Chapter 550: The last batch

In the eyes of Su Jianbai and Shi Wanran, Lu Chuan became that kind of rhetoric.
Do not……
Talking about rhetoric or exaggerating him, he is simply a mentally disabled person. You said that if you lose six to seven million yuan a year, they can still accept it a little bit. Even if you exaggerate a bit and lose six to seven million yuan, they will reluctantly accept it.
But he lost six to seven billion yuan. Does he know the difference between a hundred million and ten thousand?
Looking at Lu Chuan's eyes, Su Jianbai and Shi Wanran have become different. What kind of lunatic is it to talk to them like this?
With this kind of person, they couldn't figure out why their daughter was so smart, why was she cheated by the other party?
Especially now, when Lu Chuan said so, their daughter turned out to be convinced.
Oh my God, what kind of drugs did the other party give his daughter to make her extremely clever daughter fall into this guy's trap, and even believe this kind of lie?
Lu Chuan was honestly somewhat pertinent, and in the eyes of Su Jianbai and Shi Wanran, it turned into a disguise.
Shi Ruoyu saw the faces of her parents and the look of trembling from anger, she immediately reacted, she gave Lu Chuan a roll of eyes, and quickly said: "Parents, Lu Chuan is telling the truth."
Although he has not directly contacted Luchuan's Baichuan Guihai Company, it is certain that this kind of high-tech company will burn money crazily.
Each subsidiary was established, and before it brought profit, they were burning money.
Shi Ruoyu still knows some things about Baichuan Guihai. For example, Baichuan Guihai Company has never raised funds. Even if it is the only financing, it was carried out by its subsidiary Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company.
Calculating this way, what Lu Chuan said is really true.
Burning tens of billions a year is an astronomical amount of money in the eyes of other companies, but it is too normal for Baichuan Guihai Company. Now the market value of Baichuan Guihai Company has reached the jaw-dropping US$500 to 600 billion. The billions burned are nothing.
"Do you know what you are talking about? A loss of six to seven billion yuan, do you believe that?" Su Jianbai was a little angry. Does his daughter have no judgment?
Shi Ruoyu nodded honestly: "Believe it, six or seven billion is not much."
"..." Su Jianbai and Shi Wanran didn't know how to describe their daughter, did they go crazy with them.
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. They asked themselves, naturally, they wanted to answer truthfully, but how come they got into their ears, but became a liar and talkative?
No way, it seems that I really need to introduce myself, otherwise the misunderstanding will be big.
Lu Chuan stood up and took out his business card from his pocket: "Uncle and aunt, formally introduce myself. I am the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company."
Business cards are very common, just a name, a title, and a phone number.
The two of them were angry and took the business card, but couldn't see anything.
All rivers return to the sea?
This name seems very familiar, it seems to be mentioned often, but they can't react to some of them at once. And this Lu Chuan's name, thinking about it now, seems to be very familiar too.
Shi Ruoyu covered her forehead and said, "Parents, it is Lu Chuan who is the richest man in China, the richest Chinese, and the richest man in the world."
Talking about Lu Chuan and Baichuan Guihai Company, they still don't remember. But when it comes to the richest man in the world, Su Jianbai and Shi Wanran remembered immediately, and when they contacted Baichuan Guihai Company, where did they not react?
Is this Lu Chuan in front of him?
With the car, Su Jianbai and Shi had been sent to the hotel with a smile, and Lu Chuan sent Shi Ruoyu back to school.
"Seeing you surprised my parents, are you satisfied with this one?" Shi Ruoyu snorted coldly.
Since knowing the identity of Lu Chuan, Su Jianbai and Shi Wanran have always been in a state of wandering. They would never have thought that their daughter's boyfriend was the richest man in the world.
When they heard this news, they thought it was in a dream and wondered if it was another scam.
But when they opened the news and compared with Lu Chuan in front of them, where would there be fakes? The dignified richest man in the world sat in front of him and became his daughter's boyfriend.
It's just like a fairy tale, unbelievable.
Facing the world's richest man, this kind of pressure can be imagined. Before, they still had an unclear feeling about Lu Chuan's aura. Now that they knew their identity, it suddenly made them feel unnatural.
Fortunately, all of this changes after eating and drinking, otherwise they would not even know how to eat.
Lu Chuan laughed and said, "You should have been vaccinated for your mother a long time ago. Sooner or later they will know my identity, and there is no way to hide it."
Shi Ruoyu agreed with this statement, she said helplessly: "You have a reason."
Saying that she was going back to school, for Shi Ruoyu who was a little excited, she was a little emotional. So Lu Chuan turned around and ran to the villa.
Back in the hotel, Su Jianbai and Shi Wanran, like sleepwalking.
"Husband, you hit me and see if it's true." Shi said with a smile. She felt incredible. Looking at the current situation, she would have a son-in-law of the world's richest man?
Su Jianbai stretched out his hand and squeezed Shi Wanran's face, causing Shi Wanran to suffer from pain.
Shi Wanran burst into laughter, jumping and hopping in the hotel like a little girl. She clenched her fist: "Haha, the world's richest man is my daughter's boyfriend, and the world's richest man is my daughter's boyfriend."
At this moment, Shi Wanran was crazy.
Working in a bank, I know the power of money too much.
Su Jianbai looked at his wife speechlessly. Isn't she just the prospective son-in-law of the world's richest man? Seeing her excitement, what would it say?
It seems that I also have this urge to yell? Everyone says that mothers are more expensive than children, and should be one of them now, right?
On November 14, after a night of absurdity, Lu Chuan asked Ma Xifeng to drive, first sent Shi Ruoyu back to the school, and then sent himself to the laboratory.
All of this is done in a low-key car to avoid being discovered.
You must know that there are many people waiting in the company. If they knew that Lu Chuan was not experimenting, but out there, wouldn't they vomit blood? Some people have been waiting here for several days.
An excuse for experiment, so many big people can only endure this excuse.
Entering the laboratory, there are a large number of zombies guarding them. Without their own instructions, there are people who have broken in. If they do not listen to advice, they will definitely be killed by the zombies.
With the care of zombies, Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry about someone actually breaking in.
Entering the suite, Lu Chuan safely transmitted to the end times.
Lu Chuan walked out of the biochemical factory, escorted by a large number of zombies, to the subway station.
The subway line extends in all directions. If people who don't know the road, let alone walking along the railway line, they don't know where the line leads.
With a complete map, Lu Chuan didn't worry about this one through the light projector.
Lu Chuan reached the subway line through a subway entrance only two kilometers away from the biochemical plant. Lu Chuan jumped on the maintenance vehicle that had been waiting here for a long time, and under the human power of two tyrants T-002, the maintenance vehicle moved forward.
After transferring to a station far away from the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan stopped at this station after confirming that the train from Wolf's Nest could arrive.
After sending the two tyrants T-002 away with the maintenance vehicle, Lu Chuan used the communicator to call the wolf's nest.
After confirming the location of Lu Chuan, the subway train started and drove towards the station where Lu Chuan was located.
There is only one column, so naturally you can go wherever you want.
After adjustment, this train only carried seven cars, which can save a lot of electricity. You must know that in order to make this train run, two sections were taken out to remodel it and filled with batteries. Of the seven carriages, only five are used for carrying.
The subway, as an important external means of Wolf's Nest, has always been exploring and advancing. For example, if some routes are unavailable, after finding the reason, we will deal with it. There are many reasons, such as a train jam is the most common.
When the end of the world came, the train was running, and then some people broke out after being became zombies and attacked the people on the train. The chaos caused finally led to the loss of control of the train.
The train technology does not allow the train to deviate from the track, but it is normal when it stops on the subway line.
After arriving at the wolf's nest, Lu Chuan inspected the completion of the weapon the first time.
Fortunately, Sun Hongguang, who made the military order, completed it as scheduled. The last batch of weapons were all modified, and immediately after Lu Chuan arrived, he began to install them on the train.
Without staying in the wolf's nest, Lu Chuan left with the train.
The old method was to unload the cargo at one of the stations and let the train return to the wolf's nest. Only then did Lu Chuan use the storage space and emptied all these weapons.
Now that the remaining time is running out, Lu Chuan doesn't have too much thought to waste on these things.
It was similar to the way it came, but it was sent back to the biochemical plant in a maintenance truck.
When Lu Chuan arrived at the biochemical plant, he had already received hundreds of tyrant prototypes ordered by Lu Chuan, and they were already on standby. When Lu Chuan shook out a large number of weapons, these tyrants took action. They raised their weapons with great ease and strode towards the installation position.
A door of weapons was installed to strengthen the firepower.
With the previous instructions, the zombies have been automatically stored, so when these commands are executed again, they are very smooth, and there is no need for Lu Chuan to manipulate and store them personally.
The tyrant, who was more than five meters in height, kept his arms on the balcony designated by Lu Chuan. The anti-theft net on the balcony was a joke for the tyrant's first trial. With a strong swipe of his arm, the balcony was suddenly messed up. Whether it was the anti-theft net or the guardrail, it was swept away.
After being emptied, when the weapon is released into the sun, it will move to the next location.
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