Chapter 1864: Finally appeared

Latest website: "Supervisor, the number of races joined by the Alliance of Hundred Races has reached sixty."
Lu Chuan was playing a mobile game and then received a communication from Victoria. Victoria's tone was a little worried.
The strength of the Hundred Clan Alliance is rising rapidly almost every day.
The inspector below doesn't know what this means, but Victoria does. The emergence of the Hundred Clan Alliance was originally aimed at the three human races. Once it completed the goal of the Hundred Clan, the next step was the vigorous massacre testimony.
Lu Chuan frowned slightly, but immediately let go.
"I see." Lu Chuan calmed Victoria: "Don't worry, everything is in my expectation."
This sentence is not just to comfort Victoria.
Lu Chuan had long anticipated the emergence of the League of Hundred Races. The fear that mankind brings to all races will accelerate the alliance of this hundred races.
Since it was expected a long time ago, now that it has broken through sixty races, it is not surprising.
After having sixty races, if there are no accidents, the speed will accelerate further, because it has become a potential. This is the so-called general trend, and no one can stop it. Countless races will squeeze their heads and be added in, seeking temporary safety for themselves.
Seeing Lu Chuan calm, Victoria also felt relieved.
Every time she saw the faint smile on Lu Chuan's face, Victoria would be inexplicably relieved. Wasn't she obsessed with his smile at the beginning?
The work was over, so Victoria's tone changed: "Honey, I miss you."
French girl is so direct, hot and unrestrained.
Victoria's unrestrainedness, Lu Chuan has experienced, it is definitely a blessing for men.
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly and said, "My dear, I miss you too, but I can't live without it now."
Staying here, it's just such a pain, God knows after you leave, will the Universe Flower just happen to appear. Therefore, staying here is sticking. In the face of righteousness, the love between men and women can only be put aside.
Victoria knew this too, so she just expressed that she missed herself instead of thinking about doing anything.
She smiled and blew a kiss to Lu Chuan, naturally and decisively interrupted the communication.
Lu Chuan shook his head, let go of the rising desire in his heart, and put his mind into the game again. It has to be said that Lu Chuan's mentality is still the same as an ordinary person at any time, and it is more like the mentality of the person who has not been selected.
It should have been said that it was impossible to play these things at Lu Chuan's position, but now Lu Chuan has returned to himself and has fun.
Taking a break from the busy schedule, Lu Chuan naturally let go.
After waiting for this period of time, there is no time to play, because there are too many things that will be entangled. Just an alliance of hundreds of races is enough to cause headaches. Of course, is this not an opportunity?
If the hundred races are taken down, the status of mankind will be unbreakable.
It is even said that after the hundreds of races, the end of this round of competition will determine who is the top three.
In the universe, there is no concept of time.
Different civilizations and different environments have different understandings of time. Human beings set the time according to the rotation of the earth and the changes of the sun and the moon. There are 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute.
But it is not suitable for other races.
For example, some civilizations are located on planets, and it takes one year to convert it to humans. Moreover, some races have dual stars or even multiple stars, so time will be more chaotic.
Lu Chuan stayed here. If it weren't for the smart wearer in his hand to run at the time set by humans, Lu Chuan really didn't know how long he had stayed here.
There is no alternation of the sun and the moon, no changes in the four seasons, but the eternal sea of ​​stars.
Lu Chuan stretched again. He has cleared seven games.
Without looking at the time, Lu Chuan knew that he had been waiting for a long time.
Looking at the starry sky, Lu Chuan had no confidence. More than a dozen points. In such a long time, there is no news. God knows if there will be cosmic flowers.
This stuff can't be met. This kind of wait and see if you have bad luck, you may not be able to wait for the desired result for a lifetime.
Just because this one is scarce, the value of the universe flower can be imagined.
The reason why Tishina was able to lead the Bone Wing Race to the top of the race was actually the change Hua Jing brought to her, making her stronger and breaking through the siege. Even if it is now the number one in mankind, no one dares to fight against the young Bonewing Race.
Tishna is still a powerful pronoun.
"It seems that we have to continue..." Lu Chuan was helpless. In fact, what he was doing now was fighting for time with the Alliance of Hundred Races. Obviously, the momentum of the Hundred Clan Alliance is better. It will continue to grow like a bamboo and complete the formation of the Hundred Clan soon.
As for himself, it was still very ethereal, and no one knew whether he could wait for the Universe Flower.
The League of Hundred Races may face management difficulties and control problems. This requires the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race to straighten out, I am afraid this is not small.
Before he really took control of the Hundred Races Alliance, the Governor of the Banshee Race must have not dared to start a race war hastily.
In other words, I still have time.
Of course, there are also problems that I face now. For example, if the cosmic flower does appear, it will also require a fierce battle, and there is still uncertainty. In contrast, the Hundred Races Alliance is a visible advantage.
"I don't know if there is any progress between the Bone Wing and Metal Clan?" Lu Chuan muttered to himself. In such a long time, he has not received any news from these two clans. I am afraid there will be no results. Otherwise, I will inform myself early. Up.
Lu Chuan sighed, don’t look at his very calm and indifferent performance, but no matter what, he is the governor and the leader, so he must maintain his calmness. Only in this way can the people below be calm and not. Chaos.
Lu Chuan was playing a game. The next moment, he seemed to feel the same. He stood up abruptly, and the phone disappeared and threw it into the storage space.
There was an unusual shock just now, this kind of shock, not everyone can catch it.
It was Lu Chuan who could barely sense it.
There was an experience before, and Lu Chuan was too familiar with this kind of vibration. When I hunted the Cosmos Flower with Tishna, there was this kind of vibration, and then soon, the Cosmos Flower emerged from this dark universe.
"finally coming?"
There was a smile on Lu Chuan's face.
God knows that he is completely looking through the autumn water. If he doesn't come again, Lu Chuan will doubt whether his kind of waiting is meaningful.
Fortunately, all the waiting seems to be worthwhile.
Quickly took out the Cosmos Communicator, Lu Chuan did not hesitate to send the signal agreed with Tishna and King Kong. Dealing with Universe Flower alone, Lu Chuan can't guarantee that he can win it. If one is not good, the fun will be great. What is an alliance? It means that when there is any difficulty, we all carry it together, and it takes three people to deal with the universe, which is better than oneself alone.
Lu Chuan's eyes stared at the starry sky outside, the stars were dotted, but more of the dark universe.
In less than a second, Tishna's figure appeared next to Lu Chuan. She glanced at Lu Chuan, but nodded without making a sound. She immediately looked outside, bit her lip slightly, and entered a state of alert.
King Kong also arrived immediately, it appeared, nodded to Lu Chuan and Tishna, bowed a bow, and stood solemnly behind Lu Chuan.
For King Kong, it is exciting.
Because of cosmic flowers.
I've always heard Lu Chuan and Tishna talk to Cosmic Flower, but it has never touched it. Now there is a chance, why is it not excited? In King Kong's bones, there has always been warlike blood flowing.
The three of them stared outside, all of them in silence.
After waiting for a long time, I only saw a light spot appeared in the darkness of the universe, like the surface of a lake, and it gradually became a whirlpool. Then this vortex grew larger and larger, and a sharp tentacled slowly appeared, rising continuously, and the exposed volume of the tentacles became larger and larger.
An amazing scene soon appeared before my eyes.
A huge flower appeared a little bit in this universe. It seems to be observing this place, and seeing that there is no movement, this flower is getting bigger again. It's big, it breaks through the sky, because one of its bones is bigger than a planet.
In a moment, just like a flower emerging from the soil, the cosmic flower appeared in the universe, like a giant.
It is so dazzling, glowing, and holy in this pitch-black universe.
On its flower buds, countless flower crystals shimmered under the refraction of luster. It was like the most tempting fruit, which made Lu Chuan and Tishna's hearts lift up. They all knew what benefits these flower crystals had.
A flower standing in the universe, it seems to have life, swinging.
It is hundreds of millions of kilometers in height and hundreds of millions of kilometers in width. It is blooming... the moment its buds opened, the style of painting suddenly changed, because here even time has stopped, and even light is going backwards. , Flew toward the flower bud that opened, and was sucked into the flower bud.
The planets here, under an inexplicable force, turned into powder, and then flew towards the universe flower.
And the cosmic energy here is even more so.
Some cosmic life forms far away, they screamed in panic, UU reading wanted to escape this range. But they seemed to be locked, the energy in them was actually pulled away and flew toward the universe flower. In this process, the life forms of the universe struggled wildly, but it was of no use at all.
Even the dark matter of this universe is also absorbed by it.
Within this range, everything in the universe has become the object of its absorption. Whether it's a planet, dark matter, or a life form in the universe, it is always the one who does not refuse to come, and it is better to say that it is picky, but it can also be said that it is extremely greedy for eating.
The planet where the three of Lu Chuan were located, of course, was unavoidable by this fate, the mysterious power that quickly disintegrated the planet and turned it into powder.
Even Lu Chuan and others felt that this force wanted to turn them into energy.
Fortunately, the three of Lu Chuan are protected by the cosmic energy, not at least directly cut into powder by the power of the cosmic flower.
King Kong's eyes widened, he finally saw the power of the universe flower metamorphosis, how long is this? Within a light-year radius, it was almost sucked into a vacuum state, and nothing was left.
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