Chapter 1731: gift

Meira was walking around in the back garden nervously just when she saw her mother.
At this moment, Mela's heart was uneasy. She knew her father. At the other moments when she returned from bringing Lu Chuan back, Mela was ready. Even if her father disagrees, she would run away with Lu Chuan.
With the Aquaman, where can't this world go?
The starry sky empire can't hold her, so she can fly far away. Anyway, she likes sailing and the ocean. Where can't she settle down?
In this kind of panic waiting, soon Grand Duke Maxi and Lu Chuan came out talking and laughing, looking at the smile on his father's face, and Lu Chuan blinking at herself, Mela froze for a moment, and was immediately caught Kind of surprise surrounded.
"Meila, I will take Lu Chuan to see your mother." Grand Duke Maxi said, naturally there is no need to say what he meant.
Mela was filled with joy, she stepped forward and took her father's hand: "Father, thank you."
Grand Duke Mahi said: "You are my daughter. As your father, I naturally want to think about your happiness. Where is your majesty, I will explain it, and I believe that your majesty is also considerate and understands the painstaking efforts of a father. ."
At this moment, Grand Duke Mahi, in the eyes of Mela, is definitely the best father in the world.
Only Lu Chuan smiled faintly beside him. No one knew that Grand Duke Marxi was affected by him. Lu Chuan's ability to influence his thinking and thoughts was really insignificant.
To change a person's mind, Lu Chuan only needs one idea.
It was Lu Chuan's change that gave the present words of Grand Duke Marxi. As long as he loses his interest, or is willing to lose his family, the king will not be a problem. In fact, in Lu Chuan's heart, this so-called family benefit can hardly be on the table, and he can compensate them hundreds of times and thousands of times at any time.
That night, Grand Duke Mahi entered the palace overnight.
When Grand Duke Marsh returned, his face was bitter, but he finally nodded to Mela.
"Thank you father." Mela was so excited that she almost jumped up.
For the entire family, it was indeed a huge loss, because Grand Duke Mahi agreed to hand over half of his entire fief's tax to the royal family. Not only that, the fleet that had always been in the hands of Grand Duke Mahi was also broken up and added to the fleet.
The king's forgiveness was paid for such a high price.
Without the fleet, Grand Duke Marcy can be certain that his influence in the country will be weakened.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine when the time comes. The fleet is gone, so we can just pick up one." Lu Chuan comforted Mela.
The map of this world has not yet been fully opened. In fact, there are still many islands that have not been discovered here. Some islands are not smaller than the Star Empire, and belong to the scope of the big islands.
People in the world can't find it, can't find it, but to Lu Chuan, it is nothing at all.
After staying here for a few days, the outside world was also in an uproar, because they did not expect that Grand Duke Mahi would have agreed to his daughter to marry a small person who was not well-known, and was willing to pay such a huge price.
There was no wedding, but Meira's parents witnessed her daughter handing over to the man in front of her in a low-key manner.
No one knows why the Grand Guild of Mahi agreed, because Lu Chuan didn't know his name, and had no background at all, as if he came out of thin air. Many people think that Grand Duke Mahi is already confused before agreeing.
"I will give you a gift."
Lu Chuan took out a chart and handed it to Meira.
Mela thought it was a calligraphy and painting, but when it was opened, she was taken aback, because it was an extremely intricate map with countless cities listed on it. Ports were almost all on it, and continents were also marked.
In many places, there are even some islands marked with the word Unknown. With Mera’s familiarity with the ocean, he immediately realized that these places were actually undiscovered islands.
The key is this map, it is too detailed and exquisite, it is simply supernatural.
If a navigator had this map, it would be completely more powerful. It could be said that he had control of the endless ocean, and never had to worry about getting lost in the ocean.
"This island has a mild climate, rich species, and various minerals. In the center, there is a huge gold mine. Now no one has discovered that we can go over, occupy here, and build our own territory. etc. With sufficient strength, we will then mine this gold mine."
Lu Chuan whispered, then clicked on one of the islands.
Mela's eyes were shining, and if all this was as Lu Chuan said, she certainly understood what it meant.
At that time, here, she will be the king.
The world will recognize that this place belongs to her Mela. As long as she manages well, she might not be able to become an island nation. And the area of ​​this island can become a maritime power.
"My dear, what are you waiting for, let's set off." Mela, who was full of adventure genes in his bones, couldn't bear it.
Under the recruitment of the chief mate, the Sea King had recruited the lost gunners and sailors, both of which were of the elite level. After all, the Sea King is different from the Mera, and has this condition.
Under Meira's order, the Sea King, which had been supplied, immediately set sail.
In fact, Mela would not have thought that all this was a gift from Lu Chuan. Such a huge island cannot be undiscovered. In fact, it does not exist, but because of Lu Chuan, it will exist.
Almost not long after the Sea King set sail, in the distant waters, here is endless, no channel passes through here, it is an extremely open sea. But the next moment, the sea seemed to boil, and set off huge waves.
The bottom of the sea moved violently, and then rose above the sea level under an unknown force.
With a terrifying speed, an island about the size of two Hainan islands has formed here. The above is also changing and changing according to the most suitable for human development, forming mountains, flatlands and rivers. After completing the structural changes, countless plants appeared and grew rapidly at an exaggerated rate.
In just a few minutes, a huge island was formed, an island that has not been known for hundreds of millions of years.
What's more mysterious is that countless animals on this planet appear out of nowhere, and then quickly adapt to the environment here.
In less than a day, this place has been like a paradise. No one has ever set foot here, and everything remains the original appearance. Even countless fruit trees are covered with ripe fruits.
Under the island, Lu Chuan has arranged a wealth of resources that make people crazy. The central location of the island is a huge and rich gold mine, enough to guarantee mining for hundreds of years.
Lu Chuan also made this gift with heart.
At this moment, Lu Chuan stayed in the cabin for a long time. Until this moment, he finally let out a sigh of contentment and took back his magical powers.
This island was naturally created by Lu Chuan. In fact, Lu Chuan is still a little unfamiliar with creations. In theory, this is only one of Lu Chuan's several creations and is not commonly used.
Unfamiliar, it took Lu Chuan so long to complete.
In fact, after being really familiar with it, a single idea can complete all creations, unlike Lu Chuan now, which needs to be perfected bit by bit.
Since Meila is his own woman, Lu Chuan can't wrong her. She likes freedom. There is no problem. Lu Chuan made her the queen of this island. Not only that, she likes sailing, and Lu Chuan will build a fleet that truly transcends this world for her to ensure her fighting power in the world.
Coupled with Mela's lucky attributes, it is enough for her to have endless glory in her life, and even to have an extremely powerful empire.
Lu Chuan, who had completed his creation, felt a little dumbfounded.
When on the earth, how many rich men bought their mistresses and bought her a house and car, and how much living expenses they gave each month, and they would give precious gifts from time to time. It costs so much for the power to come only once in two or three months...
I seem to be the same now.
On this planet, this universe, and this bead, none of them belong to me. I am now a rule-breaker, and it may happen only once in a while. And after one time, I don't know when I will come again, it may be hundreds of years.
In other words, for a short desire, I raised a woman here for this short desire.
My current self, like those rich men, is sending the island and the fleet...
With a map and a large number of coordinates as It was only fifteen days later that the Sea King finally reached the island. On the horizon, this huge island is almost regarded as a continent.
"I'm 100% sure, there are no islands marked here. This is a new and undiscovered land."
"God, it is the new land."
"Developed, this time we are developed, we will go down in history."
The Sea King is full of elite-level sailors, of course they have enough experience, and in the blink of an eye they can judge what it means to find here.
The first officer, the old general, is also like a young man now, clenching his fists: "Send my order to send an exploration team ashore to find out the situation here. The Sea King is along the coast, and we need to confirm whether it is land or an island. "
All the sailors were full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
Soon, an exploratory team composed of dozens of swordsmen, musketeers, and sailors was rowing a boat towards the coast.
The Sea King continued to move forward, and finally returned to the place where the exploration team dropped after eleven days.
It can be confirmed that this is a huge island.
After meeting with the exploration team, the information obtained is absolutely exciting, because this is really a brand new island, it has a huge area, and the terrain is very good, the climate is mild, and the species are rich...
When the Sea King landed ashore, Mela stepped onto the beach, bent down and gently grabbed a handful of sand.
Mela knew that this was a gift from Lu Chuan, because as early as on the map, this island without a person and no ownership had been marked. As the first captain to discover it, Mela has control over it, which will be recognized by all nations.
Not far away, there are countless sailors running and cheering. An island discovered by them is really huge.
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