Chapter 1496: perfect

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What Lu Chuan wanted was this shock.
If you want these people to use them for yourself, you naturally need to convince them with sincerity, otherwise it's really not easy to use them.
What Lu Chuan is best at is actually using this kind of shocking miracle to convince them. Only in this way, they will work hard for themselves, and the outside world cannot shake their loyalty.
The subversiveness brought by a magic teleportation array was enough for them to digest well.
Lu Chuan waited for a few minutes before the many magicians finally calmed down from the shock. The eyes that looked at Lu Chuan were already godlike.
"Magic Teleportation Array, I think you also know what it means. The future Magic Academy will learn from it, and then cultivate a group of magicians who can build Magic Teleportation Array, every province in the entire kingdom. All the provincial capitals need at least three teleportation arrays."
Lu Chuan said, awakening everyone.
"Magic Teleportation Array is not necessarily the most important subject. You, will be the pioneers of Magic Teleportation Array, and it is not necessarily that you will be the predecessors to promote it."
Just a few words made everyone present boil with blood.
How many magicians who are in their seventies or eighties just feel that they have suddenly become younger. Being able to participate in this is something that is written in the annals of history. How can it not make them excited?
In comparison, Grand Duke Norman and the others are equally excited.
It is thousands of miles away from the northern and southern city capitals. If the war does not end, it is impossible for them to return. Once and again, it will take a month soon, too long.
But now that the Magic Teleportation Array has been established, that means they want to go back to the North and South City at any time?
How terrible is it in the military?
The first thing Grand Duke Norman thought of was that this magic teleportation array was brought by the ancient flying dragon. If it is used in the military, the magic teleportation array is projected into the enemy's interior, and then soldiers continue to come out of the magic teleportation array... from the inside, they will probably collapse, right?
A magic teleportation array may be slower, but if it is ten or a hundred...
Thinking of this, Grand Duke Norman became excited, so that they would be invincible, and the territory of your majesty would be endlessly vast. There is no limit of distance, and what the edge refers to will be the territory of your majesty.
Lu Chuan looked at the excited Norman Grand Duke and knew what he meant. He nodded slightly and said, "What you think is indeed possible. However, the magic teleportation array needs the magic power of the magician to be activated, and To burn in large numbers, you need to wait for the magicians in the Magic Academy to learn."
Magic teleportation array requires a lot of crystals, the higher the purity, the stronger the effect.
The teleportation distance of the teleportation array mainly depends on the purity of the crystal and the ability of the recorder. The other is the strength and weakness of the magical power when excited. Each factor will cause the magic teleportation array to be different.
High-purity crystals are difficult to obtain, and it is still difficult for other countries or individuals to complete the magic teleportation array. The country is better, it's hard for individuals to say, just collecting the crystals of this magic teleportation array cannot be supported by personal financial resources.
This is still the magic teleportation array within the planet. You must know that the magic teleportation array after reaching level 5 can be teleported across planets, and the crystals needed at that time cannot even be afforded by a small country.
Of course, for others, crystals are hard to get.
But in Lu Chuan's eyes, it was nothing at all. The planetary consciousness is in charge of the entire planet. How many crystals he wants is nothing but Lu Chuan's idea. Crystal is scarce, and the main thing is the development of crystal, only on the surface.
The crystals in the deeper parts of the ground, the current technology does not have the ability to mine.
Lu Chuan is different. It is entirely possible for the planetary consciousness to move and concentrate these crystal ores in one place, and they can be mined endlessly on the surface.
Hearing Lu Chuan's explanation, even if not now, Duke Norman still feels satisfied.
The current war is going very smoothly, the logistics supply is barely a bit, but it is still enough to support the current front. After taking down the current Principality of Geroka, it was time to take a break to stabilize the current rule, and then wait until the magic teleportation formation appeared on a large scale, and then you could continue to march north.
Now that he was here, Lu Chuan did not return immediately, but led the crowd around this huge barracks.
If you suspected that it was just a dream or a show before, you don't have to think about it this way. After this lap, it has been confirmed that this is the barracks of the army of Beijing. How can the environment here be fake?
Everyone has a fanatical excitement on their faces, which to them is like discovering a new world.
Taking advantage of their state, Lu Chuan took them back from the magic teleportation array. When they appeared, it was at the South Fortress. The completely different environment has completely dispelled their illusions.
Next, it was natural.
They all joined the three major research institutes. As the first batch of scholars, they are also the foundation of the three major research institutes.
The divine calendar is 3398 years.
The Grand Duke of Norman finally conquered the Principality of Geroka in one year.
The world is shaking at this time, because of the aggressiveness displayed by the new United Nations, which makes people feel terrified. Leaving aside the United Kingdom of Bit and the Principality of Lerwick, in three years alone, the Duke of Norman went north to destroy the three countries.
The Kingdom of God Moon, the Duchy of Nantes, the Duchy of Geroka...
And Prince Sally Derrick, who is facing both directions in the southwest, also destroyed the two countries in a row, and is now facing the Ten-Nation Alliance. If it were not for the Ten Nations Alliance, I am afraid that the current Prince Sally Derrick would no longer know which country to conquer.
From the emergence of Lu Chuan to the establishment of the country, and then to expansion, it took five years to form a superpower consisting of seven countries.
This country has caused nightmares to countless countries.
At present, in terms of the country, the population, and the army... the United Nations has become the number one in the world. There are not many countries that can contend with, and apart from a few empires that are also superpowers, there really are no rivals.
In self-defense, each country began to form a group and formed a cooperative organization in the form of an alliance.
The rapid annexation, although with iron and blood, integration, but these newly occupied areas are not obvious to the United Nations. In the ruling area, the heart is not completely focused on the center. Although everyone will cooperate under the head rolling, there must be a difference between voluntary and compulsory.
In this year, the expansion of the United Nations finally stopped its pace.
The Grand Duke of Norman and Prince Sally Derrick both stopped the army under their command and stopped fighting.
God knows how many countries saw this scene and breathed a sigh of relief.
According to their understanding, this tyrant's rapid expansion requires a good digestion of this country, and it may be possible to exchange it for more than ten years. The ideal is that there will be no war on the border for decades.
Of course, this tyrant is under the age of twenty, which also means that he has enough time to integrate.
The next time a war is launched, it will be stronger and harder to stop.
Institute of Magic.
The Magic Academy was established less than a year ago, and the number of Level 5 magicians has reached more than 5,000.
This is the fifth-level magician under the new system. When converted into the magician level under the old system, they are all nine- and tenth-level magicians. The benefits of the Great Spirit Gathering Formation laid down in the North and South City finally revealed.
In the Academy of Magic, a total of 37 magicians were promoted to the sixth level.
Once this news came out, it caused a sensation to the entire upper level.
The system that had always been regarded as the ceiling was finally broken. And all this is obviously brought by His Majesty the King, and as His Majesty said, this is not a ceiling at all, but they have not reached this state.
How powerful is the sixth-level magician?
Think about the previous five-level magicians. The forbidden curse they used covers a range of several kilometers, which is terrifying.
However, the magic used by the sixth-level magicians is more powerful than the forbidden The emergence of the sixth-level magicians means that the forbidden curse they understood before is reduced to powerful magic. It's just one kind, and it cannot be called a forbidden curse. The system built by Lu Chuan was finally recognized.
Like an incentive, each of the warriors who were top powerhouses before, went madly into the cultivation.
Under their leadership, from top to bottom, they all cherish every time of cultivation.
The new system that Lu Chuan vigorously promoted, as well as new cultivation methods, were promoted by the three major guilds and spread to the whole people. As a result, the number of warriors was ten times more than before. Such a large number has brought a lot of talents, and how many people stand out and become the best among them.
The accumulation of less, the more the bottom is, similar to the pyramid, the lower buildings continue to increase, which promotes the number of superstructures, making this pyramid constantly bigger and taller.
Together with the virtuous circle, Lu Chuan's layout can almost be said to have completed the first stage.
Under the huge population base, geniuses are not scarce, and the knowledge of the magic circle is thoroughly understood by some people, and they draw inferences about it. The first group of people formed a complete theoretical knowledge and supported the foundation of this discipline.
The new discipline is the most profound, which is exactly its charm.
Lu Chuan has always cultivated these people, who are like seeds. They are the first pioneers, and they are like teachers. With the support of their complete theory, countless geniuses began to emerge in this subject.
A magic circle of different long-terms appeared in their hands.
Not only that, like defensive magic circle, attack magic circle...Under the support of a complete theory, under constant attempts, all of them have been researched and become a reality.
For a time, the magic circle burst out with a dazzling light.
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