Chapter 1371: Reincarnation

Returning to a secondary civilization, luck is very good.
Unfortunately, its luck ends here, because it was discovered. What's more frightening is that it is still ignorant and doesn't know that Lu Chuan has appeared in this galaxy.
By looking down on the planet, Lu Chuan has basically grasped the information of this civilization.
The governor's ability is so strong.
It is one thing to have information, and it is not so simple to find this reincarnation lurking in it.
I'm afraid it's a little difficult to use ordinary methods. I can only find it by illegal means. For example, it is like dealing with Rahe, which directly destroys this planet and forces the opponent out.
But this time, Lu Chuan didn't plan to use such rough methods.
After investigating it, it is still not easy for a civilization to reach the second level. It is a pity that it is ruined.
Destroying the sixth level and unfortunately the second level are two concepts.
Normal development, from second to sixth, may take tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. In such a long period of time, they should have been able to live wonderfully and have a promising future.
But destroying it now is tantamount to breaking the future.
But when it reaches the sixth level, this is the end of civilization, which means that they have reached the end. When Lu Chuan started, naturally he would not be half compassionate.
With a move of his hand, the consciousness of the planet water spirit appeared in his mind.
"Possess yourself and wait for my instructions."
With a shot of Lu Chuan, the planetary consciousness disappeared, surpassing the speed of light with a mysterious speed, and disappeared in a few folds.
In fact, in human science and technology, there is a concept of warp speed. If it can be realized, it can indeed exceed the speed of light too much.
For example, the speed of curvature 1 is the speed of light.
At warp speed level 2, it has reached twice the speed of light, which is absolutely faster than the speed of light.
In the concept, the speed 10 is just a hypothesis, which is basically unattainable. Because of the tenth level of speed, time and place are ignored, it can appear anywhere.
Is it really impossible? Technology may be difficult, but it is not difficult in the eyes of God, because the movement of the mind is actually a speed of 10, moving through the mind, ignoring time and distance.
The shot just now is the ability that the governor possesses, allowing planetary consciousness to move at the speed of warp 5, which is already 125 times the speed of light.
This is not an exaggeration. It is necessary to know that at 15th level, its speed is 3375 times that of light, which is terrifying.
1.0x10^9 kilometers per second, a number that is jaw-dropping.
The speed of 10 is already the existence of mental movement. Lu Chuan wants to know what will happen to the speed of 15 o'clock.
At 125 times the speed of light, it took less than a minute for the planetary consciousness to submerge into this planet and possess it.
"You can follow me to the planet to see." Lu Chuan turned to Li Longyuan and said.
"Supervisor, is it really okay?" Li Longyuan got excited and rubbed his hands. He watched here for almost half a year, but he never entered this civilization once. Now that there is a chance, how can he miss it?
Lu Chuan smiled lightly, and the person took a step forward, already disappearing.
Li Longyuan followed and disappeared.
The place where Lu Chuan appeared was the surface of this planet. Standing on this ground, Lu Chuan felt a sense of intimacy. This feeling was actually due to the possession of the planet consciousness.
Lu Chuan did not move for the first time, but stood and closed his eyes.
At the next moment, a piece of information flooded into Lu Chuan’s brain from the planet consciousness. This was the information obtained by the planet consciousness. The origin, and then the emergence of the intelligent race, etc. are well known.
It is not an exaggeration. The planet consciousness represents this planet, and no one knows the history of the planet better than it.
The information Lu Chuan received included the civilization and language of this planet.
Lu Chuan compared the meanings and compromised a name, which may not be accurate, but translated back in Chinese, it means that.
I didn't bother to think about it, it was just a name, but actually just a symbol.
Lu Chuan, who knows the history and language, can be said to be the real power to know astronomy and geography on this planet. No one can compare with Lu Chuan, because behind Lu Chuan is the planetary consciousness, the temporary master of this planet.
"Hehe, I finally found it."
The appearance of the Koman tribe is similar to that of the dwarf tribe. They are rough in appearance but curious in their heads and very clever in their hands. They were not originally the strongest races on this planet, but they used their heads to forcibly become the masters of this planet.
It is almost the same as the history of mankind. At first, countless countries of various sizes were formed, and then as the history evolved, they separated and merged. Until the explosion of science and technology, there were only more than 30 countries left on the entire planet.
Without peace, there is a never-ending battle.
From cold weapons to hot weapons, to super-mass destruction weapons, the Koman tribe on this planet almost destroyed themselves several times.
When they realized that they would play with themselves as soon as possible, a great leader finally appeared, completed the unification of the planet, and established a unified government.
First, it broke through the first-class civilization, and then it took eight hundred years to break through to the second-class civilization.
The general history of technological civilization is the same.
Regardless of the race, it is only after the pains of the skin that people of insight finally form the unity of civilization, form a unified regime, and then promote the advancement of civilization.
Every time civilization is promoted, it is almost a unified regime.
When a civilization is promoted, it will take thousands of years before it can be promoted again. In this process, the unified political power will collapse again and become a mess.
Together for a long period of time must be divided, and divided for a long time must be combined, these eight words are the history of any civilization.
The regime of this planet was only unified more than a hundred years ago, which brought about the promotion of secondary civilization.
There are many ways to find this inspector. The first is to rely on its breath to lock it, the second is to force it to come out, and the third is to lock it in by a sudden rise of people through some recent changes.
Lu Chuan used the third method. Planetary consciousness is attached to this planet. It is too easy to get the news. It is easy to lock the opponent.
The inspectors will not waste too much time, they will do everything possible to complete the promotion of civilization in the fastest time.
If they are fast, they cannot be low-key, they can only play high-key.
In the shortest period of time, he completed the transformation, determined his position as a leader in the scientific community through his own research, and then took over the government's scientific research center, leading the scientific researchers under him to break through each item of technology.
As long as there is a civilization with an inspector, there will always be tribes rising, bringing about great changes that can be seen.
Feliz, the rising super genius of the Koman tribe, made a global sensation with his graduation thesis half a year ago, because it solved the problem that has plagued the entire race for hundreds of years.
Subsequently, it entered the National Research Center.
In just one month, several technical difficulties were overcome once again.
Next, it was out of control, and it broke through every technical difficulty. And it is the same as the rocket upgrade, only half a year, he became the head of the scientific research center.
Feliz is like the sun, and its brilliance has won countless fans within half a year, and has become a true scientist and great figure in the world.
With planetary awareness, Lu Chuan naturally knew the location of Feliz.
The only way to escape here is to promote the civilization here, so the inspector of Feliz, it is almost a scientific research center, and rarely leaves a step. It is its madness that makes this civilization's technology continue to accelerate, and the transformation of industries cannot even keep up with its speed.
"Hehe..." Lu Chuan smiled after he understood everything.
When he found the other party, Lu Chuan was not polite, and he appeared directly in this scientific research center while moving his mind.
Lu Chuan was able to sense the breath of the other party's inspector, so he appeared in front of Feliz once again, holding his arms and smiling while looking at him.
Feliz, who was indistinguishable from the Koman tribe, changed his face when he saw Lu Chuan and Li Longyuan, and then he didn't hesitate to move away.
When the other party finds this place, it means he has been discovered. In a battle with the opponent, Feliz didn't have this confidence, and the suppression of this ability still made it feel that it had no chance of winning.
Lu Chuan and Li Longyuan also made it afraid to fight.
As soon as Feliz fled, Lu Chuan did not chase him.
Li Longyuan was a little anxious and said, "Supervisor, shall we chase after?"
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "No, it can't run."
On the entire planet, Lu Chuan has laid a space barrier. How can a small inspector escape? Lu Chuan glanced at the scientific research center, did not cause damage, and left with Li Longyuan.
When Lu Chuan appeared, he was already in outer space.
Horror The current Koman people still don't know that the super genius in their eyes that is hard to come by in a century can no longer exist. The trip between Lu Chuan and Li Longyuan was completely silent.
Outside of space, Feliz finally understood after hitting the wall several times and didn't use his mind to move away.
Lu Chuan appeared in front of the opponent, Feliz showed anger, and pounced on Lu Chuan. It is a pity that Lu Chuan pressed his hand and set it in space in the void.
With the other hand, Lu Chuan made a move, and the planet consciousness flew over Lu Chuan unceremoniously took a picture of the planet consciousness on Feliz's body. With the planet consciousness, Lu Chuan didn’t need to ask. , The planetary consciousness will read the memory of the other party and turn it into an existing one.
Feliz struggled for a moment, seeming to encounter some danger in the hallucination.
After a few minutes, Feliz suddenly woke up.
"Boss, the reading has been completed." The planet consciousness once again transformed into the state of a water elf, appearing beside Lu Chuan, flying around Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan nodded and opened his eyes.
Within a few blinks, the planetary consciousness passed the memory he had read to Lu Chuan, allowing Lu Chuan to know Feliz well and know everything about it.
"The data is available, that is, it has lost its effect?" Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and squeezed back into the void, and Feliz screamed, was squeezed and disappeared into the space.
The worthless enemy inspector, Lu Chuan didn't mind sending it on the road.
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