Chapter 1168: 8 times

Dealing with dark and light dragons is not something that the ninth-level zombies like Kaitian giants can deal with.
Even the giant thorn in the sky needs to stand aside.
Lu Chuan was very fortunate that he had blue-winged angels and abyssal demons. Without these two kinds of zombies, facing the dark and light dragon, he would only be crazy.
Fighting, you can't put it in front of yourself, otherwise the zombies like Kaitian Giant will all be finished.
What Lu Chuan needs is the minimum price to win the opponent, not to pay a heavy price.
Nine-level zombies, how many you have depends on how many you kill, not what you want to make. Because of this, the ninth-level zombies are so precious that they can't tolerate a glitch in Lu Chuan.
"Blue-winged angel, abyssal demon..."
Lu Chuan issued the order, and the two ace in Lu Chuan's hand were activated.
The blue-winged angel disappeared in a flash, while the abyssal demon dragged the afterimage, disappearing like light.
Next, Lu Chuan needs to make extreme operations.
For a long time, Lu Chuan has never interrupted or slackened the micro-manipulation of zombies. He tried very hard to adapt to and familiarize himself with this kind of micro-manipulation so that he could replace zombies when necessary.
It's not that Lu Chuan is better than the zombies, but that the zombies' thinking is stiff. They act rigidly, sometimes it doesn't work. In this way, Lu Chuan needs to correct and make the most suitable actions.
Don't underestimate the micro-operations, if you operate them well, you can increase the power of the zombies by more than several times.
To deal with the dark and light dragon, the core is not to let it take the lead easily.
Think about it, its dark matter is like fog, and all the places it invades are erased. This picture is as scary as it is, and it can be stopped by non-human power.
Within this scope, no one can do anything about it.
No matter how much struggle, under the dark matter, it is futile, and the only thing that can be done is not to let oneself sink into this dark matter.
But how easy is that?
Dark matter will invade a range of tens of kilometers, and even light and space will collapse. How to dodge it?
The blue-winged angels' perception is naturally first-class, the direction of the dark and light dragon, they locked in for the first time, and then horizontally in front of it.
Lu Chuan could finally breathe slightly, if there were a few, it would be really difficult to deal with.
The first to be strong has always been the core of Lu Chuan's battle.
If the enemy does not move, I will move, if the enemy moves, I will not move... These tactics do not exist in Lu Chuan's mind. In the face of ninth-level zombies, it is definitely the last to suffer, and there are almost no exceptions.
Before he saw the dark and light dragon, Lu Chuan had already passed the instructions. An abyssal demon burst out its strongest ultrasonic waves. Wherever the sound waves passed by, the floating islands of various sizes shattered. Then he fell down.
How many trees burst into pieces.
And the dragon facing this ultrasonic wave was also affected.
It was 1.5 kilometers long, far longer than the profound crystal corpse snake, and the starry sky thorn was in front of it, and its length was far less than it. The thick body is covered with black and white scales.
It doesn't need wings, but it can fly in the sky. It looks like a crocodile dragon corpse, not a flying zombie that can only fly with wings.
The ultrasonic wave swept across, and it was affected for a very short time. Almost the next moment, it raised its head and made a huge dragon roar, which actually eliminated the effect of the ultrasonic wave on it.
Of course, it's not completely unaffected. It needs to send out dragon chants to counter the ultrasonic waves, but it doesn't take care of other things.
This is Lu Chuan's opportunity.
The combined force of the three abyssal demons made this dark and light dragon very difficult to fight against. Its barking sound was strong, but the power of ultrasound could not be easily offset.
As long as it doesn't release dark matter, Lu Chuan will be half the victory.
Now the Abyss Demon succeeded in making it temporarily unable to release it. At this time, it was time for the Blue Wing Angels to dispatch.
The dark light dragon and the blue-winged angel are actually existing on the same level. It is difficult to say who is strong and who is weak. The key is to see who takes the first shot, who has the upper hand.
Like now, the dark and light dragon that has been pinned down can't predict the attack of the blue-winged angel at all.
While the blue-winged angel was moving instantaneously, Lu Chuan also gave the abyss demon an instruction to stop. All operations were completed within milliseconds. When the ultrasonic wave disappeared, it happened to be when the blue-winged angel appeared behind the dark and light dragon.
In the same millisecond, the blue-wing angel's death ray exploded.
The dark and light dragon had not had time to react, and was already surrounded by death rays. These terrifying rays of death caused dense wounds on the body of the dark and light dragon.
No matter how strong the defensive power is, in front of the death ray, it will continue to be torn and its skin will be broken.
Why do blue-winged angels stand alongside them? Known as one of the strongest level 9 zombies? They have a common feature, which is that they have their exclusive capabilities.
Teleportation and death rays are the reasons why blue-winged angels are side by side.
The death ray released by the violent rage ripped the back of the dark and light dragon in a very short time, and then penetrated its body.
This is not a fatal injury. The real fatal injury is that the death ray has also penetrated its two heads and destroyed its brain. This is the most fatal.
The dark light dragon has two heads, only destroys one of them, and has limited influence on it. Only by smashing both heads can it be completely killed.
It is equivalent to having two lives. In many cases, the advantages are too obvious.
"Ding, get the right to make the dark and light dragon 1."
The sound of the prompt sounded, making Lu Chuan ecstatic, and the eighth level nine zombies were completed. Now, there is only the last one, the most mysterious one.
The ninth type, there is no record in the top circle, no one knows what it looks like, everything is unknown.
Having seen so many ninth-level zombies, Lu Chuan has an understanding of the strength of ninth-level zombies. Looking at so many types, the Dark Light Dragon is definitely the top three characters. From its body, it can be calculated what kind of strength the strongest ninth-level zombie will possess.
From Lu Chuan's point of view, doubling the strength of the Dark Light Dragon is probably the strength of this ninth zombie.
This kind of strength is within the controllable range.
Don’t look at the dark and light dragon being killed easily by Lu Chuan, but Lu Chuan knows that this is only one, and he still has the opportunity to start first. If there are more, or let it start first, he can Can't get away, still an unknown.
Lu Chuan had no nostalgia. It was already unexpected to be able to kill one. The movement he made would definitely attract a large number of dark and light dragons. Like in the abyss hell, thousands of abyss demons appeared.
This is the active area of ​​the dark and light dragon, with a range of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. God knows how many?
Because it's cheap, Lu Chuan doesn't dare to sell well here.
The blue-winged angel hugged Lu Chuan and appeared in front of Guangmen, and then Lu Chuan walked into Guangmen amidst the roars of dragons, without giving these dark and bright dragons a chance.
From this point of view, luck is really important.
If Lu Chuan faced a group of dark and bright dragons, it was possible that Lu Chuan could only leave the ninth level of space with Commander Bachelor, and all his efforts returned to the pre-liberation in an instant.
Lu Chuan came out of the ninth level space for the seventh time. Everyone's eyes on Lu Chuan had changed.
This can't be said to be so simple, but is linked to perversion.
Seven times, every time I returned successfully.
The most conservative number, Lu Chuan also killed seven ninth-level zombies, and his strength increased again. This is the most conservative. If you enlarge your thinking, how could Lu Chuan kill more than a dozen, or dozens?
No matter how much, the improvement to Lu Chuan's strength is huge.
It seems that there are only a few, a dozen or so, but there is a standard in the city of competition, and the strength of one hundred million eighth-level zombies is equivalent to a nine-level zombie. In other words, Lu Chuan's strength has increased by hundreds of millions of level 8 zombies?
How many people spent more than a hundred years to accumulate, not even one hundred million eighth-level zombies.
After such a comparison, you will know how huge the improvement of a few or a dozen ninth-level zombies is.
Facing the applauding people outside the Guangmen, Lu Chuan is now entangled, should he continue? The unlocking of the eighth type of zombie means that he is only one step away from success.
In pursuit of victory, everyone will do the same.
Only one step away, it is possible to enter again, you can encounter the ninth kind of zombies, and then completely penetrate the ninth level space. This temptation is not a big deal.
Especially now Lu Chuan still has the power to fight.
Lu Chuan gritted his teeth, and while the others were dumbfounded, he resolutely entered the ninth level space for the eighth time. Eight times a day, this record, I am afraid, in a short time, it is difficult for anyone to break.
Lu Chuan was also fighting, and at the same time he gave himself a goal. This is to give up when he didn't meet the ninth zombie, and go back to digest the fruits of victory this time.
The ninth type of zombies must be very powerful. Lu Chuan's current number of more than 100 zombies is far from enough. Lu Chuan needs to complete the ninth-level zombie manufacturing right in his hand and integrate the strongest power to explore again.
For the eighth time, Lu Chuan, with a determined look, disappeared into everyone's eyes again in the ripples of the light gate.
Everyone present screamed fanatically at Lu Chuan's background. Lu Chuan was the real man in their hearts. With this crazy energy of Lu Chuan, how many people liked Lu Chuan and agreed with Lu Chuan.
In contrast, when Botu the Great entered the ninth level, he lost a lot of color.
Lu Chuan didn't know that Emperor Botu had broken into the ninth level of determination, so what if he knew it? He is him, he is himself, and the two sides are not the same.
In the rippling halo of the light gate, Lu Chuan's head was slightly dizzy. When his eyes adjusted to the white light, Lu Chuan found himself in a sea of ​​clouds, with a faintly visible land below, not knowing how far away he was.
"It turned out to be in the sky?"
Lu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and his brain turned frantically. He needs to know why he can stand in the sky and stand on the clouds?
There seems to be a kind of transparent glass under his, making Lu Chuan feel like he is on the ground, without worrying about falling.
In my impression, there is also no record in the top circle of this place.
"New level nine zombies? Ninth corpse species?"
Lu Chuan issued such a question, but no one could answer Lu Chuan.
The blue-winged angel stood beside Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan turned his head and saw that the blue-winged angel was here. It was so natural and harmonious. It merged with here and formed a sense of nature, as if the blue-winged angel should use this A background to bring out its holiness.
When the blue-winged angel stood there, clouds and mist drifted past it, full of peace.
Lu Chuan's brow jerked and realized something.
Blue-winged angel, sky, cloud...
This composition made Lu Chuan’s first thought, the blue-winged angel, which is so natural and harmonious here, as if it should be here.
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