Chapter 1837: 3 goals

Lu Chuan slowly walked past them, these race governors did not dare to take a breath.
In my heart, how many race governors feel desperate.
It's just a sentence, and some of the governors of their own can only stand here obediently like grandsons, and they dare not take a breath. The gap is really too big. As far as their performance is concerned, what are they talking about fighting for hegemony and what are they talking about squeezing into the top three?
Right now, their situation is basically a cannon fodder role, and they are still asleep.
These governors, looking at the small figures of human governors with complicated eyes, all kinds of thoughts emerged in their hearts.
But it's this little figure that makes them respectful.
The governors didn't say a word, just let Lu Chuan pass by them.
Lu Chuan let them roll, and his words made them angry, but they could only endure it.
Lu Chuan passed them and finally stood at the top of the leaderboard.
To be honest, it is not that Lu Chuan is arrogant, nor is it that Lu Chuan made enemies for mankind. Precisely speaking, Lu Chuan's actions have profound meaning. As the number one, you need to have the aura of number one, you need to transform this deterrent, so that these races dare not make a second.
Sometimes arrogance, it even more shows that you are strong.
What's more, do you think you will really make enemies for mankind?
The ones that don't exist, the races are already heated up, and they are mortal enemies to each other. Either you die or I die, and there is no second way to choose. Once they are up, they must do their best to kill the opponent.
This kind of relationship has already determined that there can be no friends, but only enemies.
Since they were originally enemies, why does Lu Chuan need to give them a good face? They are amiable, they still treat humans as not threatening, but let them focus on humans.
Only by deterring them can human beings be truly safe.
In fact, they should be afraid of humans staring at them instead of staring at humans.
Lu Chuan hugged his arms and looked at the leaderboard.
The first group in the ranking above has not changed much, but the second group, the third group...changes greatly. Many races are ups and downs, and some even disappeared. From these, it is not difficult to see the fierce competition.
At the very end, Lu Chuan saw a row of nearly a hundred gray race names. These were the governors who died in this period of time.
Within ten years, a new governor will be born.
At this moment of fierce competition, being behind by ten years almost means losing the qualification to compete.
It is not that there is no chance, but the probability is not great.
There is a miracle of counterattack, but here, it is not easy to want to give birth to this kind of miracle.
Lu Chuan touched his chin, stared at the leaderboard, and then began to compare with the leaderboard in his memory, to find out which race rose the fastest, which race became stronger, and which race squeezed into the first group position.
In theory, most of the final top three places will be produced by races in the first group position.
The division of the first group is the top 20.
Only the top 20 races are eligible to compete for the top three positions.
It's not that there is no chance for the latter, but the race that can't even get in the top 20 is naturally average. It is really difficult to counterattack so many races if you want to step on the eighteen races. When it comes to the top twenty races, that one is not an extremely powerful race, nor is it easy to deal with.
Especially in the age of alliances, you don't know what races and what race alliances.
Soon, through the intellectual brain on his wrist, Lu Chuan immediately knew the result.
Just taking a look, Lu Chuan showed a sneer, took a step forward, and disappeared in the distortion of space.
After sensing the disappearance of Lu Chuan's horrible aura, the dozen or so governors were all relieved. God knows how they spent just now, Lu Chuan's aura is too strong, suppressing it, making them breathe in and exhale gently.
Now that Lu Chuan is gone, they finally don't need to be suppressed by this aura.
"Bah, what is crazy, one day you will be kicked off the seat of God."
"That is, dare to tell us to go away, really for whom it is."
"Hmph, if it wasn't for fear of your sneak attack, I would have taught this later generation that I would dare to speak to us like this."
Each governor tried his best to save some of the face he had just lost.
God knows how wretched they looked just now, and if it spreads out, they will lose face. Now that Lu Chuan is gone, they certainly have to save their image. Anyway, just brag about each other, and not afraid of the human governor hearing it.
Lu Chuan did not leave the Judgment Star, but went to another area of ​​the Judgment Star.
Here, I don’t know how many billions of years of virgin forests have been generated, and how many towering giant trees are simply beyond imagination.
Lu Chuan appeared on the canopy of a giant tree, stepping on the canopy like a peerless master.
Looking far away, there is no end in sight.
"It's time to act." Lu Chuan smiled, and when he moved his hand, two pagers appeared.
It didn't matter if Lu Chuan wanted to slow down, but after observing the rankings, Lu Chuan realized that in the short span of more than two years, there had been tremendous changes. Although fierce competition is one, why not every race is squeezing upwards?
There are only so many places, if you go up, others will come down naturally.
If you want to keep your position, you need to rush in front of them, work harder than them, and earn more judgment points than them.
A gap of 34 billion trial points, about ten races.
Winning ten races was the goal Lu Chuan set for himself.
Of course, ten races can't be solved at once, because the water elves can only be activated three times at most, which will consume all the energy and require endless replenishment. In this way, it means that Lu Chuan now needs to pick out three races and let these three races become prey.
Lu Chuan activated the two pagers, and then stood with his hands behind him.
In less than a second, King Kong appeared.
Seeing Lu Chuan, King Kong looked respectful on his face. Its current form is humanoid, like a metal giant standing behind Lu Chuan. It feels like a huge robot, or a mecha is more appropriate.
Lu Chuan turned around and nodded to King Kong: "Nothing happened recently, right?"
"Thank you, the superintendent, for your concern. There is nothing big, but it has dealt with some reincarnations." King Kong replied. It has sorted out the internal affairs of the inspectors for a period of time, and then focused on finding the reincarnations. Things.
At least the rule breakers have suddenly disappeared since the Tri-Clan Alliance, probably because of the current status of the Metal Clan.
Lu Chuan nodded. Indeed, if there is a crisis, King Kong will definitely call himself.
After a few simple sentences, Tishna appeared, carrying the Bone Wing Clan on her back, with murderous aura all over her body. Tishna at this moment is absolutely chilly, like a queen who is extremely cold.
But after seeing Lu Chuan and King Kong, her aura disappeared.
Lu Chuan asked curiously: "Did you just hit?"
Tishna nodded and said, "A reincarnation, almost let it make a seventh level of civilization."
Once a seventh-level civilization is created, a negative value will be generated, and it will be uncomfortable for anyone to change it. To know that the negative value of the seventh-level civilization appears, you must be promoted to a seventh-level civilization to offset it, and it needs to be done through the reincarnation space.
Therefore, any positive and negative values ​​are extremely precious.
Tishna’s combat effectiveness is absolutely blazing. Lu Chuan didn’t doubt whether she could win. The result was obvious. It should be this reincarnation who was so unlucky and let Tishna take it, otherwise Tishna would not be so peaceful now. .
"Call something next time." Lu Chuan confessed.
It's definitely not easy to make Tishna like a reincarnation. Tishna singled out each other, not risky, but there was still uncertainty. But if you add yourself and King Kong, there are almost no enemies you can't take.
Tishna nodded.
Lu Chuan waved his hand, and in front of him, a complete governor list appeared.
With thoughts, the leaderboard only intercepted the top twenty, and then zoomed in in front of Tishna and King Kong.
"If you go against the current, you will retreat. We have no way of retreating, so we know it will be more and more difficult, but we have to move forward." Lu Chuan said, his face serious. It has not yet reached the point of peace of mind, and has not yet won.
In this case, you need to go on until there are no more opponents.
King Kong's eyes flashed with a war spirit, and it would stand under Lu Chuan's will unconditionally.
Tishna nodded, she also felt the threat below, she said: "Is it the same as last time?"
Lu Chuan nodded and said: "This time, three goals, one for each, the gold and the trial points, all belong to the killer. We acted together and won one by one."
After speaking, Lu Chuan listed the three races separately.
"Take these three races, the races below will be less threatening to us." Lu Chuan clicked on these three races, allowing Tishna and King Kong to see clearly.
King Kong agrees most, because Lu Chuan's race is ranked fourth to sixth, ranking behind it, which is its biggest concern. If you win them, they will change from seventh, eighth, and ninth to fourth, fifth, and sixth. Don't look at it or follow behind yourself, but the strength of the three of Xinya is weaker, which invisibly opened the distance.
A result like this is what King Kong wants to see most.
"Supervisor, we will kill whoever you say you want to kill." King Kong said, it restrained itself and made its voice appear calmer.
Tishna had no opinion. Lu Chuan's goal was naturally to strengthen the status of the three races as a starting point.
Both Tishna and King Kong have the information of these three races. After Lu Chuan locked the three races the two didn't think much, they turned on the smart wear on their wrists and found what they needed. Study the information carefully.
Seeing that they both agreed, in front of Lu Chuan, information about these three races emerged again.
The governor of the three tribes just stayed on the canopy of the tree, as if he had found a masterpiece book and was reading it carefully.
Even with a glance and ten lines, it took three and a half hours for the information in hand to finally get a preliminary understanding of these three races.
Understand on paper, this is the first step.
"How is it?" Lu Chuan asked.
Tishna's eyes were cold, and she said, "Just do what you want. Anyway, you have to face it sooner or later. It's better to choose to kill them before they really grow."
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