Chapter 1503: Leave silently

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The core of cultivation civilization is cultivation.
The first thing Lu Chuan did after returning to the palace was to vigorously promote Upanishad School, and at the same time borrowed from China’s nine-year compulsory education method on earth. However, Lu Chuan upgraded the nine-year compulsory education to 12-year compulsory education.
For Upanishad School, Lu Chuan once again subdivided the levels.
Aoyi Primary School, Aoyi Junior High, Aoyi High School, Aoyi University...
Don't underestimate this division. Its role in the future will be unimaginable.
After dividing the four levels of Upanishad School, it then invested a lot of character power and began to subdivide the teaching content. A series of more than a dozen disciplines such as metallurgy, material science, warcraft... etc. were added.
These measures are unprecedented.
Anyone of insight will realize how much impact this series of reforms will have on this world in the future.
In particular, Lu Chuan also established the highest level of education, the Royal Upanishad University. Those who can enter here can be sure of their loyalty to the royal family in the future and what kind of true elites will have for the stability of this society. effect.
Education is the foundation of the country.
As a reincarnation, no one knows this better than Lu Chuan.
Therefore, the investment in education is definitely beyond imagination, and its expenditure even exceeds that of the military.
The world is unified, and military expenditures will decrease year by year.
Unlike the earth, it needs to maintain huge research and development expenses, especially military construction expenditure, equipment manufacturing, scientific research investment and so on. Cultivation of civilization only requires basic construction, and the rest is to rely on training to allow soldiers to improve themselves by learning cultivation methods.
Such investment is really very small.
The military advantage of cultivation civilization is really not comparable to science and technology civilization.
In this way, Lu Chuan has enough funds to invest in education and people's livelihood.
One of the most important core infrastructures in this world is the magic teleportation array that Lu Chuan made in advance. Its appearance has changed this world. Lu Chuan was able to conquer this world within twenty years, relying on the Magic Teleportation Array.
It can be said that the Magic Teleportation Array has made great contributions to Lu Chuan and is the most important part of unification.
China's infrastructure is well-known in the world. Lu Chuan grew up from China, and his thoughts are naturally full of infrastructure fanatics. Lu Chuan proposed to set up various magic teleportation arrays in every city, which definitely made people feel Lu Chuan's madness.
However, in the minds of the ministers, Lu Chuan had the status of a god. In addition, it was an infrastructure that benefited the country and the people. Naturally, no one opposed it.
The construction of the magic teleportation array must be slow in the early stage. After all, there are not enough magic array magicians and need to be trained. But with this decree, it will eventually be completed.
Aside from this, Warcraft is an important means of transportation and transportation in this world, so the third focus, Lu Chuan puts on the domestication of Warcraft, and established a new guild for it, so that it can be in association with wizards and swordsmen. Guilds, Knights Guilds became the four major guilds.
What Lu Chuan can do is to make changes on these levels.
China has a good saying that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. Lu Chuan laid the foundation for this world, and the take-off of this civilization became inevitable. It was only a matter of time.
In the 3430 year of the divine calendar, the world can be said to be peaceful and peaceful, and the world has never been so rich and stable.
Through a series of measures, the mechanism established by Lu Chuan is sufficient to ensure the central government's control over the localities.
In terms of age, Lu Chuan was already fifty-five years old at this time.
At this age, there are no children yet. This has undoubtedly become the most concerned thing of the whole world. Even if the ministers knew the identity of Lu Chuan, they were still worried about how this great situation would develop.
For this issue, Lu Chuan also used drag.
In the 3435 year of the divine calendar, with the tone, Lu Chuan realized that he had run out of time in this world.
This civilization was successfully upgraded to level six.
The promotion of cultivation civilization is indeed fast, and in such a short period of time, the minimum requirement of reincarnation has been reached.
In the palace.
Lu Chuan sat on the top of the head, and below were the family members of this predecessor.
Under the cultivation of the whole people, people's life span is naturally prolonged, so O Marvin, the former family members, are all there. Lu Chuan gave them a rich enough life, either a princess or a prince.
Nowadays, they have long been groups of wives and concubines, each with dozens of sons and daughters.
In front of Lu Chuan, both the promising brothers and sisters did not dare to take a breath. The two cheap parents are also cautious. The outside world doesn't know, but they still know how powerful their son is.
The king of hundreds of billions of people rules the world, and his will is the will of this world.
In addition, the reason they are somewhat afraid is that Lu Chuan has not married and has no heirs. God knows if he will guess whether his brother and younger brother will usurp the throne and kill them all?
Needless to say, ancient and modern emperors don't know how many people really are like this.
Lu Chuan smiled. Of course he knew what his cheap brothers and sisters were thinking. An older sister and younger sister are already married, and Lu Chuan has no heirs, so their marriage was a sensation at first. They were the grandson of Prince Sally Derrick and the grandson of Prince Norman.
This kind of marriage is too common in history.
"This time, there is a decision. I have inspected my brother's son O. Elle. He is of excellent talents. I plan to pass on the throne to him." Lu Chuan said slowly. Although the content is short, there is a shock The sense of.
My cheap brother was frightened for the first time, and then he knelt directly.
Nonsense, God knows if it's the temptation of his own brother?
Not to mention him, or other people, were also dumbfounded and then panicked. They couldn't understand why Lu Chuan would say that. For them, it was definitely a storm.
Lu Chuan had expected their reaction long ago, but he took out a document from his arms, then walked to Ao Elle, handed it to him, and said, "This is the document from the king. , The king's order has been stamped on it. As long as you perform an enthronement ceremony, you will be the king of this world. I will give you this throne, and hope you understand what the important task is on your shoulders.
Eller is indeed excellent. He is already a ninth-level magician before he is thirty years old. He is so talented that he is rare in the world. In addition, his moral character is also first-class. What Lu Chuan wants is a guarded king, not a pioneering king. What's more, now that the world is unified, what can be opened up?
As long as he can stabilize the world, it is a great achievement.
Lu Chuan would choose him because he is really very good, and he is considered the most outstanding member of the royal family.
In fact, there are people who are better than him in this world, but the culture and background of this world determine that Lu Chuan can only choose Eller. If you choose other people, the world will fall into chaos, which is not what Lu Chuan wants to see.
Lu Chuan's actions gave everyone a dreaming feeling, because everything came so suddenly and so quickly that they couldn't react.
Eller was already stunned, and mechanically accepted Lu Chuan's paperwork.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about the ministers. They drafted this document and they know how to do it."
This dinner had a huge impact on the entire royal family, and things deviated from their imagination. But the result was okay, some were lost, some were excited... But after all, this world was still in the hands of their royal family.
They couldn't figure out why His Majesty the King gave way, but it was now a foregone conclusion, and there was no point for them to guess.
In 3436 of the divine calendar, the new king came to the throne. The last time Lu Chuan appeared was to appease the ministers and the soldiers of the world as the platform for the new king. At this point, Lu Chuan seemed to have disappeared, and almost no one had seen him.
Sunderland, where Lu Chuan's reincarnation appeared, and Lu Chuan walking here at the moment, he has returned to his twenty-year-old appearance. In this way, no one can recognize that Lu Chuan is the former king of their gods.
As the hometown of Lu Chuan, the changes here are the most dramatic. Countless resources have been tilted here, making Sunderland one of the most prosperous cities.
Many of the streets and alleys in Lu Chuan's memory have changed, making them unrecognizable.
Lu Chuan was sitting under a big tree, looking at the pedestrians here, with a faint smile, he would surrender control of this world when the civilization reached the sixth level. In fact, it was the perception he had given him during the previous mission.
I respect the life of this has given them enough splendor, and there is no need to bring them to the seventh civilization, the sixth civilization.
Sixth-level civilization, their own reincarnation task is completed, and they are not exposed.
Of course, Lu Chuan can bring this civilization to level seven, and it only takes more than ten years. But Lu Chuan still gave up, leaving room for this civilization, which is Lu Chuan's respect for the world and compensation for billions of lives.
The tenth-level system given by Lu Chuan is the ceiling of the sixth-level civilization. They want to break through this ceiling. It takes tens of thousands of years to explore, and then it takes a long, long time to reach the seventh-level civilization.
This period of time is Lu Chuan's pity for this civilization.
Tens of thousands of years are enough for a civilization. It's really long.
When Lu Chuan came here, it was nothing more than a farewell. Once he left, he was completely out of touch with this world. Maybe Lu Chuan could come again, but Lu Chuan should not come automatically.
As a reincarnation, Lu Chuan will not leave a trace of anything related to him here.
Lu Chuan insisted that he never touched a woman all his life, just didn't want to leave a debt of love here, because Lu Chuan was not a scumbag, he wouldn't even take a touch of his mouth and deny it. Stick to your heart and live a life like an ascetic monk, so that when you leave, you don't have a trace of nostalgia.
"Hopefully, luck will always be with you during these tens of thousands of years."
Lu Chuan grinned. It really depends on luck. See if any inspectors have discovered this civilization, and this is not what Lu Chuan needs to care about. He closed his eyes, leaned under the tree, and returned with a silent utterance. Drop.
No one would have thought that they would have left this inconspicuous place as God-like Kings, and no one even noticed the strangeness under this tree.
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