Chapter 1663: Purify

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The Bald captain proceeded to the bridge and looked at the lion-nosed man who was so dark that he could not see the edge, and his face also had a shocked look. It did not expect that such a large number of lion-nosed men could be seen here.
It comes from a higher civilization, it is also very difficult to see the scene of gathering 20 million people.
If nothing happens, how can such a large number of people gather?
The Bald civilization spanned hundreds of light years, with tens of thousands of colonial and immigration stars, and a population of billions of trillions. But this kind of scene is also rare. I don't know how many lion-nosed people gather in this small place.
Not only the captain felt shocked, but the other crew members were also in shock.
The dense lion-nosed people just knelt down like this, even on the spaceship, they still can't see the end, which shows the number of people here.
"What are they doing?"
"It seems to kneel down?"
"Are they welcoming us?"
"I heard that the exploration team left footprints here before. They call us gods?"
"Yes, we are gods, and it's not surprising that they kneel to meet."
"Hehe, it's really a stupid native species."
The crew on the spaceship all pointed to the kneeling Lion-nosed man below. They come from a higher civilization. In the age of expansion, I don’t know how many species have been destroyed. To them, the Lion-nosed people are irrelevant.
The crew members are now completely holding the mentality of watching the excitement, as if watching a play.
They are here to perform purification tasks. The Lion-nosed people below will probably die later, and will be killed by the Nanoworm Storm.
Anyway, they are going to be annihilated, and they don't have any compassion.
Across the species, there is actually no kindness at all, just like humans treat pigs and dogs, no matter how compassionate they are, should they kill or kill. Really dead, it will only be a pity, but it will not be angry.
As the spacecraft got closer and closer, the Lion-nosed man became more excited and excited when all the outlines were presented in front of the Lion-nosed man.
too big.
The size of five kilometers, like a mountain range across the sky, is so shocking.
Only God can build such a magnificent fetish.
In contrast, the previous transport spacecraft was pitifully small, disproportionately compared with it. Even the Lion-nosed people living in the central city can see these five transport spacecraft every day. They should be familiar with this kind of behemoth, but now they are still shocked when they see these five kilometers long spacecraft. , Lying on the ground, very respectful.
Countless lion-nosed people just looked at this spaceship that appeared in the sky.
A huge shadow cast down, shaking people's hearts.
Think of the Yangtze River dam on the earth. People standing below are extremely small, but its size is only more than 2,300 meters long and 185 meters high. But now this spacecraft has reached a size of 5,000 meters and a height of 220 meters. How amazing?
"God is on top."
"God has finally come."
"I will be bathed in divine light."
"God, please listen to the blessings of your devout disciples."
Lion-nosed people now try their best to show themselves pious and to be blessed by God.
It must be that God knew that they were suffering now, so he heard their prayers, and now came to save them from the fire and water. The entire world has been drought for several years, and hunger has made it impossible to know how many Lion-nosed people have died.
The chaos of war has never stopped, it is an unprecedented chaotic era.
Now that God has finally come, they are saved.
The Pope endured his excitement. He stood in front of Lu Chuan and said, "Son of God, does God come for the world?"
I always thought that the pope wanted to ask this question, but he didn't know how to ask it, for fear of attracting dislike from the son of God. In other words, does God not want anyone to know their purpose?
But now that the gods have come, looking at the shape of the spaceship, it is somewhat similar to the divine tool of the transport spaceship, so it can't be wrong.
Gods have all come, now asking the purpose, presumably it won't cause the son of God to be unhappy, right?
Lu Chuan looked at the spacecraft suspended in the sky. It was about a thousand meters above the ground. The shadow cast by it shrouded many Lion-nosed people. From this distance, it shocked the Lion-nosed people.
Facing the Pope’s question, Lu Chuan had a hint of pity in his eyes, and said,
If I say they come to destroy this world, do you believe it?

"Ah..." The pope was taken aback, and his fanatical head was taken aback.
How could the son of God say such shocking words? Destroying this world, how could God treat its followers like this? Besides, why does God destroy this world?
The cardinals who did not go to the altar to greet the gods nearby, they were all dumbfounded when they heard what Lu Chuan said.
"This is impossible." The pope retorted.
Lu Chuan pointed to the spacecraft and said, "Actually, I am not the you imagined, because I and the gods you speak of do not belong to the same place. And your gods, they are species of higher civilization, you can call them The Balears are very far away from here. It takes decades for them to fly here if they want to get here."
Lu Chuan knew that they might not be able to understand them, but Lu Chuan still had to say something.
"They arrived not far away more than 800 light-years away, but they were defeated and lost to other Bald people. They desperately needed a place to live for a comeback, so they chose the planet where you live."
Lu Chuan tried to use these easy-to-understand words as far as possible. Without involving high-tech, Lu Chuan believes that they can definitely understand everything except the light-year pope.
Defeated, fleeing, making a comeback... Putting these words together, Lu Chuan is sure that the Pope will make up for what they want to express.
"This spacecraft is just a spacecraft performing purification missions. In the back, there will be a huge fleet arriving." Lu Chuan explained: "The so-called purification is to slaughter all the lion-nosed people and let the entire planet There is no other intelligent species."
The content that Lu Chuan said was absolutely appalling, giving the Pope and Cardinals a sense of absurdity.
At the first thought, they thought it was possible.
God, this is the of their lion-nosed people, so sacred, how could they harm them? They are gods and believers who need to love it.
"No, not you, you must be nonsense." The Pope said loudly.
A cardinal jumped even more, showing the weapon in his hand, and said sharply: "You are definitely not a son of God, you are trying to provoke my devotion to God. Yes, you must have ulterior motives. only."
Lu Chuan still held his hand, he didn't blame these lion-nosed people for their reaction.
In a world structured with theology, God is everything, and when theology collapses, their reaction is normal. No one is willing to accept all this, because they violate their beliefs.
Lu Chuan did not argue with them, but drifted off the ground and rose from the ground in the horrified eyes of the Pope.
Suspended in the air, Lu Chuan only glanced at them lightly, but walked towards the outside of the palace in a walking way, and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.
In the eyes of the Pope, Lu Chuan flew away.
On the Bald spacecraft, when hovering at this height, the captain issued an instruction: "Prepare for the purification mission."
The spacecraft opened the door of the abdomen, and the container with the nanoworm appeared beside the door while being transported by the transportation track. Dozens of Bales operated and jammed this huge container into the launcher.
The lion-nosed people below, they saw the spacecraft's movement, the open hatch made them curious, and they looked up one by one.
Every lion-nosed person wants to see clearly. In their eyes, is God going to come out of this divine tool?
The captain looked at the countless lion-nosed people here, and after only a slight disturbance in his heart, he waved his hand and issued the command: "Execute."
After receiving the order, only one shot from the launcher, the container was ejected out of the spacecraft, and then the container was shattered in the sky, and then a strong black smoke appeared in the sky.
The lion-nosed people below didn't know what it was, and pointed to the black smoke one by one. Some fanatical people kept kneeling down.
And they didn't even know that death was coming.
In the next moment, these black smoke turned into black mist, they surged, but plunged toward the ground.
Nanoworms of the billion trillion level, they have entered the gene code of the Lion-nosed people, they will track the species of this gene code, and then break down this species. They are too small, and the amount of this black fog is astonishing.
The spreading black mist enveloped them, these lion-nosed people still didn't understand what was happening, and looked up motionlessly.
The next moment, the lion-nosed man shrouded in black mist, UU reading www.uukā screamed, and instantly turned into black mist and disappeared. Nanoworm storm officially started here. These nanoworms will kill all Lion-nosed people and spread to the entire planet based on this point.
Tens of thousands of Lion-nosed people were killed in the blink of an eye and turned into aerosol.
Such a frightening scene, for the other lion-nosed people, was all frightened. The quick response was already standing up screaming and running wildly here, but unfortunately their actions were swept by the nanoworm storm in an instant, turning into a black mist.
Within milliseconds, a huge number of nanoworms ate them empty, absolutely terrifying.
Fear was finally spreading here. When countless lion-nosed people understood what was going on, they got up, desperately trying to escape. But for them, how can it be faster than nanoworms?
The Lion-nosed people farther away didn't even understand what was going on, and didn't respond at all.
They realized that they were wrong when they saw the screams and screams coming from ahead, but there was too little time left for them, so they stood up, and the nanoworm storm enveloped them and killed them instantly. , Turned into a black mist.
It was only a few seconds, and there was no scum left in the Lion-nosed man within a few kilometers.
Lu Chuan didn't stop all of this, because he needed this civilization to clearly understand what their gods were like. But Lu Chuan didn't let this kind of disaster wantonly. In the sky, Lu Chuan flickered, and when he disappeared and reappeared, he was already on the bridge of the Bald spacecraft.
Facing the lion-nosed man who appeared suddenly, all the Bales here were stunned, and some of them couldn't react.
"You could have become their gods." Lu Chuan said in a Barr's whisper, which was clearly transmitted to every Barr's ear.
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