Chapter 1848: successor

Bringing Tishna into a black starfield, Lu Chuan did not move any more, but stopped.
"Do you think I'm cruel?"
Lu Chuan held his hand and asked.
Tishna shook her head, cruelty mainly refers to the same race. After leaving his own race, there is no cruelty.
In fact, it is easy to understand, will anyone feel cruel to the slaughter of chickens, ducks and pigs?
But when a young man beats a child, an old man, or manipulates a baby, he will be classified as cruel and will be punished by all mankind. And murder. / Criminal, is described as a cruel executioner.
Explaining all this is actually the same kind of problem mentioned above.
Lu Chuan smiled, and he said: "From another angle, if the Storm Clan wins, how will they deal with humans? Maybe their methods will be ten times more cruel."
The more you understand the alien race, the more you will find that Lu Chuan's own behavior just now can be called benevolent.
I didn't find an excuse for myself. Taking the Chimera people from Lu Chuan's reincarnation back then, if they invaded the earth, the entire human race on the earth would become their food. Compared to death, being raised by others to become food for other people... Is there anything more cruel than this?
At that time, humans will become the same existence as chickens and ducks, will be slaughtered, and become the table food of other races.
Mankind's best stewed, fried, steamed...probably it is man's turn. Humans can use pig's head to make a fortune, will alien races use human heads to make a fortune?
Think about this scene, this is really explaining what cruelty is.
Tishna agreed with Lu Chuan's statement that in race competition, there is no cruelty, and some are just winning and losing. Winners and losers, in this competition, the interpretation is vivid, and the losing race will have nothing.
"What's more, the Storm Clan must be erased. They are just one step ahead." A cold light flashed in Lu Chuan's eyes.
Even a race spanning billions of trillions of universes can be wiped out by Lu Chuan and completely annihilated, not to mention just a planet in one of the universes. It is insignificant and will not even cause a wave in Lu Chuan's heart. .
Lu Chuan's eyes returned to plain again.
"Go, take the Stormwind tribe."
The advanced planetary consciousness hegemony still has too many abilities that Lu Chuan doesn't know about. It uses it well and is definitely the strongest assistant. Like now, it not only sets out the location of the competitive planet, but also simulates a footprint atmosphere for Lu Chuan to reach directly.
This is really terrifying.
Before the storm race planet.
Lu Chuan showed up here with Tishna, and then felt the windstorm formed around the light-year star.
"Sure enough, the competitive planet of each race will simulate the optimal living space of this race." Lu Chuan smiled lightly. This point will become a breakthrough in the future. Using these characteristics will make it easier to find competitions of all races. Planet.
Tishna nodded, agreeing with what Lu Chuan said.
Lu Chuan took out the pager, which was used to call King Kong.
After squeezing, King Kong arrived a moment later.
"Supervisor..." King Kong became respectful when he saw Lu Chuan.
And the huge storm race planet behind him made King Kong excited. It didn't expect that the Supervisor would find the storm race planet so quickly. It just glanced, and immediately said: "Please punish the governor, King Kong failed to help the governor."
It has been searching for it, but it has not made any achievements. Instead, the governor himself has found it. This is an expression of incompetence.
Lu Chuan smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry about it."
Lu Chuan has never regarded them as his subordinates, but a cooperative relationship, and he respects them.
If they want to slave them, in the future, maybe they will give themselves a knife behind their backs.
Although it is possible now, but with his own goodwill and the situation he controls now, Lu Chuan believes that they will not have this mindset. Now the three races are truly one, and as the central human beings, the rise and fall of mankind is actually the rise and fall of their two races.
"The Governor of the Storm Clan died unexpectedly. This is a bit unexpected." Lu Chuan shook his head.
These things were naturally obtained from the memory of this storm clan inspector.
The cause of death is unknown to the inspector.
In fact, none of the current inspectors and inspectors of the Stormwind family knew the cause of their governor's death.
The current storm clan is falling into the chaos of a group of dragons without a leader. In a short time, there will be basically no change. Becoming the new governor, in charge of all the power of the beads, supreme... whoever changes will be crazy about it.
Especially when you become a governor, you can judge his life and death, and he can control the rise and fall of his people. How can this kind of power be comparable to the current supervision?
The new governor will inevitably be born in this level of supervision.
In this way, the inspectors have a chance, they wooed the inspectors below, forming factions.
Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Read.
In Lu Chuan's view, the destruction of a race was doomed from the formation of a faction. The reason is simple, because there are already cracks inside. They have been hostile and competitive internally. How can they cooperate sincerely in the future?
Lu Chuan has already thought of this kind of problem.
It was just thought that Lu Chuan would help Victoria up, and she has always been in charge of the affairs of the entire city of competition. When she is away, Victoria has always exercised Lu Chuan's power to manage the entire human inspection team in an orderly manner.
Invisibly, Victoria has the taste of Lu Chuan's successor, which is tacit understanding.
It is certain that once there is an accident in Lu Chuan, mankind will not be chaotic, but will enter a new era of leadership with Victoria as the leader. When the ten-year period is over, Victoria will automatically become the new human governor.
In this way, human competitiveness can be guaranteed, because the impact of the Governor’s death will be minimized.
What Lu Chuan has to do now is actually to work hard to raise the superiority of mankind to a higher level, so that one-fifth of the trial points will be deducted when he is truly unhappy, and mankind can still stand on top of the race.
"But... it's not so easy to want my life." Lu Chuan grinned.
Be arrogant to say that people who can get their own lives now have no qualifications for other races except God.
King Kong’s head is sometimes very simple. It said: "Supervisor, their governor is dead. It just happens to be an opportunity. We can just rush in and blow up this competitive planet."
Lu Chuan laughed blankly, he really thought too much.
"Okay, go in and blow it up." Lu Chuan laughed. It was originally that simple, and he seemed to have complicated a simple thing.
Not to mention that the other party has no governor, and the dragons have no leader. Even if they were the governor, why didn't he rush in and explode this competitive planet? This is actually the essence.
Competitive planet is the base camp of a race.
The Storm Clan is a group of dragons without a leader and lost the governor, but its basic operating mechanism is still there, especially now that there are strong enemies, even if they are constantly fighting for the position of governor, they know the importance.
One by one, the inspectors rushed out of the competitive planet with their own inspectors.
"King Kong, you will solve them."
"Tishna, the Stormwind is yours."
Lu Chuan said, the people were already stunned, and he took the lead to rush towards the competitive planet. Only Lu Chuan is capable of breaking the rule of guardian of the competitive planet. Even if Tishna has planet consciousness, she wants to be uncompromising.
The original planetary consciousness can barely break into the competitive planet, but it can't suppress the guardian and break the planet into pieces, requiring the cooperation of the opposing governor. It can be said that there is a certain element of luck.
Now that the Governor of the Stormwind tribe is no longer there, even if Tishna can break through, it is impossible to destroy the Stormwind tribe's competitive planet.
Only Lu Chuan could use the water elves to suppress the guardians of the Stormwind tribe, gain clearance for Tishna, and destroy this competitive planet.
The metal clan of King Kong is a race that can be changed. In its roar, it turned into a metal giant, and the golden weapon in its hand also turned into a giant axe. It slashed out without hesitation and swept towards this. Some inspectors and inspectors rushed out.
With a dignified introduction to the four-level governor and the third-ranked race, the fighting power of King Kong needless to say.
These close inspectors and inspectors did not have a round, and wherever the axe went, there were countless casualties. The cosmic energy shield supported by the inspectors and inspectors became a joke in front of King Kong.
It is like an eggshell, meaningless in front of King Kong's battle axe.
It can be said that what King Kong faced, UU reading was completely mob. As long as King Kong is not careless, he will kill as many as he comes.
Such a breakthrough in a competitive planet, Lu Chuan is already familiar with all this.
The illusion that was released in an instant completely stunned the guardians of the storm clan. During the time of contending, Lu Chuan had already squeezed in with Tishna. All this was just a few milliseconds, and then the water spirit also squeezed in.
"Leave it to you." Lu Chuan smiled lightly.
There are a huge number of patrol envoys of the Stormwind tribe. They received information on the death of the Governor, so they returned to the competitive planet in the first time. In a short time, hundreds of millions of patrol envoys gathered here.
Facing the invasion of the human governor, they also realized that this was a moment of life and death, and naturally they would not stay, knowing that it was death, they still rushed forward without hesitation.
The fierce battle kicked off.
The golden weapon in Lu Chuan's hand turned into a huge battle shield, and he shot it out fiercely, but all the Stormtrooper inspectors who stood in front of Lu Chuan were shot in front of this supreme cosmic energy. Shattered.
Tishna is not slow. When the water elf hardened to support the guardian, she released a dimensionality reduction blow.
In an instant, everything was over.
The hundreds of millions of Stormwind inspectors, as well as the Competitive Planet, were all ignored by the size of its light-year star and directly flattened into a two-dimensional world. In the face of dimensionality reduction, it broke through all three-dimensional cognition and subverted the laws of the universe. The Storm Clan inspectors allowed them to have the ability to reach the sky, but they belonged to the two-dimensional world, and they could not affect the three-dimensional. Their struggle was meaningless.
Tishna's bone wings flapped, turned into two rays of light, and blasted onto the competitive planet.
The competitive planet, as thin as paper, was pierced in an instant and then collapsed.
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