Chapter 1680: Lightyear star

The latest website: The upper level decides the matter, the lower level only has the execution.
When Lu Chuan decided, things were already doomed. Convening so many supervisors is nothing more than going through a cutscene and letting them perfect the whole plan for themselves.
With the tone, what is left is indeed to express their opinions and put forward their own ideas.
A detail has been improved and supplemented.
After a few days, the feeding plan was officially completed.
In the entire breeding plan, priority is given to incorporating Level 5 civilizations into the breeding. They have reached Level 5, and it is the fastest and easiest to upgrade to Level 6.
The preliminary decision is to include the fourth and fifth levels in the plan, and the first to third levels will not be considered for the time being.
Raising civilization cannot escape the two systems of technological civilization and cultivation civilization, but the subdivisions are different. There are different implementation methods for different civilizations, and there are many things that need attention.
Lu Chuan’s reincarnation of civilizations is not a small one. He has experienced it and is rich in experience. He naturally knows how to support these civilizations.
At that time, the inspectors will be divided into two similar ones, one for science and technology civilization and the other for cultivation civilization. Led by the monitor, he ran across the universe, found a suitable civilization, and recorded the coordinates.
There are several subdivision schemes for supporting a civilization.
For example, they can support a civilized tribe, or the inspector can personally intervene. The ability of the inspector, the ability of a god, it is too simple to think that it is necessary to upgrade a civilization and reach the point where this species is convinced.
There are many methods, and the ultimate goal remains unchanged.
The entire feeding plan was constantly being improved, and every detail was thought of. After the improvement was solved, it was added to the course of the implementation plan.
After perfecting, Lu Chuan gave Victoria and the others to do the rest.
With so many supervisors acting as his deputies, it would be too tiring if Lu Chuan had to consider everything by himself. Propose a plan and leave it to them to execute, and they will perfect the plan to the extreme.
When the monitoring envoys dispersed, Lu Chuan stayed on the balcony of the castle and thought about his plan, only to discover something terribly scary.
"If you can think of a breeding plan, then is the billion trillion civilizations in this universe also raised by God? No, it should be the entire universe, everything in the entire bead, is raised by God."
The more you think about it, the more likely it is.
Why did God create all of this, created beads, created billions of trillions of universes, and created billions of trillions of creatures? It is impossible for it to start because of boredom, and there must be secrets unknown to people.
So, why on earth?
Thinking about it carefully, I thought of raising other civilizations. How could human beings be raised by gods?
Existence standing at a high level rules the low level.
From the perspective of gods, whether it's a human being or everything in the billion-trillion-weight universe, it belongs to a low level. In front of it, everything is acting according to its will.
Human beings are the chosen race of gods. Invisibly, Lu Chuan is standing in the dominant position in the billion trillion cosmos, so Lu Chuan can propose a plan to raise other civilizations.
Humans think that they are raising other civilizations, but how can they be raised?
Lu Chuan didn't know whether his speculation was correct, but it should be true. The only thing I don’t understand is why God wants the beads to collide. Is it really a game between God and God?
The more I thought about it, Lu Chuan's cold sweat broke out, because in this context, whether it is human beings, or billions of trillions of civilizations, billions of trillions of universe, including beads, are too small.
A bead with billions of trillions of universes might be a dust in God's eyes?
"No matter what the result is, I still have to live and work hard to live." Lu Chuan sighed, expelled the panic, and returned to his normal state of mind.
As I said before, since you can't resist, just enjoy it.
What is the future of mankind's destiny? If Lu Chuan worked hard, he would have no regrets. I need to face all this calmly, to face this wonderful experience that ordinary humans would never expect.
After half a month, the feeding plan was finally revised. Lu Chuan took a closer look and finally agreed.
So the patrol envoys have an additional task, which is not called a feeding plan, but a god.
The gods represent infinite possibilities, the ability to satisfy the wishes of others, the ability to change the lives of others, and their emergence, which will change an era and the form of a civilization.
The gods are supreme.
The other, the name Tenjin, does not make people think of breeding.
Any plan needs a nice name to paint off the evil.
In the eyes of human beings, this is not a crime, but in the executed race, it represents crime.
What is wrong with a civilization, why is it destroyed?
It can be said that this is the law of God, and Lu Chuan is unable to change it. He is not wrong. If there is a mistake, it is to accelerate this process, and catalyze the civilizations that have existed for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, in a short period of time, and let them go to destruction in madness.
Even if Lu Chuan didn't do anything, they would break through tens of thousands of years later and be promoted to level 6 within the scope of rule destruction.
"I want you to remember that you are fighting for humanity."
"Between species, there is never right or wrong, and there are those who can survive."
"They are going to be destroyed after all. We just moved its time forward by a tiny bit. Therefore, we are not wrong. We are fighting for ourselves and for the future."
Lu Chuan said as he looked at the inspector who had no end to the darkness.
Send these sounds to the ears of every inspector so that they can hear clearly. As for whether they understand it or not, Lu Chuan believes that anyone who can become an inspector is not a fool.
You don't need to feel guilty in your heart, just treat this civilization as a sixth-level civilization.
"Fight for humanity."
The clever Huang Jing, but his voice fell in Lu Chuan, raised his fist, and let out a roar.
With Huang Jing's lead, the inspectors below all raised their fists high and yelled, repeating this sentence.
Lu Chuan nodded, and Victoria took the lead with a large number of female inspectors to salute Lu Chuan. Then, under the energy turbulence, they distorted the space and disappeared here. They took the lead in implementing the Celestial Plan.
"Brothers, you can't fall behind the women." Li Qi waved his arms, and hundreds of thousands of inspectors disappeared here with him.
One by one, the inspectors took on the role of the leader, and moved away with the inspectors.
They will implement the Celestial Plan and set out to every corner of the universe to discover the fourth and fifth levels of civilization. This process, for them, is absolutely fresh and full of energy.
In the past, when they were bored, they either returned to the City of Competitiveness or took some ugly and disliked species.
So, now they don't really have much psychological burden.
After group after group of inspectors, they saluted Lu Chuan with the highest gesture, and then disappeared here.
Within half an hour, only Lu Chuan was left here.
Lu Chuan was standing at this moment, staring at this empty area. Just now, countless inspectors gathered here. But in the blink of an eye, they had already left, like soldiers on the march.
"This step is not right or wrong."
"Hope is right, humans are too far behind and need to bend overtaking."
Lu Chuan muttered to himself, thinking about why the tree clan can become the number one, because they have been promoted to an inspector of about 700 million. Even the parasitic race has 500 million inspectors.
In contrast, the number of humans now barely counts as 300 million.
This gap is very huge.
For each additional inspector, it is possible to bring only a few points, but it cannot stand the huge amount. The 700 million inspectors of the tree tribe, each of the inspectors of the tree tribe contributes ten judgment points, which is 7 billion, what a terrible number?
Ten trial points seem to be a lot, but with good luck, it may take less than a year to achieve.
700 million inspectors, 70 billion in ten years.
Within 20 years, the Governor of the Tree Clan may become a fifth-level Governor.
There are still many races like the Tree Clan that have huge inspectors. They are working hard all the time, contributing all of them, and earning a huge number of judgment points.
In this respect, human beings have less than 300 million inspectors, which is far behind invisibly.
Earning points in a more effective way is a human opportunity.
Lu Chuan has a sense of urgency, because the destruction of the competitive planet has activated the sense of crisis of all Governors. Under this sense of crisis, they will become turbulent and speed up the pace of each other.
The slightest slack, there will be the possibility of falling short.
In addition, humans are not necessarily the most intelligent species, and there may be other species that have also thought of this approach.
Invisibly, the pressure on Lu Chuan's shoulders was so great that he could not tolerate him not thinking carefully.
Lu Chuan squeezed his fist and glanced at this empty place. He was also distorted and disappeared here.
Is the Scutum star big?
The answer is of course big, its size is 200 million billion times that of the earth, terrifying to the limit.
It belongs to the Milky Way. Before Lu Chuan obtained a biochemical plant, it was indeed the largest planet discovered by mankind, with a diameter of 2.37 billion kilometers.
But what Lu Chuan wants to say is that it is actually just a kid.
Larger is the star of the blue supergiant R136al, which has a diameter of 4.5 billion kilometers.
This is also the limit of human discovery, because limited by technology, it is impossible to observe a larger planet.
To Lu Chuan, these are small and pitiful, compared to the real Big Macs in the universe, they are nothing. What is the concept of a planet with a diameter of one light-year? If expressed in kilometers, this string of numbers will scare you.
Okay, let’s announce that it is 9460730472580800 meters.
Slowly count how many digits there are, it has exceeded human imagination.
Lu Chuan has a deep memory of a planet with a diameter of more than one light-year, so when Lu Chuan executed the Celestial Plan, he immediately appeared here as a life star with a diameter of one light-year.
Yes, I heard you right, a life star one light-year in diameter.
Such planets are collectively referred to as light-year stars.
The life inhabiting here is called big, but according to their size, the continents on this planet can still be called endless continents, because they have a lifetime, but they can only move. It is impossible to reach the other end of the planet between inches of land.
More than a million sun stars orbit this terrifying planet, bringing light and heat to this planet.
Such a spectacular wonder of the universe is absolutely rare.
Lu Chuan appeared here, even if it was dozens of light years away, he could still see the planet clearly. It was so huge, emitting a blue halo, and capturing hundreds of millions of large and small planets surrounding it. Working.
"If humans live here, they don't need to worry about resources for eternity, they don't have to fight for land, they don't have to fight for resources, they are poor for hundreds of millions of years, and they won't be able to use one billionth of this planet."
Lu Chuan muttered to himself, he would choose here because there are tens of thousands of species civilizations.
How spectacular is a planet and tens of thousands of species civilizations?
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