Chapter 1655: God's gift

"Super Zombie Factory (
"A humanoid species?"
Lu Chuan appeared in this planet, his perception spread, and he knew the planet in a moment.
This alien species is similar to humans, but the nose is very different, like the nose of a lion. And they don't have hair, they are all bald.
Throw them into the human society. If they were just one, humans would not even think of them as aliens, but rather strange and deformed poor people.
They are in the civilization within the stars, at the technological level of the seventh and eighth centuries of ancient Europe.
But the difference is that this civilization is a world where theology and technology go hand in hand. People here highly respect theology, and the world is dominated by theology. Technology is only a supplementary existence.
In this way, the civilization presented to Lu Chuan became interesting.
In fact, there is no in this civilization.
However, everyone believes in God extremely. It is not the government, but the church that rules this society.
It's hard to imagine that the Holy Court can rule this world and unify it.
However, this unity cannot be said to be complete, because there are a large number of nobles and grand princes who divide and rule each piece of land. This creates interests, and disputes naturally continue. After friction, wars will start between each other.
The church seemed to be happy to do so, because it was the wars between the nobles and families who owned the fief, and it was more convenient for the church to rule under restraint. The church has been able to form this kind of unity on this planet for thousands of years, using this unique method.
In Lu Chuan's view, in fact, large and small land can be regarded as a country, and the church is more like a spiritual unity.
How to describe it, it exists like the United Nations.
After all, these fiefs have independent economic, cultural, military, and political power. Every year, only a certain amount of tax needs to be paid to the church, and the proportion is very small, almost negligible.
However, if some of these fiefdoms are overthrown or annexed, whether they are legal or not, they all need to go through the church.
If the Holy Court agrees, it is legal and just.
But if the Holy Court disagrees, it is illegal, illegal, and will be subject to other fiefs' conquests.
A very weird social structure, which seems to be the same as in ancient Europe. Of course, this in-plane civilization's church is not a display. It has the most powerful military power and believers on the entire planet. They are the only theological faction and the Pope's power is amazing.
This is a planet slightly larger than the earth, and the environment is not much different.
If you want to say something different, it's probably that the landform here is a little bit more gray, not as vivid as the earth.
In Lu Chuan's eyes, this place is absolutely backward and ignorant.
Although technology is also developing, it has been suppressed all the time. Theology completely rules this planet.
It is really not easy to think about it, even Lu Chuan feels strange that the church can unify the planet. Presumably, there should be something extraordinary about this church?
Then, Lu Chuan discovered some interesting things.
"How can such a backward civilization have a communication system of level 1.5 civilization and five transport ships?"
Yes, in this planet, there is indeed a set of communication systems controlled only in the church. It only has ten, but using this one, it has constructed an information processing mechanism that covers the world.
They constructed the division of the church, and then set up the bishop, who is in charge of this small communication device, and can report to the pope the dynamics of the area at any time.
And these five transport spacecraft, their size has reached a staggering 1.5 kilometers in length, with dozens of layers of structure, and can transport more than 200,000 soldiers to any area at a time.
It is these methods that allow the Church to rule this world.
With this kind of god-like ability, the position of the church is naturally unshakable, and it has also absorbed countless believers. Any fief who wants to oppose the church must consider that the army of the church will arrive at any time for suppression.
They need to march for several years and cannot reach the central center where the church is located. In the process, most of the soldiers will be damaged. If they can reach the central center, they will have no combat effectiveness. However, the army of the church can approach their fief in just a few hours.
This kind of disparity is the reason why the church has always had this world.
God's gift.
Whether it is this incredible communicator or the transport spacecraft that makes the world tremble, they are all gods. This also established the position of theology and the unshakable leadership of the church.
Every time the bishop reports to the pope, it is an extremely sacred thing. They will carefully hold the communicator and use the most pious attitude to give tribute before it is activated.
For thousands of years, they have maintained this kind of piety.
Naturally, the level of science and technology of level 1.5 civilization does not need to be said much, plus they are very well protected and not used much, every time they are cautious, this makes these communicators and transport ships have no problems, and they have enough energy. use.
"This is a world visited by higher civilizations."
Lu Chuan came to a conclusion.
This advanced civilization is for this planet. From the technological products left over, Lu Chuan judged that this civilization should be at a level of about level 3. He didn't know why he got here, but he didn't rule and emigrate here. Perhaps the reason was too far away.
And the things left over from this higher civilization are absolutely fetishes for this primitive and barbaric civilization.
Unknown, everything is classified as theology.
The advanced civilization that arrived here only left five spaceships and this batch of communicators, and taught them to use them, and changed the history of this planet, thus turning this civilization into a complete theological civilization.
"When higher civilizations arrive, they usually observe quietly and then leave. Unless they need to be colonized, they are more dismissive of lower civilizations. Then the question is, what purpose did the other party transport these ships Stayed?"
The 1.5-kilometer-long transport spacecraft, put in space, is unremarkable and can be called insignificant.
However, the civilization within the stars is definitely a giant. With the level of technology here, it can only do some simple handicrafts. There is no way to industrialize a suit of iron armor, it can only be built with manpower, but there are already spaceships here.
What can't be explained can only be classified as a divine tool. Under theology, the church is the destiny of God, and naturally it is impossible to be betrayed, and it is justifiable to rule this planet.
Occasionally, some rebellious forces appeared, but under the iron hoof of the Vatican army, they couldn't make any waves.
Lu Chuan became interested. In this boring space travel, there is this kind of thing that can ignite gossip. How could Lu Chuan miss it?
The third-level civilization, for thousands of years, the sky is the fourth-level civilization.
The fourth-level civilization is difficult to cross galaxies, and most of them are active in galaxies. In other words, it should be nearby.
The vicinity of Luchuan is calculated in light years, such as several light years, dozens of light years...
At the moment, Lu Chuan closed his eyes and released his perception. Within a few seconds, everything within a hundred thousand light-year range was known to Lu Chuan. How many races and civilizations there are, all presented to Lu Chuan one by one.
Soon Lu Chuan locked on one of the civilizations. The level of civilization at the third-level peak spanned a ruling range of more than 600 light years, and its reconnaissance range reached more than 2,000 light years.
What surprised Lu Chuan even more is that this is also a humanoid civilization.
They are similar to humans. The difference is that they have sharp ears and a very different civilized style, which is strange to humans.
One of the criteria of level 3 civilization is warp flying, level 6 is to use wormholes, and level 7 is to create wormholes.
Civilizations below level 5 span hundreds of light-years and require no less time. Moving is decades of sailing time. This is also the furthest distance that civilization can conquer and rule.
The consequence of such a huge scope is naturally the strong local power, continuous wars, and gradually split into a huge number of countries.
Civilization includes species, which does not mean that it is a unified existence.
Like the civilization that Lu Chuan has discovered now, it has split into thousands of countries of different sizes, and the war has never been interrupted. The rules of nature exist here as well. Among thousands of large and small countries, there are more than a dozen super countries. They are huge and occupy various star regions.
In this case, Lu Chuan can only know that the handwriting here is the work of this civilization, but he doesn't know which country it is.
"The distance is about 860 light-years ~ This distance is too far for their current technology. It takes 90 years to sail, which makes conquest and emigration meaningless. ."
Lu Chuan muttered to himself.
Detecting spacecraft will come here, but warships and civil aviation spacecraft, etc., generally do not appear here.
Entering a dormant state and spending ninety years here, unless there are special resources, it is impossible for anyone to do so. It's just that this transport spacecraft should be left over from a detection fleet arriving here.
No matter what the reason is, their arrival at the beginning still broke the natural development of this planet and changed the historical course of a planet.
Lu Chuan is just a traveler, a planet, a civilization process, in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is insignificant, like a drop in the ocean, it is really nothing. The billions of trillions of cosmos happen every moment, and Lu Chuan can't care about it if I don't know how many things are.
In the process of civilization, Lu Chuan didn't count as interfering too much. He was just taking a temporary rest and chose here.
Lu Chuan is too boring. He needs to find someone to talk to and integrate into this world and society.
After learning about this planet, Lu Chuan chose to land in the most prosperous and largest city on this planet. It was the central city where the church was located, also known as the center of the world.
The movement of mind made Lu Chuan appear in one of the streets and alleys in an instant, silently, no one would know.
With a touch of Lu Chuan's hand, people became the appearance of this species in the blink of an eye.
It was only a slight change and did not affect Lu Chuan's actions. A mirror appeared in front of him, and then he looked at his face. This nose is indeed not very good. From a human perspective, it is absolutely ugly. Not to mention wrinkled, the two nostrils are still very big.
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