Chapter 1652: Return to Zong

"Super Zombie Factory (
If it weren't for the youth just now, Chen Keke must think that his father-in-law is crazy.
Well, even she thinks that if she treats the other as her father-in-law, she would be crazy. Because the other party is younger than his husband, how could he be Lu Hao's father?
She even thought that Lu Chuan was a liar Lu Hao found, and she joined Lu Hao to lie to herself.
Where can there be such a young father who looks younger than his own son?
But just looking at herself in the mirror, the impact on Chen Keke was huge. She once thought it was just a dream. But she buckled her nails into the meat, and the tingling pain let her know that this was definitely not a dream, but real.
That's why Chen Keke wouldn't think that Lu Chuan was just making a little bit of emptiness, just playing mystery.
eternal life?
Chen Keke still knew the meaning of these two words. In ancient times, many kings were pursuing these two words but couldn't. But now, is he really immortal?
Chen Keke is very dumbfounded now.
Of course Lu Chuan knew that Chen Keke didn't believe it now, and he didn't explain it. If you want them to believe it, you can use time to prove it. In addition, as her daughter-in-law, she needs to know a lot of things, which will subvert her worldview.
Lu Chuan smiled slightly, looking at the grandson Lu Fei and the two granddaughters Lu Lu and Lu Xiayun. Of course, it is impossible to favor one another. He asked, "Do you want to keep the way you are now or become younger?"
In fact, they are only in their early thirties. They are not too old. They are well maintained, and they have the genes of Lu Family. It is the right time.
Men are handsome and women are beautiful.
Lu Hao's genes come from Lu Chuan and Victoria. Lu Chuan may not be considered as handsome, but Victoria's genes are really powerful, so Lu Hao is very handsome. And Lu Fei, Lu Lu, and Lu Xiayun inherited Victoria’s genes. They are definitely synonymous with handsome and beautiful, and they all have mixed blood, which highlights their temperament.
In fact, whether Lu Fei or Lu Lu's two sisters, are satisfied with their current appearance.
But the three of Lu Fei didn't know how to speak, calling grandpa... They really couldn't speak, it always felt too weird.
Lu Chuan didn't blame them either, he changed himself, I'm afraid it's the same, he can understand.
"Forget it, just keep immortal as it is now." Lu Chuan didn't think much, and made a choice instead of them. He was already strong, and he was his grandson and granddaughter.
After three consecutive taps in the void, the three groups of light spots submerged into the bodies of Lu Fei's three brothers and sisters. This is the supreme divine power, which will always improve their genes and achieve the goal of immortality.
Why is Lu Hao not happy when he sees this result?
"Thank you father." Lu Hao said quickly.
Lu Chuan waved his hand, then walked to the sofa in the lobby and sat down. He beckoned to everyone and said, "Since I am a family, I need to know something about me."
In Lu Hao's stern eyes, the three brothers and sisters Lu Fei had to sit close.
Although Chen Keke didn't understand, she was still a little dazed, but it did not prevent her from sitting next to Lu Hao.
Victoria has always been smiling, she is still immersed in the role of being a mother-in-law and grandma.
Lu Chuan did not speak, but snapped his fingers in front of them. The transformation of his thoughts started. A cup of steaming coffee appeared in front of everyone and said, "I personally like coffee. It's actually milk coffee. Vulgar."
After speaking, ignoring the dumbfounded look of Lu Fei and the others, they grabbed their coffee and took a sip.
"As a descendant of the Lu family, I know that Lu family is natural. Before I say it, let’s start with the universe so that you will understand it better. The universe is infinite, and it is expanding at the speed of light. How big is it? It’s unimaginable. And the universe is actually composed of many multiple universes, which are billions of trillions of superpositions."
Lu Chuan whispered, only to hear Chen Keke and others' ears, as if listening to the heavenly scriptures.
Lu Chuan didn't care, but as if muttering to himself, he was telling the content that subverted their worldview.
Can't understand, can't understand, this is nothing, Lu Chuan just gave them a little concept. Therefore, after he finished speaking, Lu Chuan rolled his hand, and everyone only felt that he was no longer in the villa, but in a very quiet place. The surroundings were extremely cold, without people, and silent.
How should I say it, like a dream, I arrived here in the blink of an eye.
This is a dead place, wherever one's eyes can see, it is made of shingite, and there is fine sand everywhere. Desolation is not enough to describe this place, but it is like being in a desolate planet in outer space.
Chen Keke's eyes were huge. They couldn't understand why they were in the hall at home one second before, but why they were already here the next moment.
They didn't move, but even the coffee table and sofa got here.
"God, that is the earth? We...we are on the moon?" Lu Fei first noticed the difference. He raised his head and could see the big blue earth hanging in the sky, so far away from them. near.
Standing on the moon, the earth is indeed huge, because it is so close, it seems to be close at hand.
Lu Lu and his sisters also let out a cry of exclamation following Lu Fei's eyes.
Lu Hao laughed and said, "Don't make any fuss, we are indeed on the moon. Your grandfather brought you here to let you know what he said is true."
In a word, let Chen Keke wait for nothing but swallowing saliva, Lu Hao said, they would not think it was fake.
The whole world can deceive them, but their father will not deceive them.
In other words, they are really on the moon.
The next moment, their eyes were placed on Lu Chuan. They wanted to know how Lu Chuan did it. This is the moon, from the earth to here in the blink of an eye, how can it not surprise them?
Lu Chuan smiled, but pointed to Mars and said: "It is said that the first immigration base on Mars is about to be completed and put into use, so I can just go and have a look."
As soon as the sound fell, the picture turned, but everyone appeared on Mars.
Here, you can indeed see the huge immigration base in the distance. The sky is already supported and has a foundation. However, there are many facilities in it that are not yet complete, and it will take two or three years to be put into use.
Lu Fei and the others have always yearned for this place, but except for the staff, Mars is not qualified.
Now they are not far away, as passers-by.
Until now, Lu Fei and the others realized that they were just exposed on the surface of this Mars, and there seemed to be invisible things protecting them, so that they could not affect their surrounding environment at all.
How can this be done?
In this short period of time, Lu Chuan gave them too much shock.
They have never thought that they can move like this, can experience all this, let alone imagine their background. No matter how real they were, they still seemed to be in a dream.
No, it was in a dream at all.
"Want to see the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Nebula?" Lu Chuan asked with a smile.
Needless to say, the Kuiper belt is a meteorite belt outside the solar system. With it, it is difficult for humans to get out of the solar system. As for the Oort Nebula, it is the real killer to stop human beings. Civilized technology below Level 3 cannot break through it.
All these have been confirmed by humans.
On the earth where Locke is, the civilization has entered the first level, and it is not difficult to detect these things.
It's one thing to be able to discover, it's another to want a breakthrough.
Lu Chuan didn't wait for them to react, but his mind moved, and he took them directly into the Kuiper Belt, where countless meteorites whizzing by, large and small, were densely packed with no edge. Being here, especially these huge meteorites flying by, makes people feel the endless danger.
Fortunately, there is no danger in Luchuan.
But this kind of stimulus still left Chen Keke and the others dumbfounded, it was subconscious screaming and dodge. But they found that all of them were in vain and didn't need them at all. These meteorites could not hit them.
In addition, they discovered that it was actually suspended in the universe, and the feeling from under their feet was like the real place, which was very magical.
"Grandpa, scientists say that humans will never pass through the Oort Nebula, is that right?" Lu Fei finally mustered up the courage. After seeing this kind of magic, he naturally accepted Lu Chuan and the others.
Lu Chuan shook his head and said: "Human civilization can break through the solar system when it enters the third stage of the third stage. According to normal development, it may take no less than two thousand years. It is about 4500 years in the Gregorian calendar. This is a smooth situation. If the progress of civilization With changes, such as wars, the unification of mankind, the split, etc., the breakthrough time will be longer."
With this explanation, Lu Fei naturally understood.
At the next moment, Lu Chuan took them to the central star field of the Milky Way galaxy. There are countless stars with hundreds of thousands of times the brightness of the sun. Here, Lu Chuan showed them the magical life of light, a kind of life with light. Existential life.
Lu Chuan grabbed one casually, placed it on the palm of his hand, and said, "Don't underestimate this little thing. The energy in it can be used by the Shanghai stock market for a year."
And the spot of light here is more than a billion trillion?
If they are converted into electricity, human beings will not need to worry about energy for hundreds of millions of years.
This is destined to be a cosmic journey. Lu Chuan took them to several alien civilizations again. As a passer-by, they finally realized that there are not only humans in the universe, but they indeed possess alien civilizations exist.
Human beings are not alone in the universe.
After they were digested, Lu Chuan had his mind together again, and he had already appeared on the earth where Xiao En was. This time he took Chen Keke and the others to recognize other mother-in-laws, as well as Lu Hao's brother and sister-in-law.
A family naturally needs to be reunited.
This time it was no longer to bring other women into this big family, so Lu Chuan was able to let go. Victoria's daughter-in-law, in theory, is also Ye Lingwei's daughter-in-law.
It can be regarded as let Chen Keke and Lu Fei three brothers and sisters recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, and let them join the family of Lu family, it will be lively next.
The extremely beautiful mother-in-laws made Chen Keke seem like a wandering spirit, absolutely shocking her nerves. Now she realized that her father-in-law had nearly ten mother-in-laws, and her mother-in-law was just one of them.
Through the introduction, Chen Keke discovered that he had dozens of sister-in-laws alone, which made people feel dumbfounded. The father-in-law was like an ancient king, and he seemed to own the Sixth Court of San Gong.
Chen Keke no longer wanted to admit it and had to accept this fact.
And Lu Fei's cousins, this number has gone too much, they are just distributed in different universes and earth, and they don't live together. And the continuation of the Lu family began from Lu Chuan's generation, only to the great-grandson generation, and after that, they no longer care, leaving them to grow old, sick and die like ordinary people.
After arriving at the great-grandson, that is, the great-grandson number in the records alone exceeded a thousand.
What about the great-grandson?
It's scary to think about it. This Lu family is huge, starting from Lu Chuan's generation, after nearly 600 years, the number has exceeded tens of thousands. Such large descendants are mainly concentrated in the modern earth where Lu Chuan is located.
Of course, this is not the most terrifying. Now Chen Keke understands what Lu Hao said before. Her father is the greatest existence in human history, because through conversations, she discovered that she, the princess, dominates the billions of trillions of universe, like herself The earth it is on is just one of the universes.
From this point of view, Lu Chuan's power is terrifying, no wonder Lu Hao once said that Locke is just an insignificant subordinate under his father.
She had always thought that Lu Hao was mad, but now that she understood what Lu Hao said was true, and even he underestimated Lu Chuan’s power, because Lu Chuan was more than he thought. Strong and great.
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