Chapter 1254: Door wide open

How long can a fleet of tens of thousands of ships survive this kind of blow?
Normally, if the strength of the two sides is equal, it may not be a winner after ten and a half months. With the energy shield, coupled with dodge and confrontation, the energy shield will not be broken without being hit by more than ten or twenty shots.
As long as the energy shield is broken, damage can be directly caused.
In many cases, everyone is fighting against each other from millions of kilometers away, which facilitates evasion and movement, so that they can be fired alternately, so that other warships with reduced energy shields can be repaired.
Many funny battles, even everyone fought for half a month, with zero casualties.
But now, it is not a normal battle.
Regardless of whether there is an energy shield, in the eyes of the inspectors, it is a matter of one punch. Space power is really overbearing and unreasonable, and will instantly tear these warships to pieces.
The mysterious power system, the energy shield in front of it, is too weak as paper.
Emperor Botu and the others got more and more excited, and they kept moving their minds. As long as they came to the warship they were staring at, they punched out and left immediately, leaving only this warship torn under the power of space. It was crushed.
And this kind of tactics of lightning strikes and strikes does not give the opponent a chance to lock in at all.
It is too easy to lock a battleship, but it is extremely difficult to lock a person like dust. Targets that are too small make them locked. When they are about to attack, the patrol agents only need to move slightly to make them lose their targets.
One punch of this kind of people can blow you up, but you can't even lock them, making all the weapons useless. The entire battleship is like a scrap iron battle. If you change anyone, you feel extremely aggrieved.
The one-sided battle brought despair to the soldiers of the octopus race.
Countless soldiers were killed.
Even the battleships were blasted into slag, and they had no place to dodge, and they all became fragments.
This was a slaughter that the opponent didn't even fight back, a slaughter on the side. However, in just a few minutes, thousands of warships were blown up and turned into fragments, and there were some huge wrecks, just like this in the universe.
The commanders of the battleship, all desperate, roared one by one, and began to leave the battle.
Staying any longer, they will just wait here for nothing, meaningless.
The headquarters on the military base also realized the seriousness of the problem. This is a one-sided battle, they have no chance.
Thousands of battleships were destroyed within a few minutes. This number, throughout the history of the race, almost never appeared.
But here, it appeared.
According to this momentum, the entire fleet may be destroyed if it can't last for half an hour.
Think about it, this is a terrible thing.
But in the present situation, they have a sense of powerlessness. No matter what they do, they seem to be struggling, and there is no help in the overall situation.
These people of unknown races that appeared, they are really too strong, they can blow up a top battleship with one punch. What kind of strength is this? The first reaction is that they feel that they are facing a level 7 or 8 or 9 level cultivating strong.
Only in this way can the explanation make sense.
"Guys, whoever wants to escape, just destroy it well." Lu Chuan moved his mouth, but clearly sent what he said into the ears of every inspector.
"Boss, don't worry, no one can escape."
All the inspectors who are enthusiastic about it are full of confidence.
A battleship that wants to escape, how can they escape while their minds are moving? As long as you get close, you will blow with one punch, without the need for a second punch.
You can't escape, stay and fight but you can't fight, and you can't even touch the hair of others. What kind of mood is this?
Except for the despair, there is no other idea.
Violent explosions continued to appear here, almost in one piece.
The commander who went up to the military base, then the commanders of the various fleets, and the soldiers who went down to the warships were all desperate, and they were not even willing to struggle and try to fight.
Anyway, no matter how they struggle, the ending is the same.
Looking at the other warships that once formed a fleet apart from the warships, they were constantly being destroyed, and the effect of the explosion was reflected in their eyes. They actually felt that this was a relief.
In just forty minutes, with more than 50,000 galaxy fleets of all levels, it became history.
The entire outer planet of the military base is covered with debris and debris from the explosion of battleships. It surrounds a circle. Under the gravitational force of the planet, a huge steel ring is formed.
The inspectors did not stop one by one, and the military base below was still struggling. The countless energy beams rising into the sky meant that the battle was not over yet.
As the planet where the fleet is stationed, it has not been transformed into a battlestar, but it is also a military planet with terrorist defense.
None of the fleet escaped, and all were destroyed. However, the core of the defense force in the military base was not the octopus people, but the intellectual brains and robots. They had no fear or emotion, and would only strictly implement the defense procedures here.
Only saw Victoria flash, and the man disappeared, but when he appeared, he was already in a huge fortress, which was full of various light and heavy weapons, pointing straight into space, and was opening fire.
Victoria slammed out with a punch, and space power twisted here, turning this huge weapon fortress into dust. And the power of this punch is far more than that. It rushed all the way and ploughed a huge gully on this planet that can be seen in space.
More and more inspectors entered the planet, and Emperor Botu locked the command center and gave them no chance. He blasted down the entire base with a volley, crushing the entire base to dozens of kilometers underground. , There are no signs of life.
Lu Chuan watched the battle of the inspectors, and didn't comment, but made a move, closed in the void, then rubbed it, then let go.
The terrifying thing is almost changing with Lu Chuan's actions. The metal fragments and huge wrecks of tens of thousands of warships here are gathered together by an unimaginable force, and then they become metal powder and disappear. In this universe.
These metal powders will obliterate everything related to the civilization of the octopus race.
The special alloy inside may be discovered after billions of years. It can be confirmed that it was left over from a civilization. But then, who will care about this disappearing civilization?
If Lu Chuan takes action, within milliseconds, the entire fleet and this military planet can be destroyed.
The reason why Lu Chuan didn't do this was to give the inspectors a chance to experience the battle and grow up better.
Why can the inspector accept the task of destroying the sixth level of civilization?
Quite simply, because of the ability of this post and the ability to destroy the sixth level of civilization, the mission was dispatched.
Is it difficult to destroy a civilization?
If you don't understand how powerful the inspector is, you will not be able to imagine how it will be destroyed. But when you understand it, you will understand that in the blink of a finger, the stars in the star field become nothingness and disappear into the universe.
Lost the military base planet of the fleet, there is no escape.
Emperor Botu and the others also had a lot of fun, and after they destroyed the defensive weapons here one by one, they began to work on this planet.
If this planet far surpasses the sun, if it is only an inspector, it will take a lot of time to solve it. But with hundreds of inspectors, it's simple.
They began to work together, appearing in various positions, distributed in all directions of the planet.
At the same time, they exerted their power at the same time, and the effect of space power caused this planet to be squeezed on all sides, and then burst into pieces.
The fragmentation of the planet has a huge impact. Its core is excited, and the power generated forms a light wave that spreads around it, and at the same time it also shakes the fragmented huge planet into dust.
Everything on the planet disappeared at this moment.
Victoria and the others, long ago, left directly with their minds one by one. The location of their mind is the desolate planet when they first arrived.
The distance here is completely unaffected by the explosion of this planet.
Lu Chuan did not leave. After the planet was exploded, the terror energy produced by the inner core exploded. It exceeded the size of the sun. If there were no accidents, the outermost power might spread to several light years away.
Such an energy burst that I feared was enough to sweep the endless galaxy.
Lu Chuan smiled slightly, looking at the planet's immense energy blooming, but he stretched out his hand and grabbed it back in the void.
The planet that had just fallen into the big bang was mysteriously confined by some force, and it was constricted and compressed, and it was abruptly squeezed into an irregular circle.
It is hard to imagine what kind of power this is that can do all this.
The explosion of the planet could be suppressed by Lu Chuan in the void. This ability made all the inspectors witnessed on the desolate planet amazed, and their inner estimation of Lu Chuan's strength increased countless times.
"The boss is too fierce. If it was the boss who just shot, just like this, the whole fleet and this planet are not directly pinched into a ball?"
Albert sighed, and everyone nodded in agreement.
They just thought that they were too strong to imagine, and that a 100,000-kilometer warship could explode, but now compared with the boss, their pride is simply not worth mentioning.
The boss is the boss, and the strength is far from what they can guess.
The size of the irregular circle is less than one ten-thousandth of its original size. It can be seen that Lu Chuan's pinching force has made it an astonishing level.
Solving the fleet, solving the military planet, it can be said that now the entire galaxy has no defensive force, so Chi Guoguo appears in front of Lu Chuan, completely open.
Lu Chuan smiled slightly, still somewhat proud of his abilities.
Sure enough, the ability given by God is that the perversion is beyond imagination, and it is so simple to solve a planet.
In fact, Lu Chuan's ability is far more than that.
"Now there is nothing that can stop you from moving forward, destroy the entire galaxy, and erase all traces." Lu Chuan put away his smile and became cold.
These voices clearly reached Victoria and their ears, spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers.
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