Chapter 953:

The Wucheng city of the Nine Yin Realm was built by the Lich Temple a long time ago. Until now, apart from giving people a sense of vicissitudes, there was not much intention to decline. On the contrary, it has been constantly improving over time, making the city extremely prosperous.
Especially every time the Nine Yin Realm opens, with the influx of Wu people, countless people will enter and exit the store even at night.
Just after noon at this moment, Wu Duo and Chu Mo sat on the second floor of the west of the city, sitting on the table and chairs by the window. Looking at an inland river surrounding Wucheng, they heard the sound of running water in their ears, which gave the wine a different taste.
"I thought Brother Mo had a fight with Wu Zetian of Donglai yesterday. When I just saw you coming out of Jiuyin Ling, Nangong Mark was beside you, I guessed it." Wu Duo looked at Chu Mo with a smile. Emotional eyes.
"Unexpectedly, after many years of absence, Brother Mo is no longer what he was. Its achievements are advancing by leaps and bounds, admirable!"
"The first world war with Tiemu was just a fluke." Chu Mo shook his head and said slowly.
"Oh? Brother Mo doesn't need low self-esteem. Although I haven't seen it, I heard Brother Mo was not a fluke in World War I." Wu Duo smiled and drank.
Seeing Wuduo say this, Chu Mo smiled and stopped talking about this, but looked at Wuduo, calmly speaking.
"I don't know anything about the gambling conference mentioned by Brother Zhong, but Brother Zhong should tell us a little."
"Brother Mo must obtain enough witch crystals before the gambling fair. Only then can it gain something at the fair. Of course, if Brother Mo only wants to see it, not participate, then there is no need to do so. "Wu drank more wine and glanced at Chu Mo." Said with a smile.
"The so-called Jubao Conference is actually a special event that only the Nine Yin Realm can participate in. It is divided into two parts. The first part is that more than 100,000 people can participate.
As for the second part, if the achievement is not enough, in order to obtain something, you must reach the post-witchcraft state. Most of them will not choose to participate in the second part. Unless they are lucky, most of them will eventually be miserable. "He said in great detail that he knew that Chu Mo might know a lot. But after all, he is not a Wu people, so there must be some details that are not clear enough.
"Oh? I hope to hear more about it." Chu Mo took the glass and took a sip.
"Do you know why this place is called Jiuyinjie, and how did it get its name?" Wu Duo hesitated for a while, then looked around and spoke in a low voice. Looking at Wuduo, he didn't speak. He knew that Wu Duo didn't need to answer by himself.
"The name of Jiuyin World. In addition to the fact that the Yinling tribe told me the ancestors of the Wu tribe, the larger origin is a stone monument erected here.
There are only three words on the stele, that is the Nine Yin Realm. As for the Yinling tribe, this is the case." Wu Duo said, raising his left hand to reveal a flashing mark on the back of his hand.
"The ancestors came to the Jiuyin world when the Matriarchs. I don’t know what kind of contact with the Yinlings led to the help of the Yinlings. It took many years to occupy one million miles of this place in one fell swoop, and even build This Wucheng.
As for the Jubaohui, it is actually the location of this Wucheng city, and it has a lot to do with it! "Wu Duo's voice was deep and did not spread too far. Only Chu Mo could hear clearly."
"Wucheng chose this piece of land under our feet to build it, because this piece of land contains a big secret, which is difficult for outsiders to know. Until a few years later, a wizard who participated in this matter died. I told the descendants the secret. Slowly, after some twists and turns, it was known to more Maori...,
Hey, Brother Mo, this must be hard to guess. Without Wucheng, the earth beneath our feet is a huge pit. There are many red stones in this pit. There is nothing strange about these stones, but they cannot be expanded. If opened gently, there will be some strange herbs in these stones!
The famous Jiu Minghua is one of them! There are even many herbs that are not documented among the Wu people. Even the nine Li people could not recognize them. They should have been rare in ancient times and are now extinct.
But." Wuduo
"In Akaishi, most areas have nothing. In fact, it may have happened, but after a long time, it gradually dissipated.
In some red stones, even if there are herbs, most of them have been petrified and have no effect. Even if some herbs have medicinal effects, not many.
However, everything is not absolute. Among these red stones, there is a medicinal ingredient that can reach 70% of herbs! Even. As far as I know, in the past countless years, there have been nine times in open red stone, a completely effective herbal medicine has appeared!
The age of these herbs is very far away, and every plant can be called a treasure! But it also depends on luck. If you are lucky, maybe the herb itself is very valuable. If you are unlucky, it is a very ordinary leaf, then it is the same even if it is fresh. "Wu Duo lamented. Listening to Wu Duo, he Eyes flashed slightly.
"From the quality of different medicinal materials themselves, from the efficacy of medicinal materials with the same efficacy, the true value is calculated based on these two points.
In addition, herbal medicine is not the only thing that exists in red stone. There are ancient magic weapons, some exercises and so on. Everything is possible. It depends on whether they can be opened, what they can be opened, and whether they can still be used.
Because of its mystery, because it is even difficult to see the absolute witch clue, so this luck is only red stone, gradually evolved into a gambling meeting!
This feeling of heartbeat cannot be refused by many people. Spending a large amount of Wu Jing to buy red stone can make people instantly nine days. It will also make people lose everything instantly. "Wu Duo licked his lips. Apparently the core figure of the Gambling Conference was very enthusiastic.
"This kind of red stone is very precious, and even rare herbs and treasures can be found in it. However, with the power of the Wushen Temple, there is no need to hold any other treasure gambling meetings and open it by yourself. Isn't it foolproof!" Chu Mo frowned.
"Brother Mo didn't know. In fact, this was the earliest thing Wu Temple did here. However, with the passage of time, the secret of this place was known by the entire Wu clan. Hehe, although the Wu Shen Temple is powerful, the Wu clan's power The main tribes cannot let the Temple of War monopolize this opportunity to get the best treasure.
There are also some medium-sized tribes who pay attention to this place. Under the pressure of the entire Malay tribe, whenever this place is open, the Lich Temple will take out a part of the red stone to hold this gambling conference! "Wu Duo explained1.
"In spite of this, when this place is open on those days, most of them are involved and it is impossible not to know. Therefore, your statement is a bit reluctant.
In addition, red stone can still exist in recent years, and looks like a lot of things. It also puzzled Momou," Chu Mo said for a moment, slowly.
Wuduo hesitated for a while and said, "Maybe there are some reasons I don't know the former, but no matter what the reason is, the witchcraft temple held this treasure gambling meeting before the Wu people...
This matter cannot be forged. In fact, some people do produce precious herbs. The nine times I mentioned earlier are examples.
As for the second point, Brother Mo still does not know Jiu You. The quantity of red in this world is very large, but it cannot be mined at once. It needs to be mined slowly. Therefore, whenever this place is opened, Akaishi will take it out. It is said that there are several huge tunnels underground in Wucheng. These tunnels were dug in the process of developing red stone for many years.
However, it is true that there are fewer and fewer redstone people gambling on treasure every time. Last time I opened this place, I didn't come, but then I asked. It is said that I only took out more than 10,000 pieces, which is less than before. "Wu Duo said in a deep voice
For a long time, Chu Momosi still had some problems that he did not understand, but he looked at Wu Duo and did not understand the overall situation. He wanted to find these clues, which the central wizard could not know.
"As Brother Zhong said, is the second part of this gambling conference another place for small-scale and limited-capacity auctions?"
"Brother Mo guessed wrong, there is indeed such a small-scale auction at the Gambling Conference, but this is private, not the second part of the conference. The second part is very and will often die! Its name is also called stone robbery. association.
The witch guarding Wucheng will not act rashly. This was a match between later witches. This place is one of the three red stone arteries usually restricted to less than one million miles.
These small red stone veins will occasionally erupt on their own, and some red stone will be ejected. After the special preparations of the Witch Temple, letting them explode in a short period of time depends on the individual's skills.
At that time, a transmission array will be opened. In principle, anyone can participate in any achievement. However, the central witch rarely goes there. However, this time because of the disaster of famine in the east, people hope to live in that disaster. Under the pressure of death, people become more and more crazy. There will be more people going there than usual.
What I want to discuss with Brother Mo is the second part. If Brother Mo is willing to help me, then I will exchange a part of Red Rock. I can guarantee that if all goes well, we will never lose red stone!
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