Chapter 1629: energy

Latest website: On the barren planet, there is only one lonely person in Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan is used to being lonely, but it doesn't matter, he eats as he wants, and sleeps as he likes to sleep. When you want to play, just play with the beasts here.
Without the intervention of civilized races, many fierce beasts have been born on this barren planet, and they are also very powerful.
The gravity here, Lu Chuan is certain that if the beast here is brought to the earth, this beast can completely replace the role of Superman and become a new super beast, enough to overturn the earth and make a jump.
There are fierce beasts here, but it doesn't mean that this planet is suitable for the Chimera people to live in, and it will not be emigrated here. It is conceivable that the conditions here are not within the consideration of the Chimera people.
At this time, Lu Chuan stood on a protruding red rock. Under Lu Chuan’s feet, there were dozens of fierce beasts that looked like big dogs. Their heads had sharp horns, and their bodies had a pattern and a thin layer. Thin scales, thin and long tail.
This kind of big dog can open its mouth very wide and its teeth are very sharp.
Don't look at it as being only 1.5 meters high or six meters high, but they are one of the most brutal on this planet, a species that relies on the power of a group to run rampant on this planet.
Bored, naturally find some fun.
For example, teasing these big dogs is also very interesting.
After condensing their aura, these big dogs rushed to the rock and tried to drag Lu Chuan down. Unfortunately, it was quite difficult for them to get up to the place Lu Chuan chose.
However, the ferocity of big dogs, once they find their prey, they are immortal, so they don't give up.
Lu Chuan smiled and shook his hand. A piece of fresh animal meat of more than ten kilograms appeared in his hand, and then Lu Chuan threw it below. The fresh beast meat stopped the big dogs from pestering Lu Chuan, but instead rushed to this piece of fresh beast meat.
In the snatch, a big dog succeeded, and it swallowed more than ten catties of animal meat.
Naturally, this bit of beast meat could not satisfy their appetite, and they rushed to Lu Chuan again. They still thought that after eating this prey, they would be able to feed them a full meal.
Lu Chuan shook his hand, and another piece of beast meat appeared and threw it far away.
The big dogs rushed to this piece of beast meat for the first time, naturally only one of them was the winner, and the others could only be hungry.
When the big dogs returned, all the big dogs who didn't eat were staring at Luchuan.
Soon, another piece of beast meat appeared and was thrown into the distance.
After going round and round, half an hour later, dozens of big dogs were full of stomachs. They stared at Lu Chuan, made a low noise, and quickly disappeared into the distance.
Lu Chuan just smiled, and didn't care.
The next day.
The big dogs appeared again. They still wanted to treat Lu Chuan as prey, but Lu Chuan was still the same as yesterday, throwing pieces of animal flesh until they disappeared after eating.
A week later, the big dogs showed up on time, but did not attack Lu Chuan again. Instead, they surrounded Lu Chuan and looked at Lu Chuan eagerly.
This time Lu Chuan did not throw the beast meat far away, but directly at their feet.
The big dogs immediately gobbled up and ate. A big dog needs 40 to 50 catties of meat to be full. On this barren star, it is really not easy for them to get full. Many times they can only be half full.
In bad times, if there is no prey for a few days, you will be hungry for a few days.
For this period of time, they have been so happy that they have been able to sustain themselves every day.
After the big dogs were full, Lu Chuan blew a whistle, which aroused the big dogs' vigilance, but they were not in a state of attacking Lu Chuan, nor did they have that kind of brutal beast light in their eyes.
Lu Chuan smiled and waved.
The big dogs disappeared again, but Lu Chuan knew that this kind of relationship between him and them had been established, and the rest was simple. After feeding for a period of time, there would be no more separation between him and them.
A few days later, after Lu Chuan threw food away, while the big dogs were eating, Lu Chuan stepped down slowly and fell below, very close to them.
The big dogs were full of alert, but they just raised their heads to look at Lu Chuan, and then lowered their heads to eat the beast meat.
Lu Chuan slowly approached them until he stood among them.
The big dogs did not attack Lu Chuan. After they were full, they stared at Lu Chuan curiously and let Lu Chuan stay among them.
The initial trust is established in this way.
For the next few days, Lu Chuan stayed in their group while feeding, and occasionally stretched out his hand to touch them. The big dogs first resisted, then accepted, letting Lu Chuan rub their heads.
Lu Chuan is on the rock, and the big dogs and Lu Chuan lie behind them, looking up at the sun here, watching the sunset and sunrise.
Occasionally, when Lu Chuan got upset, he ran wildly with the big dogs, chasing prey with them.
Lu Chuan must find something for himself to do, because you will never know if the inspector of this pearl universe will find this place. The sixth-level civilization, it is possible for them to be promoted to the seventh level, they will discover this problem because of the collapse of the universe.
This process may take a long time. If they haven't noticed it, Lu Chuan will definitely be boring.
Here, Lu Chuan doesn’t have to hold on to his identity as a Chimera tribe, but instead completely let go of himself, run arbitrarily with the big dogs on this planet, hunt the beasts with them, and watch them have a good meal. .
Time passed by, and occasionally Lu Chuan would return to the palace to deal with things.
The entire Chimera tribe had a qualitative overflight after annexing the Simon civilization. Inheriting the huge industrial foundation of the Simon civilization, the civilization of the Chimera people has improved a lot.
The Chimera tribe has a sixth-level calendar for 8 years. With the information given by Lu Chuan, the Chimera tribe began to experiment with making wormholes.
Even if Lu Chuan gave them scientific and technological information, it is one thing to understand, and it is another thing to realize.
This requires a process, and the time is really uncertain.
Lu Chuan knew that when he threw out these materials, he was not far from the creation of the wormhole. The characteristic of level seven civilization is that it can create wormholes. With the wisdom of the Chimera people, this process will be completed within ten years.
Influenced by the theory of wormhole making, the Chimera people's fanatical respect for Lu Chuan is almost in their bones.
The rise of civilizations led by gods gave them blind cognition. For example, they are the cosmic race, the overlord of the universe, the center of the universe... They believe that under the leadership of the gods, they will rule this universe.
A theory like this has existed since Lu Chuan ascended the throne.
Decades of fermentation have long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.
Theology is popular among the Chimera people, mainly due to the appearance of gods and the power of kings. No one from the upper echelons opposed or suppressed theology, and even with a tacit consent, theology was completely mainstream.
The emergence of various kinds of theology has formed two academic conflicts with technology.
Lu Chuan certainly didn't care about this one. After all, the rise of theology was caused by himself. Of course, another reason why Lu Chuan didn't interfere was that a civilization that was about to be destroyed, Lu Chuan really didn't need to care too much.
Once civilization is destroyed, gods and untheological things, including technology... will also disappear. There is too much debate and no amount of intervention.
Lu Chuan's thoughts were all about improving the technological content, population size, and having a larger star field.
The rest is left to the elders.
For example, the welfare of the Chimera tribe is something they worry about in the Presbyterian Church. How to improve the welfare of the tribe is also a headache for them. In fact, the welfare of the Chimera people is very high. This is mainly Lu Chuan's suggestion.
For a civilization that is about to be destroyed, there is nothing to eat and drink for them. Human beings have been given a good meal before imprisonment until today.
With the blessing of theology, the creation of wormholes became the beginning of the Chimera people's use of supernatural powers. In theological eyes, only gods can do things. Now God has taught the Chimeras the way to start this one. Unbelievable technology.
And this statement has been recognized by a large part of the Chimera people.
No matter what the outside world is, it is definitely not a simple matter to create a wormhole. The energy system it needs is difficult to solve. If it weren't for Lu Chuan's solution, with a series of scientific and technological support, according to normal circumstances, the Chimera would not be able to solve the energy problem within hundreds of thousands of years.
Diamonds are everywhere in the universe, it can be said that they are everywhere, because a certain high temperature can produce diamonds.
But gold...
Perhaps too many people don't understand that gold is also a rare precious metal when it is placed in the universe. It needs a terrifying energy impact to form, and this kind of energy requires the addition of the collision forces of two neutron stars to achieve the required formation conditions.
In the universe, there are many neutron stars, but the probability of two collisions is too low.
And to create a wormhole, the energy required exceeds the energy of the collision of two super-density neutron stars, and artificial production can hardly realize this kind of energy supply.
That's why it is not surprising that without Lu Chuan, it would take hundreds of thousands of years, even more than a million years, for them to solve this energy problem with the power of a civilization alone.
Imagine that if the energy system that UU read needs to create a wormhole, if it weren't for the gods to give them supernatural powers, how could the Chimeras be able to provide them?
The reason why theology is so popular is precisely the reason for Lu Chuan's influence. Many things that science cannot explain are all classified in theology. Obviously, the rapid development of science and technology has prevented many Chimeras from keeping up with the development of science and technology. There has been such an achievement for decades, as if it was yesterday, which makes them unable to accept what current technology can do.
Promoted by Lu Chuan, the Chimera people used their enormous power, began to understand new energy methods, and set out to build new energy release equipment, a super big guy beyond imagination, a super energy impact with a size of 40,000 kilometers. machine.
Undoubtedly, this is a super project, far from being completed in a short time.
From design to manufacturing, the entire Chimera industry chain needs to be supported, and the top technology is used to serve it.
And the manufacture of the super energy impactor will also lay the foundation for new warship construction technology. After all, the impactor of this size has been manufactured, and the 30,000-kilometer class warship is not far away.
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