, along with the madness of these hundreds of barbarians, along with the front line where Chu Mo was rushing to kill, there are already a lot of people who have died here!
Death is just one thing. More importantly, these people looked at the eyes of Chu Mo and others. For the first time, with fear, they could not help but be afraid. Faced with crazy eyes, and those faces that could not be directly killed once, if the other party was hit hard, they would desperately rush into the face from the explosion. How can they not be afraid? Chu Mo's battle was more intense. His right arm was blurred, his chest was bleeding, his hair was scattered, and a deep sense of fatigue spread from his body.
However, his eyes are always bright, his left eye is still cold, his right eye is also flashing a rare red awn, his hair is dyed purple with blood, and even in the evening, it is still striking. His speed spread to the extreme, flashing forward. Under the madness of the followers behind him, after more than half of the 1 million casualties, finally collapsed!
That is the breakdown of the mind, that is a sign of retreat!
The remaining more than 30 people, including the two hunters there, chose to retreat and gathered the second wave of fighters behind them. They rushed forward.
They are scared!
The barbarians here have also paid a heavy price, except for those who fled before, there are only more than one hundred followers of Chu Mo behind them at the moment.
Of these more than 100 people, none are covered with blood, neither are eyes with cold blood, nor are none heroes.
When more than 30 Malays quickly retreated, Chu Mo raised his head breathlessly. His right foot suddenly took a big step forward. This step left his shadow, but his body penetrated the void. Obviously, a blood mist suddenly appeared not far from the retreating 30 Maori. Almost at the moment when the blood mist suddenly appeared, Chu Mo was standing in a twisted room next to two Matriarch hunters. Chu Mo's appearance is very strange. After his appearance, his legs were visible to the naked eye. The previous blood mist was Chu Mo, which could not withstand the explosion created in the rear, because the speed repeatedly expanded.
As he appeared, a strong wind was lifted, rolled up the desolate earth, and walked towards the two Matriarch hunters. In the roar and shock, one of the Matrimonial hunters was unprepared for the shock of his body. Waiting for him is the rotation of the world in front of him, because his head was cut off by Chu Mo's palm.
The Matrimon Hunter should not have been so fragile, but he has lost his mind in previous battles, and reinforcements can be seen during his escape. Rest, a loose moment, plus Chu Mo's speed is too fast, this is a deadlock.
But after all, he is a Malay hunter. Almost at the moment when his head was torn off by Chu Mo, his body suddenly opened, and impressively, he chose to detonate himself at the moment of death.
This hunter's self-detonation is almost crazy, because in addition to Chu Mo, there are other witch people around him. Chu Mo bears the brunt. At this critical moment, he does not know whether this is an illusion. At this time, he felt that the sacrificial bone of the Handan ancestor in the chalk in the body had melted a little. However, it just melted a little. Chu Mo didn't have time to think about it. His speed increased again, and his body quickly backed away and disappeared. When he appeared, he was already in front of more than 100 barbarians.
Almost when he appeared in the company, the roar was shocking. Matriarch hunters detonated themselves and had a huge impact. Many Malay hunters around him could not hide. The scream reverberated, causing more than 10 casualties. Chu Mo's mouth was splattered with blood, and his body was staggering, spitting out a large blood, and his pale face was blurred in front of the world. It was only after he bit his teeth hard.
His heart was pounding, and his sense of existence made his eyes sparkle. At this time, he was sure that the bones in his chalky body had indeed melted a little.
He stood there, looking at the front. Behind him are more than 100 barbarians following him. In front of him were the first wave of Malay casualties, and the second wave of rapid approaching Malay casualties.
"Hunt Chumo!"
"Hunt Chumo!" More than 100 people behind Chu Mo didn't know who started shouting. Then, almost everyone started shouting loudly. Their eyes showed fanaticism. They saw Chu Mo's last step, and at this time Chu Mo raised his head.
Zhou De in the southern theater took a deep breath and smiled at him. He saw Chu Mo's last move and heard more than 100 people behind Chu Mo. At this moment, he was yelling wildly.
Tian Lanmeng stared at the screen in front of him, looked at a figure in it, looked at the blood coat on his body, looked at the blood stains on his body, bit his lower lip, and wondered what to think.
As for the northern war zone, the old man pointing at the calculation is also walking around at the moment.
Only Tian Lanyou frowned, her expression still indifferent.
In the direction of Tianlan City, the drums of war are getting louder and louder. Several elders on the wall did not speak at this moment, staring at Chu Mo's position.
In Tianlan City, the huge cylindrical floating beads and the three people who crossed their knees in contemplation fell into silence.
They don't look at Chu Mo's achievements. In their view, Chu Mo's achievements are very fragile. What they saw was the will led by Chu Mo and brought by him that currently surrounds more than 100 people.
What they saw was the determination, tenacity and courage that existed in Chu Mo. Chu Mo gave his head to the car behind him. He gasped. At this moment, the second wave of Malay fighters has not approached a thousand feet. A thousand feet may be coming soon. Behind him, more than 100 people have been exhausted and have been fighting for a whole day or longer. Compared with the Wu people who have been resting from beginning to end, they are in a weak position.
He can safely imagine that when the second wave of Malays rushed to the kill, there were not many companions who survived.
In particular, this is only the second wave, the third wave. There are more than one hundred feet of fierce beasts, that is thousands of thousands of beasts!
"Performance, it's over! Zicha, Yan Bo, take them back to the southern theater!" Chu Momu decisively said suddenly. Suddenly, Yan Bo looked at Chu Mo.
"But lord, there is Zhou Shuai ..."
"Retreat!" Chu Mo glanced at Yan Bo.
Seeing Chu Mo, Yan Bo nodded silently. Under his teeth, more than 100 people who heard Chu Mo did not need his orders.
"I want you to be alive, now, come back to me! Zicha, you also retreat, this is the order of the ninth peak!"
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