Chapter 1197: Can't bear

Lu Chuan was now in the modern universe to which Mozak belonged. He stood in the sky like a god, just looking at everything that happened on the earth.
Like a god, Lu Chuan can see everything on the earth. It flashes through his mind like a memory.
When the last days were formed, the most cruel scene flashed in Lu Chuan's eyes.
Regret it?
To be honest, Lu Chuan still regrets a bit.
I should be kind, so that this kind of punishment will not fall on this universe, and tens of billions of people will not die because of their actions.
The emergence of the virus, it is impossible for you to find the traces of this meteorite, it is like it was created out of thin air, there is no trace.
Lu Chuan knew that this was the setting of "God", a rule. When the user dies, this mechanism will be activated, and the virus will infect the entire world, turning it into a on earth.
"God" cannot care about human life, just as humans cannot care about a piece of code. In the eyes of God, human beings are just a line of code created by them.
What's more, all these are their rules of the game, how can they care?
The virus swept through, and the creatures were suffocated.
What Lu Chuan saw was the survivors struggling to survive and fighting with the zombies. Humans are very embarrassed, but in the early stage, they will not lack food, because they can get it from countless families.
But over time, due to the deterioration of food and other reasons, humans will soon find that they lack food and clean water.
"It will take five years for your heroes to arrive." Lu Chuan muttered to himself, no one heard that there will be fewer people who have survived these five years, and the cruel environment will make them stronger. .
For all this, Lu Chuan himself was the one who caused it.
In his heart, Lu Chuan was suffering because he just watched the death of tens of billions of human beings, but he couldn't help anything, because this was the core setting in the multiverse, and he couldn't change it.
A world collapsed because of himself, and a world was disgraced because of himself. This kind of heaviness made Lu Chuan feel as if he had a mountain pressing on him.
Lu Chuan just stood there blankly, falling into a kind of self-blame in the sky.
In fact, Lu Chuan knew that as long as he wanted to, he could still save these tens of billions of people. This was time to reshape and then bring Mozac back to life so that he could continue to exist in this world.
But Lu Chuan knew he couldn't. As a supervisor, he had this kind of power, and Lu Chuan knew that it was better to use this kind of power as little as possible. The other is that the universe under my supervision is calculated by billions of trillions, and there are more than one billion biochemical factory users. If I can't handle it with such kindness, it is definitely not a good thing.
A universe cannot be benevolent. In the future, there will be no less universes that one needs to destroy, and there will be a higher number of larger races in the universe, and certainly not less. Will you still be benevolent?
From the moment he became a supervisor, Lu Chuan knew that his kindness was meaningless and would only harm him.
In the eyes of the gods, Lu Chuan is not indispensable, the power is given by it, as long as it wants to, it can be recovered in a single thought. But without this kind of power, those waiting for Lu Chuan, or the modern earth to which Lu Chuan belongs, will be reduced to a purgatory on earth.
"For my parents, for my love, for the earth I live on, I take care of other people to die."
Lu Chuan became strong in his heart, roaring coldly.
Whether other universes become hell, or the universe you live in becomes hell, there is no need to choose at all, it is definitely a choice to preserve the universe where you are.
Lu Chuan's eyes became cold, as he watched this world being wanton by the virus.
Countless people died, how much humanity was shining, and how bad humanity appeared, which together constituted the beginning of the end of the world. Lu Chuan only took a light look and turned away.
Danny, this woman is not simple.
At the beginning, her all-colored dolphins caused Lu Chuan to suffer. If the blue-winged angels were not very strong, Lu Chuan might have lost the blue-winged angels in the first few rounds of jetting.
Losing the Blue Wing Angel would be fatal to Lu Chuan. The next path is completely different from the present one, and everything will not be what it is now.
Inspired by the inspiration, Lu Chuan adjusted the zombie's strategy and gained more advantages in the ninth-level space.
If it wasn't for the other party to put himself to death, Lu Chuan might thank the other party.
But from the moment they knew her, both sides stood in the position of either you or me. Just after experiencing the Big Bang, Lu Chuan has experienced a complete earth turned into a zombie world, his heart is like steel, and he won't become softhearted because he is a woman.
Turning one world into a zombie world is the same as turning two worlds into a zombie world.
Standing in Dani's world, the other party is not on the modern earth, but on the last earth.
With an eighth-level porpoise dragon with more than tens of millions of levels, from this strength, it can be known that she has ruled the modern and apocalyptic long ago, and has also integrated the power of the entire mankind.
Lu Chuan appeared quietly, in New York.
In fact, Dany is not a North American, but a Swede. After integrating the apocalypse, after going through the horizontal measurement, he finally carried out a great migration of humans and chose North America as the place of human settlement.
This shows that this woman is still very courageous.
I have to say that North America is indeed a good place. I don’t know how many people will choose to set the capital here and let human beings develop here first.
The great New York was destroyed in the last days, but the reconstruction power of mankind made it even more prosperous. The tall buildings are witnessing the revival of mankind.
Lu Chuan walks on this street without the feeling of a foreign country, because the buildings here are completely the product of the world's great mix, and there are also Chinese styles, European styles, Japanese styles and so on.
Another point is that on the street, you can see people of different skin colors, from different countries and different regions. Where Danni ruled, there is no distinction, which means that there is no white rule, skin color level, etc.
What Lu Chuan saw was a kind of harmony.
Human beings have gone through too much and are entering a stage of multiplication. At this stage, under good order, there is no chaos. On the contrary, everything is in order, and people live and work in peace.
According to Lu Chuan's observation, the vast majority of people here have got jobs, and only a few people have no jobs, but get social welfare, don't worry about starving to death.
In Lu Chuan's eyes, the world is indeed well managed.
After walking a few streets, he smiled. Lu Chuan looked at a milk tea shop on the side of the road, where many people were sitting and drinking milk tea.
Lu Chuan's eyes were actually only on one of the women, after thinking about it, he walked over.
Standing in front of the other party, Lu Chuan pulled away the chair opposite her when the other party looked up, and smiled: "Do you mind if I sit here?"
The other party was startled, but nodded, but the hand holding the milk tea was shaking.
This is a very ordinary-looking woman with blonde hair and ordinary appearance. She is dressed in a somewhat fashionable dress, but who can imagine that this is the queen Dany who rules this apocalyptic earth?
It can be seen that the other person likes himself, likes that kind of freedom and low-level unrestrained life, otherwise it would be impossible for the majestic queen to run to this roadside stall and drink milk tea alone.
Lu Chuan is a to this world, so Lu Chuan will know that she is here. Not only that, there are dozens of ghost guards protecting her in this invisible place. It seems that she is a weak woman, but when you have crooked thoughts, you will know how terrible she will be. .
Lu Chuan beckoned, a little girl from the milk tea shop ran over and asked, "Sir, what do you need?"
"Come on with your signature milk tea." Lu Chuan smiled. After the little girl left, he looked at Dani and said with a faint smile: "You have a good world. Under your management, everything is moving towards the better. Row."
Danni put down the cup in her hand. If she had doubted whether this was Lu Chuan she was familiar with before, what Lu Chuan said was enough to prove that it was Lu Chuan she was familiar with.
Strictly speaking, the two had no intersection except for one match, but Dany knew what Lu Chuan looked like.
The question is, how does Lu Chuan know who he is after disguising, and how can he find himself? The bigger question, or how could Lu Chuan appear here?
"What do you want to do?" Dany's eyes turned cold.
Lu Chuan shrugged and leaned on a chair, enjoying this kind of leisure in the street sunshine.
The milk tea was delivered quickly, and Lu Chuan took a sip, and it tasted good. He took a few mouthfuls, then put the milk tea down, closed his eyes, and was basking in the sun, but said nothing.
Dani didn't say anything when seeing Lu Chuan, but didn't move rashly.
What Lu Chuan is appearing now is really secretive. He hasn't figured it out before, and he rashly started. Who knows what Lu Chuan will have? Without full confidence, the best way is to see what medicine is in Lu Chuan's gourd.
Seeing Lu Chuan's leisurely enjoyment, Dany hesitated for a while, still picked up her milk tea and sucked it slowly, but her whole body had entered a high level of vigilance. If Lu Chuan did anything, she could fight back immediately, too. You can use the shuttle ability to That’s it, a few minutes later, Lu Chuan put down the emptied milk tea, then stood up, but stared at Danny with a look of scrutiny, and said: "What do you say? Well, when I first came, I wanted to kill you. But now, I suddenly changed my mind. The milk tea here is good, I don’t want to drink it anymore."
Danni stood up, and the ghost guards had surrounded Lu Chuan long ago.
Lu Chuan didn't care, and said flatly: "I don't know why you promised Zhao Qingtan and Mozac to do me, but it doesn't matter, I don't plan to pursue it, so naturally I don't want to know the reason. You should be thankful. You have managed this very well, making me a little unbearable to destroy it, otherwise this will be a collapsed world."
Like a warning, Lu Chuan glanced at Danni, who turned into nothingness.
After all, Lu Chuan was softened again.
Lu Chuan really couldn't bear to destroy such a thriving world. This Danni, she used to release an ant, to herself, it was insignificant, but for the two universes, they would never think of what kind of disaster they had escaped.
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