Chapter 1522: Confess

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For humans on this last-day earth, they will never think of what they have experienced.
If it weren't for Lu Chuan, they would be very miserable and would die miserably.
It was the existence of Lu Chuan, the supreme magical powers, that reshaped the time of the solar system, it can be said that they were resurrected.
It's a pity that they don't know all of this, thinking that this world is the original world, and it hasn't changed. There are too many things behind that, indeed, ordinary people can not know and imagine.
The universe actually has no time.
Time is just a unit imagined by human beings with the earth as the center. It is very important in the earth, but it is a unit that does not exist in the universe.
After the time of the solar system was reshaped, it had no effect on the universe.
Lu Chuan forcibly pulled the time node of the solar system back to the time before Xiao Shi did not do anything. Not only this world, but also the resurrected people, their memories will return to this time node.
This also means that they have no idea what happened or what happened.
The world is still so peaceful, and nothing has happened.
And the insider in this world is only Aphrora. At this time, she doesn’t seem to realize what Lu Chuan has just done. In her eyes, Lu Chuan relentlessly erased the little poem. Up.
The question is, Xiaoshi is artificial intelligence. If a projection is erased, will it have an impact on Xiaoshi?
"What should I do now?" Aphrora had anxiety on her face.
Lu Chuan smiled, but took Aphrola's hand and said, "It's okay, it's done. Let's go, walk around with me."
Before Aurora could answer, Lu Chuan had already moved his mind and appeared in the new city.
In the next moment, Aphrora's eyes widened. What she saw was a street with people coming and going. There were floating cars moving everywhere in the sky. Not to mention the massacre, or the explosion.
One by one robots are serving humans, and there is no scene that Xiaoshi showed them.
It seemed that her worry before was just an unnecessary move.
"This...what's going on?"
Aurora couldn't believe what she saw. Could it be that she was deceived by the super artificial intelligence Xiaoshi?
But the main artillery attack of the space battleship was so real, if it hadn't been for Lu Chuan to resolve it next, her life or death would be unknown now. It happened right under your nose, how could it be wrong?
In addition, the coastal city where the Royal Manor is located is also a booming explosion. How can this be false?
But what is going on right now?
Lu Chuan knew that Aphrora would be surprised. The reason he left all this unmodified in front of Aphrora was to take her away from the last-day earth. She is alone in this world, which is a cruel approach to her lover.
Since she was to be taken away, naturally there was no need to hide anything from her.
"Aphrora, what you see is true. The little poem is indeed betraying me, and everything it shows to you is also true. However, I have solved all of this. You are now The world that I see is actually the world restored by me. How to explain it, you just take me back to the time before Xiao Shi did not launch an attack on humans."
"Little poem, it was taken away from the time point by me, so the retrogression of time does not include it."
Lu Chuan explained it, but he didn't know if Aphrola understood it. This is already the most popular way of explanation.
Aurora is indeed a little confused: "You mean that you set back time, and then the dead will be resurrected, and the destroyed buildings will be restored?"
Lu Chuan nodded: "It's almost the same thing."
"But...but..." Aphrora can no longer describe her current mood in words, this is simply a fantasy, it is impossible. Her husband, Aurora still knows that, it still belongs to the scope of people.
Lu Chuan said: "There is nothing but, you just need to know, what I said is true."
In order to verify, [烟雨红尘fo] Lu Chuan asked Aurora to call Xiaoshi.
As a result, it is naturally impossible for a little poem to appear again. After erasing it, there will still be an impact on this world. For example, many services need to be redefined and artificial intelligence needs to be re-implanted.
Of course, this is not something that Lu Chuan is worried about. What does the federal government do?
This issue will cost a lot, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is more like giving the Earth Federation more vigilance. For example, for a dominant artificial intelligence, they need to consider all kinds of coping methods in case an artificial intelligence has problems.
Before, it was relying too much on Xiaoshi to control the world.
The terrible consequence is the destruction of the world.
If it was only one-sided, Aphrora would doubt it, but when she discovered that the poem had indeed been completely erased, she gradually believed what Lu Chuan said. She still knows Xiaoshi, its terrifying point, it controls the Earth Federation from the network, communication to all kinds of intelligence, it is everywhere.
The senior officials of the Earth Federation had also discussed this issue with her, thinking that the existence of Xiaoshi had seriously threatened human beings themselves. Unfortunately, the senior officials at that time could not know the location of Xiaoshi's source code.
The higher-ups mean that Aphrola is Lu Chuan's wife, and may know the location of the source code. After all, Xiaoshi was developed by Lu Chuan.
Perhaps it was these actions that made Xiao Shi feel the crisis and would counteract it?
Aphrora has no way of knowing, but now, it is certain that the little poem has disappeared. It was erased by Lu Chuan in the blink of an eye, completely disappearing in this world.
Maybe the current senior federal leaders are cheering, because a big problem has been solved invisibly.
A good world is the best news for Aphrora.
"Frankly explain, what else are you hiding from me?" Aphrola's character is not tender, but the style of Russian women is absolutely sturdy. This is a true fighting nation.
Lu Chuan was pulling Aphrodite and disappeared. When he appeared, he was in New Moscow.
This is where Lu Chuan and Aphrora met.
No way, Aphrola has a very strong personality, so Lu Chuan needs to pay attention to a little strategy, such as finding a place that fills her with memories, where she can at least reduce his risk.
God knows how she feels when she hears that she has seven or eight wives?
It's just a problem that can't be bypassed, unless you let her stay in this last-day earth.
Obviously, Lu Chuan is not a scumbag, and he really can't do this kind of thing.
"Before I say it, you should be mentally prepared. For example, the bizarre nature of this matter is really very unreal, but it does exist, because what I said is all true." Lu Chuan After thinking about it, I decided to start from the beginning.
Since there is no concealment, fortunately, I started talking about this magical biochemical factory by myself.
I have to say that Lu Chuan's experience is like an unimaginable miracle, anyway from Aphrola's look, she seems to be unbelievable. But thinking of Lu Chuan's various things, she couldn't tolerate her disbelief.
A factory that can produce zombies and be used by oneself, this one alone is enough to make Aphrola stunned.
Next, is the story of Lu Chuan's rise step by step.
As long as you combine what Aphrora has seen in this world, this will let Aphrora know that what Lu Chuan said is probably true. If this is not the case, it is impossible to fit this world so closely.
In fact, Aphrora said she didn't believe it, but in her heart, she already believed it.
What really makes Aphrora unbelievable is that this universe has multiple universes, not just one earth?
A modern earth is just like the earth before the end of the world.
This modern earth is positive, and the last-day earth is negative. One peace, one end.
Not only that, there are hundreds of millions of users of biochemical factories in this world, with countless earths and countless different lives. He is just a member of all beings, and even a member of hundreds of millions of different earths, incomparably small.
As long as I think about it, I feel a sense of despair.
As if thinking of something, Aphrora's eyes stared at Lu Chuan: "You mean, you can appear in countless earths?"
Lu Chuan nodded.
Aphrora was silent for a while, and then struggled with her face, before exhaling for a long time, she exhaled, "I now know why you brought me here, man, none of them are easy to worry. Although you and I are not much Get together, but you are my husband after all, how could I not know you? Let’s say, how many lovers do you have like me?"
Lu Chuan was really a little nervous when faced with Aphrora's straightforward words.
In the earth are Ye Lingwei, Shi Ruoyu, and Man Yirou. Annie, Victoria, and another is An Yuran... If Yi Ran and An Tong are counted, they are eight?
"Eight, and all of them are true love." Lu Chuan said bitterly.
Aphrola gritted her teeth and stared at Luchuan, and said, "Which one am I?"
I have to say that Aphrola is really higher in order, Lu Chuan said: "The fourth."
Afroola calmed her mind. She sat on the rooftop where she liked to sit most before, where the flowers were still blooming, and she always thought that the Pope of Russia would be taken care of. As a ninth-level new human, the Pope of Russia holds the post of district governor of Russia in the Earth Federation.
Whether it's to please or because Aphrola is the pride of Russia, the pope has always kept it as it is. In his words, this is Aphrora's home and her hometown.
The floodgates of memory were opened, and in Aphrola's mind, it was all Lu Chuan's sweet words to himself here.
In this last-day earth, Lu Chuan is loyal to her, not to mention touching other women, but rarely even looking straight.
Across time and the universe, Aphrora actually understands, but understanding is understanding, but her heart is still a little blocked, and some can't accept it. It turns out that my husband is shared by so many people, and it turns out that strictly speaking, I am just a small three and a small four.
Not really, because Lu Chuan really loves her with all his heart.
How can a great man, a master of the universe, be trapped in a woman?
After a long time, Aphrola laughed, she exhaled and stood up, took a look at Lu Chuan, and said: "Let’s Take me to meet them, and just to verify that what you said is true , This world is so magical."
When Lu Chuan saw Aphrora's calm look, he couldn't believe it, and said, "Are you sure, where you are, you will not be angry?"
"Yes." Aphrola looked at Lu Chuan irritably, and she sighed softly: "In the past few years, my mind has been trained to be so pure and unwilling, and I don't want to live so alone. You should not realize it To that kind of feeling that children and grandchildren leave you, great-grandchildren come to see me this monster grandma."
Lu Chuan has rarely touched his descendants.
"Okay. Leave a message for them, and we will leave here, and you will be with them in the future, and each other will have a care for each other." Lu Chuan nodded, no matter what the result of their being together, this is a must.
Lu Chuan would no longer let his wives lead this kind of hard life, because this kind of time is too long. Once you need reincarnation, it may be more than a hundred years, who can bear it?
At the moment, Lu Chuan took Aphrodite and appeared in the palace for the first time.
Facing the children and grandchildren with a look of astonishment on their faces, Lu Chuan simply confessed a few words and left with Aphrola.
The Earth Federation only plays down its influence, but it will not reduce the treatment of the royal family and some special powers that are different from ordinary people. Even if they do not have themselves, they will live well.
Lu Chuan had made so many arrangements when he thought of this at the beginning, all of which were for the sake of future generations.
It now appears that my original arrangements and concerns were correct.
Although they did not give them power beyond their imagination, this method would protect them forever. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with a mascot. Only by staying away from the center of power can you live longer and better.
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