Chapter 1745: Coward

The master's tricks, the millisecond is life and death.
The governor of the Titans and Lu Chuan passed quickly, they only said a few words, and gradually accelerated their speed.
As if it had disappeared, the energy here changed drastically again.
Suddenly, the governor of the Titans was obviously taken aback.
No matter what the reason, Lu Chuan never let go of this opportunity, using a microsecond-level reaction nerve to activate himself, and then slashed out the golden sword in his hand with all his strength, and cut it away fiercely.
What is meant by taking advantage of your illness to kill you? As a human governor, how could Lu Chuan miss this opportunity in the human mind?
If this is only the case, it is not called seizing the opportunity.
At the moment when the knife was cut, the dimensionality reduction blow was released, and terrifying energy swept across the space, instantly distorting the space, and forcibly moving the three-dimensionality to the two-dimensionality.
Lu Chuan didn't use it politely with a blow dedicated to the Governor.
Lu Chuan's dimensionality reduction range reached a terrifying five light-years, and all the Titan inspectors were shrouded within this range, turning them into two-dimensional points.
This was only the first step. After a microsecond of the dimensionality reduction, Lu Chuan's left hand punched again.
The power of three-dimensionality falls on two-dimensionality, bringing about changes, like tearing a piece of paper, or throwing paper into water.
No matter which kind of power, it is not two-dimensional that can be resisted. It is the power of God, more like the power of judgment.
The governor of the Titan tribe just stumbled, and he reacted. It is indeed the governor with a 50-millisecond response speed. It realized what was the same, its complexion changed, but the whole body burst out with surging cosmic energy. Its combat experience Rich, let it use the super dimension for the first time.
Using this one is actually just turning the dimension.
The collision of dimensionality reduction and super dimensionality has become a balance, and this space has once again returned to the three-dimensional world.
There are more than one million Titan inspectors, they are turned into countless pieces, cut and killed by dimensions. These are the results of the Governor of the Titans slowing down by half a beat. This little bit of backwardness is the result of The Titans paid a heavy price.
If the governor of the Titan tribe slows for a few tens of milliseconds, the millions of Titan tribe inspectors it brings will all die.
Lu Chuan was not very satisfied with this result, but the Governor of the Titans was about to vomit blood.
The fleeting trance was still caught by the human governor. The opponent's combat effectiveness was so agile and the capture of combat aircraft was as high as the Titans. From this point, it also proves that human beings are excellent, far from what it imagined.
It's just now, it's too late to say anything.
Lu Chuan was the governor. The Titan inspectors he killed could not be resurrected. It was equivalent to the fact that the Titans had lost millions of inspectors.
Superimposed before and after, Lu Chuan caused the Titans to lose more than 5 million inspectors.
The governor of the Titans roared, its eyes were bloodshot, and its chest was up and down with anger as it stared at Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan hugged his arm, but was not afraid of it. Now each other has used up the ability of dimensional strikes. Then the more everyone fights together, the more they get up to the sky, they are injured. It is really difficult to kill each other.
What puzzled Lu Chuan was how could the Governor of the Titans make this mistake and let himself succeed?
"Human Governor, this account will be settled sooner or later." The Governor of the Titans said fiercely, but with a wave of his hand, he shouted: "Follow me back to the competitive planet."
The Titans inspectors did not hesitate. Although they were unwilling, they disappeared in the distortion of space.
It was not until the last Titan inspector left that the Governor of the Titan tribe took a deep look at Lu Chuan, exhaled, and then his mind moved and disappeared.
Lu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and soon smiled: "It seems that something has happened, otherwise the Governor of the Titans would not have left so hastily. It will definitely fight with itself. The question is, what makes it happen? Lost in the fight against yourself?"
Lu Chuan couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter if he couldn't figure it out. You can go and see.
The other party returned directly to Competitive Planet. To put it bluntly, he was not afraid to know.
As for whether it is a trap or not, Lu Chuan is really not afraid, because each other has used up the dimensional strike, it is impossible to put himself to death in an instant, at least not comparable to the Governor of the Titans.
Lu Chuan has the coordinates of the Titan race planet, and there is no need to track their aura. In the distortion, together with his thoughts, Lu Chuan has already appeared outside the Titan race planet.
Here, nothing happened, no traps, the starry sky was silent.
"Not here?"
Lu Chuan frowned. In his opinion, other Governors should have found the Competitive Planet, which threatened the Governor of the Titans and made it have to give up fighting against itself and hurried back.
Now it seems that I guessed wrong.
On the competitive planet, there is a guardian, which can isolate Lu Chuan's divine sense detection, so Lu Chuan cannot know the situation inside.
Lu Chuan stroked his chin, thinking hard.
In the Titan Athletics planet, the Governor of the Titans stood on the incomparably tall throne. It smashed the golden cup in his hand under his feet, and suddenly it shattered into pieces, and it roared, "How dare it, it is looking for death," A reptile dared to throw an army to invade the Titan beads."
When Governor Titan and Lu Chuan were in a fight, why was he in a daze when he received this news.
As the governor, it has a connection with the Titan Factory, so the Titan Factory will feed back what happened in the universe to the governor of the Titans as soon as possible. For example, the death of a subordinate inspector, such as where the universe collapsed, etc.
Countless information will be gathered in the hands of the governor, and you can ignore this information, but some important information will pop up directly and notify the governor with a sound. The governor of the Titans just received the alert tone, and then saw the message, and then he was in a trance, allowing Lu Chuan to take advantage of it.
Lu Chuan’s instantaneous dimensionality reduction, if it hadn’t reacted fast enough, it might have been explained in this starry sky.
It can be said that the threat of Lu Chuan is great, but it is definitely not as great as the threat of the Fantasy Snake Clan.
The magic snake clan is coming, and the momentum is fierce, and at first glance, there is a momentum to flatten the Titan beads. You can give up fighting against the human governor, but you have to prevent the illusion snake clan from committing a massive attack.
After weighing the pros and cons, the governor of the Titan tribe would endure the anger towards Lu Chuan, and would rather pay the lives of more than one million inspectors and return to the competitive planet with the remaining inspectors.
Here, there is no blockage from Lu Chuan, so that it can look at this information carefully.
The information obtained was not very good. Hundreds of millions of Phantom Snake Clan inspectors appeared, and they smoothed everything. There have been premeditated actions for a long time, and the actions are swift. They have mastered the coordinates of the original home planet of the Titans, which is completely at the point.
In just an instant, the home planet of the Titans in hundreds of universes was blown up.
Some inspectors were found in the Titan Factory. After destroying the Titan Factory, all the inspectors dealing with the Titans on the Competitive Planet turned into a mist and disappeared directly in their eyes.
No, this is not disappearing, but death.
After the Titan Factory is destroyed, they will die, which belongs to the obliteration mechanism under God's rules.
It can be said that the Titan Factory is the life of the Chosen.
This is the source of the panic. The Illusory Snake Race has made enough preparations. I don't know when, it has already got all this information, and now the sudden attack has caught the Titans by surprise.
If it is allowed to do so, God knows how many people will be killed, and even the Governor of the Titans is at risk of finding a hiding place in the Titan Factory.
Even if they can't find the Titan Factory, they destroy the home planet, which is a heavy blow to the Titans.
Recovering the ruined home planet requires a huge amount of trial points, and the opponent's move definitely hit the weakness of the Titans. Once it consumes too much trial points, it is possible for the Illusory Snake Clan to step on the Titan Clan's corpse to reach the fifth position.
The governor of the Titan tribe who understood all this was so angry that he vomited blood.
Now it, due to the battle with Lu Chuan, used the dimensionality reduction blow. If it goes to trouble with the Governor of the Illusive Snake Clan at this time, it may be killed by the opponent in the dimensionality reduction. This is the real loss. opportunity.
What makes the governor of the Titan tribe crazy is that the killing of the human governor has limited the number of inspectors available to it. How can it be head-on with the opponent's 400 million inspectors?
In this way, it is doomed to pay a heavy price this time.
"Call all the inspectors immediately." The governor of the Titan tribe suppressed his anger and issued an order. The Guardian of the Titan Competitive Planet executed it for the first time and sent instructions to every inspector registered on the Competitive Planet.
However, most of them did not enter the space of reincarnation. UU reading just went to inspect it. It is almost impossible to gather such a large number in a short time.
What the Governor of the Titans can do is to summon as much as possible.
The current suffocation of the governor of the Titans makes it angry and makes it want to vent. Dimensionality reduction requires time to recover, and there are few people available in its hands. All it can do is to be a tortoise with a shrunken head, shrinking in this competitive planet, under the protection of the guardian, waiting for time to counterattack.
And this time, I am afraid that the loss will be heavy, and I don't know how many inspectors will die as a result.
The situation was still very good the moment before, who would have thought that under the attack of Lu Chuan and the Illusion Snake Clan, the situation collapsed, and it became the current situation. Its spring breeze was proud, but it lasted for half an hour, and it couldn't laugh anymore.
"Lu Chuan, Illusory Snake Clan... If you can turn over, it will definitely kill you to wait for the two races." The Governor of the Titan Clan roared bitterly.
Are these two clans colluding, flanking each other?
The governor of the Titan tribe didn't know, but the humans and the magic snake tribe cooperated so cleverly, at the same time, it was not allowed to doubt it.
Lu Chuan, who was on the competitive planet, was holding his arm. He still didn't know what happened, and he would make the Governor of the Titans return without hesitation. Assuming that if it weren't a big deal, it would be impossible to stop easily after changing Lu Chuan.
But what major event makes the Governor of the Titans do this?
Staying here, don't know what's going on inside, leaving Lu Chuan knowing nothing. This feeling is very bad. Lu Chuan doesn't like this feeling. This will make him lose the direction of thinking and become confused.
Lu Chuan touched his arm armor. If it weren't for the planet-conscious water elves that hadn't recovered now, Lu Chuan said he couldn't venture into the Titan Race's competitive planet out of curiosity.
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