Chapter 1092: Not righteous

There are too many things worthy of nostalgia, such as their native home.
Lu Chuan was born in the countryside and grew up in the countryside. After reaching high school, he went to study in the county. After passing the college entrance examination to Handong University, he was eventually admitted by civil engineering.
Very ordinary experience, it should be said that it is the experience of thousands of college students.
If Lu Chuan hadn't burst out with the current light, he would definitely be the one who disappeared from people's impressions in unknown, and no one would remember.
Or in class gatherings, someone who was better before will speak up, nothing more.
But now it is different. Lu Chuan's name is not only the pride of the village, but also the pride of the town, the county, the city, the province, China... and even the pride of all mankind.
From this point, it can be seen that Lu Chuan's current status has reached the stage.
Naturally, Lu Chuan missed his childhood, so after the New Year’s Eve dinner, after discussing with Lu Minjun and the others, he decided to go back to his hometown for a few days and return quietly.
It is not easy to achieve this, after all, Lu Chuan's identity is sensitive.
In fact, Lu Chuan has nothing to worry about. Now, no one in the world will deliberately target himself. He has grown to a point where no one dares to offend him.
"It's still comfortable in my hometown. In this big city, there is no sense of age at all." Of course, Lu Minjun agreed. In this castle in the air, it is difficult for them to travel freely due to Lu Chuan's reasons.
Ye Lingwei and the others are also inspiring, after all, the taste of the countryside is far from comparable to that of big cities.
The group of people immediately packed up and did not need to bring any luggage. They boarded the helicopter and left the castle in the sky. They will go to the headquarters of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company and transfer to the Global Hawk.
The size of the Global Hawk, and the castle in the sky is in a busy city. If it picks up people in the castle in the sky, it will definitely attract the attention of countless people. It is unnecessary.
The helicopter brought the Chuan family to land and appeared in the open space in front of the laboratory. The Global Hawk had already been waiting here, and the family hid in the Global Hawk in the cold wind.
Because of Lu Chuan's relationship, the Lujia Village where Lu Chuan is located has undergone earth-shaking changes in recent years.
Not to mention policy support, it is to say that the money Lu Chuan put out is to make each household build an independent villa, the kind with front and back gardens, and unified planning.
The road in the village has been expanded to the standard of a secondary road, which is extremely straight.
As Lu Chuan's hometown, it has become a tourist destination. Countless people came over, always wanting to see what Lu Chuan's hometown was like. Whether it was ordinary people, some company bosses, rich people, etc., they wanted to come here to get rich.
With the sound of firecrackers everywhere, the Global Hawk quietly landed not far from Lujia Village.
After walking for more than ten minutes, the larger and more independent villa on the far left of the village is Lu Chuan's home. It occupies a large area. Although it is connected to the villas of other villagers, it is much more open.
Some are small and special, but they are within a reasonable range.
In fact, as Lu Chuan's status is ten times larger, no one will say a word.
There are lights everywhere in the village, and young people have long gone to the town to lively. Most of the old people and children left behind stayed in their homes and watched the Spring Festival Gala together.
Every house is brightly lit, even Lu Chuan's house is no exception.
Quietly came back, and did not disturb anyone, the family entered the house. There are special people to take care of it. For example, the lights are turned on by them.
When the family comes back, the first thing is to start cleaning.
In fact, there is a dedicated person to clean it, and it is already very clean, but in Lu Minjun's view, if it is not cleaned, how do you call it "removing the old and welcome the new?" And I have been used to it for many years, and I always feel that I need to clean up.
After cleaning, the family, like other families, stay at home to watch the Spring Festival Gala.
Lu Chuan knew that for his family, there might be one night's peace. By tomorrow, the villagers will definitely find that they will return. It is impossible to want peace at that time.
It is conceivable that the leaders of cities, counties, towns, etc. will come over immediately.
"Forget it, just treat yourself as approachable."
Lu Chuan didn't care too much. It was nothing more than meeting them. As a parent official here, Lu Chuan was not afraid that they would cause trouble for himself, but at least meeting them by himself would benefit his neighbors and friends.
The next day.
Just as Lu Chuan expected, when he learned that Lu Chuan had returned to his hometown, the sensation caused by it was conceivable. People from all directions swarmed over, leaving Lujiacun surrounded by people.
No way, Lu Chuan was already the richest man in the world before, which was crazy enough. However, with the emergence of Mars City, things were out of control, and Lu Chuan's identity kept rising.
For several days, Lujia Village was full of people.
"The idea is good, but the year in my memory can't go back again, and the year is no longer the original year." Lu Chuan shook his head. After this time, the next time I return to my hometown, I am afraid it will take a long, long time.
Even the Lu Min Army and the others also meant that the year in their hometown is no longer the same year.
Your identity has changed, the people around you have changed. People who used to brag with you unscrupulously and people who can smoke dry cigarettes are now impossible to be the same as before. They are not even qualified to be around.
Everyone's eyes look at you, all have changed, cautiously...for fear of causing your discomfort.
On the fifth day of the New Year, after staying for five days, the Lu Chuan family left again.
The appearance of the Global Hawk has made the people here boil. It is certain that in the long future, the Global Hawk will become the talk of the people here. After all, it is the first time they have witnessed this class of aircraft.
"It's still comfortable here."
When they returned to the castle in the air, the two Lu Minjun leaned on the sofa, almost not wanting to move.
In the past five days, they are so tired, they have not been idle for a moment, countless people are greeting you, it is impossible not to respond to them in the New Year, right?
Ye Lingwei and the others are okay. They have been in the villa, protected by zombie bodyguards, and no one can disturb them.
Lu Chuan also sat down and said, "Dad, didn't you say that you are still your hometown?"
"That was before, but now it's different. There is less flavor here, but it's better than being quiet. You don't have to deal with messy people and things all day." Lu Minjun said, taking his wife to the garden to relax. .
Maybe I knew that Lu Chuan was back, and the phone calls kept going, and there was no peace at all.
People who didn't dare to call in the past took advantage of the New Year to call. Lu Chuan generally answered as soon as he could. After all, people who can make a call to themselves are not ordinary people.
After that, there were constant visits, almost breaking the house.
After a few days, Lu Chuan felt that he was going crazy.
"If this goes on, it will definitely not work." Lu Chuan was helpless. There were leaders of various countries and senior officials from China, and it was difficult to refuse this exchange.
Huaxia is a world of human relations. Looking at the world, why not a world of human relations?
Quite simply, after Lu Chuan met some more important people, the rest directly refused. Anyway, I am not afraid of offending people, so I don't need to pay attention to what they think.
Lu Chuan did not stay at home, but moved to the experimental center.
The experimental center is the most rigorous place of Baichuan Guihai Group Company. Without permission, no one is allowed to step in. There are many black technology-level security measures here, and a large number of zombie bodyguards are patrolling. Not to mention the arrival of 007, even if 008 is here, it can only be the result of hating it.
Such an important place, Lu Chuan hid here, visited and so on, naturally disappeared.
After a year, Lu Chuan never expected to be so tired.
"I don't know how other big people spent their years?" Lu Chuan was curious. Of course, in the news, the chief executive goes to the grassroots to celebrate the New Year with the people. This is no surprise, but what about the other rich people?
Find the news about Shuangma and Dong. Dong's mall needs visibility, so his behavior is a bit high-profile, but Shuangma has no news about the New Year.
Right now, Lu Chuan found Alima's phone number and called directly.
Ali Ma, in the new year, has just been promoted to become China's second child. If he is not compared with Lu Chuan, he is absolutely unique. His assets are ranked in the world and he is also the number one person in the world.
Arima felt flattered after receiving Lu Chuan's call.
Don't think that if he has two to three hundred billion in sales on this day, he can do nothing. Compared with Lu Chuan, that is, the level of scum, the two sides are not at the same level at all.
To put it bluntly, Lu Chuan may make more than this amount of money during his meal, let alone sales.
"Old Ma, Happy New Year." Lu Chuan said casually, making Ali Ma excited.
The current Alibao, in fact, still has many shortcomings. If it can hold Lu Chuan's golden thigh, nothing will be a problem, and it will grow stronger.
In Alima’s heart, he has always set Amazon as his goal, and wants to surpass it to become the world's No. It may be a long time without the help of other forces, but if there is a Luchuan platform, maybe It only takes one year to do it.
"Mr. Lu, Happy New Year." Ali Ma said, relying on Lu Chuan's initiative to call him New Year's greetings. This forced him to blow it up for several years.
Lu Chuan smiled and asked: "Just ask, how did you refuse everyone's visit during the New Year? In this news, you and Xiao Ma are very low-key. Like me, it makes the city stormy."
Ali Ma just rolled his eyes, what is your identity, what is our identity, if people don't report you, do they still report themselves?
But when Lu Chuan asked, he naturally wanted to answer, saying: "If you have a higher status than you, meet and be equal to you, it depends on your mood, and those who are lower than you are ignored."
Lu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Okay, Ma, have experience."
Indeed it is.
It seems that there is no one with a higher status than oneself, so there is no such thing as an unacceptable one. And equality, it seems that strictly speaking, the head of a country may be called, and whether or not to meet them depends on your own mood. The rest are all lower than themselves. These people really don't care about it.
Ali Ma smiled bitterly, this experience, he has also explored for a long time, is the thorough understanding.
To put it bluntly, the mentality has not yet fully adapted to this huge identity gap, and is still stuck in the previous identity mentality, so that it is so passive.
To be honest, if you have the identity of Lu Chuan, whoever comes in this world will have to look at your own mood. If you don't throw you away, you really can't complain, don't dare to hate, you still have to smile.
In a word, Lu Chuan's mentality has not been corrected. Otherwise, there are probably not more than ten people who dare to visit Lu Chuan, so why bother?
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