Chapter 1216: Praying Mantis Race

"Achieved level 1 civilization?"
Lu Chuan locked in his consciousness and began to pass through the small galaxy where this civilization was located. The small galaxies where tens of thousands of planets are located are already extremely large in the eyes of humans.
The footsteps of human beings can't even cross over a small galaxy like the solar system. A galaxy with tens of thousands of planets is really indescribably huge.
Human beings are currently at level 0.75. To complete the evaluation of level 1 civilization, the most basic criterion is to be able to truly step out of the earth.
Don't look at this 0.25 level gap, humans have to struggle for at least a hundred years.
The criterion for judging civilization is generally based on the scope of the universe, and it is necessary to have a real spacecraft into space.
The civilization that Lu Chuan discovered was already a super-1 civilization, less than a second-level civilization, but it was not much different from a second-level civilization. The spacecraft flying here and there is the best proof.
With the discovery of this civilization, Lu Chuan suddenly became interested.
Lu Chuan's consciousness can be jumped. In fact, it is to imagine where the consciousness can become alive, and then set the coordinates.
Lu Chuan on Mars disappeared.
When it appeared, it was in the space here. With people's smallness and eyesight, in space, the images that can be seen are limited, and more are just darkness and light spots.
What appeared in front of Lu Chuan were many very bright stars, and these were actually planets very close to Lu Chuan.
Upon arriving in the Andromeda constellation, Lu Chuan had a comprehensive understanding of it.
"Sure enough, the emergence of life requires too many coincidences."
Lu Chuan's meaning passed through the Andromeda Galaxy, and the general structure of the Andromeda Galaxy was in his mind. The emergence of this civilization is indeed a coincidence. Under the explosion of the universe, countless planets and galaxies were born, and one of the several conditions that determine the existence of life is a stable environment.
The environment here is very stable, and the formation of the planets is also very reasonable.
The core is a star similar to the sun, but it is larger and the light source it brings is even more dazzling. You can see this huge sun star in Lu Chuan's current position.
This civilization is longer than the birth of human beings. It has been a long time since they broke through to level 1 civilization. There are more than a dozen planets colonized by them here, and spaceships do not know how many.
In all, their conditions are not much worse than that of humans.
In the habitable planet, they are more advantageous.
This is a group of alien species that are somewhat like praying mantises. They walk on all fours and have hands similar to humans, except that they have as many as twenty fingers.
In their eyes, they resemble a mantis again, with goldfish bubbles-like eyes.
Their heads are not too big. From Lu Chuan's point of view, they have existed for hundreds of millions of years. Only after the accumulation of time, they broke through the technical limitations and jumped into level 1 civilization.
From this point, it is not difficult to see that they are far worse than humans in terms of intelligence.
How long is the real civilization of mankind, but the technological achievements made are really eye-catching.
According to this kind of development speed, mankind should be able to achieve the cosmic age within two hundred years, and it will not be a problem to surpass this race within five hundred years.
In other words, the threat of this race does not exist.
With their technological development, they are barely able to leave their current small galaxies, and there are hundreds of millions of small galaxies next to them. They may not be able to leave the Andromeda Galaxy within a billion years.
Going down, it is really hard to say, maybe they will shiver in front of humans.
"This is a race that is not a threat to humans."
With this conclusion, Lu Chuan was of course relaxed. There is no threat, but Lu Chuan still records them and observes them regularly. God knows if there will be a technological explosion?
After eliminating the threat and relaxing Lu Chuan, it was time to enjoy watching this race.
"Mark: Praying Mantis Race."
Lu Chuan directly named this race without their consent. Anyway, the civilization and writing of the two sides are different, and God knows what they are called.
As the true of this universe, Lu Chuan's naming is the final result.
The mantids occupy more than a dozen planets, they have not yet exploded in population, and many planets have not many populations. Like the structure of human beings, they also have huge countries, with more than tens of thousands of different countries, making Lu Chuan dumbfounded.
"Humanity is a small place with hundreds of countries, which is amazing enough, but compared with the mantis tribe, it is really insignificant."
Lu Chuan sighed, in fact, if the progress of mankind can unify all countries into one, the explosion of civilization acceleration will be beyond imagination.
Unfortunately, this is simply not possible.
The people of each country love their country and nation, and talk about great unification, unless a super strong country rises, through super influence, constantly draws up divisions, etc., and finally uses the soldiers to defeat others without fighting. Ways will be unified.
The meaning expressed in the words of the boss of the old Maozi really made the reunification of force become empty talk: whether the country or not exists, what is the use of this world?
The existence of nuclear weapons makes force unrealistic only through soft means.
Of course, this is not something that Lu Chuan is worried about. The emergence of universe technology can also resolve all of this, nothing more than speed.
Like now, with the blessing of their own technology, countries all over the world have no intention of thinking about this, and only want to develop Venus. The resources and territory on Venus are enough to toss all countries on the earth for two to three hundred years.
After two or three hundred years, God knows how many planets can be transformed?
In other words, in the future, maybe in ten thousand years, all countries will have things toss about.
When they don't want to toss, it may be when they fight for profit. At this time, he entered the interstellar war.
At any time, no matter how advanced the technology is, there will always be a country dying. This is a cosmic law. Lu Chuan can interfere, but it is impossible to interfere all the time. In other words, Lu Chuan does not need to interfere with this kind of operating law of the universe.
The mantis are developing so slowly. From Lu Chuan's point of view, they should be the cause of the country's messiness. There are tens of thousands of countries and the lack of concentration of talents. How can it be possible for countries to block their own technology and want to develop?
Lu Chuan stared in this space, and then disappeared with one step.
This time Lu Chuan appeared to be the home planet of the Praying Mantis race, a planet about the size of Jupiter. What Lu Chuan saw here was severely damaged, with potholes everywhere, which was caused by excessive excavation of resources.
Development has made the home planet almost an industrial planet.
Tall industrial buildings, then countless tall buildings resembling trees.
You don't need to think about it, but you know how much they have paid for entering the universe age. As the home planet, if the resources here want to support the universe age, it is indeed a huge price to pay.
It is not difficult to see from the opponent's home planet that even after so much, there is no way to repair it.
Fortunately, the praying mantis race also realized the importance of the home planet. The industrial buildings are still there, but construction has been suspended. The entire planet was reduced to a pure resident star.
"Dirty and chaos have almost become the theme here. The rich have left, and the rest are the poor and the middle- and lower-income people. No matter when, it will not change."
Lu Chuan's consciousness passed through this mother star of the praying mantis race, and the result was naturally the same.
Rich people, who will stay on this over-exploited and severely damaged planet? An industrial pollution and atmospheric destruction are enough to make the environment here harsh.
Those who stayed behind were all the mantis who had no choice but to leave.
"If the earth hadn't intervened in advance of its own, wouldn't it be the case?" Lu Chuan shook his head, the earth has fewer resources. If it weren't for Lu Chuan, the earth might not have entered the cosmic age and its resources have been exhausted.
The mantis race is a world where both force and technology coexist. The mantis race is extremely good at fighting. They move fast, shoot faster, and are extremely sensitive.
Especially the short transparent wings on their backs, when necessary, they can break their clothes and fly and glide briefly.
"If one picks one, human beings are not rivals at all."
Don't say one to one, it is one to ten, and it is not an opponent of the Mantis tribe.
Even more frightening is that the current mantis race population has exceeded one trillion, a hundred times that of humans. If they can reach the earth at this time, it will be disastrous for the earth.
The mantis races are warlike by nature, and it is also because of the existence of nuclear weapons that they have not broken out a large-scale war, but a small war is also a battle involving tens of thousands of mantis people.
Lu Chuan was like a god, observing the first race he discovered.
It didn't melt into them, and it was not necessary for Lu Chuan.
Where Lu Chuan's conscious thought went, it was as if he had seen it with his own eyes. Everything about this mantis race was no longer a secret, and Lu Chuan knew it well.
This kind of knowledge is well-understood and comprehensive, including the technologies they regard as the most confidential, etc. Lu Chuan will understand them clearly, and even know their technologies.
Under the laws of the universe, the technology among all races is actually the same.
The only difference is the different environments and planetary materials, and the different influences produced by the universe will give different races different abilities, even superpowers.
Like the praying mantis race, their personal strength is very strong, and they can lift hundreds of catties with one hand.
Their strength is not infinite, they just have a small strength, and it is impossible to enter the cosmic age with this one, so their development direction is still technology.
As long as it is technology, it involves the laws of the universe, which is physics.
Based on Lu Chuan's understanding of this universe, only people with the identity of Lu Chuan can ignore this law. As for other races, it is impossible to break through this rule.
The so-called breakthrough is not to say that your ability to fly is a breakthrough, but a breakthrough of qualitative reversal.
For example, planets have gravity, which is a law. But Lu Chuan can make a planet without gravity, but instead has elasticity. Anything close to it will be bounced off.
Or the existence of fire, which is the origin of civilization, but Lu Chuan can peak this existence, letting fire play the role of water, and water the role of fire.
The laws of the universe can be broken through by Lu Chuan, but they cannot be modified, and even less can be subverted. He can only make a trivial change in certain specific places, in a short time.
There are also some law powers that Lu Chuan can't modify, except for the gods of the Ninth Civilization.
Observing the entire mantis race, Lu Chuan only took a few minutes before it was over.
When curiosity was satisfied, Lu Chuan didn't participate in it, and had no plans to enter them and stroll around. God is always observing your every move when you are not aware of it.
Just like the earth, you never know if you will have a pair of eyes watching, watching every move of human beings.
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