Chapter 1736: appear

Military competition does not mean war.
But military competition is a dangerous signal, because it will make all countries nervous, and for some small reasons, there will be a phenomenon of grinding guns and misfire at any time, thus igniting war.
Once the nerves are tense, the anger will become bigger.
Immediately, it will also ignite the emotions of the domestic people, and war emotions will continue to accumulate.
Countries are aware of this problem, so adjustments have occurred, but the effect is really limited. Because several superpowers have ambitions that belong to them, how can they make this world peaceful?
As the leader of all this, Lu Chuan stayed in this civilization in obscurity.
How to toss the entire civilization has nothing to do with Lu Chuan. His attention, in fact, covers the star field of the entire civilization, waiting for the Titans' inspectors to appear.
How to fight and toss within this civilization, after all, promote the promotion of civilization.
What Lu Chuan cares about is the speed of civilization upgrade, but he doesn't care what method it uses, how many people die, how many countries are destroyed, or even how many planets are destroyed.
The process is not important, what matters is whether you can achieve your goals.
What Lu Chuan wanted was for this civilization to increase at a crazy speed, and then make the Titans inspectors go crazy, and stop them as if they were crazy, so that it can hit Lu Chuan's arms. As bait, only at this point is the pass.
For more than a year, the Titans did not arrive.
"This efficiency is a bit low." Lu Chuan shook his head, and the Titans gave people the feeling that they were big men lacking wisdom, just a little stupid, and slow to act... But in fact, it was a big mistake to think so.
Is the fifth-ranked race among five thousand races a fool?
If you really think so, you are a real idiot.
The birth of a sixth-level civilization, generally not more than twenty years old, will definitely be discovered. Lu Chuan, the chosen race of other beads, doesn't know. For humans, the complete cycle is generally controlled within ten years.
That is to say? The birth of a sixth-level civilization? Human inspectors will find out soon.
On hard work? Humans are really awesome.
Everyone will enjoy it. Lu Chuan doesn't mind if they do something special in their respective earth? But the work must be done well, this is an iron law. If someone dares to challenge this bottom line, Lu Chuan will let him have nothing, and slowly grow old in endless regret.
The Titans inspectors have not yet arrived, but civilization has broken out a war that spreads greatly.
The cause is simple and ridiculous.
It may be made deliberately, or it may be accidental, but no one will look into the cause. As a fuse? It is only an excuse and reason needed by the great powers, to make itself righteous, and become famous.
As one of the superpowers of the United Kingdom, Luburg, published an image of their transport spacecraft being attacked and destroyed, and then listed a series of evidence, all pointing to the neighboring Principality of Srigua. .
For the first time, the United Kingdom of Luburg proposed more than a dozen harsh compensation treaties to the Principality of Sri Lanka.
The United Kingdom of Ruburg is a superpower, and the Principality of Sri Lanka is not even one-tenth of the strength of the United Kingdom of Ruburg? It is like the difference between a giant and an infant. But all of these dozens of treaties are extremely harsh, and the Principality of Sri Lanka cannot agree to them.
A week later, Ruburg United Kingdom officially declared war on the Principality of Srigua.
For a time, civilization once again sparked war.
The Principality of Sri Gwa is naturally insufficient. Facing the menacing Luburg United Kingdom fleet, they were pierced through the star field only half a month later and had to declare their surrender to Luburg United Kingdom.
But in fact, the goal of the United Kingdom of Lubau is not the Principality of Srigua. The reason for occupying the Principality of Srigua is to open up a road to the Republic of Aegean.
The Republic of Aegean has an incomparably missing resource. For the Ruborg United Kingdom, once they have this kind of resource, their technology will have a qualitative leap, which can truly separate them from their current level of strength.
When a superpower moves, how can another superpower watch Ruburg United Kingdom succeed?
So one by one superpowers began to settle, first by annexing the surrounding small countries, opening up channels, and then gathering huge fleets in certain star regions.
The entire civilization is in a state of war.
The Ruburg United Kingdom, which was the first to prepare, launched the blitzkrieg for the first time. The huge fleet rushed to the Republic of Aegean. There is no strength to fight back.
With the war waged by the Ruburg United Kingdom, the Harvík Empire immediately formed an alliance with the Republic of Aegean and initiated the alliance treaty, which officially announced to the Ruburg United Kingdom...
The prelude to the world war officially kicked off.
Wars in the interstellar age generally do not affect the star field behind. The front was fighting and killing, but the rear was abnormally calm, and even the lives of the people had no impact. After all, most of the planets were self-sufficient.
Of course, the people still have a lot of concerns, such as how the frontline is going, such as price fluctuations and so on.
The war between superpowers and superpowers is cruel. It will not end so easily, and the winner will not be determined soon. The constant investment in resources has brought about a steady stream of warships being manufactured, more recruits enlisted, and larger combat robots being manufactured and put on the battlefield.
The wars in the interstellar age are actually resources.
Whoever has more resources will have stronger military strength, and the sustainability will be much higher.
The two superpowers ended. Of course, the other superpowers were not reconciled to loneliness. They declared war on neighboring countries almost at the same time. First, they occupied the countries around them, spreading wars to the entire civilization, and appeared in an uncontrollable way.
"Three years..."
Lu Chuan smiled slightly as he watched the conscription advertisement on the huge virtual screen.
After three years, the situation I wanted was finally formed.
Countries begin to squeeze their own potential. The launching of war certainly requires endless resource support, but it will enter the wartime system and will mobilize all scientific research forces to research and update military equipment.
The war makes the technological level leap forward.
The study of all the characters' power will definitely burst out unimaginable power. Like the Second World War of mankind, from the beginning to the end, the renewal of weapons brought by scientific and technological forces in this period of time is jaw-dropping, surpassing the sum of the previous 100 years.
This is the effect that Lu Chuan wants. When the world war comes, science and technology will usher in a big explosion, and it will be able to better promote the technological update of this civilization in a short time.
"Within five years, this civilization will break through to level 7."
Lu Chuan smiled. They can't find the sixth level civilization, so let this civilization reach the seventh level and directly let their universe collapse, so they can definitely find this civilization.
In five years, Lu Chuan could afford it.
Lu Chuan, who was planning all this behind the scenes, actually didn't do anything. Just throwing out some technical information can drive the world crazy and follow Lu Chuan's script.
When he has time, Lu Chuan will arrive at the front line of the exchange of fire and enjoy the battle between the fleets.
These warships are very large and their agility is naturally much worse. Therefore, these warships are piled energy shields. With more powerful energy shields, they can shoot each other in a stand-and-stake style. It is whose firepower is fighting. Stronger, better armor, longer energy shield.
The battle of the space fleet is actually far more boring than imagined.
In addition to the large and small guns firing each other, it is to send a large number of small fighters to close combat, and then the mecha soldiers driving the mechas. They roam between the battleships and the battleships, chasing and killing each other.
Any tactics are useless in front of space battleships, because no matter how good you hide, you cannot hide in front of their radar. The ubiquitous unmanned scout ball makes you almost impossible to hide.
You can't sneak attack, what can be used is head-on.
This is why in space warfare, the fleet will be very large, in order to be able to occupy an advantage in strength when they meet.
In the endless starry sky, an extremely tall figure appeared, floating in the space, overlooking the starry sky.
Its height is just from the perspective of human beings, but in the context of the universe, it is actually extremely small. However, it is small compared to the planet, and can reach a height of about 100 meters. It is too huge to be placed on the earth.
Meters are human units. This concept does not exist in the Titans. They represent scales and are other units.
The hundred meters in the eyes of human beings is a standard figure in the Titans.
For humans, about one meter and seven meters is more standard. The size that humans see is impossible to be the same size that ants see. In the eyes of ants, in their worldview, are humans not giants with a height of kilometers?
Different environments bring different perspectives.
This Titan tribe inspector didn't think he was tall. It stared at the starry sky and then moved its mind. When it appeared, it found that it was a useless planet, and it was moving its mind again.
Just two moves have spanned dozens of light years.
When it moved its mind three times, it stopped abruptly, because it found some interesting things. For example, there were traces of civilization activities on the planet where it moved and stopped, and huge mining machinery was working. The ore is continuously mined and refined, and then smelted...
"Civilization? What level will it be?"
It immediately uttered such a questioning sound. As an inspector, its responsibility is to discover civilization and then confirm the level of civilization. At level 5, it will record the mark, at level 6, its task is to deal with this level 6 civilization.
When encountering a civilization, it is generally necessary to confirm the level of civilization. If it is less than level 6, it will leave without hesitation. It is not that it has any good deeds. If the civilization is less than level 6, it will also be destroyed. How can it be busy?
Will all the billions of trillions of civilization in the universe be destroyed? It is too busy to do it.
Therefore, its first step is to confirm the level of civilization.
At the moment, the Titan inspector did not hesitate. He appeared at the mining machine for the first time. He walked to the huge machine and took a close look. The next moment his mind moved and disappeared. When he appeared in space, Once moved, it was already standing on top of a transport spacecraft.
Several kilometers of transport spacecraft made the Titan inspectors who were more than a hundred meters in height look blind.
It smashed the top of the transport spacecraft with one punch, broke into the ship, and it was extremely violent all the way, smashed through all the extremely strong alloy doors and entered the cab. Here, there are only five robots. This is a transport spacecraft that automatically runs and executes standard routes.
But the Titan inspector didn’t mind. It walked to the console, clicked on its wrist, and then stretched out a thin line, which was connected to the console of the spacecraft, making it super personal on its wrist. The terminal began to crack the server of this spacecraft.
After about a few minutes, it showed a smile because it had been cracked.
A transport spacecraft was just taken over by it.
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