Chapter 1212: For the family

Lu Chuan never imagined that he could create a new world, even if he knew he could do it before.
Looking at this new world, Lu Chuan was shocked.
"Is this your ability?"
Lu Chuan muttered to himself, this was just creating a new world. What if he created a planet, a star field? How spectacular will it be?
Think about it, it seems that you can do this in your free time.
In fact, after witnessing the cruelty of this earth before, Lu Chuan was still very touched. The earth is not as strong as humans imagined, but very fragile.
Everyone knows the danger of nuclear war to mankind, but as long as the country has the conditions, it will develop and continue to study to make it more powerful.
In Lu Chuan's view, this is because they have not really realized how terrible nuclear war is, otherwise they will know that they need to fear nuclear war more than they do now.
But how can people who have never experienced this kind of perception have it?
If the pain is not in my own body, I will never know what the pain is like, which promotes the heart of awe.
Suddenly, Lu Chuan wanted to spend time with his family.
After having been busy for such a long time, after witnessing the terrible conditions of the earth, Lu Chuan thought of his family.
Lu Chuan's modern earth.
There is still no change here. After Lu Chuan provided the planetary converter, all countries now ignore the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, but are preparing the planetary converter for launch.
They paid such a huge price to be able to develop the country.
When Lu Chuan returned home, his wife and children were naturally happy.
They can understand Lu Chuan's busyness, but for Lu Chuan to be able to go home, it is a happy thing for them. Naturally, it is the dish that Lu Chuan usually likes to eat, and the family sits together.
This long-lost feeling filled the place with laughter.
Especially for the debt to his children, Lu Chuan almost embraced each of them several times, gave up the majesty of a father, and played children's games with them.
Such a happy scene made Ye Lingwei and the others feel teary.
Lu Chuan has always been very busy. The scene that ordinary families can have is a luxury for them. Sometimes Lu Chuan will only come back in a few months, so naturally he can give his children too much paternal love.
However, this kind of gathering is short-lived.
Knowing the news of Lu Chuan's return, high-ranking officials of the local government will visit, and then high-level officials of the country will visit. In addition, it is the bosses of each company.
Even at home, Lu Chuan couldn't relax completely.
Fortunately, by Lu Chuan now, there are not many people who are eligible to visit. They are just a courtesy visit. After all, they are even more busy than Lu Chuan.
After the gust of wind passed, calm was restored.
In his home study, Lu Chuan closed the door.
Lu Chuan's current status makes his study like a forbidden place, that is, if Ye Lingwei and the others are fine, they will not come in easily.
For the first time, Lu Chuan disappeared, and when he appeared, he was already his last-day Mercury.
As the location of the biochemical plant, Luchuan is no stranger to Mercury. The high surface temperature is absolutely jaw-dropping. The place chosen by the biochemical plant is the back of Mercury.
"Open the mall."
Lu Chuan stayed in the boss's office, sat in a comfortable boss chair, and issued instructions.
Wherever the idea went, various commodities in the biochemical factory mall appeared in Lu Chuan's mind. The dazzling array of products in the biochemical factory mall at this moment will not attract much interest from Lu Chuan.
In contrast, the technology in the City of Competitive City Mall deserves to be called black technology.
Black technology is a technology that cannot appear within a certain time frame, and technology with a sufficient gap is called black technology.
The technology in the biochemical factory mall can only be said to be the current frontier technology of the earth, not a black technology.
But some things are still very useful.
For example, genetic potion.
Lu Chuan started to strengthen from the first level, and went all the way to the eighth level, relying on the genetically enhanced potion, Lu Chuan has completed the road that many new humans will never walk in a lifetime.
For humans, genetically fortified potions are the proper black technology.
According to the current level of human technology, it is a height that cannot be reached within hundreds of years.
When Lu Chuan was in the third-level biochemical plant, he did not make up his mind to buy the first-level genetic potion. The price of 30 million made Lu Chuan stop.
But now, in Lu Chuan's eyes, the first-level genetic potion is so cheap.
Thirty million, for Lu Chuan's wealth today, is inferior to a fraction of the next.
"Eldest wife, second wife, third wife..."
Lu Chuan pointed his hands one by one, this time Lu Chuan decided to take a moment to take care of Ye Lingwei's affairs and improve their strength.
People’s safety is often not counted on bodyguards. The improvement of their own strength is the most important.
Lu Chuan ignored it before, but this time Suarez’s modern earth gave Lu Chuan a warning. Never ignore the ambitions of some careerists. Driven by this kind of ambition, everything can be done.
The other one is to take the family to Mars City.
The construction of Mars City has now been perfected. The task of the huge robot force now is to build a second Mars City named Mars II City.
The construction of robots, as well as Luchuan's huge factory, using nuclear power generation, etc., are almost at no cost. Luchuan does not need to spend anything to build a city.
The materials used in construction, etc., are all taken from Mars on-site.
Countries on the earth have different resources, which requires huge funds. But Lu Chuan doesn't need it, because the entire Mars belongs to Lu Chuan.
On Mars, Lu Chuan can completely guarantee the safety of his family, because Mars City is entirely in Lu Chuan's plan.
Don't look at the world peace now, but you never know when there will be accidents.
Many things are caused by a single accident.
The current transformation of Mars has undergone obvious changes. The first is that the atmosphere formed by the planet has begun to protect the interior of Mars. For example, the temperature and so on are changing, changing in the direction suitable for humans.
Mars is farther from the sun than the earth and needs to be adjusted in temperature.
The role of the planetary converter is actually to adjust the atmosphere according to the distance from the sun, so that the temperature is suitable for human habitation, just like the earth.
The formation of the atmosphere began to provide conditions for the formation of liquid water on this planet.
However, the planetary converter will speed up this condition. It only takes half a year for the transformation of Mars to be basically completed. At that time, artificial seeding will turn Mars into a second earth.
Mars now has space for survival.
Lu Chuan wanted to wait before, but now Lu Chuan doesn't want to wait anymore. Lu Chuan will directly speed up the remaining work, anyway he has this ability.
In other words, Mars will soon be completely an easy-to-habit planet, and it will shock the world, allowing them to see the terrifying effect of the planet converter.
Bringing his family to Mars is what Lu Chuan has always wanted to do. It was just that Lu Chuan did not do so in order to stabilize the emotions of the countries on the earth. It's different now, Lu Chuan still cares about their thoughts?
The changes on Mars are known to all countries in the world. They have now taken Venus together, and their eyes have now been placed on Venus. For the time being, both parties are still in the honeymoon period.
Lu Chuan started at Level 1 and continued to convert to Level 8, before stopping.
At each level, Lu Chuan exchanged twenty sticks, with a price of tens of billions. Lu Chuan didn't even frown.
In the evening.
The family had dinner and strolled in the sky garden, while the children chased each other on the trails here, full of happiness.
"Parents, and Xiaowei, you guys, for a while, I will let you take the genetic potion first developed by the company. It can strengthen your physique, have a longer life span, and slow down your aging. Will stay young forever."
In the central pavilion of the Hanging Garden, Lu Chuan explained the matter.
The main thing is to say it, Lu Chuan's status in the family, naturally needless to say.
Lu Minjun asked, "Is the gene potion reliable?"
After all, he is a lifetime man, and he has a skeptical attitude and a sense of rejection towards many new things. In their hearts, they actually don't want to admit that they are old.
Lu Chuan's mother Lu Haixiu glared at her husband and said, "Do you think your son will harm you?"
In one word, Lu Minjun closed his mouth, and he couldn't refute it. After all, how could Lu Chuan harm them?
Ye Lingwei and the others were laughing beside them, of course they wouldn't doubt Lu Chuan's words. If you are not 100% sure, how could it be used on them.
When he returned to the room, Lu Chuan gave his parents and others all the genetic potions.
The first-level genetic potion will also be very painful, but it will divide and purify the cells. However, as Lu Chuan explained, Ye Lingwei and the others were prepared and insisted.
It didn't take long until the strengthening was completed, and the impurities were cleared from the body, which made each of them a bit foul, plus the stickiness and uncomfortableness, so they naturally took a bath and cleaned them.
After the strengthening was completed, they immediately felt the difference. Not only did their eyesight improve, their ears became more sensitive, and their strength and speed were more than doubled.
Such a change made them all feel astonished. This genetic potion subverted their cognition for the first time.
So they are like children with new toys, in the sky garden, they can easily lift hundreds of catties of stones.
The army people can even lift two hundred jin of heavy objects above their heads. This feeling of strength makes his face flushed: "Haha, this time I heard Lao Zhang talking about his natural power. Give him a spit on the face."
Some non-human powers make them aware of their current changes.
"You get used to these things first. After you get used to your strengths, there will be level 7 genetic enhancements later. When you are done, you will not be able to fly, so you are almost no different from Superman."
The answer Lu Chuan threw out completely shocked Ye Lingwei and the others.
With the magical thing of genetic potion, the next job to get them to Mars was much smoother. They just hesitated for a while and agreed.
A few days later, the huge shadow of the Moon rose from the sea, broke through the earth's atmosphere, and flew towards Mars.
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