Chapter 1347: Venus Trap

In the position of the governor, Lu Chuan suddenly felt a headache.
The complexity of the matter is far beyond imagination.
The entire system from ordinary people to the governor is interlocked. Take the biochemical plant users as an example, they need to create at least 10 million zombies in order to get through the ninth level.
Ten million zombies, eight-level zombies that require no less than three million.
According to the manufacturing price of level eight zombies, it is definitely a huge astronomical figure.
The total amount of money needed by ten million zombies is astounding.
To meet this minimum requirement, users of biochemical plants need to work hard to make money. Either play the rankings to get the points of the city of competition and use the points to exchange funds. Either it is to use the commercial means on the earth to obtain huge wealth.
The third way is to unify the earth, and use the GDP of the earth to convert funds.
But no matter which one, it can not be completed in a short time. Too many users of biochemical plants are on the way to growth.
Don't look at Lu Chuan now holding more than three million inspectors, but the number of users of biochemical plants is one billion. Compared with one billion, more than three million is not worth mentioning.
There is still a long way to go on the road to transformation.
Lu Chuan rubbed his head, his ranking is in the middle and lower reaches, almost hanging from his tail, which shows that his strength is really the weakest among the thousands of governors.
It is not just himself that integrates the strength of a governor, but also the power he can mobilize.
Lu Chuan thought he was not weak, he knew it from the time he rolled the cyclops. But the power of the subordinates is far too short. The more than three million inspectors are really insignificant in this billion trillion-level universe, and they can't take care of them.
Fewer people means too many to discover, which gives other governors a chance to take advantage of it. This is indeed a flaw in Lu Chuan.
"Find a way to increase the number of inspectors."
Lu Chuan frowned, and it was not easy to solve this one.
The modern earth.
Driven by Lu Chuan, mankind has entered a somewhat abnormal development of the universe era. To put it better, it is a leap-forward development of science and technology, in which some fields are too advanced and some fields are too backward.
The polarization of science and technology is serious, and in the long run, this is a very big drawback.
If it is not improved, the harm it brings will eventually cost mankind an unimaginable heavy price.
Especially after Lu Chuan transformed Mars, countries all over the world made every effort to create Venus. Due to their technical reasons, they want to maintain the operation of Venus, like a behemoth of swallowing gold, beginning to drag down their economy.
It's just that Venus has invested so much that they can't stop it.
In order to stimulate the economy, they have introduced more measures, but the results have been very average.
The investment on Venus is not as good as they imagined, and the economic stimulus effect it brings is even more different from what they thought, and it cannot drive the country's economy to take off.
As the construction on Venus increased, more and larger spaceships were built, further bringing their already fragile economy to the point of even more collapse. Every spacecraft going to Venus, the supplies it carries, and the energy consumption between round trips, etc., will be in the billions of dollars.
For the construction on Venus, far from being a spacecraft's materials, it is a terrifying amount.
However, all of this has become a snowball, which can't stop at all, it rolls bigger and bigger. And all countries in the world can only bite their teeth and bite the bullet and plunge into it.
"We don't need colonization."
"This country is enough to hold our population."
"Stop the development of Venus."
A large number of parades began to appear in various countries in the world. Media from all over the world have all joined this news feast.
"Is Venus really good?" A well-known scholar stood up and pointed out in his article: "After the transformation, Venus is indeed adapted to the needs of human survival, but according to the current population and technological level of the earth, it has not yet reached When it is suitable to emigrate to Venus. Excessive government funds and energy spent on Venus can only be counterproductive."
"This is a deformed development that will destroy the economic systems of various countries."
More and more people came forward and began to question the competition of various countries against the Baichuan Guihai Group.
The strength of Baichuanguihai Group Company has far surpassed that of a country, whether it is military power or financial power. Especially in terms of scientific and technological power, it is the backing that supports Baichuan Guihai Group to develop Mars, and Mars has the enviable success.
As for the countries of the world, even though they are a united body, they cannot achieve government orders to stop the prohibition, and cannot make concerted efforts.
Not only economically, but also technologically inadequate.
The reluctant result was that although Venus had been transformed, things far exceeded their imagination. From the original enthusiasm and anticipation to the realization that this is a super gold swallowing beast, the attitude of the people naturally changed.
They support the cosmic age and welcome the arrival of the cosmic age, but definitely not at the expense of their lives. When it comes to this, they will naturally resist.
In some countries with severe economic downturns and excessively high unemployment rates, I don't know how many people have come forward and shouted that the government will step down.
The global situation has become chaotic.
The world police of Baichuan Guihai Group will only target war and terrorist attacks, such as this kind of parade, but will not interfere. In the absence of intervention, this chaos has caused global instability.
Somewhere in North America.
This is a lake hidden between mountains, and in the center of the lake is a not-so-small island.
Primitive, this is the first impression.
On the small island, there are a few wooden houses hidden among the trees. Whether it is outside or in the sky, it is almost difficult to see the wooden houses. Even if I saw it, I thought it was a hut for hunters, not surprisingly.
Under the hut, there is a super fortification.
Not only was the island hollowed out, but the lake below was also built into an underground base.
At this time, in a bright meeting room, the order meeting that had disappeared was held here again. Its meeting place has moved from the UK to North America.
The power holders of the major consortia that control more than 60% of the world’s wealth are all gathered here at this moment.
If there are more than a hundred people sitting in the big conference room, everyone's face is stern. Although they are whispering, their voices are very small.
The new heir to the Rothschild family, Monroe Rothschild, sat on it. He was less than fifty years old, had an eagle-like nose, and had sharp eyes. Just by his appearance, he knows that he is a capable and decisive person.
No matter how huge and terrifying his family backed him, he was the new head, and he was still weaker than his grandfather in terms of prestige. He can still sit here because of the Rothschild family.
There are too many old guys in front of him, they are his grandfathers at his age, and the strength they control is not weaker than him.
Monroe’s brows were frowned by discussions like a vegetable market. He tapped the desk lightly and said in a cold voice:
Everyone, we are summoning everyone today to solve the problems encountered today. The construction of Venus? stop?"
Speaking of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, everyone present wanted to swallow it alive.
But they also know that the Baichuan Guihai Group Company is a general trend, and they cannot deal with it. Twenty years ago, they had nothing to do with Baichuan Guihai Group Company, let alone now.
No matter how great the hatred is, it can only be buried in my heart, and it has rarely been put on the table.
The power of the Order Association is still there, but it has become the second child of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, and the gap is too great, even if they unite, they will not be able to move the Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
After going there for so many years, they have long since let go of the idea of ​​trouble with Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
If you want to live well, if you want to coexist, you have to endure.
All the people present are the core members of the medical organization Hand of God. From this point of view, it is also correct to assign them to the Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
It is with the hand of God that many of them who should have died can live to the present. A disease is treated even more so that they can enjoy their current life healthy.
It is impossible for them to deal with Baichuan Guihai Group Company, against Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
No one will be overwhelmed with their own lives. With the existence of the hand of God, they can live very well, and they will live a long life, with enough time to enjoy the beauty of this world.
So what we are discussing now is only aimed at the construction of Venus, not at the Baichuan Guihai Group Company. To be honest, if it is not compelling, they will not go head-to-head with Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
From development to construction, Venus has their shadow behind it.
If countries regard it as a shareholding system, their order will actually be the largest shareholder. The problems Venus encounters now damage their interests.
No matter how large the family is, facing this golden swallowing beast, if it is not handled well, it will collapse and become history.
This is definitely not an exaggeration, there is no eternal country, and no eternal family.
No matter how powerful the Dingsheng family is, if the wrong choice is made, it may dissipate in this history.
"The original interstellar plan for the polar bear successfully killed the polar bear, thereby removing the threat, and also allowing Order to establish the status of the world controller. However, now the causal cycle, we did not expect that we were also in the Baichuan Guihai Group. The trap of company Lu Chuan."
The head of the Morgan family shook his head with a wry smile. The Interstellar Project has always been their most outstanding work, but they did not expect that in the end, they would fall into the same strategy as the Planetary Project.
Thinking about it, it feels terrible for Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
Since the Baichuanguihai Group Company has the ability to open up space, terror is calculating their order. The successful transformation of using Mars and the construction of Mars have successfully twisted the earth.
All kinds of live broadcasts on Mars, all kinds of construction speeds, etc., now thinking about it, are actually just a hype.
There is no denying that Mars is a success The problem is that this kind of success cannot be replicated by all countries in the world. After the Baichuan Guihai Group Company threw a little bait, the people all over the world were enthusiastic and they went fishing.
Doing my best to purchase the right to use the planetary converter has already overdrawn the country's economic power, and then had to invest a huge amount of money to purchase the spacecraft technology of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company before it recovered.
One by one.
The construction of the spacecraft used a huge amount of funds beyond imagination to overdraw the country step by step, bringing it to the brink of collapse.
Finally, this kind of collapse can no longer be covered during the construction of Venus.
The drastic reduction in national welfare, the acceleration of inflation, and the drastic increase in the unemployment rate have caused chaos and turmoil in the country. No one is a fool. Anyone with a little brain knows what this means.
Now the order meeting is held, in fact, to deal with the problems they need to face.
I have to say that they lost in this interstellar game.
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