Chapter 1510: Suspension in the last days

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"Boss, can you accompany me out for a walk?"
Confirming that she is already a flesh and blood Xiao Wei, after a few minutes in a daze, she suddenly made this request, with a happy smile on her face: "I have always wanted to be like a human, but everything is just imagination. Smart, after all, I’m not a real person, I can’t get in touch with all of this. Now it’s different, I just want someone to accompany me to enjoy this feeling for a while.

In fact, Xiao Wei's wisdom has long surpassed everyone in human history.
It is not an exaggeration to say that even the top scholars are just scum in front of her.
Don't forget, Xiaowei is the of the Internet and the of intelligence. She has all the knowledge of the entire human history. Although she is like a person, with flesh and blood, her special place is that she is connected to the entire world network 24 hours a day. She is the product of the combination of human and artificial intelligence, and is a brand-new life structure.
On the earth, she is almost like a god.
But no matter how powerful she is, before Lu Chuan made her alive, she was just a special kind of data that could only live on the Internet, in countless servers and electronic products.
Lu Chuan did not refuse. After all, this was a special life form he had created.
The two walked out of the room. This is the manor, like a park.
Yi Ran knew that Xiao Wei existed. Now that Xiao Wei walked out like a human being, she realized something without disappearing in the open without a light projector. She opened her mouth and was shocked.
The strength of the boss is absolutely beyond imagination, and life can be created.
Yi Ran did not follow Lu Chuan, but took An Tong away. She knew that Lu Chuan needed to be alone with Xiao Wei for a while.
Walking on this green trail, Xiaowei is like an elf, indescribably lively. For her, every step, every breath and every laughter is unprecedented.
Lu Chuan stayed with her like this, the two did not speak, but walked around the manor.
"thank you boss."
Xiaowei bowed, she knew that everything she had was given by Lu Chuan. When coding, it was Lu Chuan who knocked her out one by one, turning her into artificial intelligence. And now, it was Lu Chuan who gave her flesh and blood and gave her life.
According to humans, Lu Chuan is just like his father.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "You deserve it. Over the years, you have been my most important assistant, managing all this for me. In fact, I had this idea a long time ago, but it was a pity that I was not capable at that time. "
Apocalyptic world, biochemical factory...
These Xiaowei didn't know, or she didn't know the whole picture.
Xiao Wei has life, which means she has traces on this earth. Once there are traces, it will no longer be as passive as before. Life, no matter how strong it is, will be threatened with death.
Fortunately, Xiaowei is a special life form. When Lu Chuan created her, he had given her a structure different from human beings.
Strictly speaking, Xiaowei is hard to be killed.
With her own presence, even if Xiaowei is dead, her spirit is immortal, because her mind will coexist in the network of this world, and then she only needs to create another body for her to be directly resurrected.
The other is to force her back to life.
Lu Chuan pondered for a moment, and said, "As for your name, you can do what you want. What name you want, it must be difficult for you, you can do it yourself."
What is the of the network and the of intelligence?
As long as Xiaowei wants, she can have any identity at will. The federal citizenship system is like her own home to her, come and go if she wants.
Needless to say, there are no servers or systems in this world that can stop her.
Xiao Wei didn't even think he needed it, so she smiled and said, "Boss, just call Xiaowei. This name is carved in the bones, there is no need to change it."
The world wants to check her identity. No one can do it. For her, it is just an instruction to solve it. Any network and electronic products in the world are completely under her control. under.
Her other ability is actually that people can be here, and she can also project to other places to condense into a projection as before, which does not affect her body. Single-minded N-use is just a basic operation for her.
In fact, she is chatting with Lu Chuan now, but her brain is processing billions of commands per second.
Lu Chuan didn't have any burden to create such a special life form, because his abilities were beyond imagination, no matter how strong Xiaowei was, Lu Chuan could completely erase her with a single thought.
In Lu Chuan's eyes, the billion trillion races and civilizations in the universe are no different from a dust of dust, and they are insignificant.
A small private spacecraft appeared here. Advanced technology has allowed humans to overcome the cold here.
Human research on Antarctica has never been interrupted.
The rapid development of science and technology has made the research process here very fast. However, after two hundred years of development, human research on Antarctica has basically come to a halt, mainly because humans have thoroughly studied Antarctica, and it has lost the value of research.
As one of the few coldest places on earth, there is nothing to do in Antarctica, and human beings are still rarely active here.
Occasionally humans arrive, more often in the form of tour groups.
These small private spaceships arrived here, and then in the endless white snow, they activated the invisibility function. The light and shadow technology made it exactly the same as the endless snow and ice, even if it was close at hand, it might not be found.
And its absorption of radar is completely absorbed, and there is no possibility of being detected by radar.
When the invisibility was completed, the spacecraft quickly flew into an open cave at a certain mountain peak. After entering inside, a huge lifting platform took the spaceship all the way underground.
When Lu Chuan walked out of the spacecraft, what caught his eye was a huge base.
This base is very quiet, except for the bright lights, there is nothing moving. Being here makes people feel dead and creepy.
Xiao Wei followed and said, "Boss, this is the liquid robot placement base. I usually take charge of the management here, but the boss has not been there, so I put the entire base to sleep."
Liquid robots, Lu Chuan used them to create a new order on the earth.
Since they were too advanced to be explained by earth's science and technology, Lu Chuan sealed up all liquid robots after establishing the federation and when the federation entered the equilibrium period.
So far in the federal archives, there is still no clue about where these liquid robots went.
In the minds of federal politicians, the liquid robot is a sharp sword hanging over their heads. I don’t know how much effort it took them, but I can’t find it at all, as if these liquid robots really disappeared in this world. same.
Lu Chuan nodded, Xiao Wei didn't realize her ability. In her mind, this was still her strongest backing, and she must ensure that they could be used by Lu Chuan as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, Lu Chuan really doesn't need them anymore.
Liquid robot, it is the product of the pinnacle of level 5 civilization, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the technology of level 6 civilization. And the earth, under his own leadership, only reached the first level, and then Lu Chuan just let it go.
After so many years of development, the current level of the earth is probably around 1.3.
In this way, the terrible liquid robot is not something that the current earth can defeat or destroy.
Lu Chuan had never handed over the liquid robot to the federal government before, and it was based on this consideration. Liquid robots are strong, but on the current earth, there is no need to use them, because the federation is unified and humans are trapped in the solar system.
If the existence of liquid robots falls into the hands of ambitious politicians, it would be weird if they don't want any thoughts.
Although the high level of the Federation is good, it is far more wonderful than being an emperor.
Lu Chuan stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at this place. In fact, there are indented storage rooms here. The liquid robots are inside. They have entered the dormant period. If they are awakened without special instructions, they will not be activated.
Any one of the liquid robots, when placed on the earth, is a god-like existence, but there are more than 5,000 liquid robots stored here.
"Xiao Wei, let them sleep without my instructions."
Lu Chuan hesitated for a moment, but gave this order.
According to Lu Chuan's estimation, they really have no possibility of being used. But after ruining them, Lu Chuan still thinks it is unnecessary. This can be regarded as a trace of concern when he recalls the Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
Xiaowei nodded: "I understand the boss."
End of the earth.
If the development of the modern earth is already fast enough, then the end-of-day earth can be described as a rapid development.
The destroyed world and the established empire are far less efficient than the modern earth. Moreover, the science and technology Lu Chuan gave to the last-day earth was more advanced, and the scientists trained were even more powerful.
If the modern earth is a level 1.3 civilization, there is no doubt that the current apocalyptic earth has reached around level 1.8.
If it breaks through level 2 civilization, the last-day earth will enter a direct and high-speed technological breakthrough, usher in a technological explosion, and further leap towards level 3 civilization.
When the level 3 civilization is broken, it is when mankind truly lifts the ban. Mankind will break through the solar system and have the ability to develop the galaxy. The solar system will no longer be a place to trap humans.
Lu Chuan moved with his mind and appeared here.
As a place where he has fought for himself, even if it has been more than two hundred years in the last days, Lu Chuan’s influence is still very As a hero who ushered mankind to victory from despair, Lu Chuan is like a god. Every textbook praises Lu Chuan's greatness. He is called the father of mankind.
No one can be praised by others, and Lu Chuan is no exception.
Regardless of whether Lu Chuan admits it or not, for more than two hundred years, Lu Chuan's influence is great, but it cannot be the same as before, but is getting weaker.
The new human beings, many people regard Lu Chuan, the founding president, more as a mascot.
"No matter what, this is the place where I have struggled after all. If I don't come back and take a look, I really can't worry about it." Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, time is like a pig knife, it takes countless people away.
Even if the lifespan of the Earth in the last days reached an average of 170 years, the group of subordinates who followed Lu Chuan at the beginning are no longer alive, because Lu Chuan entered the reincarnation space twice, and the combined time exceeded two hundred. year.
Their lifespan cannot be so long. With the medical level of the last-day earth, some people occasionally exceed two hundred years old, but not everyone.
In other words, Lu Chuan is a lonely existence in this last-day earth.
As if thinking of something, Lu Chuan grinned: "Fortunately, Aphrola and his descendants are still there, and there are small poems. This is one of the few sustenances of him."
Thinking of Aphrora, Lu Chuan suddenly felt a little cruel, and left her to live alone.
Under normal circumstances, Aphrora's life span is high, but now, she can't escape a dead word. However, Lu Chuan moved her hands and feet, and her life span was not beyond the guesswork.
More importantly, Lu Chuan gave her an eternal youth, and now Aphrola is still the same as when Lu Chuan met her.
To the end of the earth, Lu Chuan is no different from returning home.
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