Chapter 1723: set sail

Lu Chuan just wanted to make it simple, otherwise, with Lu Chuan's ability, not to mention applying for a gunner or swordsman from the Armed Forces, he would say that from the accountant to the warehouseman, to the deputy, the gunner...nothing Lu Chuan can't do.
This Neptune is currently the top armed merchant ship in the Star Empire and contains a series of current high-tech.
But Lu Chuan sneered at the high technology of the seventeenth century.
The science that he owns is even the ninth-level civilization. For the civilization of this planet, these technologies are completely theological-level technologies. Take the Juxing Gun as an example, they couldn't imagine what this gun could do.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire planet cannot hold a single shot of the star-gathering gun, it will directly explode.
Lu Chuan had no problem operating a sailboat.
But so tired, I have to stare at the post from time to time.
But unloaders are different. They are not even sailors, they just carry goods. They went on board, went out with the ship, and returned with the ship. They carried the goods on the ship before departure, and unloaded the goods when they arrived at the destination. The money they got back and forth was not less.
While sailing, they are free, as long as they do not break into important places, they are completely free on deck.
The reason why Neptune needed recruits this time was mainly because it had experienced a naval battle before and encountered a pirate fleet. Relying on powerful firepower, Neptune, an armed merchant ship, forced the pirate fleet back.
Of course, the Neptune also suffered damages, not only to the hull, but also to the crew.
After repairing for a month, the current Neptune is about to set sail, and naturally it needs to be refilled.
Ordinarily, they won't have to go to the loading and unloading workers. After all, they can't help when fighting, they can only stay in the cabin. But the thing is so strange. The ship's side of the Sea King was penetrated by a shell, which happened to be the room on the floor where the stevedores were located. This shell shattered six stevedores and injured three.
This is still the power of a solid bullet. If it is a bomb, I am afraid that none of the more than 20 stevedores will survive.
Lu Chuan didn't deliberately inquire, but after listening to the chatters of the gunners here, he knew a little bit more.
The gunner should be the most technical and important position in the entire ship. This armed merchant ship is equipped with 72 artillery, which is absolutely armed to the teeth, not even inferior to ordinary sailing battleships? Want to know like this one? The sail battleship of the size is equipped with only 108 artillery.
Each artillery? Need three gunners to operate? Just these 72 artillery, you need more than 200 gunners, and then count the reserve gunners, the number of gunners reached a staggering 300.
Not only that, but there are also musketeers, who will be placed on the ship's side during the war to prevent the opponent's side battle.
The musketeers are swordsmen. They are responsible for close hand-to-hand combat? Generally speaking, they are rarely used. Once they are used, the result is the most tragic.
The number of musketeers plus swordsmen is about sixty.
Next? Are the sailors? They are in charge of operating the ship, with around fifty people.
Counting the bosses of all sizes? There are also stevedores like Lu Chuan. The crew of the entire Sea King has reached 450, which is a very large number. With this strength, the Sea King can be used as a battleship.
With more staffing, the expenditure will naturally increase. The cargo hold of the Neptune is not comparable to a specialized trade vessel, and it carries much less cargo.
After one trip, Lu Chuan heard from the gunners that he actually didn't make much.
Only when the local goods happen to be selling well on a certain ship, the profits will be considerable.
In fact, the source of profit for the Neptune is mainly to be the leader, acting as the work of escorting the ship. After all, the firepower of the Neptune is too strong to be inferior to a battleship. Among the pirates, it cannot be said that there is no better than the Sea King, but there are really not many.
Lu Chuan doesn't speak much, and he listens to them more often so that he knows the information of this era.
After experiencing this, there is an unspeakable sense of freshness, and it should be said that I have participated in it. The current era of this planet is too much like the earth, which gives Lu Chuan a lot of illusions, it seems like another parallel space on the earth.
Each universe is actually a different parallel space. The difference is the bead where each governor is located, and its universe is different.
Like the human beads in Lu Chuan's hands, there are billions of parallel spaces in a billion trillion-weight universe.
Moreover, the time nodes of these parallel spaces are quite different. After all, the development of the earth in every universe is not static. It is possible that some events will cause the earth to go another way.
In this way, the reference value of parallel space is not great. The development of the earth in each universe is different. Some are similar, but some are the development of two concepts.
Mela's charm, in just three days, recruited enough people she needed.
Those who can meet the conditions are all outstanding.
In this way, the strength of the Sea King has been slightly improved, not to mention the recovery.
Of course, besides admiring Mela, the other manpower that came was that the Sea King gave a lot of money. In this era, only money is the most important thing. They don’t care what they are going to board the ship for, but it is actually money.
In the past three days, what Lu Chuan heard in his ears was naturally more of a way of chatting with men as the main line, such as what kind of port women tasted enough, who and who met what kind of women, etc., and occasionally a little daring The big one put the fantasy object on Mela's body.
Sailors have floated at sea for years, and naturally they need these most.
In every port, naturally there are women who can satisfy them everywhere, so the money they make is almost a squandering once they call at the port.
On the fourth day, as the supervisor shouted, Lu Chuan and other twenty unloading workers arrived at the dock.
Here, a horse-drawn carriage brought a large amount of cargo, and Lu Chuan and the others needed to move all of this cargo into the cabin.
This job is very simple and not complicated. Just be careful and make no mistakes.
Lu Chuan took a look at these goods, which were very diverse, from tea to glass products, to iron products, and then silk. This world is not the earth, so the output of goods is naturally very different.
Lu Chuan didn't have the mind to figure out the cargo, and he didn't need money. He was on this ship just to experience the taste of a sailor.
"Leave the heaviest to me. You can move the light ones." Lu Chuan said, naturally attracting the gratitude of other unloaders.
Two or three hundred catties of cargo can be easily carried by Lu Chuan and carried onto the ship in strides.
This action, I don't know how many people sucked in the cold, this is definitely a natural supernatural power. This kind of person is definitely at the monster level. To know how many people are, more than a hundred catties is already the limit. Looking at Lu Chuan's relaxed look, is he far from reaching his upper limit?
The gunners on the ship, they are idle now, pointing at Lu Chuan and others below from the side of the ship, sometimes laughing.
"What about looking good, how about having strength, not just being a coolie?"
"It's better to find a rich woman to take care of me instead of working as an unloader here."
"You said, does this guy look strong and powerful, but in fact it is a kind of straw bag with a few hastily on the bed? Or why doesn't he eat soft rice and run here as a coolie?"
Rare topics have made these gunners interested, and they can talk vigorously one by one, constantly guessing.
Of course, Lu Chuan's ears could be heard clearly, there was no wave in his heart, and he didn't teach them what they were thinking. Moving these goods gave Lu Chuan a sense of being involved in this era. It is very fresh, and it is naturally fun to work.
It took three full days for one ship to move the cargo before it was finally full.
Twenty unloading workers, one by one, became tired into dogs, only Lu Chuan seemed okay.
Mela was not on the ship. The Neptune was temporarily in charge of the chief mate, a retired rear admiral with 40 years of sea experience. He has retired and served as the chief mate under the high salary of the Neptune.
After the goods are full, it is a supplement to the supply.
A large amount of fresh water and dry food are carried on ships, such as vegetables and fruits. There are a lot of meat. One replenishment can last about a month and a half. Because the route is established, it will pass every few days. A port, this supply is sufficient.
Everyone on the ship knew that it was about to set sail, so their expressions became more serious.
On this day, Mela definitely came here in a carriage, and there were also many young and old in the port. They were greedy for Mela's beauty and wanted to get it one by one. It's a pity that Mela's status and strength made them dare not touch anything, and could only pursue it through normal means.
Mela didn't seem to give these young people a face, and when he arrived here, carrying his luggage and several guards boarded the Sea King, and these young and old were all stopped outside the ship.
When the captain arrived, everyone no longer dared to relax. Amidst the cries of the steward, the armed merchant ship was inspected for the last time.
After confirming that there was no problem, Mela gathered all the crew members. She stood on the deck and said vigorously: "Most of them are old people. Everyone knows my style of doing things, so let’s not say much. Everyone works hard. Let us have a smooth journey."
There are very few words from After she said it, she disbanded.
Of course, some ceremonies before going to sea are still indispensable, but they are performed by the first officer.
When the sun was flooding the ground, the Sea King hung up the sails amidst the roar of the sailors, and then left the pier. After leaving the port, it stopped again, about an hour or so, the size of the ship. Trade ships at 30-50 meters were added to the fleet headed by the Sea King.
"Full sail."
The first officer yelled, he stood on the highest deck and commanded.
Under the suggestion given by the surveyor, the stewards took the sailors to fill up the sails, and then adjusted the direction of the sails. Under the wind, they pushed the huge armed merchant ship to ride the wind and waves.
The huge sails, one by one, the sailors exhausted their strength and rose.
The Neptune, which had profited from its momentum, adjusted its direction amidst bursts of noise, and began to continuously increase its speed.
The large and small ships behind, got the banner of the Sea King, and followed with full sails.
Now is the time for a tailwind, and it is expected that the speed of this fleet will not slow down in the next few hours. The sailing time is calculated, and it is most suitable for the sailing. In the case of tailwind, it can increase the speed and reach the destination earlier.
In the era of sailing, the speed is uncontrollable. When the wind is upwind, the speed is fast.
Lu Chuan walked out of the cabin and stood on the side of the ship, looking at the endless sea. Behind the fleet, this huge port was constantly being pulled away and gradually disappearing to the horizontal surface.
Here, there are many ships passing by, but in the future, there will be fewer and fewer ships, and even one ship will not be encountered in ten and a half months.
"The era of great voyage, I am here."
Lu Chuan was in a good mood.
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