Chapter 1547: Hunt

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Super gold weapon, its power is one, but its rate of fire is the most terrifying.
Under this kind of space folding rate of fire, it is almost impossible for anyone to escape its blow. Even the inspectors will be hit, unless they keep tightening their nerves, it is possible to dodge.
A few light-years away, it only takes a few milliseconds to hit.
The binding force of the speed of light lost its effect in front of this weapon. The speed of light is no longer a limited speed, there are even faster ones that can shrink to an inch.
The magical method in ancient legends is to shrink the ground.
Bring close things closer, fold the space...
I always thought it was a legend. Now it seems that the imagination of the ancients has already broken through the sky. The space folding technology is basically derived from shrinking the ground into an inch, but now Lu Chuan's shortened space is a bit abnormal.
Theoretically speaking, the movement of mind is also within the scope of shrinking the ground, but the distance it involves is too amazing.
Lu Chuan is holding a gun, and he needs to test a limit distance.
This time, Lu Chuan locked a celestial body one hundred and sixty light years away, and then he disconnected the gun.
Similarly, the muzzle was processed by space folding. This terrifying energy entered the space, and then the space was folded to compress the distance. After just a few seconds, it penetrated from the other end and hit this place severely. Celestial bodies.
No accident, the violent energy shredded this celestial body.
"Next, it will be two hundred light years." Lu Chuan took a deep breath and fired again.
The dazzling light spanned two hundred light-years in about seven seconds after leaving the muzzle, which was equivalent to when the celestial body locked by Lu Chuan was blown out of the sky, forming countless fragments.
"Three hundred light years..."
Lu Chuanguo disconnected the gun, and it took 21 seconds to tear the celestial body apart, but Lu Chuan could see that its tearing method slowed down a lot, which means that when its energy efficiency reaches 300 light years away, there will be A very significant attenuation.
After several rounds, Lu Chuan discovered that at the lowest level, the farthest distance was three hundred and thirty light-years. Beyond this range, he could only leave a huge crater on the planet, but could not explode the planet.
Three hundred and thirty light years, about thirty seconds, an average of ten light years is one second.
Coming to a conclusion, coupled with the galaxy map from the perspective of his own God, Lu Chuan discovered that this weapon was indeed abnormal, killing people thousands of miles away.
As long as it is within a hundred thousand light-years, Lu Chuan can pinpoint its location, then appear in front of the opponent and kill the opponent.
After playing for a while, Lu Chuan put away the gold weapon.
This place was played by Lu Chuan, the space in this area lost its original order, and the planets became unstable. God knows how many years will it take to stabilize here?
What is really unlucky is a life star, and the race on it will usher in the catastrophe of genocide. They would not think that this was just a test shot by Lu Chuan, and they would be genocated.
The instability of the planet, coupled with the influence of foreign planets, makes life really insignificant in the face of this level of cosmic turbulence.
In the same galaxy, but in another planet.
This planet is a life star, but no civilization was born. Everything here is still in a primitive state. The arrival of Lu Chuan will not disturb the life here, let alone cause problems in the process of life.
Finding a huge rock, Lu Chuan sat down.
The golden weapon is just the beginning of cooperation between himself and the governor of the parasitic race.
"Next, we will use my knowledge to kill a piece of sky." The voice of the Governor of the Parasitic Race rang and became murderous. It bluntly said: "I have been wandering for tens of thousands of years. Through countless universes, it is only limited by the lack of strength. But now it is different, the symbiosis of you and me, the strength can already kill them."
The parasitic governor referred to them, certainly not an ordinary race, at least they were at or above the inspector level.
"If you want to stand out from the crowd, you must play the big game, cutting off the governor who is superior to us." The words of the governor of the parasitic tribe are absolutely shocking.
Lu Chuan was silent, but his heart jumped wildly. This parasitic tribe's governor was truly fearless.
Killing the Governor, it dares to think.
The Parasite Governor said: "If you still follow the rules as you do now, you and I will not have a chance. The trial points will only grow faster and faster, and they will continue to lead us, taking the lead in breaking through the fourth-level governor or even the fifth-level governor. , We lost the opportunity."
"Only by stopping them and sniping them, will we have a chance to surpass them."
Will the Governor die? Of course the answer is yes.
Once the Governor dies, no one will be able to resurrect him, because whether it is an inspector or an inspector, the level is not enough.
As soon as the Governor dies, the upward momentum of this Chosen Clan will be interrupted. Although it will not start all over again, when they reappear as the Governor, God knows how many years will it be? In this way, it will be severely stagnated.
It is not easy for the new governor to inherit the trial points of the previous governor.
In this way, the opponent's advantage will disappear.
If you want to surpass them, there is really only one way. If you kill the inspector, it is trivial to the party with hundreds of millions of inspectors. Lu Chuan really wanted to kill, but he couldn't kill much, regardless of the situation.
It is to kill the inspector, this kind of position that the governor can be promoted at any time, and he can be promoted as many people as he is killed.
Only the governor is the key.
Competition is cruel in the first place. In order to achieve the goal, it is naturally omnipotent.
The parasitic governor's hard work, naturally, directs the goal directly to the source. In the past, it couldn't find a suitable parasite, so it was intentional and weak. It is different now. The symbiosis with Lu Chuan and the fusion of abilities have caused a qualitative change. It is not a problem to hunt down these governors.
"In addition, hunting these governors will get a certain percentage of points, and they will also get the gold in their hands..." The voice of the governor of the parasitic tribe was frantic: "With trial points, there are gold, not only We are strong, and we can also make our inspectors strong."
Indeed, being strong does not mean that you are really strong.
A strong leader is certainly important, but if his subordinates don't work hard, it will only make people tired. It is impossible to do everything by yourself, such as inspections, the discovery of some sixth-level civilizations and seventh-level civilizations, and the expulsion of rule breakers and reincarnations, etc., all require inspections.
How to make the inspectors stronger, the first is to upgrade their ranks, but now there are only 500 places for inspectors, so there is no way to increase them.
How to do?
Can only think of another way, for example, let them have gold weapons.
Originally, the reincarnation would be suppressed, and had the advantage of gold. It was completely possible to sling these reincarnations without the weapon of gold, and the odds of winning would be great. Under the ebb and flow of each other, their own strength will increase, and the opponent will be suppressed.
This road does not require the Governor of the Parasitic Race to say, Lu Chuan also knows that he needs to go this way.
In this way, the rich experience of the parasitic governor is used.
"Yes." Lu Chuan replied simply and neatly.
If you have such a good advantage, why not use it? Lu Chuan is not a soft-hearted person, like war, either you die or I live, everything is for survival, for himself to be stronger.
The Viceroy of the Parasitic Race laughed and said: "The top few old immortals, I have been to their universe, but it is not easy to find them. Fortunately, there are some things that are too attractive to them. For example, Shuo Jin."
Lu Chuan was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the Parasitic Governor would have such a strategy.
"Let's go to the transit star first and look at the current ranking, who is our goal." Lu Chuan did not act rashly for insurance.
The Governor of the Parasitic Race also agrees that it is not separate from Lu Chuan now, and it is better to be more careful.
The parasitic family's market in the universe is always to find the right opportunity, kill with one blow, and not give the opponent a chance to turn over.
The governor transit star.
Here, only the governor level can be reached. There is only one building on the entire planet, and this is the palace.
The huge square became like an arena.
The governor who appears here, as long as he meets other governors, the first thing is to fight.
Here, there are no casualties, no costs, and some are a kind of competition, regardless of winning or losing.
When Lu Chuan arrived, it was empty and there was no shadow.
This is also normal. Thousands of governors seem to be a lot, but they have their own business to be busy, there is no need, and they will not come to this transit star. In this way, it is not easy to meet a governor.
Lu Chuan ejected, and people had already stood in front of the huge stone monument.
The above rankings, the previous rankings have not changed at all, but the rankings after the 100th place change every day, with tops and bottoms. Lu Chuan's ranking has advanced by more than 30, but it is still out of a thousand.
If nothing happens, Lu Chuan really does not have the qualifications to compete for the top three.
The Parasitic Governor's ranking is within a hundred. From this point, it can be seen that the Parasitic Governor's strength really exceeds Lu Chuan by too much.
For his ranking, Lu Chuan had long been expecting it. On the other hand, the Governor of the Parasitic Race was very satisfied: "It seems that their promotion has not been obvious for some time."
Through this ranking, you can get a lot of information. Before and after the ranking, it determines your trial points and the strength of your subordinates.
Lu Chuan ranks out of a thousand. In fact, as long as you understand the history of mankind, you will find that Lu Chuan is already very strong, and the speed of rise is also very fast. If all races are on the same starting line, humans may not lose. Unfortunately, the time for humans to become the chosen race is too short. This scraper may make humans miss the front row.
The weak and the strong eat, this is the law, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.
"The tree clan is the first."
Lu Chuan frowned. He really couldn't figure out what the tree clan took the first place. In the eyes of human beings, trees are nothing but firewood, but the tree clan now leads the universe, which is really unbelievable.
The second place is the Giant Stone Clan, a race that has been killing each other for tens of thousands of years with the Tree Clan. The two sides are improving each other in the endless war.
These two opponents are very difficult.
The Governor of the Parasitic Race sneered: "The tree of the world is old and immortal. It should be the end of the war. Why should we set it as the goal first?"
Lu Chuan shuddered. This parasitic tribe's governor called first as soon as he came up. Will it be a little bigger in the support?
Hearing the tone of the Governor of the Parasitic Race, it seems that there has been an overlap with the Governor of the Tree Race?
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