Chapter 1242: Floating island

 The boundless universe is really boring.
   It is possible that if you move for a month, you will not find a star of life. Every planet you set foot on is a barren primitive planet with nothing but death.
After leaving the jellyfish clan, Lu Chuan put away the space battleship. After the inspector, Lu Chuan’s storage space cannot be said to be infinite, but it also has a side length of millions of kilometers and a vast space to hold this. A space battleship of 100,000 kilometers is not a problem.
   The jellyfish tribe has been entangled by Lu Chuan for a few days. According to Lu Chuan's vision, he can rescue some of their tribes like "Mysterious Code", so that they can multiply without being exterminated.
   If possible, Lu Chuan could even take their entire race away from their current planet and send them to another planet to survive.
   But Lu Chuan knows that the idea is good, but after leaving this galaxy, other planets don't have this kind of energy for them. Under the scouring of time, they will gradually lose their current abilities, and finally be regarded as mediocre.
   Furthermore, they may not be able to adapt to the new planet.
   A few days later, Lu Chuan stopped worrying about this matter. He didn't have so much effort. In Lu Chuan's eyes, this is just a trivial matter. The billions of trillions of racial civilizations in the universe are destroyed almost every day due to cosmic factors. How can it be managed?
   What's more, for this A universe, I am a rule-breaker, that is, the villain in their eyes, do I really want to do good deeds?
   Jumping in the endless starlight, civilizations that appear from time to time, but there are really not many matches.
   Under the laws of the universe, six out of ten racial civilizations are still based on technology. The remaining 30-40% is the cultivation of civilization. They are indeed powerful individuals. Lu Chuan's view, most races can easily crush humans.
   "The scientists on the earth dare to send out the information of the earth's position all over the universe. It is almost a death. As long as a race with civilization level 3 or above receives it, the earth will be reduced to hell."
   Lu Chuan sneered. Between races and races, especially between this kind of alien race, there is no feeling at all. There is no other way to go except for killing and death.
   In front of too many civilizations, human beings are just ants, and they can die easily.
   Fortunately, the location of the earth, within hundreds of thousands of light years, there is no other ethnic civilization, and it is still very safe for the time being.
   When the technological civilization reaches level 5, the wormholes in the universe can be used to jump in space under the rules of the laws of the universe. From then on, distance will no longer be distance. A space jump can travel hundreds of thousands of light-years in just a few days.
   The level 6 technological civilization can create artificial wormholes, and wormholes can be arranged according to their will without the restriction of natural wormholes.
   After searching in this vast universe for nearly two months, Lu Chuan still found nothing.
   encountered many training civilizations, but they didn't meet Lu Chuan's requirements, so Lu Chuan just passed by in a hurry and continued to search. This kind of futile effort for a long time made Lu Chuan somewhat impetuous.
   "I still can't adapt to the time in ten thousand years."
   Lu Chuan shook his head. Humans’ concept of time is not like other races with long lives. Humans are more radical. Even if Lu Chuan has immortality now, he still hasn't gotten rid of his inner thoughts. He still thinks that a few months, a few years, is too long.
   This kind of time is not even a small wave in the long river of universe.
   Under the impetuous heart, Lu Chuan didn't force it, so he decided to slow down.
   There are multiple universes in a single bead. The absence of this multiple universe does not mean that there is no other universe. As long as you work hard, you can definitely find one that meets the requirements.
   Lu Chuan stopped advancing in a huge blue-rayed planet. The blue planet below his feet was as big as Hughes, and even said to be much bigger than Hughes. It belongs to one of the giant planets in the universe, and its single size is slightly larger than the solar system. New Bayi Chinese Website Launches New Bayi Chinese Website Launches https://https://
   What kind of concept is this, that is, the entire space of the solar system cannot fit this planet.
   The most famous star is VY Canis Major, which is 3.37500 times that of the Sun. What an exaggeration, it is bigger than the entire solar system, and it is considered the largest planet known to mankind.
   The giant planet at the foot is roughly the same as Betelgeuse, which is already very exaggerated.
   Here, the violent energy produced on this planet, and the energy storm it brings, is definitely not a life span of milliseconds. But Lu Chuan is secretly safe here, and the violent energy here is more like a breeze to Lu Chuan.
   Staring at the surroundings, there are still planets of innumerable sizes, Lu Chuan sighed lightly, what appeared in his mind was the scene when he had just arrived in this universe, and Lu Chuan's mind moved instantly.
   When his eyes adjusted, Lu Chuan had already arrived where he had just arrived.
   The violent expansion of the universe is still going on. It's just that the sights that Lu Chuan can see are already a few months ago. The speed of the universe's expansion has long since been advanced.
   Together, Lu Chuan disappeared here again.
   Stepping onto the land of the City of Competition, Lu Chuan felt an indescribable sense of intimacy.
   After leaving for a few months, he suddenly returned to the prosperous city of competition. Lu Chuan was excited inside. Compared with the boring universe jump, this place is simply heaven.
   "Welcome back, sir." Hughes' voice came as expected.
   Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said: "Hello Hughes, give me a cup of hot coffee, or the coffee you make is in line with my appetite."
   This trip to other beads, although Lu Chuan has no shortage of food and drink, how could he have a cup of hot coffee now? In fact, what Lu Chuan drinks is not necessarily coffee, but a joy of returning here.
   "Sir, as you wish." Hughes' voice rang, and a cup of hot coffee was secretly formed in front of Lu Chuan, as if it had emerged from a crack in time and space.
   Steaming coffee, Lu Chuan picked it up, took a sip, and made a comfortable sound.
   "Hughes, have anything special happened in the past few months?" Lu Chuan asked, the City of Competitiveness is managed by Hughes, and it is the will of the entire planet. It knows everything that happens here.
   Hughes said: "Sir, in the past few months you have left, about fifty people have broken the ninth level."
   Lu Chuan nodded. It seems that the level 9 strategy has worked. In just a few months, the people who broke the level 9 space more than any time can be called violent.
   The mission that God has issued to himself is a one-hundred-year deadline. It seems that it doesn’t take one hundred years at all, one to two years, to complete it.
   Lu Chuan took a look at the progress of his mission. It showed that there are already seventy-five values, one hundred distance, and twenty-five values. Maybe it will be achieved next month?
   "Not bad." Lu Chuan smiled. This was already beyond Lu Chuan's expectations.
  Victoria and Porto the Great are both in the city of competition. They learned that Lu Chuan had appeared for the first time. Naturally, they met in the old place, on the floating island where the Emperor Porto was.
   "My lord, why don't you buy a villa here?" Emperor Botu knew that Lu Chuan's villa was on the seaside of the City of Competitiveness, but the location was still far behind the floating island.
   Lu Chuan shook his head. If he wanted to, he could make another floating island, his own island. There was no need to stay here again. Therefore, Lu Chuan did not agree to the proposal of Emperor Botu.
  The City of Competitiveness is one of the cores, and Lu Chuan will definitely spend a lot of time here.
   It is necessary to have a better place to live.
"You first count the people who have broken through the ninth level of space this time, and then invite them. If you are willing, you will develop into an inspector. If you don't want to, you won't force it." Lu Chuan naturally focused on these guys and just gave them. There are hundreds of thousands of them by himself, and Lu Chuan is not too much.
   The more patrol agents, the easier it is for each universe to take care of it, and the fewer opportunities for each other.
   Emperor Botu nodded and said, "I will do it now."
   Before, Emperor Botu was the president and founder of the top circle. He has a great influence in the minds of countless people. Moreover, he is still familiar with these people, and Lu Chuan is naturally relieved by him.
   The very eye-catching Emperor Botu left immediately.
   Between Lu Chuan and Victoria... a long-term goodbye wins a newly-weds, this sentence is not false.
   But now Victoria has a big belly. For almost seven months, she has stopped going out and almost stayed here in the city of competition. Here, it is safer than anywhere, and its rules exist, which is the best protection.
   After seven months, Lu Chuan was angry again, it was not the time to move Victoria, so rolling the sheets became a convenient service. Victoria used both hands and feet. It took more than two hours to satisfy Lu Chuan.
   "The place where you live is very crowded, so let's change to another place." Lu Chuan thought for a while and decided to build a floating island of his own here and build a manor on it.
   When the time comes, not only Victoria can move in, but An Yuran can also move in.
   Let his women stay together, Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry about what problems they will cause, because they won't. In this way, Lu Chuan doesn't have to run around between them.
   Ye Lingwei and others are not users of the biochemical factory. Even if they are Level 8 genetic enhancements, they cannot enter the City of Competitiveness. Lu Chuan cannot lift this restriction.
  In other words, there will only be Victoria and An Yuran in the city of competition for the time being.
   "It's fine if you decide." Victoria stroked her following Lu Chuan's idea.
   Lu Chuan nodded, it was a thought that he was already communicating with Hughes: "Hughes, are there any difficulties?"
  Hughes is the entire planet. Things like this are naturally handed over to Hughes. It is not that Lu Chuan cannot, but that Lu Chuan respects Hughes. Compared with Hughes, it is more appropriate to do this.
   "Anytime, sir." Hughes's voice came out. For it, it is not difficult at all. It can be done with a single thought.
   Almost after agreeing to Lu Chuan, a huge floating island appeared in the sea outside the city of competition from faint to substance. In a short period of time, a floating island was formed.
   Not only that, the plants on the floating island are growing crazily, and the floating island will be as beautiful as a fairyland in a moment. Looking far away, you can also see an amazing waterfall falling from the sky, forming a touch of whiteness.
   In the center of the floating island, there is a large lake, where you can see all kinds of birds flying around the lake. A huge retro castle appeared by the lake, and finally took shape.
   A floating island is under the eyes of the world, formed from nothing.
   This scene completely stunned everyone who saw the biochemical plant users. For them, this is simply incredible, subverting their cognition of this competitive city, the everlasting competitive city, unexpectedly changed.
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