Chapter 1075: All kinds of guesses

   "Let us create and witness the advent of a new era together."
   The official website of Baichuan Guihai Group Company suddenly changed the entire page into this sentence without warning, a sentence without beginning and end.
  As the global technology hegemon, Baichuanguihai Group has been making constant moves recently, and the official website has received the highest attention. Countless technology fans often gather on the official website to get the latest developments they want to know.
   It’s just that no matter how big the actions of Baichuan Guihai Group Company are, they will generally not be announced on this parent company.
  As the subsidiary companies continue to be established, new products are only announced by this subsidiary. There are no products, it is worth using the official website of the head office.
   But this time, it was different. The entire official website was almost taken down. There was only one sentence.
   Literally, it is easy to understand.
   To create and witness the advent of a new era, it is really necessary to interpret it. Perhaps Baichuan Guihai Group has another black technology product that leads the world? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/
   can use the words of the advent of the new era, it will definitely be a world-class product.
   There is no sign, no one can guess what a product is and what it is related to.
   This sentence, like touching the G point, instantly made the media climax. News like this kind of mystery is their favorite because they can give play to their excellent fabricating ability. With a little grasp, they can write ten or eight articles in a rush of random writing.
   Anyway, guessing, it's really wrong, no one can blame them?
   "The bonus for this month is here."
   I don’t know how many reporters, they are so excited that they glanced at this sentence, just like writing a science fiction novel, they guessed some technologies that might appear in the future, and then wrote them into a press release.
   For a time, countless brain-hole press releases were flying all over the sky, appearing in countless media.
   And the technology fans are also so excited that they are about to spray, one by one blowing and pouring water on the forum.
   "It is rumored that this may be a breakthrough in suspension technology."
   "The latest news, it is suspected that Baichuanguihai quantum computer has reached the commercial stage."
   "Baichuan Guihai is developing 6G, an epoch-making communication technology."
   "Hundred rivers return to the sea to conquer the sea, and deep-sea development technology has entered a practical stage. Developing the deep-sea is no longer a dream, and mankind will solve the energy problem."
   "It is suspected that Baichuan Guihai Group Company has made a breakthrough in space technology."
   "Baichuan Guihai Group Company will build the largest space station in human history."
   Countless news, time flies all over the sky.
   This is the reason for the excitement of the media. A vague sentence has brought them convenience, whatever you want. Anyway, Baichuanguihai Group Company has its own traffic halo, as long as it is touched, it will always attract people to click in.
Only need to have one point, they can be able to talk nonsense, take the construction of the space station, can compare it with other countries, and introduce the difficulty, etc., only a few big countries have the ability, but a company can do it independently. , The words can highlight the awesomeness of Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
   Anyway, if readers like to watch it, they just worked hard.
   In fact, these news still have a certain basis.
   In the past few years, the strong rise of Baichuan Guihai Group Company has brought about technological changes that are completely disruptive. Many technological advancements that were predicted to take decades to complete were broken by Lu Chuan in just a few years.
   The technological changes brought about by the return of rivers to the sea have shocked the world.
And now, the official website of Baichuan Guihai Group Company solemnly released this sentence, which means that Baichuan Guihai Group Company must have made a big move and can make it make a declaration of the arrival of the times. This shows the change this time. , It will be very huge.
   Everyone participates, like a science fiction fan, looking forward to the future.
   But no matter who it is, he didn’t think deeply about it. It’s more just to imagine a certain kind of technology in ten years or twenty years later.
   As mentioned above, there are many areas that humans have not been able to conquer, or are temporarily unavailable for commercial use requiring huge costs.
   Deep-sea development is one, space exploration is one, space station is also one, and the other is disease...
   There are too many examples of these.
   Conquering any of them has a huge impact.
   Compared to ordinary people, the leaders of the countries that have made the agreement are already planning to open the champagne to celebrate. In their view, this is a precursor to the submission of the Baichuan Guihai Group.
   What see creation and witness the coming of an era?
   In their understanding, the dismemberment of Baichuan Guihai Group is right in front of them. A huge business empire with a valuation of US$80 trillion collapsed in their hands.
  Under countless pressures, the country where Baichuan Guihai Group is located has not been able to keep it. What's more, in any country, there will be three factions, one is the approval faction, the other is the abstention faction, and the other is the opposition faction.
   There are always various reasons for different opinions and judgments.
   Before the results came out, no one could prove it was wrong. And the person who makes an opinion will always think that he is right.
   is very contradictory, but it is so.
   Like the relativity theory and Newton’s universal gravitation that were proposed at the time, didn’t they also have a large number of oppositions? Even if it is true, there will be people who oppose it.
   Therefore, when pressure begins, conflicts will erupt.
   Only when contradictions arise, their goals will be achieved. The life of Baichuan Guihai Group Company will definitely not be easy. As the core of the contradiction, its fate has been decided.
   If you can't be united, you can't withstand external pressure, and you can't protect Baichuan Guihai Group.
   In the country where Baichuan Guihai Group is located, many people are worried, and many people have already celebrated. In their view, they succeeded in stopping a company that threatened national security. They are great, although in the eyes of some people, they will become sinners.
   "Gentlemen, this is a good start, but we still need to work harder."
   The happy North American president called the heads of the agreement countries again, and said this sentence in a brisk tone.
   Pressure, as long as it continues, can the process of this matter be accelerated.
   November 20th.
   This is an ordinary day. In China, there are still about two months before the New Year. Many people are already preparing for the New Year.
   For astronomers, today’s day is also an ordinary day.
   In China, there are not many astronomy enthusiasts, and most of them are pseudo enthusiasts. The telescopes bought are more for pretending to be force.
   But abroad, the number of astronomy enthusiasts is very large.
   Hawaiian Islands, North America.
   Mauna Kea Observatory, one of the eight largest observatories in the world, was established here. It is one of the most famous astronomy research sites in the world.
   Because Mauna Kea has good visibility, low humidity, clean air and other good climates and close to the equator, it has become an ideal astronomical base. At the Mauna Kea Observatory, you can see various telescopes from governments and institutions of various countries. The large professional telescopes scattered at different locations on the top of the mountain are very spectacular.
   Every year, dozens of astronomy-related events are held here, attracting countless astronomy enthusiasts.
   At this time, there are a large number of enthusiasts taking pictures near the observatory, using their telescopes to explore outer space. There are also many tourists who regard it as an attraction.
   The telescopes in their hands are not comparable to those of major organizations, so they have more, so it's just a fun.
   Inside the Observatory, an international astronomical organization is conducting research.
   Like here, it is possible to use the large professional telescopes here for research through application and after paying a certain usage fee.
   "Loke, a miser, if we approved the funding last year, we wouldn't have missed the best time to explore last year."
   A student complained that last year, Mars and the Earth were the closest. If you want to have this kind of opportunity, the next time it will be 2035 after seventeen years. By then, he will be old.
   It's just that there is no funding approved by the top, and they can't help it.
   And this year, a dull year, Locke finally approved the funding.
   Another female classmate laughed and said, "Bob, Mars and the Earth have only crossed for one year. Although it is not the best time to observe, it is not too bad."
  Bob was also right. He took a document, looked through it, and said, "Well, let's start soon. The charges here are really not cheap. I am worried that we will have no progress at the end of the day."
   The old professor who led the team smiled. In a day's time, just let them see Mars, it is impossible to gain anything. The exploration of space is a continuing undertaking for generations to come, and it is definitely not a result in one or two days.
   This time, it was the funds that were finally obtained. I brought this group of students here to experience what professional telescopes look like.
   Everyone quickly got ready, and with the cooperation of the staff here, they opened the large professional telescope in front of them. Through it, you can see a rough picture of the surface of Mars.
   This kind of research is only a relatively superficial kind of research. To really study Mars, at least data from the big countries that have dispatched the landing vehicles are needed.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм
   It's a pity, it's impossible for someone to give you a look.
   Bob was the first to be assigned to observe. He walked over to and operated it skillfully. After setting the observation data, the telescope quickly found Mars in the starry sky.
   is red on the outside, it is easy to find its existence.
   Through adjustment, the telescope locked on Mars and zoomed in continuously.
   The people next to him are preparing. After Bob has seen it, it will be their turn. Afterwards, they will write an observation article based on their observations.
   "God, what did I see?"
   Just when they were preparing, Bob screamed like a madman, as if he had discovered a new world, making him too excited to control himself.
   "A platform similar to an oil well? Oh my god, it's a giant robot. God, it's incredible, what have I seen?"
   Bob almost yelled, and his whole body was shaking with excitement. He realized that he was going to be famous because he had discovered something amazing.
   The old professor and the other classmates were a little angry. What is this Bob doing, yelling here, it's like a bunny going into the city, at first glance, it's like a hillbilly who has never seen the world.
   Moreover, this Bob is absolutely crazy. How could there be any platform on Mars, how could there be a giant robot?
   This guy, maybe he hasn't woken up yet?
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