Chapter 986: Black technology

   1.5 seconds to break a hundred, what is the concept?
   It takes about two to three seconds for a person to breathe, which means that the vehicle speed has been increased to 100 kilometers per hour without taking a breath.
   Such a fast and short time, the strong feeling of pushing back, can even press people firmly on the chair.
   In the whole world, there is only one sports car that can increase the speed.
   Everyone was shocked by this reminder. Fortunately, there was a reminder. Otherwise, they were not prepared, and there was no official data. If the violence accelerates, the fun will be great if the violence is out of control.
   There is no need to doubt the horror of these violent machines. Once they burst out, it will be difficult to control them.
   is just the fastest car in the world, although it makes people feel that it is very rare for China to have this technology, but it is pure electric, the torque of the motor is originally large, and this speed is justified.
   "I don't know how much impact this type of speed-up has on battery consumption?"
   As professional Autobots, they still know this knowledge. The more explosive the pure electric vehicle, the more power consumption will definitely be.
  Tesla now has a battery life of 1,100 kilometers, and their expectation for the car built by Baichuanguihai is about 800 kilometers.
   This expectation is already very high.
Tesla currently represents the world's highest level in the field of pure electric vehicles. Sports cars need to control weight and need to compress the number of batteries. After all, the body of supercars is too small. The expectation of 800 kilometers is already due to the four rivers returning to the sea. The word factor is here.
"This is a high-end version with a battery life of 9,200 kilometers. You don't need to worry about electricity. In addition, it only takes 15 minutes to fully charge 80% of the battery. It is equipped with a household version of the charging mode, which can operate at any 220V Charge on the plug."
   "In addition, using wireless charging technology, its charging distance is 50 meters."
   In-vehicle intelligence, began to reveal the data of this car.
  The senior Autobots who were just preparing for a test drive, one by one, felt that their ears were misheard?
   "What did you just say, how much battery life?" Some people have already asked questions. They really feel that they have made a mistake. After all, hearing this battery life in their ears is a bit too ridiculous.
   "The theoretical maximum endurance is 9200 kilometers. According to your driving habits, there will be an error of 500 kilometers." The car intelligence said again.
   Everyone, after confirming that they heard it right, all looked at each other, because this one is only a number, which is completely beyond the scope of their understanding.
   This is not 920 kilometers, it is 9,200 kilometers, with a battery life of nearly 10,000 kilometers.
   In their understanding, it is impossible for the world to have this kind of endurance car. Whether it is fuel oil, hybrid, or pure electric. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/
   9,200 kilometers, I am afraid that fighter jets do not have this endurance. Only bombers have this endurance.
   But now, an electric car claims to have a range of 9,200 kilometers. Is this a joke?
   "It's impossible."
   "It must be a mistake."
   questioned voices one by one, but the reply was clearly 9200 kilometers.
   There is a live broadcast, so all of this is synchronized to the world on the live broadcast. After knowing the battery life of this one, everyone was stunned.
   "How can Baichuanguihai be a top company? How could there be such an oolong? 9200 kilometers, they really dare to say."
   "What an international joke, this battery life cannot exist at all."
   Numerous voices of doubts converged into a torrent, and the instant influence brought this test drive into a test drive of global concern.
   After knowing that this person is on the battery, no matter whether it is true or not, for many countries, it is no longer sitting.
   If this is true, what will it mean?
   Not talking about civilian use, but talking about the military role, it is too big to subvert the battery life. A sports car has this kind of endurance. If it is an airplane, it can hold more batteries. What is the endurance?
   "OK, we don't care about the battery life issue, this one cannot be confirmed in a short time. Now let's test drive first to see what this car with so many black technologies is like."
   "Now the starting point is straight, which should be used by the organizer to test acceleration."
   "Okay, are you ready? We want to test what it is like to break one hundred in 1.5 seconds. Now, I have adjusted to the most violent sport mode, OK, I start to accelerate."
   "Oh, God, I was pressed directly on the chair, and it even made me feel suffocated. A powerful push back, incredible instant acceleration ability."
   "1.43 seconds, God, it's crazy."
   With five pure electric cars rushing out of the track, and then using a super fast speed to fly out like arrows. There is no sound, like five knights running wild and silent.
   "You can set the sound wave." The car smart reminded.
   You can manipulate all of this with your mind, so everyone's thoughts are to turn on the sound. Sports cars, without this kind of enthusiastic sound, it seems that something is missing.
   Almost the moment it opened, there was a thunderous roar in the ears. That kind of mechanical roar made people's souls fly.
   The purest roar of a fuel engine, so realistic that you think you are driving a real fuel supercar.
"When the sound waves are simulated, the car will combine with the switch to make a real engine sound. In addition, the whole body will also transmit the thickness of the engine, making you feel that you are driving a fuel version. Supercar."
  The explanation of car intelligence makes everyone madly surprised. This feature is definitely a black technology.
Sure enough, after turning on this kind of sound, the feeling of driving is like driving a fueled sports car. The power transmitted by the engine and the feeling of the body to the body are indeed so realistic that they can't distinguish. Are you driving a pure electric car?
   As a test track, it is mostly straight, allowing the vehicle to play its most violent side.
   Like now, after they started, it was a five-kilometer-long straight track and an 80-meter-wide design. As long as they are not idiots, there will be no accidents.
   speed up, crazy speed up.
   Soon, the electric car increased the speed to 350 kilometers, and it flashed past.
"God, it is 350 kilometers, but I feel that the control of the car is still such an advantage. It almost makes me feel that this is a kind of extreme speed. Its stability is beyond your imagination, just like on a high speed. It's the same as driving 120 kilometers. The confidence that this kind of control brings makes me think that I am a car god."
   "It's great, I'm sure that this car has another black technology that I can't understand. It can stabilize the car very well, firmly grip the ground, and keep the car on the ground."
"It’s hard to describe my shock now. There is no doubt that this is the best car I have ever driven. There is no one. Looking at the cars I’ve been in contact with, they are just a pile of rubbish. Forgive me for being so critical. You can also test drive such a car like me, trust me, you must feel the same as I am now."
   Senior Autobots, all of them incoherent.
   Shocking, it is too shocking.
   is completely beyond their understanding of cars, because this car completely redefines the car, and what it brings is absolutely subversive.
   They sneered at Lu Chuan's words before, but now they withdraw their prejudices.
   Especially Bob, now he has completely fallen into an inextricable obsession. He could not imagine that there would be such an excellent car in this world, beyond his imagination.
   Appearance, a series of black technology, more importantly, this power, and this control, everything is so perfect, he can't find any words that can be described.
Bob gave a bitter smile and said, "This is definitely a car you can't imagine. Yes, I take back what I said before. This car from all rivers to the sea is destined to redefine what a car is. , Its sense of driving, its sense of technology... it is worthy of the word perfect."
   If other senior Autobots say so, those who watch the live broadcast will think there is an inside story.
   But they said it from Bob’s mouth, but they believed it, because Bob’s identity was not allowed to say that. But Bob still said it. Seeing his appearance, he was also shocked. It was out of admiration for his opponent that he made this evaluation.
   For a time, the entire network was boiling.
  From the previous live broadcast, we can know that this car has a high technological content, and almost everything is the existence of black technology.
   Especially this kind of simulated sound waves, its fidelity, and the kind of jitter of the car body, absolutely will not make people think that it is fake, it is just simulated.
   These senior Autobots, each of them drove five laps, and then reluctantly got down after almost thirty kilometers. What surprised them was that they were driving so violently that the power display was still 100%, not even 1%.
   If this is true, it seems that this battery technology... is definitely a black technology.
  Now, they have begun to believe in the battery performance of this car. As long as you have seen the black technology of this car, you will understand that the scientific and technological power of Baichuanguihai Group Company is completely top in the world.
   As the second group of people got on the car, it was like a cycle, with repeated exclamations. That kind of exclamation represented their inner surprise.
After several groups of people’s test drive, no one will question whether this pure electric car is a good car. The only thing that they care about is whether the car’s battery is really like the official one of Baichuanguihai. Say, the deployment version can have a battery life of 9,200 kilometers?
   It seems easy to verify this one, but it takes time.
   But ten groups of people have completed the test drive. The car has run about 350 kilometers, and the power displayed on it is only 4% of the power used.
   Violent driving, air-conditioning throughout, and all functions enabled, driving 350 kilometers only uses 4% of the electricity, which is incredible.
   Some people will suspect that this display is but more people start to support it.
   As long as you look at this series of black technologies, you will know how perverted the technological power of Baichuanguihai is. People play with a battery and possess this superhuman performance, which seems to make sense.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм
  Huo Dong had thought of this one a long time ago, so after everyone's test drive was completed, in front of tens of thousands of fans, they sent staff to drive these five pure electric vehicles on the spot to the endurance test machine.
   "Now that we lift the limit of 350 kilometers, its wheel speed will reach 550 kilometers per hour."
   Huo Dong introduced in front of everyone.
   then passed his permission and let the car smart unlock the speed limit. Then there is no need for human control. After the car is fixed, the speed is controlled by the on-board intelligence, and the sports car starts at full power.
   The four wheels are spinning frantically at a speed that the naked eye can't keep up with.
   And this kind of speed of cancellation is as high as 550 hours per hour. I don't know how many people have been shocked. It is hard to imagine that a car can have this kind of speed.
   Looking at its wheels, you can feel its amazing quality. If there is no terrifying quality, it is impossible to withstand the impact of this kind of speed.
   battery life test, it will test what kind of battery life it can run.
   This takes a lot of time, but I don’t know why, but many people are willing to wait this way, waiting for an answer that shocks the world.
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