Chapter 1532: Wonderful ability

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It is not a short time for them to accept and understand a new thing.
Everyone is aware of the importance of Shuo Gold, but how to find Shuo Gold is very difficult. Shuo gold represents the unforgettable encounter, and it takes a certain amount of luck to encounter it.
In every universe, there will be the existence of Shuo gold, more or less, the key is how to find it.
The amount of gold may only be the size of a bean in a planet. It is really too difficult to discover this kind of gold, and it is not of high value to develop it.
Don't underestimate the bean-sized Shugjin, which is integrated into the weapon, and the increased improvement will make you turn defeat into victory when it is critical.
Shuo gold is still too precious, but if there is more, Lu Chuan really will not consider this bean-sized gold.
"If you want to get more gold, the price of forcing will be a bit high." Lu Chuan touched his chin, and forcing means that more people have to work hard to find. For the current situation, the gains outweigh the losses.
A group of more than two hundred people, led by Lu Chuan, appeared in a huge galaxy.
Humans are really tiny here, no different from dust.
If you don’t have this kind of ability given by God, let alone galaxies, you would just throw people on a planet at will. For the size of human beings, it is desperate, because it is possible that you will have a life on this planet. There is no way to explore it, not even a corner.
But now it is different. When Lu Chuan's third-level governor's ability appears in a galaxy, as long as it is no more than 50,000 light-years away, Lu Chuan can perceive everything.
How do you describe it? Take the Milky Way as an example. Its span is 100,000 light years. Lu Chuan's range of perception only needs to move twice to know everything in the Milky Way. This kind of ability is very against the sky, like a god.
Human imagination is probably not enough to imagine what this is like.
Appearing here is a galaxy chosen by Lu Chuan at will, with no specific purpose.
With the coordinate information released by Lu Chuan, these monitoring envoys will follow directly, and can follow Lu Chuan's thoughts.
"Now I will take you to find the gold. It may not be possible to find it, but it is a kind of empirical study. When you tour the universe in the future, or become reincarnations, you can discover the existence of the gold." Lu Chuan said.
The knowledge and essentials for finding Shuo Jin were passed to them when they were in the City of Competitiveness, and now it is more appropriate to practice.
Supervisors, they already have a certain range of perception capabilities, but they are not very large.
The third-level governor of Lu Chuan has a perception range of 50,000 light-years. This is an extremely exaggerated number. Anyone who understands the meaning of light-years will be dumbfounded. I am afraid that the ability of God is not as strong as Lu Chuan's perception.
The perception power of the inspector was only 5,000 light years, and the inspector was shortened to only a thousand light years.
A thousand light-years, compared with 50,000 light-years in Lu Chuan, is not worth mentioning, but is it really weak?
Imagine that the entire solar system is only about one light-year, so you know what kind of exaggeration a thousand light-years are.
It can only be said that there is no harm without comparison.
The inspector is already against the sky for humans, but compared with the governor, it is completely incomparable.
Don’t think that being able to observe 50,000 light-years is great. I don’t know how many galaxies with a diameter of more than one million light-years exist in the universe. The number of these galaxies is totally billions of trillions, and one by one will give you 50,000 light-years. Perceiving and observing, in terms of human life, life will come to an end without even one billionth of a millionths of it.
Fifty thousand light-years, it is still too small to put in the universe.
"Let's start with this one." Lu Chuan said, everyone began to enter the state of perception and observation.
Of course, Lu Chuan was no exception. He released his perception and suddenly a wonderful scene appeared. Lu Chuan completed the switch of God’s perspective. The entire galaxy showed a three-dimensional picture. Lu Chuan could zoom in and zoom out at will. , Used to observe all galaxies in the range.
This feeling is absolutely wonderful and amazing.
Through this one, everything in the entire galaxy cannot escape Lu Chuan's observation. As long as Lu Chuan wants to, he can observe any planet in the galaxy at any time, including the interior of the planet and so on.
Of course, this kind of interior refers to the surface of the planet, not the real internal structure of the planet, etc.
If you want to make observations, you can do the same, but instead of using this method, you need to appear on this planet so that you can perceive the structure of this planet, including the various materials it contains. Through perception, a series of substances such as the mineral structure of the planet can be known.
It's amazing, but this is the basic operation of the inspector.
The users of biochemical plants who have broken through the ninth level of space do not have this ability. They will only gain immortality and flight ability, but they cannot move freely in the universe, nor will they have the ability that everyone now has.
Observation is also a method that needs to be mastered. For example, when you perceive a planet passing by, you have to know empirically that it may have something beneficial to you, and it will have different magnetic fields radiating out, requiring you Go and catch it carefully.
Lu Chuan summarized these as planetary perception.
It seems to be awesome, but in fact it is not as easy to use as imagined, and it is not omnipotent.
A large galaxy contains countless small galaxies, and small galaxies contain a varying number of planets. Think about it, you need to find one by one, how terrible will this be?
Take the Milky Way as an example. It has hundreds of billions of stars, and looking at them one by one is absolutely crazy.
However, there is no shortcut. You can only use this method of finding a needle in the sea to find the gold.
Why is Shuo Jin scarce?
There must be many in the universe, but the question is how do you find it?
It is the difficulty to find that makes Shuo Jin so rare that it has become something that all races must fight for. It is like a kind of strategic material. Whoever owns the most has a particularly big chance of winning.
Lu Chuan's range of perception is really too big. In this three-dimensional galaxy map, there are hundreds of millions of large and small planets, some of which are huge and some are very small. From the perspective of God, it definitely gives people too much shock.
Even if Lu Chuan has seen it many times, but each galaxy is different, like a different landscape, how can it make people bored?
I want to know whether there is gold on a planet. If I look for it one by one, it will definitely not work. Therefore, Lu Chuan's experience is to look at the structure of the galaxy, pass by with his thoughts, and sense the special characteristics to make himself sprouting. a feeling of.
This kind of method is somewhat metaphysical, and it depends on one's own experience. After all, it is extremely difficult to capture the existence of Shuo Jin in it.
With his thinking shrouded in 50,000 light-years, Lu Chuan began to try to locate one of the small galaxies.
After locking this small galaxy, the angle of view is to separate this small galaxy from the huge three-dimensional view of the galaxy and present it in front of Lu Chuan, allowing Lu Chuan to see more than 30 different planets inside.
The movement of celestial bodies in the universe has its rules, and every galaxy is different.
Like now, there are more than 30 planets that exhibit planar motion, unlike the rotational motion in the solar system.
Quiet and stable, like a paradise.
Lu Chuan's perception swept through, and suddenly he sensed the disorder and order from these planets. This is the magnetic field emitted by each planet. It depends on whether you can find what you want in it.
Shuo gold is a very magical existence. It is different from ordinary mineral magnetic fields. This is the key to finding it.
It is a pity that Lu Chuan does not have the strong magnetic field of this galaxy to discover the gold, which means that this galaxy does not have the existence of gold.
Lu Chuan was not disappointed. If it were that simple to find Shuo gold, Shuo gold would not be precious, and his luck would be overwhelming. Not to mention this small galaxy, that is, the entire large galaxy, it is possible that there will be no existence of gold.
At the next moment, Lu Chuan withdrew from this galaxy again and placed his mind in another small galaxy.
There are more than 300 celestial bodies in this small galaxy, several of them as large as one light-year in diameter, which is absolutely jaw-dropping. The entire solar system is estimated to be as big as this planet.
More than three hundred celestial bodies are orbiting these super celestial bodies.
"The resources are really rich."
When Lu Chuan's thinking showed the magnetic field here, Lu Chuan who had experience could already analyze the resources contained in these celestial bodies. For example, helium, a super resource that mankind most wants to need-here, there are seven celestial bodies. This kind of helium-mostly wins, and each has hundreds of billions of tons.
The helium on the moon-if there is no Lu Chuan, it will be the object of competition among all nations. It is estimated that there will be one million tons, and 8 tons of helium-can be used by China in the previous year. It is definitely a resource that all countries must compete for.
One million tons of the moon, compared to a celestial body here, has hundreds of billions of tons, which is really out of proportion.
In the universe, too many resources are invaluable in the eyes of mankind, or they are extremely scarce in the eyes of mankind, but in the universe, these resources are everywhere, even more than garbage.
In addition, Lu Chuan also discovered a golden celestial body in this galaxy.
A gold celestial body with a purity of a thousand pure gold level, contains unknown billions of trillion tons of gold, I am afraid that its appearance will directly collapse the human gold system.
In this one-light-year-diameter planet, Lu Chuan found countless diamonds. Some of them are millions of kilometers in diameter. God knows how human beings feel when they know the existence of this kind of planet.
Resources like tungsten are numerous here.
In Lu Chuan's head, countless resource information emerged. These were all data obtained from the magnetic field. It was a magical feeling that allowed Lu Chuan to clearly know the constituent substances contained in hundreds of stars in this galaxy.
"Not again."
Lu Chuan shook his head and once again changed the galaxy he observed.
It is not important to Lu Chuan whether he has found Shuo Jin this time. The important thing is to let the supervisors master this ability so as to prepare them for the next search for Shuo Jin.
The lack of gold is like facing a heavily armed enemy with bare hands and suffering too much.
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