Chapter 1793: Metal world

As the governor, Lu Chuan knew everything in the metal star with just a glance and coupled with perception.
Unlike the competitive planet, which has planet consciousness, it will prevent Lu Chuan's perceptual temptation.
No matter how special the metal star is, it is just an ordinary celestial body after all. In front of Lu Chuan, it is definitely Chiguoguo, and there is no secret at all. The Governor is the God in the universe, omnipotent and knowing everything.
The next moment, Lu Chuan's perception magnified, covering the star field measured in light years, exploring the galaxy where the metal race was located.
This galaxy is very huge, no less than the Milky Way.
Lu Chuan's thinking cannot be covered.
The scope of thinking is not infinite, but in fact, it is about ten light years.
Lu Chuan can use his own ability to achieve a coverage of 100,000 light years. Lu Chuan is not embarrassed. When it comes to issues involving himself and his race, Lu Chuan has to be careful to understand this galaxy.
With a stroke of his hand, in front of Lu Chuan, a three-dimensional galaxy map appeared. With this one, Lu Chuan could know what he possessed within a hundred thousand light-years.
As the ruling race in a bead, the metal race should be the king of this billion trillion cosmos and the administrator. It is believed that as long as King Kong thinks about it, to what extent it can lead the race to be promoted, the conquest of the universe is completely simple.
But as Lu Chuan perceives, the metal race has not expanded in any way, it has always been shrinking on the metal star.
Lu Chuan didn't know why, because the metal race was also not disturbed by King Kong, and it was a natural evolutionary course. In other words, from the perspective of civilization, the current metal family should be a third-level civilization.
The physical civilization branch in the cultivation civilization is the type of metal race.
They will continue to evolve, making themselves stronger.
Among the metal tribesmen of the third-level civilization, the strong ones can already fly in the air and are infinitely powerful.
King Kong did not interrupt everything Lu Chuan did, because it knew why Lu Chuan did it. In fact, this was exactly what Lu Chuan had expected, but it made King Kong a sigh of relief and relieved.
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The more vigilant Lu Chuan is, it means that the more he recognizes it, the faster and more solid he can build trust between them.
It didn't take long before Lu Chuan flicked his finger and the three-dimensional galaxy map disappeared.
The inspectors brought by Lu Chuan did not dare to speak out at this time, but it was not difficult to tell from their expressions that they were excited and excited now. A race that is almost surrendered, and it is also the third metal race, so it looks at human horse heads, why not let them have a sense of pride?
Looking at the metal star, they are even more curious, what is this celestial body like?
The inspectors who can be brought by the boss are almost confidantes. Each of them has made a huge contribution to mankind and has experienced many things. When you patrol the universe, you have encountered all kinds of celestial bodies, and all kinds of life forms will make you feel the greatness of the world.
But it is not the same. Under the blessing of the name of the third metal family, they are even more curious.
Seeing that Lu Chuan had finished perceiving, King Kong said, "Supervisor, follow me."
This time I did not use the mind to move, but used the way of flying.
In fact, the way of flying is not slow at all, it is completely at the speed of light. There is actually a long way to go from the metal race here, but at this kind of flying speed, after a while, everyone rushed into the atmosphere of the metal star and entered the interior.
Metal stars also have an atmosphere, which is the same as the human atmosphere, but it is quite different.
The atmosphere of the earth is similar to the way of energy, but the atmosphere of a metal star is just like reality. It is composed of a layer of mysterious metal, just like the substance, adding a shell to the metal star, just like an egg shell protecting the yolk. .
"Supervisor, this metal layer, its hardness, weapons below level II civilization, cannot be broken." King Kong explained.
How abnormal are the weapons of the secondary civilization?
Look at human weapons. At level 0.75, nuclear weapons have already appeared.
Looking at this metal layer, the inspectors were all dumbfounded, meaning that this thing is immune to nuclear bombs? What is the power of the energy cannon of the second-level civilization? The inspectors knew it, but they couldn't break this layer of metal. What kind of metal is this?
This is the real Niucha race, born in this kind of natural protection planet.
Seeing everyone’s astonishment, King Kong was also complacent and said:
It’s hard to say. What’s more amazing is that it can filter some light and then let the light penetrate into the inside of the planet. In addition, it is on the planet From the inside, it is transparent."
Even if I knew it a long time ago, but now that King Kong has said it, Lu Chuan still has a sense of magic.
The reason is the same as the ozone layer in the human atmosphere. It can filter the ultraviolet rays in the sun and prevent the earth from being directly exposed to the sun's rays, causing terrifying consequences. The atmosphere that humans see is also transparent.
And this metal layer of the metal family is obviously more awkward, after all, people's defense attributes are many times higher than that of humans.
A group of people, led by King Kong, appeared in front of the metal layer.
With a stroke of King Kong's hand, the metal layer actually faded out of an area, and this was the entrance.
"The metal layer, if it is not a metal tribe, it is difficult to break it and enter." King Kong explained.
Of course, this so-called difficult entry is nothing to the inspector.
Not to mention Lu Chuan, the human inspector who came here can crush this metal layer with a single finger. Initiating a fierce blow, completely capable of breaking the metal star, it was nothing in front of the inspector.
Therefore, King Kong just explained one sentence, and led everyone into the interior.
The interior of the metal star is a bit dim, but it is still visible.
The first time you enter here, you can sense countless metal people flying in the sky, these are metal people with flying ability. However, they still failed to break through the limits of the universe and could only fly inside the planet.
The form of the metal tribe is no form.
It may be a piece of metal, it may be an irregular block, some resemble animals, some resemble humans...Metal people are not static. Every time they evolve, they can determine the shape they want.
New-born metal people are actually very fragile and need to evolve from scratch.
The only advantage is that the metal people have a complete set of evolutionary procedures, allowing the new metal people to quickly reach their current heights.
This is the same as human knowledge. Newborns are blank and need to learn... Then after mastering countless knowledge, break through technology and make a breakthrough for the promotion of human civilization.
Don't think that starting from scratch must be slow.
When civilization reaches a certain height, the height of learning is also different. Since childhood, I have understood too much knowledge.
Would humans in primitive society understand what electric energy is and what nuclear fusion is? Surely they don’t understand. It will take thousands of years for them to figure out this, and it may not be feasible. But the human beings born now have been exposed to it since they were young, and have understood this. After growing up, they will be able to come into contact with this knowledge even more, and those who learn overpowering can even raise their knowledge to a higher level.
The evolution of the metal race is the same, with the perfect evolutionary conditions of the predecessors, naturally different, and can evolve quickly and become a strong one.
Just like the structure of human beings, there are also stupid and scumbags among human beings.
In the evolution of metal tribesmen, there will be some tribes that only evolve and stop, and they have no achievements in their lives. This type of metal tribes are naturally the lower level in the entire social structure and their life span is also the shortest.
The entry of Lu Chuan and his party caused a sensation among the tribesmen of the entire Metal Star.
King Kong said: "Supervisor, the shortest life span of the metal clan is also calculated in ten thousand years, so here, I don't need to hide anything, I am the king here, in charge of everything here."
This is different from humans.
The life span of human beings is only a short tens of hundreds of years. Before Lu Chuan changed the world, there were not many human beings who could live a hundred. Generally speaking, the 70s and 80s are still the mainstream.
Under this kind of short life span, you suddenly live a few hundred years...I want to know what the social reaction is. Even if you control the world, in the hearts of countless people, you are still an alien, a monster-like existence.
Therefore, Lu Chuan and other inspectors all retreated behind the scenes after more than a hundred years, and never appeared in front of the stage Only the head of the family is qualified to know that Lu Chuan is still alive. .
King Kong was here, even if some humans like Lu Chuan were discovered, there was no fluctuation in the metal clan. At first glance, they knew that it was their king who brought it in, the guests. Regardless of the king's consideration, since the king did, they would obey unconditionally.
The metal tribe’s city is underground.
They live in rich ore, almost squeezed among these ores, absorbing the metal substances in these ores. This is not only their food, but also their way of survival. In their world, there is no concept of technology at all. Anyway, they do not eat or drink. They only need to stay where there are metal substances, and the body will automatically absorb it. For them, this is the greatest happiness.
Through absorption, they will continue to grow stronger, strengthen their bodies, and meet the needs of evolution.
The metal family also has the concept of class. For example, the strong will occupy some of the richer veins and mines, while the weak can only be absorbed in some poor mines, and the speed will naturally be too slow.
Where there are classes, there will be competition, and there are all kinds of complicated relationships, but the strict hierarchy of the metal race is not imaginable by humans. Under the control of King Kong, the metal race can unite as one.
Entering here, what you can see is almost a metal world.
Ubiquitous metal blocks, metal fragments... These are relatively common metal elements, which are equivalent to coarse grains in the eyes of humans, and are not very popular. For the oil-rich metal family, they even disdain to absorb, just throw it here.
Therefore, what appeared to Lu Chuan and others was a ruin-like world full of tatters. I don't know if they are untidy or why.
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