Chapter 339: Do not stay

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The town is in the dark, falling into despair and fear.
With these violent zombies, they were completely crushed and pushed over, and the dogs and chickens did not stay wherever they passed, and they were extremely cruel. Once the zombies in the combat form are turned on, they are no different from the zombies of the last days, and they are endless.
The only difference is that Lu Chuan can still control them and make them follow instructions.
"No matter how strong the strength is, if the space has its power and will not be used well, it will only be an empty shell."
Lu Chuan walked to the top of a three-storey building and looked at the small town from a distance. It seemed that he had made a certain determination, and silently, a dogleg knife, a Nepalese saber, appeared in each of his left and right hands.
Alienated new humans in the last days, they tore and kill with zombies and people for many years, their fighting power is terrifying.
At the same level, Lu Chuan knew that his combat experience, his fierce energy, and the idea of ​​survival, etc., were far inferior to the alienated new humans in the last days.
Once encountered, the tenth meeting is that he is in a different head.
Escape is useless in this cruel world of the last days. You can only stand up to meet you and decide a winner.
To strike iron, you also need to be hard.
Relying on the zombies in the biochemical factory is a solution, but it is not the ultimate solution.
What Lu Chuan wants to strengthen is not only to fight with zombies, but also to fight people. Like now, it will be a good training opportunity to face life and death and know how to use one's own advantages.
The two Nepalese sabers were in Lu Chuan's hands. Lu Chuan clenched his arms and flicked them off the three-story floor.
In fact, by the third level of gene enhancement, it is already in a non-human state. Natural human beings, at their peak level, are similar to level two gene enhancement, and level three genes are already too strong.
Lu Chuan's enhancement level is currently level four, not to mention Superman, but he is also a fierce man in a non-human state.
At a height of tens of meters, there is no pressure on Lu Chuan. After falling, his legs exerted force, and the whole person rushed wildly, passing like a ghost in the dark.
Lu Chuan ran wildly in the room of the building. As soon as he found a place where there were soldiers, he rushed down and strangled them with two Nepalese sabers. Before these soldiers could react, they cut their throats and fell down.
Killing like lightning, the speed at which Lu Chuan exploded, leaving him only a dark shadow in this dark night.
The screams between each other rang, and the whole town was shrouded in terror.
No one knows where the attack will come from, how many people and monsters there are, in the darkness, infinitely magnifying fear. The occasional light flashes, but a humanoid monster several meters high is reflected, frightening people.
A flare flew into the sky and lit up above the town, turning parts of the whole town into daylight.
Until this moment, the soldiers in the small town realized what they were facing.
"God is a giant, a giant."
In the countless incoherent voices, facing the unknown monsters, these soldiers finally collapsed. One by one they yelled in horror, threw down their guns, and fleeed out of the town.
The zombie dogs rushed out from the gaps in the streets and alleys, biting the neck of any living person.
The lickers regard the houses here as flat ground. Their sharp claws penetrate deeply into this house. Most of the houses are of mud and sand structure. They can be torn directly in front of the lickers, just like tofu.
Often a room, as long as a licker enters, there will only be a pool of blood, there are pieces of corpses, and there is no living mouth.
The tyrant is the most terrifying. It uses its tall body to scream and smash the entire house into waste. The soldiers inside are all smashed to death by mud and concrete.
Everywhere the tyrant passed was a ruin.
The fleeing soldiers, they scrambled for cars and so on. Some used nothing and rushed out of the town.
"Da da da……"
Outside the town.
The sudden emergence of guns fired, and bullets flew over like a rain, sifting the escaped soldiers one by one.
The helmeted mercenary zombies that were in place long ago, they opened the line of defense and surrounded the entire town. The instructions they received were not allowed by one person.
What happened tonight is too horrible, it is absolutely not allowed to be leaked out.
The whole town was full of gunshots, and the soldiers who escaped, they didn't know what was going on, they were shot to the ground.
An armored vehicle was directly sent to the sky by an anti-tank missile and turned into a ball of fire.
When it comes to lifting firepower, helmeted mercenaries are also brutal. Xia Min, relying on his own record, insisted on getting a lot of heavy weapons supported by Russia from the government army, and now he has no idea what temperance is in use.
It was a car, but it was also blasted into a fireball with anti-tank missiles.
The monsters in the town are wanton, and there are countless people outside the town besieging them. This kind of despair makes the people here fight the beasts, but in the face of absolute strength, it is of no use.
When Lu Chuan pulled Nepal out of a soldier's throat, the person avoided it.
The blood gushing from the knife edge spewed out several meters away. The soldier subconsciously covered his throat, but he could only fall down in despair, convulsing, and died after several seconds.
The gunfire outside and the tyrant's roar gradually diminished until it disappeared.
The gunshots outside the town are also rare.
"Go into town."
Within the range of eight kilometers, Lu Chuan can even use the perspective of God, so he can see here clearly, and he can also use his mind to direct the zombies.
An idea was sent, Xia Min and the others received it, and began to shrink their fronts, coming in from all sides of the town, strangling the survivors and soldiers who had survived.
Holding a Nepalese saber, Lu Chuan walked to the town square.
A tyrant carrying a person like a dead dog, stood here like a statue. And the person who carried it, he struggled and yelled, but it didn't work at all.
When Lu Chuan stood in front of the opponent, this talent stopped all struggles.
This person is Marion.
At that time, the tyrant was about to smash him into flesh, and it was Lu Chuan who used his mind to let the tyrant keep him.
Behind Lu Chuan, two tyrants and Lu Chuan stood behind Lu Chuan, like two big mountains, protecting Lu Chuan. In the dark night, anything can happen, Lu Chuan doesn't want to be unprepared, making people blow their heads.
Although there are not many people alive in the town, you still have to be careful.
Lu Chuan chuckled lightly and said quietly: "I said that being too curious will kill you."
Marion raised his head. His face was pale, and his face twisted by fear made him look a bit hideous. His eyes were red, staring at Lu Chuan, "Devil, devil, you are the devil."
By now, why didn't Marion understand that Lu Chuan had brought all this?
But what's the use of understanding, everything is too late.
Exposing this kind of secret, people in the whole town need to bury this secret.
Xia Min appeared in front of Lu Chuan with a team of zombies with helmets and mercenaries. They called them respectfully, while the zombies at the back had no language function and naturally did not make a sound, but they stood upright.
All bulletproof vests, various tactical camouflage uniforms, and helmets have also been replaced. They are customized alloy helmets that pack the entire head tightly. The customized alloy helmet weighs more than 30 kilograms, and ordinary guns can no longer be worn.
Helmets of this weight are impossible to use on human soldiers, but on zombies, it doesn't matter, as they have limited impact.
Marion's eyes widened when he saw Xia Min. He was shocked that the other party had called the young man in front of him the boss. In other words, this young man was the boss of this sensational global mercenary?
Now Marion knew how big a hornet's nest he had stabbed.
Lu Chuan nodded, but his eyes were cast into the distance. The fire in the small town was a little bit lighter, and occasionally there were gunshots.
"Find out anyone who is alive in the town and kill them." Lu Chuan said this calmly, but it was murderous and ruthless.
Lu Chuan's current hands are also stained with blood.
There were no less than fifty people who died in Lu Chuan's hands, or even more.
Although Lu Chuan's heart was already trembling, Lu Chuan would never show it. Tonight is more like a mental training. After all, he was going to take this step, he didn't have an absolute hard heart, and he didn't adapt to the identity of zombie bosses.
If you don't harden your, once tonight's secrets are revealed, I will be desperate.
"Yes, boss." Xia Min answered indifferently, and left with his subordinates directly. In their eyes, it is too easy to find survivors, and their sensitivity to the breath of life allows them to easily find people who are hiding.
Not just Xia Min, but the zombie dogs are the most terrifying. Even if you hide in an underground passage 10 meters below, they can still find the existence of survivors.
Zombie dogs ran wildly in every corner of the town to find the remaining survivors.
Lu Chuan stood, watching all this indifferently.
There were sporadic screams in the town at first, until it became a dead silence, and it was attributed to the horrifying silence.
Lu Chuan whispered, and through his perception of the zombies, he let Lu Chuan know that there is no one alive here. Thousands of armed soldiers were all killed overnight, and the whole town even exudes a strong smell of blood.
"You devil, you must not die." Marion yelled loudly, as if mad.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "If I were a demon, what are you? How about the thousands of indigenous inhabitants of the small town? Think about it, how many of you died in your hands? I am a demon, but you Also the devil."
"..." Marion closed his mouth, what he thought of was the scene when he led a team to slaughter civilians.
Indeed, if the opponent is a devil, he is a devil.
"You should be grateful that you are the last to die. You can breathe a few more breaths of the world's air." Lu Chuan said, and the Nepalese in his hand was slashed by the saber, cutting Marion's throat, letting his blood gush out. Out.
Marion's body was thrown to the ground, and the tyrant stomped him to pieces.
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