Chapter 1195: Man's hobby

Lu Chuan's sigh was not a satire of Zhao Qingtan, he really left a trace of kindness to Zhao Qingtan.
For this line of mercy, Lu Chuan even reshaped the universe where Zhao Qingtan was in time. This is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but the entire universe has time flowed back two hundred years.
In terms of light, it is two hundred light-years back.
Not only that, but also gave Zhao Qingtan his eighth-level genetic enhancement ability, which is really too kind.
If it weren't for this kind of benevolence, Lu Chuan would erase him, and it would be easy, without such a laborious effort.
But Lu Chuan knew that it was not only because of Zhao Qingtan, but also because of his kindness to humans in this universe. When time is reshaped and restored to before the war, the world will develop for the better.
If time does not reshape, after the loss of Zhao Qingtan, the Fourth World War will appear, and the Huaxia District, which has been weakened to the extreme, will they have what result?
Instead of this, it is better for Lu Chuan to restore the world to what it was before. China is the second largest economy and the third military power. Huaxia people are working hard and moving towards a better world.
This change may be the best.
"In terms of speaking, this Zhao Qingtan can be regarded as a poor person." Lu Chuan shook his head, making him lose everything, which was the best punishment.
Solved Zhao Qingtan, there are two more people on the list.
No matter what their purpose is, Lu Chuan's point that they once wanted to put themselves to death cannot be changed. With this, it is enough.
Lu Chuan's kindness actually depends on his mood.
Lu Chuan can be kind to Zhao Qingtan because he is in a good mood. But now Lu Chuan's mood is not good or bad, it is very plain, so there is no need to be kind.
Walking on the streets of London, Lu Chuan sat on a chair, holding a chronicle of the British Empire in his hand. It contained all the details about the rise of the British Empire. What Lu Chuan felt from it was naturally that of the British Empire. Kind of indomitable.
Indeed, the British Empire can be invincible, because they have an invincible emperor, Mozac. A dead hero who revived the British Empire, at least in the eyes of the British.
Like the billion trillion biochemical plant users, they have risen rapidly, starting from the country, then sweeping across Europe, and integrating into a super empire.
At this point, Mozac’s choice was different from Zhao Qingtan. He launched a diplomatic strategy, first to appease the polar bears in the north, and then promised North America and Asia to cede the interests of the Middle East, so that these two strengths were not the same. Weak countries did not take further action, giving a buffer time.
Until now, Lu Chuan realized that Mozac was more forbearing and terrifying than Zhao Qingtan.
What is Mozak doing in the buffer time?
In the modern earth, he did nothing, very simply let the new British Empire digest Europe, tried his best to appease the former French power boss, and gave greater power to ensure that French nuclear power did not break out.
In the city of competition, Mozak went crazy and challenged the competition madly.
All this is for the nuclear elimination technology, which requires too much competitive points. Zhao Qingtan chose to take risks, but Mozak didn't. Instead, he survived and had enough competitive points to exchange for nuclear elimination technology.
When he got this technology, Mozak began to show his fangs.
After the nuclear fission was terminated, Mozak's zombie army and robot army first swept the polar bears north, and then sent troops to the Middle East and Asia to crush them.
The sturdy style of the polar bear, the saying that the country does not exist, what the world is for, amazes the world. However, nuclear weapons became scrap iron after nuclear fission was terminated. They were tougher, but compared with the toughness of the Zombie Army, they were far from the same level.
In Asia, China’s resistance is the most tenacious, but it is only tenacious. In the face of too much strength, there will be no resistance after three months.
The three months of resistance, in exchange for the loss of more than half of the population, the tragic weight.
After China, it is India.
The former colony surrendered in front of the rolling army without even firing a shot. Perhaps the horror of the Huaxia people frightened their guts and made them unable to resist.
Even the island country is much more sturdy than India. They are all soldiers and suicide attacks have brought a lot of losses to the zombie army and the robot army. When it was captured, only one-third of the country's population remained.
After taking Europe, Africa is naturally easy.
The final front of the soldiers, naturally, pointed directly at North America.
Beyond too many levels of power, the conventional power of North America was completely useless in front of Mozac, and could not hold it for a month, so he declared surrender.
The rest of South America is not a problem at all, let alone Australia, which voluntarily surrendered.
In less than a year, the British Empire really planted its flags all over the world, and truly realized the reputation of the sun never set, and Mozac became a in the eyes of the British, and it is also a in Europe The same exists.
Thus, the white rule came.
The rule of the white people as the superiors and the global rule with the purpose of colonies descended on the earth.
Lu Chuan slowly flipped through the book in his hand and saw the words on it that he didn't know so much that Lu Chuan wanted to throw the book away. He also despised Mozak. You said that you are such an awesome user of a biochemical plant, don't you know to keep a low profile?
This person always thinks about of the world, don’t you know that is really so tempting?
In fact, Lu Chuan is not opposed to of the world. After all, the unification of the world is a good thing for mankind, because there will be no more wars, but the ability to integrate resources and develop rapidly.
Without external force, human beings can only integrate the resources of the earth in order to finally go to space and have the ability to go out of space.
Otherwise, there are nearly two hundred countries in the world, if you are vying for it, you don't have to expect to go out of space, because resources are not allowed.
Perhaps when human beings realize this, it is already too late, because the resources on the earth are almost consumed by them. At that time, human beings are like being imprisoned on the earth, and eventually they will be destroyed.
But you have ruled the world, can you be fair and don't make any difference in skin color?
Lu Chuan is most disgusted with this kind of people.
Anyway, if Lu Chuan meets this kind of person, he will definitely hit him once, until his mother can't recognize him. Presumably in the future, when I perform my duties as an inspector, I will certainly not lack such an opportunity.
With a slight smile, this monitor sometimes seems to be correcting them.
Putting the book together, Lu Chuan stood up, threw it into the trash can next to him, and looked confidently towards the seaside area of ​​London, where the huge palace of Mozac was built on the seashore.
On this street, pedestrians are in a hurry, and no one will notice what is special about Lu Chuan.
The bosses of every biochemical plant pay the most attention to enjoyment.
They will do everything they can to get the delicacies of mountains and seas on the earth. Especially after the dictatorship, there is also a zombie army. They will send a large number of water ghosts to find a double-headed abalone, blue lobster and so on.
It is not surprising to think about it. After the dictatorship of the earth, what can you do without enjoying it?
The bosses of the biochemical plant are especially good at dumping the pot and handing over all government affairs to the people below. One by one, they are too idle to panic. The demeanor of the great emperor swears with his hips akimbo on the street.
This style of painting is not surprising in the city of competition.
Maybe you see a rogue-like person, in his world, he is the emperor who rules the world.
Mozac must be a guy who pays attention to enjoyment. The palaces here are magnificently built. What the eyes can see can hardly be seen to the end. A palace is abruptly turned into a city by him.
There are only hundreds of thousands of people working in the palace, serving the palace and serving him.
Except for hundreds of thousands, there are hundreds of thousands of zombies standing there. Their defensive strength makes Mozak completely free from safety concerns.
It must be difficult for ordinary people to enter, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is easy.
Lu Chuan entered through the gate of the palace so slowly. The dozens of eighth-level zombies stationed here are very strong under the pretender system, but they can't see Lu Chuan at all. Let Lu Chuan pass.
Indeed, they really couldn't see Lu Chuan.
That's it, Lu Chuan walked slowly, admiring the top design and materials in this palace. Every place is extremely particular, and even every plant is carefully selected and planted here from all over the world.
In terms of value, it is difficult to estimate here.
"I really enjoy it." Lu Chuan rolled his eyes. Compared with others, Lu Chuan found that he had lived a simple and unpretentious life on the modern earth.
Judging from the bit by bit here, Mozac really enjoyed it.
It took more than an hour before Lu Chuan walked to the main hall, which was also a huge and endless complex of buildings, which was extremely magnificent. This is where Mozak lives. In the palace, he doesn't usually work.
The defensive force here is stronger, and the number of people entering and leaving is mostly beautiful and beautiful women. They wear a little like flight attendants, but they are more sexy.
"This old pervert."
The bosses of the biochemical plant are genetically strengthened in this respect, they are completely superhuman. The right to have a body, the man is alive, power and money are at their peak, the rest is this hobby.
It's ridiculous, but it's a common problem for everyone. It's an unprecedented habit to change women every day. If you encounter something that feels, play for a few more days, and pass the one that doesn't feel.
Under the power to rule the world, these are not a problem at all, and most of them are women for their choice.
Lu Chuan couldn't comment on this one, after all, human nature is like this.
"If it is a female biochemical plant user, would they change a man a day?" Lu Chuan thought maliciously, this thing is really possible, this woman sometimes gets crazy and is more terrifying than men.
With a strange smile, Lu Chuan calmly walked into the main palace.
Lu Chuan knew where Mozak was, so he didn't need to look for it at all. After walking through several passages in the main palace, he stood in front of one of the countless rooms.
Brows raised slightly, the door in front of him disappeared, and everything inside came into Lu Chuan's eyes.
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