Chapter 1661: The so-called god

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Lu Chuan was operating on the transport spacecraft, and soon a huge holographic map appeared in front of Lu Chuan. It moved with Lu Chuan's fingers, constantly changing a large number of planets.
This is a transport spacecraft in the 1.5-level civilization period. If its functions are seen from the eyes of a human being, it must be full of black technology.
As Lu Chuan flicked his hand, the holographic map began to shrink and became a densely packed planet.
In fact, this is the navigation system of the transport spacecraft. Through this one and the above voyage records, Lu Chuan can know how it came here and where it came from.
Staring at this gleaming route, Lu Chuan confirmed his previous guess that this transport spacecraft, the in the eyes of the Lion-nosed people, is indeed from the next higher civilization that is more than 800 light years away.
As for Lu Chuan's operation, the Pope didn't dare to let out the atmosphere. They just watched Lu Chuan's operation cautiously and tremblingly. They didn't even dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing Lu Chuan.
In their heads, Lu Chuan must be the son of God.
Thousands of years, gods have finally come again. Although they are only gods, they feel excited. After all, they have served so many popes, but it is fortunate to be able to see God.
In the revelation, God will come, now is nothing more than sending the son of God to arrange it first?
Yes, it must be so.
The Pope will make a lot of preparations when he travels, and he doesn't know how much it will cost. Now that God wants to descend, it certainly cannot be as simple as that, such as building a sacred platform, etc., is what God needs to descend, and it can be considered as a first preparation.
Now that the gods are sent, they must be guided in their preparations.
In the pope's wild thoughts, Lu Chuan flicked his hand, closed the holographic map, and then hugged his arm, a little lost.
Just when he was using the transport spacecraft to navigate, Lu Chuan discovered that the transport spacecraft was actually sending coordinate information, and an unknown spacecraft was following this navigation and came here.
Lu Chuan estimated that this is the so-called revelation of the gods. A platform needs to be built for the other party to land?
The speed of this spacecraft is very fast, and the technological content is amazing. According to the construction of the Shentai, it should have been about five years. It has only been a year and a half now, but this spacecraft has arrived not far away.
Based on Lu Chuan's calculations, this spacecraft will reach the Lion-nosed planet in at most half a month.
Obviously, this is somewhat inconsistent with the divine revelation the Pope received?
Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes, the power of perception radiated out without any concealment, and then constructed a three-dimensional map of the star field in the range of 100,000 light-years in front of him. Under the pull, he chose the location of this civilization.
Continuously dragging, this civilization appeared in front of Lu Chuan.
There are many starry planets, densely packed on a three-dimensional map. Lu Chuan is not worried about the Pope seeing it. In fact, they can't understand it. Lu Chuan is not afraid that they see it, because this is indeed a magical power and cannot be explained by science. of.
After zooming in, Lu Chuan felt like a god, perceiving everything in this star field.
Like a looking down and monitoring this star field, countless pieces of information were gathered in Lu Chuan's head. Just a few minutes later, Lu Chuan showed a smile because he had already found the answer.
In this distant civilization, the battles between major countries and forces have hardly been interrupted.
The rise and fall of forces are naturally normal.
But there are always some forces that have made a lot of preparations, such as all kinds of back players, such as comeback and so on.
Obviously, the planet the Lion-nosed people are on is truly unique. It is not only a species suitable for the survival of this higher civilization, but there are also a large number of mineral stars near the Lion-nosed people, which provides preparations for a comeback in the future.
In the higher civilizations of the universe, the life span of species is relatively long, and it is normal to plan a plan for several thousand years.
Thousands of years ago, the reconnaissance fleet that explored here has left behind, such as five transport spacecraft that no longer have the energy to return to the home. In fact, they were not ready to be gods, but they appeared unscrupulously and interfered with the species here, but after they left, they felt their invincibility and superiority. After constant rumors, they became Lion-nosed people. God in the eyes.
Robbers and saboteurs have become gods, which is really full of irony.
But all these things are unknown to the Lion-nosed people. They respect these departed gods, and the structure of this society has formed a theological structure for thousands of years.
It just so happened that the power of Lion's Nose planet was explored before, and after thousands of years of evolution, it eventually became a loser.
Therefore, the Lion's nose planet was positioned as their retreat early. Their plan is to start again here, using the high-quality resources in the area of ​​the Lion's nose, and maybe thousands of years later, they can rise again and return. civilization.
The worst plan is to make this their new ruling star field.
According to this plan, they sent a message to the aboriginals of the Lion-nosed people and asked them to build the altar.
The very fast spacecraft that Lu Chuan discovered was actually their Explorer, which played forward. Behind, there is a huge fleet of fugitives, carrying countless materials, machinery and a large number of scientists. This is the capital for their re-emergence.
As for what mission the spaceship came first, it was clear from the code name alone.
Yes, this task has only these two simple words.
However, these two words gave Lu Chuan a shuddering feeling. Lu Chuan has experienced too many things. He naturally understands the meaning of these two words. This is simply an extermination. Wipe off the nose star, purifying the entire planet.
This spacecraft will be responsible for purifying the planet and then fine-tuning and transforming the planet so that it is more suitable for their habitation.
The atmospheric composition of each planet is different, and not all species are suitable. During colonization, all planets need to be modified so that they can breathe the air here freely.
And this kind of transformation will be a disaster for the aborigines. They don't know how many of them will die, and only a small part will eventually adapt to the environment. Very ridiculous and cruel behavior, the aborigines need to adapt to this familiar planet, because the air after creation is already unfamiliar to them.
For a spacecraft that arrives one step ahead of schedule, it will take several years to complete purification and transformation.
When the transformation is completed, this fugitive spacecraft just arrives. It does not need to be wandering in space for long before it can descend on the planet. They can adapt to the planet immediately and can quickly start the reconstruction of their homes.
As for the original aboriginal Lion-nosed people, they will be completely extinct and become a symbol of history.
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly after learning this information.
Is this the of the Lion nose? But I don't know that this is the killing who came to kill them. The lion-nosed people nowadays still don't realize this. They are following the instructions of the gods, and are doing their best to build the altar for the gods, which is actually the landing of the spacecraft.
What is pity and sadness?
Lion-nosed people are absolutely so. Their ignorance makes it impossible for them to tell whether this is a true or whether it really helps them.
Of course, the Lion-nosed people still seem to have a little bit of the benefits of higher civilization. For example, there are too many things on the transport spacecraft, which can inspire them and make the Lions-nosed social technology develop rapidly. Many things are still beyond the times. of.
Knowing this so-called "god", Lu Chuan could only smile wryly, without explaining to the Pope.
Even if they explain it themselves, they may not believe it.
After confirming the identity of Lu Chuan's son, Lu Chuan naturally became the most distinguished guest.
Before the construction of the altar was stopped, the Pope had to do it according to Lu Chuan's intention. Since the son of God said to let these untouchables rest for a few days, he would do it according to the intention of the son of God.
At night, at the Pope's banquet, all the top powerful people from the entire church were present, welcoming the arrival of the Son of God.
The church is in control of the entire planet. Naturally, it does not lack the planet's top ingredients in its hands, but it has given Lu Chuan a blessing to be able to taste the planet's top delicacies. This trip is worthwhile.
At the dinner, the Pope asked many things about God, but Lu Chuan answered them calmly.
Whether it's technology or supernatural powers, Lu Chuan has both, so naturally he is not afraid of asking.
"Son of God, I don't know if you are coming from the soul or the body?" The pope asked this question, he was really curious.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "You will know this question soon."
Pretending to be gods and ghosts, this thing is the least technical, because you can just talk about it, UU reading can eat the other party to death. In fact, if you don't want to answer, you can get a vague answer, or just pretend not to answer positively.
With Lu Chuan's words, the pope did not dare to ask again.
For half a month, Lu Chuan was not in a hurry to arrive. After the banquet, Lu Chuan returned to the sacred platform by virtue of his identity as the son of God, using his identity as the son of God to announce the suspension of the construction of the sacred platform.
The sacred platform, which is laboring for the people and wealth, has long attracted many people's inner dissatisfaction. If it was not related to the gods, many people would have jumped out against it. It only took a year and a half, but it has attracted many contradictions. Local and central, upper and lower levels.
Now the son of God stopped, and I don't know how many lion-nosed people clapped and cheered.
Especially the people here are grateful and cry in the name of the Son of God.
Lu Chuan explained to the Pope that in half a month, the gods will come, and then the coming gods will decide whether to build.
The Pope did not doubt Lu Chuan's words, he ordered the implementation of Lu Chuan's decision. The pope who has seen Lu Chuan operate a transport spacecraft is convinced that Lu Chuan’s identity is not a god, how could he control the god’s divine ship?
However, the new batch of levy of civilian husbands has never stopped.
When the fiefs received the news, they all complained secretly, but they still carried out the will of the church and began to recruit people. This state-based will is not something that the grassroots can resist. One by one, young and strong people are recruited to become the people's husband. After forming a team, they march towards the central city.
Among them, some need half a year to reach the central city.
It is now the second batch. Although it has attracted dissatisfaction from various places, it has not yet erupted. The entire planet is still advancing along its historical track.
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