Chapter 1831: Very low casualties

This kind of star field compression by Lu Chuan is to compress everything in this star field, whether it is a planet or the cosmic life forms that exist here, all are within the scope of compression.
The extremely powerful cosmic life forms, they may be the dominating life in this universe, but in front of Lu Chuan, under the terrifying energy compression, they lost their resistance and were directly compressed in this narrow space.
After the compression was successful, Lu Chuan was unwilling to sit and wait for the recovery of the water elves, but got busy.
"In this case, it's better to let the water spirit follow him and find the densest area to compress, so the effect will be more efficient."
In the densest area, not only the number of planets will increase, but also the existence of cosmic life forms. It is possible to compress hundreds of cosmic life forms, dozens of hundreds of planets, this kind of compressed energy, I don’t know. How many times better than the water elf swallowed by himself.
"Water spirit, follow me." Lu Chuan said.
The water elf is also extremely clever. It knows what Lu Chuan means. It becomes excited, raised its head and nodded fiercely.
The next moment, the water elves withdrew from the form of the star behemoth, turned into a spot of light, and returned to Lu Chuan's armguards.
Lu Chuan smiled, and with a stroke of his hand, a three-dimensional map of the galaxy appeared in front of him. The range of 100,000 light-years was contained here. It was like an instant map that could clearly know everything that happened within 100,000 light-years.
In these 100,000 light years, everything was under Lu Chuan's control, including every movement of every life body in the universe.
"This is the ultimate compression."
Lu Chuan did not hesitate, his thoughts flickered, and he did not even need a second to observe the star field 100,000 light-years away.
One hundred thousand light-years, occupying one third of this galaxy, shows how exaggerated the galaxy is.
Soon, Lu Chuan locked one of the most densely populated places in the universe, his mind moved, and Lu Chuan arrived here in an instant.
Lu Chuan glanced in the distance, and could see that there were dozens of cosmic lifeforms the size of a planet in front of him alone, and they were gathering together. Lu Chuan's human identity is too small in terms of size, like dust.
"Now try what your limit range is."
In the next moment, Lu Chuan released his own cosmic energy, resonating with the energy here, as one, under Lu Chuan's control.
Space began to fold. The cosmic lifeforms here are actually a special kind of life composed of energy. They have a very strong sense of energy. The first time they perceive the change, they panic and want to escape here.
Lu Chuan naturally couldn't let them escape, the energy was compressed, and the space was crazily folded.
This time, Lu Chuan’s folding reached 1.5 light-years, which is Lu Chuan’s current maximum capability. He can destroy a galaxy tens of thousands of light-years away, but folding and destroying are not the same. They are two qualitative things.
1.5 light years, in less than a minute, it became a space object with a diameter of no more than 20,000 kilometers.
Lu Chuan raised his hand, and the water elves appeared and turned into star behemoths, swallowing the celestial bodies in space.
Space celestial bodies are released, but planets and cosmic life explode in its mouth like beans, but they are all pressed down by it, and then swallowed into the stomach, becoming a stream of energy, replenishing the energy it consumes.
"Boss, this feeling is good!" The Water Elf couldn't help but exclaimed.
Think about it, usually eat small pieces of meat, and now suddenly I get you a roasted whole lamb, you can eat meat in large mouthfuls, this feeling is absolutely invigorating, and it is more than a cool thing to describe?
Lu Chuan smiled lightly, and with a gesture, the water spirit returned to its light spot.
In the next second, Lu Chuan disappeared.
"Compress again."
Lu Chuan knows this galaxy well, so wherever he goes, it is the area with the most planets and life forms in the universe.
Here, Lu Chuan is alone, and he is done.
A star field with a diameter of 1.5 light-years was compressed by Lu Chuan, and even the planets and cosmic lifeforms were compressed in, and then became the water elves' snacks, which were swallowed by the water elves. This kind of recovery speed is more than a hundred times faster than before.
And the recovery degree of the water elves continued to break through from 40% to 50%.
Almost every time it is swallowed, it will rise sharply.
With boring work, Lu Chuan feels like a machine, repeating the cycle constantly.
Fortunately, the water spirit is not a bottomless pit, it just needs a huge amount of energy.
After a year, as Lu Chuan expected, the Water Elf finally returned to its peak. The price is that Lu Chuan has paid for a year, and in this galaxy, at least tens of thousands of light-years of star field have been swallowed up by it, and hundreds of millions of planets and cosmic lifeforms have disappeared in its stomach. .
Think of it as horrible, this is somewhat similar to the bottomless pit.
"Finally recovered to the peak..."
When the water elves swallowed the last compressed energy celestial body, Lu Chuan exhaled, feeling like he was unloading his body. God knows that for the past year, Lu Chuan forcibly endured this endless boredom, repeating one thing mechanically in this deadly place.
Now that he saw the water elves who had recovered to their peak, Lu Chuan felt that his efforts were worthwhile.
The water elves at the pinnacle can release three times and even have the power of a battle, which is a huge help to themselves.
The planetary consciousness after promotion can forcibly enter the competitive planet and forcibly suppress the Guardian, allowing Lu Chuan to destroy this planet. The original planetary consciousness can only break in, but cannot suppress the Guardian. If the opposing governor does not reduce the dimensions, the competitive planet cannot be destroyed.
With the original planetary consciousness, it seems that a loophole has been found, but in fact it still needs many factors.
But the planet consciousness after promotion is different, it is the real loophole.
It is already very difficult to have planetary consciousness in primitive society, and only a small group of governors have it, not to mention that planetary consciousness has advanced and evolved. It is not difficult to see from this point how difficult it is to break through and destroy the competitive planet.
Except for a few governors, other governors do not have this ability.
Among the governors, everyone knows that the human governor possesses this strength. Therefore, everyone is in awe of mankind in self-defense. Everyone who sees human inspectors needs to detour for fear of getting into trouble that shouldn’t be caused. .
The water elves in their peak state are also excited, like Nirvana rebirth.
In the form of a giant starry sky, it is constantly tumbling here, sometimes suddenly moving forward for a section. With its size, it is often billions of kilometers away. A cosmic storm that was rolling and brought up, if it were a nearby planet, would definitely be affected and become a cosmic disaster.
Life is so fragile in the face of cosmic disasters, like a giant star beast sneezes, I am afraid that the life on the planet in front of it is definitely a charcoal.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, after staying in this place for a year, I have to vomit, go back, go back."
The water elves changed from the form of a star beast into a light spot, and returned to Lu Chuan's arm armor.
Lu Chuan did not stay, but disappeared.
This galaxy, Lu Chuan is certain that he will come here in the future. After all, such a good supplementary place is really hard to find. This one galaxy is enough for the water elves to replenish hundreds of times.
The planetary consciousness in the peak period gave Lu Chuan a lot of confidence, and it happened that he had been silent for more than two years, and it was time for another killing. He is not far from the 100 billion trial points now, and if he works hard, he may become a fifth-level governor.
"The fifth-level governor, maybe the end of this round of competition?"
Lu Chuan is not sure, but the fifth-level governor is the vertex that the governor can touch at present. Only when he stands at this position can he know what will be next, is it the end, or will there be another beginning?
Since God had promised to reach the fifth-level governor and become the top three race, he could see it. This was Lu Chuan's greatest motivation.
Lu Chuan did not return to the modern earth, but returned to the human race planet.
"Sir." Hughes greeted as usual.
Lu Chuan nodded, and did not ask Hughes if anything major happened. The existence of the pager, if something happened, Victoria would have notified herself. If there is no call, it means that Competitive Planet is safe and sound.
Sure enough, Lu Chuan felt it was true.
Human inspection envoys came and went here, and the entire city of competition was busy. The Chosen Ones are following the strategy, challenging the ninth level space, and there are also some who want to earn points, torn and killed with others in the arena.
Lu Chuan's return did not attract much attention.
Lu Chuan first checked the tips of the biochemical plant. There were as many as billions of densely packed information. This information includes the death of the inspector, as well as major events that have occurred in the billion trillion cosmos. Becoming a governor and controlling the billion-trillion cosmos is by no means empty words. This piece of information completely allows Lu Chuan to know the billion-trillion cosmos well.
According to Lu Chuan's previous instructions, only hundreds of messages appeared in front of Lu Chuan.
These hundreds of articles are related to the inspectors.
"so little?"
There are only a few hundred, which means that in the past two years, the number of deaths of human inspectors is only a few hundred. I couldn't imagine it before, how could there be millions of giants. Race competition has clearly become fierce, but why has the human race been less affected?
Lu Chuan only frowned for a moment, and then relaxed again, because Lu Chuan thought of the possibility.
Human beings are currently the number one race, the overlord, and the ability to destroy the competitive planet of other races, which makes countless races full of fear.
In this case, they dare not easily enter the human bead universe to provoke. Second, UU reading www. Even if knows that this is human reincarnation, they dare not kill it rashly. Instead, they use the method of driving away human reincarnation to leave their universe, because they are afraid of provoke Lu Chuan's revenge.
The third reason is that the human feeding plan has reduced the space for entering reincarnation.
Several reasons are tied together, and this has been the cause of the death of only hundreds of inspectors in the past two years.
This result, if the governors of other races are known, I am afraid they will not believe it, because it is too bullshit. How come there are hundreds of millions of human inspectors? How could it be possible to die hundreds of people in two years?
Lu Chuan checked several times carefully, and finally believed that hundreds of inspectors had really died.
"Not bad!"
As a result, Lu Chuan's mood suddenly became comfortable and cheerful.
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