Chapter 1292: Close wormhole

   Nearly 50,000 inspectors, divided into different battle teams, responsible for different galaxies.
   Depending on the size, the size of the battle team assigned is also different.
   This is what Botu the Great has done very well. In terms of management and command, he is indeed far ahead of Lu Chuan, and he deserves to be the strong man who occupied the first place for hundreds of years.
   Lu Chuansheng is lucky and dare to fight. In many cases, dare to fight may have bad results, but sometimes it can bring miracles.
   Lu Chuan has now become a supervisory envoy, and this is the reason.
   One by one galaxies, the appearance alien races here, they had no time to escape, the planet they were on was completely destroyed, even they didn't even know how to die.
The strength of the inspectors is like a super missile. They are the attackers themselves. They use their flesh to directly hit the planet. The big planet is torn apart, while the small planet is directly penetrated by them and then separated. broken.
   Can imagine, how terrible is this kind of kinetic energy?
   This is a planet, but it can't hold up their impact.
   Occasionally there are some super stars that can hold several collisions, but the life on them was already dead at the first collision. The powerful shock wave swept across the surface of the planet, violently harvesting all life.
   Not to mention life, all the buildings, mountains, etc. on the surface of the planet were also destroyed.
   The entire planet was cut into a smooth planet surface almost in front of this kind of shock wave.
   The construction technology of level six civilization, the tenth magnitude earthquake defined by the earth, can already be ignored. But this kind of shock wave, with the energy, can easily destroy any building.
   With the efforts of nearly 50,000 inspectors, a huge galaxy was swept away in just a few days, and there was no trace of civilization.
   The next moment, they reversed direction again and appeared on another galaxy.
   Within a few days, they couldn't even know what was happening in the nearby galaxy, and they didn't even feel that the crisis had come.
   I gave Lu Chuan the feeling that some of my own people are just like locusts, and wherever they go, no grass grows.
   The destruction of a civilization is sometimes so cruel, billions of trillions of creatures are charcoal. They are different races and life forms, but their struggles when they die are the same.
   really needs a big heart to be able to do this job.
   Among the more than 30,000 new inspectors, a small number of them couldn't bear it, some stopped moving, some cried bitterly, and very few even fell into a breakdown.
   This situation has long been expected by Lu Chuan.
   It is impossible to ask everyone to have such a big heart. There are always some people's personalities that will make them unfit for this job.
   Each of them actually came from the wind, but compared to the present, it's insignificant.
   Fortunately, most people can adapt to the impact of this kind of charcoal, and even some people are very excited. It seems that they have found their favorite thing.
   For this group of people, they seem to be murderous monsters, but they can't be regarded as evil.
   As long as they are still in principle, it is impossible for Lu Chuan to control them.
   To make an analogy, during the war, the soldier who killed the most enemies, is he a demon? No, on his side, this soldier is a hero and a great hero. 78 Chinese debut
   The reason for this result is just a different position.
   In Lu Chuan's eyes, these craziest inspectors are the best soldiers and heroes.
   Lu Chuan will not immediately kick them out of the patrol envoys who are unable to adapt, but will give them a period of adjustment. If they are unable to self-regulate during the entire adjustment period, it means that they are not competent for this job.
   may be a bit cruel, but Lu Chuan didn't want to ruin his own major events because of them.
  If they feel pity and show mercy, Lu Chuan doesn’t have to worry about not being able to complete the task, but the problem is that it will cause trouble for him and will take more time to deal with it.
   In this way, it is better to kick them out of the team.
   is now in the middle of a battle. It is not the time to deal with these issues, so Lu Chuan ignored them, but said to Victoria: "Let's go, let's deal with the things we need to deal with."
   Sealing the wormhole is Lu Chuan’s job.
   Wormholes are a way to prevent them from escaping. They can only escape through this one way. Otherwise, they can't escape the conventional way.
   In fact, sealing the wormhole should be done from the beginning, but Lu Chuan didn't, and he was still afraid of getting rid of the grass. And their speed will be faster than they imagined.
   The galaxies are so huge that it takes tens of thousands of years to calculate light. It can be seen that their communication means can hardly reach their own speed.
   It’s not too late to seal the wormhole.
   With Victoria, Lu Chuan jumped directly to the most important wormhole.
   There are heavy troops stationed here. As Lu Chuan judged, no information was received here, and it was still peaceful.
The central galaxy before    did not have time to pass on news, because Lu Chuan had already destroyed the wormhole in advance. Then there are tens of thousands of neutron stars wantonly, they can't escape.
   Exactly, until now, there is still no way to receive news here.
   is an extremely important wormhole entrance and exit. The troops stationed here are very large. At the entrance and exit of the wormhole, there is a fortress star. This approach is the most conventional approach for the sixth-level civilization.
   Fortress stars cannot exist here in the wormhole. Outside of the wormhole, within a certain range, there are very few stars.
  Using the powerful technological power, first transform a selected celestial body into a fortress. After the transformation is completed, a super celestial engine will be installed to slowly push the fortress to the entrance of the wormhole.
   Generally, the modified celestial bodies are planets near the wormhole, so it is more convenient to move them to the entrance and exit of the wormhole.
   Like the entrance and exit of this wormhole, there are three fortresses, absolutely powerful firepower.
  Theoretically speaking, a wormhole with three fortresses is almost impossible to be captured. Coupled with the fleet garrisoned here, it is difficult to find examples throughout history.
   And this wormhole entrance has this level of military power.
   Lu Chuan had obtained the information here a long time ago. This is not news in civilization. After all, knowing that possessing this level of power and truly mastering all internal information are two probabilities.
   Take the former North America as an example. Everyone knows that North America has eleven aircraft carrier formations, but what about? People's strength is a crushing level, you only know the skin, what's the use?
   "You are responsible to see if any warships slip through the net, and leave the rest to me." Lu Chuan pointed to a fleet stationed on the fortress and said.
   The fleet of warships here are coming in and going out, and Lu Chuan can't guarantee whether they will slip through the net.
  Victoria nodded. That's the only place she can help Lu Chuan.
   Lu Chuan gave Victoria a smile, and then his mind moved. At such a close place, Lu Chuan directly appeared in the fortress's performance.
   This fortress is huge, and it is terrifying for the sixth-level civilization. With a lot of human power, a huge celestial body no less than Jupiter was transformed into a fortress.
   Lu Chuan had seen its information, and almost emptied it, transformed it into a metal fortress.
   The firepower it provides is beyond imagination. When the top super battleship faces it, it needs to be carefully weighed to see if it can retreat.
  The defense level of the fortress is naturally high, but the problem is that Lu Chuan’s movement of mind, ignoring their defense mechanism, directly came to the surface of the fortress.
  If you use an aircraft, etc., it is impossible to get close to the fortress. If you are at a certain distance, you will be warned. When you appear within the cordon, you will be shot down.
  The fortress is like a planet, and its surface is also extremely cold, directly exposed in space. Life is on the surface and cannot survive.
   On the cold surface, Lu Chuan lay on it, and the next moment Lu Chuan burst into a dazzling light.
"what is that?"
   Surrounded by the satellites outside the fortress, the anomaly here was discovered for the first time. After zooming in on the screen, the anomaly was immediately presented in the fortress headquarters.
   Then, what they saw was a spectacular scene.
   The mysterious light covered the surface of the fortress, spreading outward, covering the surface of the fortress in a short period of time, turning the fortress into a ball of light.
   In the command post, chaos has long since become a mess.
   "Alarm, sound the alarm."
   As the commander yelled, the stern alarm sounded and the entire fortress moved. Their reaction was swift, only three minutes before and after, and more than 50% of the personnel entered the post.
   It's just that they haven't reacted yet, and then they find that everything in the fortress is useless, the light has penetrated into the fortress, and everything is emitting light.
   What they can find is that everything is materializing, an unknown change, coming in an instant.
   The next moment, they lost consciousness under the sudden contraction of the material.
   In the other two fortresses, it was natural to discover the anomaly of this fortress. After all, the dazzling light emitted by this fortress can be seen clearly as long as it is not blind.
   They didn't know what was going on, but they still immediately entered a state of combat effectiveness.
   At such a close distance, their technological means can naturally see the changes on the fortress clearly. In their horrified eyes, the entire fortress was changing in an incredible wayァ78中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм
   In just a few minutes, they found something wrong.
   The substance of the fortress is changing, and then bursts out with light beyond imagination, covering this in an instant. I'm afraid the suction force brought the dust on the surface of the fortress where they were located, and was directly sucked away from the fortress.
   A large number of weapons are being twisted and sucked away.
   This is not the most horrible thing. What makes them feel desperate is that the fortress was dismantled into countless fragments by this terrible suction in a very short time.
   Everything in the fortress was destroyed while breathing.
   In front of this kind of non-human force, millions of soldiers in the fortress lost their lives in an instant, and they were torn to pieces without even screaming.
  Unimaginable power, the two fortresses did not even have room to resist, they fell apart.
   Lu Chuan had already taken Victoria to hide away. When the Neutron Star transformation was completed, everything here was already focused, and even the celestial bodies could not escape, let alone the warships that wanted to escape in panic.
  Countless warships, like toys, are attracted to the neutron star, and then, as they approach, become steel powder.
   Lu Chuan’s method this time is to directly use the ability of material transformation to transform the entire fortress into neutron star material, so the diameter of this neutron star has reached the level of 100,000 kilometers.
   This kind of neutron star, which has a strong suction force, will be a disaster for nearby celestial bodies.
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