Chapter 1903: Create the sun

Latest website: Lu Chuan is not a real god, he is just a human being given a certain ability by the god.
This certain ability cannot break through the real rules of the universe.
Such as speed.
Lu Chuan now has the fastest loading speed, which is one second ten thousand years.
This is a limit that can never be broken.
But it's already very scary. Thinking about the acceleration in the simulation sandbox universe now, it has reached a time ratio of one second to ten thousand years. In Lu Chuan's eyes, a planet has been running for 10,000 years. This kind of change has reached its limit.
Any substance has its limits.
The speed of light in the universe is an unsurpassable speed, and the jump in subspace has an unsurpassable limit, such as a million light years. The movement of mind also has limitations, for example, it can only exist in a three-dimensional world.
It is not difficult to see from this point that any substance cannot be broken after reaching its limit.
"All this, I am more willing to believe that it is actually a rule set by God, which is a kind of imprisonment."
After experiencing so much, Lu Chuan can naturally comprehend something.
The universe was created by God, and it even created a multiverse, and then extended to the Bead Universe... All of this is under its control, and it sets some limits, which is not surprising.
For example, people have rules.
You are not allowed to do anything while you are at work, and if you do, what will be the consequences. Another example is that you are just an ordinary employee. If your boss is determined not to promote you, you will never be able to promote your position. This is the boss's restriction on you.
And all of this was done by Lu Chuan himself, because after Lu Chuan accelerated to one second ten thousand years, he couldn't accelerate anymore, even in the simulated universe.
Test after test, and each failure, Lu Chuan will adjust the factors that led to the failure, and after each failure, the next test will take longer.
Through this method, Lu Chuan gradually improved this galaxy that replicated the Milky Way.
Lu Chuan devoted himself to it like a magic sign.
This made Lu Chuan ignore the time, and he did not feel boring, because Lu Chuan suddenly realized that things became interesting. All of this was something I had never experienced before, nor thought about it. My previous self, who clearly possessed such abilities, didn't think about what to do.
But the task now made Lu Chuan have to do this, but it also opened a brand new door.
How exciting is the creation of Galaxy?
I am afraid that the mythology is nothing more than that.
"For 4.1 billion years, it's okay..."
Finally, under countless tests, the entire galaxy moved to achieve the result that I wanted. Lu Chuan’s goal was initially just to support 2.5 billion years, but now it can support it to 4.1 billion years, which is completely beyond his own purpose.
In fact, the operation of this galaxy continues without any accidents. According to Lu Chuan's understanding of it, it is actually not a problem to operate for tens of billions of years.
It's just that Lu Chuan's purpose is only to create a galaxy that can allow the existence of the ninth level of civilization. It does not need tens of billions of years, and the subsequent tests are naturally unnecessary.
Lu Chuan straightened up, then stretched.
The simulated sandbox universe in front of me is like putting a galaxy infinitely compressed and placed in front of me. Its compactness does not seem to be eye-catching. But when you look closely, you will find that you must be shocked, because every celestial body has its own characteristics, and it is more like compressing the celestial body to this size.
Lu Chuan first glanced at the time, and then showed a weird look.
"It's been three months in a flash?"
Who would have thought that in the testing and debugging, I didn't feel the passage of time, and I stayed like this for three months.
With Lu Chuan Xiang's ability, not eating, drinking or sleeping for three months is nothing at all. He has reached the point where he doesn't need these things.
Thinking of his tight time, Lu Chuan no longer appreciates the simulated sandbox universe he created. Instead, with a wave of his hand, he erased the simulated sandbox universe. Lu Chuan's eyes were nothing more and it became empty. The dark universe.
After that, it is no longer an analog disk, but a real world of creation.
Lu Chuan's expression became serious. How do you say the simulation sandbox universe is like a fighter plane. It must have appeared in the simulator first, and after numerous simulations, it entered the prototype machine manufacturing stage.
Lu Chuan's simulation just now was at this stage.
What Lu Chuan has to do now is to move the simulated galaxies in the simulated sand table universe into reality to create the entire galaxy. The complexity and difficulty of this work is hundreds of millions of times that of the analog disk.
No matter how confident Lu Chuan was, he was extremely nervous.
Lu Chuan's brows were frowning tightly, and it became a ball, because it was difficult to create a planet. But this is not the key, the key is... the entire galaxy involves hundreds of billions of stars, and then I don't know how many trillions of different celestial bodies, billion-level asteroids, meteorites, and dust.
To make them one by one, Lu Chuan believed that he would not be able to complete it if he gave him 10 billion years.
"The only thing that can be used is the transformation of ideas..."
This is a way that Lu Chuan can think of. The transformation of ideas is actually what he has in his heart, and it will be realized. This ability is exactly what human beings call a supreme appeal and blessing.
When people appeal to the gods, they always say that they are blessed to be healthy and business is prosperous... These are actually branches of what you want to do. The so-called realization of what you want is that all your wishes, etc., will all be satisfied, commander-in-chief. All the wishes of this world.
The transformation of ideas has the same effect as what you want to accomplish, but the transformation of ideas has a limitation. This is that you must understand and understand what you are transforming.
In fact, many behaviors of people are explaining the transformation of ideas. When you want to make something, you will do what you want, and then make what you want and look like. If there are differences, there are other things, such as the difference between what is made and the imagination, or it is impossible to achieve.
The transformation of ideas is more like theology. After it is transformed, it is completely indistinguishable from the imagination, and it can appear out of thin air, without the need for manufacturing materials like human beings.
Use the transformation of ideas to create the planet, this is the path.
"The first thing to create is the sun, the solar system..."
Lu Chuan knew he didn't have much time, so he didn't want to waste even a second of time.
Standing here, Lu Chuan's perception spread, covering a star field of 100,000 light-years. After confirming the center of this empty universe, then pressing the position of the solar system, Lu Chuan closed his eyes, and his head began to appear. The look of the sun.
The sun is almost an ideal sphere intertwined by thermal plasma and magnetic field. From the perspective of chemical composition, about three-quarters of the sun’s mass is now hydrogen, and the rest is almost all helium, including oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. The mass of other heavy elements is less than 2%, and it uses nuclear fusion to release light and heat into space.
After understanding this, the rest will be easier to handle.
With the construction in Lu Chuan's mind, in this empty universe, first a light spot appeared, and then this light spot expanded wildly, and in an incredible way, a small-sized sun emerged. And this sun, as if it can grow, it keeps getting bigger.
From 10,000 kilometers, to 100,000 kilometers, then to 100 million kilometers, and then reached 1,392,000 kilometers of the real sun.
Under the transformation of ideas, there is no difference.
In just a few breaths, a huge star spanning 1392,000 kilometers appeared in front of Lu Chuan. And Lu Chuan standing in front of it was so small, even because it was too close, the solar storm thrown out by the sun engulfed Lu Chuan in it.
Of course, this kind of threat is nothing in Lu Chuan's eyes.
One-to-one copy of the sun, a star, caused its operation to be very stable.
Now that the sun is already moving, it will cause trouble to himself, so with a stroke of Lu Chuan's hand, the entire starry sky is directly frozen. This is what humans mean when time stops. And here, apart from Lu Chuan, no matter can move.
"With light, Mercury is next!"
Lu Chuan smiled, his eyes fell to the distance between Mercury and the sun, and together with his thoughts, the appearance of Mercury appeared in his mind.
In an instant, Mercury appeared mysteriously.
Lu Chuan knew the composition of Mercury, so he was able to create him in an instant and put it where Mercury should be. But Mercury is still, as if it has been placed where it should be.
Lu Chuan's voice thought of it, and instantly this terrestrial planet appeared.
Lu Chuan has also transformed Venus before, and he is really no stranger to it. It is not an ideal colonization star for mankind and can only colonize it for a short time. After all, in the future, the sun will expand and the heat will rise, making Venus, which already has a terrifying high temperature, a higher temperature.
The most ideal is Mars, because of its distance, there is still potential for the future.
The expansion of the sun will turn the earth into a Venus in the future.
After completing the creation of Venus, the next step is the earth. Since he wanted to replicate the earth, Lu Chuan moved some thoughts, because in his own vision, the earth is the origin of life, civilization will be born here, and eventually the level of civilization will be madly raised.
The earth is the home planet, which has an important and irreplaceable position in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages of civilization, the home planet is only a pronoun. Its actual role will be very small, and it is more of a symbol of origin.
Because in the Milky Way, there are more than millions of planets suitable for human habitation, and some planets are hundreds of times the size of the earth, far larger than the sun. Some planets have a perfect climate that far exceeds that of the earth.
In other words, human beings will not be missing at all. UU reading
After the middle and late stages, science and technology have even reached the point where planets can be transformed, and planets will be transformed and used for human habitation.
At that time, humans can completely treat a planet as a farm, and one person will occupy a planet.
The speed of the spacecraft, the existence of space jumps, etc., make planet to planet like human beings from one village to another. The world constructed at that time will be the entire galaxy as a whole, and humans can scurry around the galaxy.
But in any case, the status of the earth is still extremely high, and it is also extremely important in the early stage.
In the world, Lu Chuan has seen the most perfect life, which is actually human. There is no alternative plan to complete the ninth level of civilization. What Lu Chuan can do is not only create the solar system and the Milky Way, but also humans.
Only humans can accomplish this task of their own.
In this way, the earth naturally cannot be half-sloppy, and Lu Chuan spent twelve minutes on it.
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