Chapter 1199: Double standard

"Lu Chuan, you're so cheap"
One of them was directly on the subject of Lu Chuan. In the city of competition, there is no need for hypocrisy, just what you want. Since he wanted to scold, he naturally opened his mouth and came.
A series of vicious insults spit out from this person's mouth. For these people who have a bad mouth habit, they can swear any vicious words, ensuring that those who cannot bear it will vomit blood for three liters.
In particular, a few people gathered around, directly swearing, this scene is really normal in the city of competition anyway.
"To shut up!"
Lu Chuan raised his brows and roared.
Of course these people would not shut their mouths, but they discovered a horrible thing. Their mouths were really closed, they couldn't open them at all, let alone scold them, they could only make a series of muttering sounds.
Gods, they don't care about these details. They just want to make the city of competition immortal, because every person who is selected can be called the chosen person. How can he die easily?
The ability of human beings to drill into camp is naturally one-of-a-kind, so the curse war was invented.
Gods can't control these things, as long as they don't die, they don't care what the ants are doing.
So in the city of competition, the curse is a beautiful landscape. You can see a big man everywhere, cursing on the street like a shrew, or you can see a group of people, one by one, screaming.
It's so hot, it's hard to imagine, this will be the face of the ruler of the earth.
It can only explain one problem. People always have too many masks. What kind of situation and what kind of identity determines what kind of mask they will use. In the city of competition, they don't need hypocrisy, naturally it becomes a place for them to vent their hard work under the disguise.
With Lu Chuan's words shut up, the mouths of these people were closed, as if an invisible force had stitched their mouths together.
Of course Lu Chuan could do all this, but it was not Lu Chuan who made the shot, but Hughes. Hughes, whose entire planet is life, belongs to its realm on the competitive star, where its laws are located.
A look of fear appeared in the eyes of several people. They didn't understand what was going on. Why did Lu Chuan shut their mouths when they shut their mouths, without a trace of resistance?
Subconsciously, they just want to escape.
But what makes their eyes desperate is that they want to escape but can't move, and their feet are like being nailed to the ground, letting them use so hard, they can't move a single bit of blush.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Did you scold it well just now?"
Walking step by step, Lu Chuan still smiled. I don't know why, Lu Chuan's favorite thing is to smile, because it makes him look more easygoing and not so scary.
These people shook their heads desperately. They didn't know why this happened, but it must have something to do with Lu Chuan.
"You must be thinking, I dare not beat you, I dare not take what you do, because this is the city of competition, there are rules to protect you, you can do whatever you want?" Lu Chuan broke the minds of these people. Let the eyes of these people regain a glimmer, yes, Lu Chuan didn't dare to do anything with them.
Lu Chuan said to himself: "But I want to say, you are wrong, I really dare to fight."
Without further ado, Lu Chuan raised his fist and slammed it out.
The guy facing him had an extremely close contact between his face and Lu Chuan’s fist. That kind of flesh-to-meat contact with no gap between flesh and flesh brought the guy’s face completely open and sank. .
The eighth-level genetic enhancement, in the face of Lu Chuan's power, really didn't play any role.
In a short breath, these guys fell to the ground, one by one, terrible.
Lu Chuan snapped his fingers, and the power that closed their mouths disappeared, and they became howling miserably, rolling over their faces one by one. The eighth level of genetic enhancement has enhanced their abilities, but what should the pain be?
Lu Chuan had to feel satisfied with Hughes. The other party's sense of service was too good. He could know what he thought and cooperated well.
There were a lot of people on the floating island. Seeing this scene, one by one subconsciously touched his face, and they all felt pain for these people.
At the same time, they also felt that Lu Chuan's actions were not worth it.
Such violence, God knows how powerful the punishment will be?
But what made them feel incredible was that the punishment did not come as expected. In the past, as long as Lu Chuan moved his hands, the punishment would come the next moment, absolutely fast and cruel.
Lu Chuan sneered, walked up to these guys, got down a few more feet, and kicked them to the side: "A good dog doesn't stand in the way. The cheap stuff is just owed."
Immediately, ignoring the petrochemical people here, they walked toward the peak of the floating island.
The people next to them are indeed Petrochemicals, because they don't understand why they said the good punishment came? Especially those who were beaten by Lu Chuan, they didn't dare to fight back under the pain. In fact, they were waiting for the punishment.
But where is the punishment now?
"Asshole, you can't run." A middle-aged man was in pain, but he still held back. Without punishment, why should they let Lu Chuan leave? A few of them didn't believe that they couldn't beat Lu Chuan.
These people struggled, and then swooped over.
Lu Chuan did not move, letting their fists fall on him, and then Lu Chuan staggered.
The rest will be handed over to Hughes.
Hughes really did not disappoint Lu Chuan, purple lightning appeared from the void, and then struck the bodies of these people. In an instant, they were shaking frantically in the purple light, each of them foamed and their eyes turned white. So, this kind of punishment comes from the depths of the soul, and it will hurt to the bone. Often you will not pass out because of the pain, but will experience the process completely.
For a while, all those who were thinking about trying before, all shrank their necks, and looked at Lu Chuan in horror.
No matter what they thought, Lu Chuan quickly disappeared before their eyes and appeared on the top of the mountain.
Emperor Botu lived on the top of the mountain.
As the president of the top circle, who has always been the number one, he is indeed a legend in the city of competition. Especially the unspoken rules on the leaderboard were made by him and successfully bypassed the rules in the beads.
Without the ability, it is impossible to formulate this kind of unspoken rule.
To put it in a sentence, this kind of person is like a hero, no matter where it is, it can't be bad. Even if there is no biochemical factory, he will be a rich man in his country.
Lu Chuan knew he was here, so he came here.
On the top of the mountain, there is a building that looks like a palace. In the city of competition, it is so special and represents the supreme power. I don't know how many people can only look up to this building.
Lu Chuan will never forget his responsibilities. In this position, he always needs to do something. What's more, Lu Chuan is also a self-motivated person, and if the supervisor does a good job, his abilities will be adjusted to gain more abilities.
In the entire city of competition, the person who has the most impact on the ninth level is Emperor Botu.
How should I put it, if it wasn't for Emperor Botu's strength to be weaker than himself, he would not hold on for the ninth time. Maybe the supervisor now is him, not himself. With only more than a hundred ninth-level zombies, he was actually able to hold on to the ninth time, but the loss was so great that he gave up the ninth temptation.
"I don't know how he will feel when he knows that he is standing in front of the door of success but he turns around in the future?" Lu Chuan smiled lightly. In fact, this was a chance.
It's not yours, it's not yours, sometimes it's just a little bit short, but it's never passed.
There are service robots here, but in Lu Chuan’s eyes, they will not become an obstacle. Hughes is the core of these service robots. The existence of Hughes makes Lu Chuan more powerful in their database. the host.
Lu Chuan went in, and saw Emperor Botu in a sky garden in the palace.
Emperor Botu sits quietly in the center of the garden. Here is the center of the sun pattern that is laid out. It gives people the feeling of unclear feeling. With this pattern, Emperor Botu has a more mysterious and Feeling tall.
When he saw Lu Chuan, Emperor Botu stood up crying, "How did you get in?"
In addition to Lu Chuan's decision not to remove his name, Emperor Botu knew best that he was not a member of the top circle at all. How could he enter the floating island?
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "This is not the point. The visitor is a guest. Would you like me to have a cup of tea?"
Emperor Botu can become the number one, and he is not the kind of person who does not have a city government. He sent out an idea, and the service robot quickly delivered a cup of green tea.
Lu Chuan sat in front of Emperor Botu, sipping lightly.
Emperor Botu frowned and asked, "Have you broken the ninth level?"
"It can be said that it is, or it can be said that it is not." Lu Chuan replied with a smile. Lu Chuan really couldn't tell whether this was or not. He said yes, but Lu Chuan didn't get the first honor. He said no, but Lu Chuan got the most benefit.
How to put it, the real number one is actually hidden.
The number one the outside world wants to see is the true number one, but it will not be Lu Chuan.
This honor, in Lu Chuan's view, should belong to Emperor Botu.
Lu Chuan doesn’t care about this kind of fictitious name. He has already taken advantage of the big head. What Botu the Great took is just a good reputation. Of course, the number one in the outside world has some benefits, for example, a little more Lu Chuan's answer made Emperor Botu a little confused. In his opinion, Lu Chuan should have succeeded.
"Talk about it?" Emperor Botu couldn't help but aroused his curiosity.
Lu Chuan said: "There is no way to tell, as long as you know, you have already come to the door. Nine-level space, what is nine-level? We Chinese people pay attention to nine-nine-one."
Having said that, Lu Chuan could not say anything.
It's not that Lu Chuan is pretending to be a fool, but that he is going beyond the bottom line.
Emperor Botu still didn't understand, but Lu Chuan didn't give him a chance to ask. Instead, he drank the tea, put down his cup and left. There are many things that he needs to understand and understand. This is why it is said that the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed.
In the past, Lu Chuan felt that those people were pretending to be coercive, but now that I think about it, it is not, but they have their own rules to restrain them.
In fact, Lu Chuan has already said it thoroughly, and Lu Chuan also believes that Emperor Botu will definitely be able to figure it out.
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