Chapter 514: Titan Biosphere

"I'll go to the bathroom."
Lu Chuan stood up, led by a waiter, and left the restaurant.
Du Tianming followed and said, "Mr. Lu, together."
President Ma frowned insignificantly, but he couldn't say anything. This time, he felt sorry for Lu Chuan. Du Xinyue's industrial chain is almost always based on ships, and rarely involves other industries.
This time, Mr. Ma thought Du Xinyue wanted to make friends with Lu Chuan. Who would have thought that he suddenly mentioned the issue of buying shares.
The current valuation of Baichuan Guihai Company is very high.
But with such a high valuation, I don’t know how many companies have given a high valuation of its future development potential. According to this development potential, Baichuan Guihai Company is no longer just a cutting-edge technology company, but can do more.
Apple will only be Apple, but Baichuan Guihai Company is not only Baichuan Guihai Company, but also a future of human technology.
This kind of company, in the future, will deviate from the market value and become a real giant.
Of course, these are just a deduction of future potential.
Can investment, isn't it just for optimistic about the future and investment?
In such a company, Mr. Ma himself wants to buy a share. Unfortunately, after several hints, Lu Chuan firmly stated that Baichuan Guihai Company would not conduct any form of financing, at least not for now.
Lu Chuan was a little unhappy. Du Tianming just stood next to Lu Chuan and hissed as if there was no one else. Two big men, it's nothing.
But Lu Chuan always felt that he followed in, definitely not as simple as peeing.
"Mr. Lu, sometimes there are multiple friends and multiple roads. The same is true in the business field. With one more friend, one more power can help each other and run the company better." Du Tianming said.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "Thanks to Mr. Du's kindness, I don't like being pointed out by others, so the company is better to be pure."
"Haha, but President Lu has ever thought about it. You alone cannot support a corporate empire. My father's strength is far beyond your imagination. It is best for President Lu to seriously consider this matter. "Du Tianming also followed with a smile, and said this lightly.
Lu Chuan raised his brows: "Does this mean the ship king, or do you mean it?"
"Anything, you can understand that." Du Tianming shook, then pulled up the zipper.
Lu Chuan said, "You are a threat?"
"President Lu is serious. I just remind Mr. Lu that he must enjoy it when he is young. My daddy will build this supertanker for enjoyment. It is not only for food, but for fun, and for women." Du Tianming smiled Reply.
"My daddy has not played with 10,000 women, but there are thousands of women. And my daddy also hopes that I, like him, can play with all women in the world."
To be honest, this concept is indeed too tempting in the eyes of countless men.
But Lu Chuan knew that it was obviously too difficult to do this.
How to play with women, without money? Apart from this one, one needs to have a good body, otherwise how could it be able to survive? And the combination of the two, there are many people who play small, but it is difficult to play like Du Xinyue.
The women who can pass Du Xin's eyes are all extremely beautiful. Without enough chips, they won't get on your bed at all.
Lu Chuan shrugged, turned and walked out.
When leaving, the same helicopter arrived at the dock.
Man Yirou hadn't appeared before, and Lu Chuan's brows had always been twisted together. In fact, he was not for Du Xinyue's stake in them, but for this woman.
Thinking of people who think of themselves as women, staying here, how can you stand as a man?
President Ma thought it was Lu Chuan who was affected by Du Xinyue’s shareholding, and he was very sorry:
Mr. Lu, I’m really sorry, I don’t know it will become like this.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Mr. Ma doesn't need to be like this. Even without your introduction, with their energy, he will still come to him."
"Du Xinyue was actually mixed up from the bottom of the society in the early days. It was very fighting. Later, he invested with others and purchased a sea-going ship, and then continued to develop and become a more famous shipping company in Shenzhen. It is just this process. Among them, the people who partnered with him all withdrew. There are many rumors about how to withdraw, but it is undeniable that it has something to do with Du Xinyue." Mr. Ma said, and briefly said Du. Xin Yue's family history.
How to exit?
You don't know what to do with your toes, and the means are not very bright.
It’s normal to think about it. If it’s not a hero, how can it be possible to create a maritime kingdom?
Up to now, Du Xinyue's network of relationships has been extremely solid, and I don't know how many people are in the upper ranks with his help, and then all the way up. These people are all his hidden help.
It can be said that as long as Du Xin reads not to die, he can live a prosperous life for several generations.
In the eyes of many people, Du Xinyue is unmovable, because he has been in business until now and there are almost no loopholes.
But in Lu Chuan's eyes, it was too simple to let Du Xinyue's family collapse. As long as Lu Chuan is willing, two or three months later, this family and a generation of ship kings can become history.
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "I will handle it."
After parting with President Ma, Lu Chuan's eyes burst with incomparable light. This ray of light, with the intent to kill and the power of that kind of supreme power.
In the last days, Lu Chuan has the power to live and kill, but who dares to trample on himself?
This Du Xinyue, he found the wrong partner.
Different levels have different waiting issues. Du Xinyue thinks that his level is the highest level, and his network of relationships can overpower Lu Chuan. But I didn't know that in Lu Chuan's heart, his level was much higher than Du Xinyue.
"Finance, transfer 200 million yuan from the company to my personal account. I want it right away."
Lu Chuan made a call and then hung up.
Lu Chuan, who controls the entire company, has the authorization of other shareholders, no matter how to transfer the money, it is not a problem. Finance also knew this well, and after receiving a call from Lu Chuan, he did it immediately.
In just five minutes, after confirming the transfer again, 200 million was transferred to Lu Chuan's private account.
Instead of rushing back to Handong City, Lu Chuan wandered around the streets of Shencheng just like ordinary people.
It's a rare visit. If you don't take a good look, how can you be worthy of this trip?
Lu Chuan is the new richest man in the world, and his exposure rate is high, but who would have thought that Lu Chuan would walk around this street alone? With a little disguise and wearing a mask, no one can tell Lu Chuan's identity.
In order to make himself look natural, Lu Chuan took a taxi in the afternoon and went straight to the airport.
Use a little trick to create the illusion that he has boarded and left. In fact, Lu Chuan did not leave. Instead, he cast aside some people who might be eyeliners and returned to the deep city.
After taking the subway, we went to a mangrove forest near the seaside of the deep city, and found a densely packed tree. After confirming that no one could see, Lu Chuan mysteriously disappeared out of thin air.
There are dense trees here, and if someone sees anything, in fact, they will only think it is dazzling.
Apocalyptic biochemical plant.
Lu Chuan said indifferently, "Make 100 water ghosts."
"Ding, deduct 80 million of funds." As soon as the prompt sound appeared, 80 million was immediately deducted from the funds, and the manufacturing workshop officially began to manufacture water ghosts.
Only at this moment did Lu Chuan observe the changes in the biochemical plant.
Today's biochemical plant is already a Level 5 plant, and it was already successfully upgraded on the day Lu Chuan left Somalia. But Lu Chuan didn't have much time to check in, so he didn't understand.
Looking through the diary of the biochemical plant, dozens of pieces of information are listed on it.
Aside from the information about the loss of the zombies, what is left is actually the prompt sound after the upgrade of the biochemical plant is completed.
"Ding, the level 5 biochemical plant has been upgraded."
"Open the five-level product line, please unlock the product."
"Ding, the storage space extends from a 16-meter side to a 32-meter cube."
"The scope of the biochemical plant has been expanded from 8 kilometers to 16 kilometers."
"Ding, you get the upgrade reward Titan bio layer."
In Lu Chuan's view, each of these five pieces of information is so pleasing to the eye. Especially the last three items are what makes Lu Chuan most excited. How much has the storage space expanded? How big is a cube with a side length of 32 meters?
The vision increased to 16 kilometers, which is even more terrifying.
It can be said that with the biochemical factory as the center point, anywhere within 16 kilometers in diameter, Lu Chuan can use the holographic projection of the biochemical factory to see clearly and know everything well.
16 kilometers, it can be said that the entire center of Zhongzhou City is covered.
The fifth piece of information, Lu Chuan is also very concerned.
"Titan biological layer, what the is this?" Lu Chuan showed a confused expression. The high technology contained in the biochemical factory is far beyond imagination. Like a shopping mall, as long as you have money, the technology you can buy is definitely not comparable to the modern ones The corpse dragon awarded before, let Lu Chuan use it Infinite, he naturally looked forward to the rewards of the biochemical factory when he reached the fifth level.
Obviously, with the word Titan, how can it be something that's smashing.
Together with the thoughts, everything in the storage space appeared in Lu Chuan's brain and was clear at a glance.
However, cheating, yes, there is no Titan biological layer in the storage space.
Lu Chuan's heart moved. What he thought of was the zombie suit. This thing didn't exist, it just appeared. Take the pretender system as an example. You just chop up the zombies, but you can't find this system. It belongs to the load type.
Presumably, this Titan biological layer should also be loaded.
In his mind, Lu Chuan felt a very special feeling in him. It seemed that something was calling him and making him eager to move. And this feeling is actually that oneself is very strong, no one can hurt one's own confidence.
Lu Chuan reacted, and it seemed that he had guessed right, this Titan Biosphere had indeed been loaded on his body. It's silent, it doesn't seem to be on your own body, but in fact, it can appear anytime you need it.
This kind of technology is absolutely amazing and has reached an incredible level.
But with the existence of the pretender system, Lu Chuan didn't feel much fuss. It is normal for biochemical plants to violate common sense.
Lu Chuan, who is very knowledgeable about urinary properties in the biochemical plant, directly issued this order.
In an instant, Lu Chuan felt his whole body heat up, and his skin was moving. Every cell seemed to be fissioning, one becoming two, two becoming four, four becoming eight...
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