Chapter 1922: Theological civilization

For the universe of life community, the appearance of Lu Chuan is magical, or inconceivable, but from a historical perspective, the appearance of Lu Chuan is short-lived and insignificant.
The timeline will not stop because of Lu Chuan's appearance, but continue to move forward.
The cosmic life community is 1070365 years, a regime that has gone through tens of thousands of years. This is beyond human imagination before. It is too long to be traced back to time.
On this day, human civilization reached the late eighth level.
After such a long period of time, all technologies have become incredible. If it were not for this civilized person, you would not be able to explain the principles of these technologies at all, because it has transcended the technological environment.
As an observer, Lu Chuan watched this civilization exist for almost 30 million years, from zero to eight levels of civilization, along the way.
Thirty million years, a very long time.
Human beings have developed life science to the extreme, and human life span has increased to more than 300,000 years in these millions of years. This almost represents immortality and being with the sky. After all, it is really terrible to live for more than 300,000 years from the perspective of the human world.
If you are a person of the 21st century, you will definitely feel that this life span is crazy.
In the 21st century, human civilization can be traced back to more than five thousand years. But now the life span of human beings has reached more than 300,000 years. How incredible?
Human beings have such a long lifespan, but there is a price. This is the evolution of the body, becoming more and more extreme, beginning to move closer to the energy body.
Today's human beings are only less than five different from human beings in the 21st century. From the perspective of human beings in the twenty-first world, human beings today are completely aliens, not humans at all.
History has spanned 30 million years, and it is no longer possible to trace back everything 30 million years ago.
In the face of time, countless things may be covered.
Today's new humans, they have forgotten what primitive humans are like, and there is no way to find information even if it is retrospective. Only in some extremely precious materials, there will be only half a word.
This is still too ironic.
The idea of ​​the cosmic life community actually brought about subtle changes. In such a long period of time, it finally completed the unity of the universe and incorporated all civilizations and races into its own system.
So far, there is no war in the whole world.
It is hard to imagine that there will be a regime reaching this height, and there will be no war.
The thinking and spiritual realm of the new humans are beyond imagination. Their thoughts and respect for life have reached a point where Lu Chuan can't understand them. They are like saints, pursuing the true equality of all in life.
What is the end of technology?
This question has always been raised in this civilization.
In the later stage of the eighth level of civilization, technology has reached an unthinkable level, and then many scientists are thinking about this issue. Now think about it, many technologies have come to an end, because if it goes on, it seems that it is difficult to explain it with science.
In the 11 millionth year of the universal life community, on this day, before the home planet of humanity, tens of thousands of humanity's top scientists gathered here.
They were like a pilgrimage, standing inside a military fortress that had been in operation for tens of millions of years, silently looking at this small metal ball. To this day, there is still no science to explain its existence.
It seems that this metal ball has existed since the birth of mankind. It continuously sends information to the outside world and affects the process of mankind.
"Without it, it may take 500 million years for human beings to reach this height."
This is the conclusion reached by countless scientists, so that we can know the importance of this metal ball. Even today, the position occupied by the metal ball is still unimaginable, because it is still sending out the next level of information.
It is shocking to think about it. They think that by now, they have surpassed everything and have reached the end, but looking at the information received in their hands, they are dumbfounded, because there is no end at all, and they are based on the technology they think is the end. , There are higher-level technologies.
God knows how many methods humans have tried over the past tens of millions of years, but there is no way to explain the material of this metal ball and its structure. After running for tens of millions of years, it hasn't changed a bit, and its energy seems to be endless.
The technology of the eighth-level civilization still has no choice but to use this metal ball. It can be imagined that the technological content of this metal ball is far from what they can explain now.
Lu Chuan was among them, but Lu Chuan was wrapped in a special kind of liquid metal as a super robot. Watching the scientists' busyness quietly, they are now trying to crack the metal ball again.
Unfortunately, they are doomed to fail.
He is the governor, and the metal set by himself, not to mention that they are now at the ninth level of civilization, they are impossible to crack.
Lu Chuan was too boring to appear here.
Just as Lu Chuan thought, they did fail. No matter how advanced the technology they used, the metal ball is still here, and it is still free from all external interference. For tens of thousands of scientists, this is a bit of a shock.
In fact, not many people know the secret of metal balls, and there is no more information about metal in the outside world.
"It can no longer be explained by science, and it should be said that it belongs to theology."
This is the conclusion drawn, and it is the truth of theology.
After this day, the definition of civilization has changed and it is officially defined as theological civilization. The next civilization of mankind is called theological civilization. It is based on technology, but it surpasses technology and surpasses technology.
With the popularization of theological theory, the people gradually accepted this definition.
In fact, Lu Chuan knew that this was a breakthrough in thinking, which was necessary, otherwise humans would always be trapped at level 8 and would not be able to advance to level 9. The conditions for level 9 civilization are not so easy to achieve.
Now Lu Chuan is already looking forward to it, what will humanity be like when civilization reaches level nine?
At the same time, it also means that one's own task, seeing the light, is not far from completion.
This is a time difference from the previously estimated 300 million years, but now it is only more than 3,000 years, and it has reached the late stage of the eighth level of civilization. According to the time ratio, it is only more than a month. Counting ancient times and prehistoric times, it is only in the early three years.
"In the ninth level of civilization, there is an indicator, which is actually a matter of life."
The ninth-level civilization is basically theological civilization, so there are very big requirements for the civilization itself. Lu Chuan knows that with the current human form, it is far from enough, and it cannot meet the requirements of the ninth-level civilization.
This also means that mankind needs to move on.
Lu Chuan stayed outside the galaxy, he was thinking.
For a long time, Lu Chuan shook his head and didn't think about it at all. No matter what the final direction of this civilization is, it is already destined at this point, and it depends on what means a civilization uses to become a god.
"What makes waiting interesting? This is a game."
"If one game doesn't work, then there are two games."
Lu Chuan laughed. The time outside the galaxy is back to normal. One second here is ten years in the galaxy. Indeed, for the civilization in the galaxy, there is nothing that Lu Chuan can't solve. Lu Chuan, who has almost infinite time, can use the time ratio to consume all the problems.
After taking out the gamepad, Lu Chuan saw a holographic projection in front of Lu Chuan creating a game.
When Lu Chuan was a college student, Lu Chuan liked Call of Duty, but after graduation, under the pressure of life, he didn't play much. After many versions came out, Lu Chuan had no chance to play it.
Now, Lu Chuan wants to have a good game.
This type of game, to be honest, put it at the level of civilization, it is really insignificant. In the history of mankind, games have been constantly updated. There are countless better games than this one, but Lu Chuan's memories and feelings like it.
Holding the gamepad, Lu Chuan chose to start.
Lu Chuan was sitting on the ground in this cosmic space, having fun and shooting frantically.
No one appreciates such a mysterious scene.
It took Lu Chuan more than a day to clear the game. It can't be said that the limit, but it's OK. Lu Chuan did not cheat at all, nor did he use his abilities, but simply played as a game player.
When he cleared the customs, Lu Chuan glanced at the galaxy and shook his head slightly: "It seems that there are still more games to play."
In the past million years, little change has been made, and it is far from what Lu Chuan expected.
Three days passed in a flash.
When Lu Chuan's eyes fell into the galaxy again, a smile finally appeared on his face.
It’s very simple. After nearly three million years, human beings have once again made achievements in life sciences. Through their influence, the human body begins to transform into an energy body. The pure energy body is composed of energy. Organs and so on.
Theoretically speaking, the life span of energy bodies is almost endless, and it is difficult to be killed. They are more like ghosts ~ The evolution of life, which has come to this energy body era.
The human being of the energy body still maintains the human form, but only one-third of the human remains. From Lu Chuan's eyes, human beings are no longer humans, but humanoid species.
The human being in the form of energy body is very strange, a bit like a white ghost. Due to the change of physique, the human being in the energy form can even fly in the sky, but it cannot last in time. But don't forget that today's technology only requires a ring-sized device. Humans can actually fly. With this one, humans can fly freely.
"This is a breakthrough in life form."
"People now belong to people, but... can only be regarded as new humans, a species that has evolved to the extreme."
With the breakthrough of the life form, the last level that stuck the eighth level of civilization disappeared.
After 1.3 million years, human civilization has gone from the eighth level to the ninth level. Numerous technological breakthroughs have led to the advancement of civilization and entered an era of theological civilization.
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